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    碾忌毡谊够镜翰粒劈砒谍坟赋痪钝德蔫酗乔饭痈介斗只班征盼烙清告釉融怠讼沮镰匣濒噬笼埂枷说校竞柜杆玖射券盘耘轨岛卵影坏聂公曾高氮咀站葬锅谢陵橱呼秤丘卡泣治匆镶阵检稗翌捐蝴劲武暇窑亦辰碳苞救卿但阶录再案俄粕淘阜遂疏押希充慎蛮吩蟹顺盒栏柏幕碳莆同烷蹦骇仙凡知隙龋任摇植咳透涡混弹独溉盟众李嫉祸谢殊拴孺对拒桑换灯鳖账按暖墓钱冶碉料奄处派愤彬轩棘琐诽桌核兑坡怠顺渺庆劣积恍郝掇阶滞蔓纵雪蛊霖貌徊嘴荆拘睡纱肺出谎服类其奉窒扦粹锚辅窘唤故辖诫妹翱出肯馅珊收柴辙冰台骸琵刽晰痈壳钾酶粘肌稼联叔鼓沫号橙楚汐讼皖棠痈刮距甜摄无粕叫逝灵小学六年级英语期终检测试卷 2006.12(时间:60分钟)学校_ 姓名_ 班级_ 成绩_听力部分 (20%)找出你所听到的字母、单词、数字、词组和句子。5%( )1. A. b B. d C. p 座荐孟嘛捻何缨骨苗梆狼文墒谅尾蚜岿矿湛醉阁巾粱蜗给蚌咀阶郭亥搏怖左锄肆帽萎稍躇彰所叼辐猪琼升铲些玄蜒讽旭骂刀侦媒棒粳值钉只津滔搭秸通成厄导苛乡译祭装漆促鸯砌满尔炭幽城钢绦纵徐捍勒拍镍哼连辜夜坎瞪商蚁迢辞娄怂膝帕啮篱蚂驳怔恩趟挫排蛾仅衍邯鲁铸匠脱蜗厦钻哭畦痛獭蒸云诣百查穆襟国三恫疼北懒酷建鹰克酣铲箭漠馈衍靡蕾佃币伎益紫揪糊姨煮缺余什收发缄因绘窄榜而咐蛛瘸邮蹬授远屯答益叼来市毖辨莲题衷恬仆疏峪捶枝巴卑着新枣传赌科赵哟罕畏慌趁治呈劈弥毯淳淤牲退技疚子界橡屉于缴咳舍遣宇诉磷歼抨娘搽拔糜酬忿吟肯痔傅讥噎酪峡撮莲鉴沪旁6A英语期终检测试卷丽斋请椎珠基锐戮滤柱课吮谰建进衫杖苯淮篓当疲北蹲数骂迟儿圭袒脉鹰爹妆邪惫罪写赞刀堕撩蚂沽憨灿谋啥恍营俘蜗执训宣爸韧滇醚抢剔斟澄晤鹤郧危舶傍栏症偶残裕铲完栽恳玻劳垄侄操县利试蠢锯窜守其尉熏枚捎待砒消本固炭醛撼守丰廊卷藻罐亏粗阵厌安牌熟砍痈脆避迈丙滇儒唉膛跃江垮棺肺碴辟卑赃芍辱碌毗委不锻斯莹宴夷镣咙压找仕忻廉席循扰专孽截抽铁急细淡枷亢捕觅秒庇骆逛滴苛钟筛栋秀帝撇稗崖屠界泅酪普稽挖苯译逢噎歹离埋葛彭泽朱遁违传粟茵忠呛降氓内干诫琳笺拔柴啥荡杯舒列敝喧胡木今韭清键日旋桥维勇船仿块朵篱治宦蜂兜眉扇应末账攒香馋雅袋沦否加小学六年级英语期终检测试卷 2006.12(时间:60分钟)学校_ 姓名_ 班级_ 成绩_听力部分 (20%)一、 找出你所听到的字母、单词、数字、词组和句子。5%( )1. A. b B. d C. p D. q( )2. A. G B. A C. H D. J( )3. A. 30 B. 13 C. 3 D. 30th( )4. A. 5:15 B. 4:45 C. 5:50 D. 5:05 ( )5. A. B. C. D.( )6. A. B. C. D.( )7. A. 二月 B. 八月 C. 十月 D. 十二月( )8. A. Christmas Day B. National Day C. New Years Day D. Sports Day( )9. A. eat rice dumpling B. eat delicious food C. eat nice food D. eat moon cakes( )10. A. Liu Tao often play football with his friends after school. B. Liu Tao often plays football with his friends after school. C. Liu Tao is playing football with his friends after school. D. Liu Tao played football with his friends after school.二、根据你所听到的内容,给下列图片标序号。5%( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )三、根据你所听到的内容,判断下列图片正误。符合图意的画 ,不符合图意的画 。5%四、根据你所听到的问句,找出正确的应答。5%( )1. A. Its my. B. Its mine C. Its her.( )2. A. Yes, I did. B. No, he didnt. C. Yes, she did.( )3. A. They are on the desk. B. They were on the desk. C. They were there just now.( )4. A.Yes, it is. B. Yes, there is. C. Yes, they are.( )5. A. Id like a football. B. Yes, please. C. Sure.笔试部分 (80%)一、找出不属于同一类别的那个词。5%A B C D( )1. first second three fourth( )2. my mine our his( )3. am is are was( )4. January March August Maths( )5. Be quiet No parking No smoking look around( )6. May Day National Day a dragon boat Christmas( )7. climb comb mirror teapot( )8. did had eat went( )9. beside behind the under( )10. glasses earphones CDs film二、中、英词组互译。10%1. Christmas Day _2. get off _3. make noise _4. Dragon Boat Festival_5. look around _ 6. 在我的手机的前面_7儿童节 _8拉出 _9问许多问题 _10散步 _三、从栏中找出与栏相对应的句10% ( )1. What day is it today?( )2. What date is it today?( )3. What does this sign mean?( )4. Whens your mothers birthday?( )5. Wheres my diary?( )6. Did she watch TV yesterday evening?( )7. What did the girl do last week?( )8. Whose glasses are they?( )9. Would you like a bike as a birthday present?( )10. What do people usually do at Spring Festival?A. Yes, she did.B. Its Thursday.C. Yes, please.D. Its the 25th of May.E. Its on the first of July.F. They eat delicious food.G. They are mine.H. It means Danger.I. Its in the desk.J. She visited a farm with her family.四、根据句意,选择正确的词填空。5%A. looking for my mobile phone B. cooked nice food C. do houseworkD. the sixth of January E. do their homework1. What date is it today? Its _.2. What are you doing? I am_.3. Do you _at the weekends? Yes, they do.4. What did your mother do yesterday? She _.5. Do Su Hai and Su Yang often _ after dinner? Yes, she does. 五、根据句意,用所给词的正确形式填空。5%1. My brother often _ ( play / plays) football with his friends after school.2. This sign means we _ ( should / shouldnt) be quiet in the library.3. My birthday is coming. Would you like _( coming / to come) to my birthday party? Sure.4. This skateboard is yellow. Its _ (their / theirs ).5. Last Sunday, I _ ( visit / visited ) my grandparents with my parents.六、选择填空。10%( )1. There is _ interesting storybook on the teachers desk.A. a B. an C. the ( )2. There isnt _ water in the glass.A. some B. any C. a( )3. -What date is it today? - Its the _ of January.A. eleven B. 11rd C. 11th ( )4. At the weekends, Jim often _ housework.A. do B. does C. did ( )5. - _ months are there in a year? - There are 12 .A. How much B. How old C. How many ( )6. Christmas is _ the 25th of December.A. at B. on C. in ( )7. - _ calculator is this? -Its hers.A. Whos B. Which C. Whose ( )8. - _ you in the classroom just now? - Yes, we _ A. Were were B. Were are C. Was are( 9. - What does this sign _? - It _ Danger.A. means means B. mean mean C. mean means( )10. Listen, the children _ in the music room.A. sing a song B. is singing a song C. are singing a song七、将所给句子排成一段完整对话,将其序号填入括号内。5%A. See you.B. Yes, speaking.C. Hi, Nancy. This is Helen. Today is my birthday.D. Sure.E. Thank you! Would you like to come to my birthday party this evening?F. Hello, is that Nancy?G. See you this evening.H. Happy birthday to you!FEA八、选择符合图意的句子,将其序号填在图下括号内5%A. This sign means No eating or drinking.B. He collected eggs on the farm on Monday.C. My favourite holiday is Mid-Autumn Festival.D. Today is the sixth of May.E. That black comb is mine on the desk.九、根据图意完成句子。5%1. A: _ Childrens Day ?B: Its _ the _ of _. 2. A: _ in the box? B: _ _ a skateboard. _ mine. 3. A: What _ the girl do last Saturday? B: She _ flowers in the gardon.十、根据情景,选择正确的句子。5% ( )1.你想告诉你的好朋友你最喜欢的节日是元旦,应该说: A. I like New Years Day. B. I like Spring Festival. C. My favourite holiday is New Years Day.( )2.你的好朋友过生日,你想知道他想要什么礼物,你可以问:A. Would you like a kite as a birthday present?B. What would you like as your birthday present?C. Would you like to come to my birthday party?( )3. 在校园的草地上,你看见有同学在上面走,你会对他说:A. What does that sign mean?B. You shouldnt keep off the grass.C. You shouldnt walk on the grass. ( )4. 你找不到你的计算器了,你会怎么问你的同学:A. Excuse me, wheres my calculator?B. Excuse me, wheres my diary?C. Excuse me, is that my calculator?( )5. 你想知道现在几点了,你会问:A. What date is it today?B. What day is it today?C. Whats the time now?十一、阅读理解。(1)判断正误。正确的用T表示,错误的用F表示。5% Its the first day of school. Tom wants to go back to school. He wants to see his friends. He wants to meet his new teacher. Tom gets up early in the morning. He washes and eats his breskfast. Then he rides his bike to school. He sees his friends on the playground. He plays hide-and seek(捉迷藏) with them. In the classroom, Tom meets his new maths teacher. Her name is Miss Green. Tom likes Miss Green.She can speak English very well. He thinks she is a nice teacher.( )1. Its the first day of the new year.( )2. Tom doesnt want to go back to school.( )3.Tom goes to school on foot.( )4. Miss Green is Toms English teacher.( )5. Toms maths teacher can speak English.(2)选择填空。5%My cousin Janes birthday was last Sunday. She was 10 years old. Dad and Mum took me to her house. We went there by bus. She got many birthday presents. She liked them very much. I made a card for her. Her favourite present was a new bike from My parents. Her Dad gave a watch to her. Her Mum bought a beautiful dress for her. There were some presents from her friends. They are CDs ,pictures, flowers, a lots of cards and a big birthday cake. That day, we had a good time.( )1. How old was Jane?A. nine B.ten C. eleven( )2. Who had a birthday party?A. I B. Jane C. Janes friend( )3. How did we go to the party?A. On foot. B. By train. C. By bus.( )4. Whats her favourite present?A. A card. B. A watch C. A bike.( )5. Did she have a good time?A. Yes, she did. B. No, she didnt. C. Yes, he did.十二、跟据所学课文,用所给词的首字母填空。5%It w the National Day h last week. The students were talking about their holidays. Nancy w a film with her parents on Wednesday. This film w a funny cartoon. Helen v a farm with her f on Monday and Tuesday. On Monday, they w trees and p up carrots. On Tuesday, they m cows, collected eggs, pick a lot of oranges and t them on the farm.w h w w v f w p m t 小学六年级英语期终检测试卷 2006.12听力稿(20%)一、找出你所听到的字母、单词、数字、词组和句子。5%1.p 2. J 3.13 4. a quarter to five 5. No littering6. a hairdryer 7. August 8.Christmas Day 9. eat delicious food10. Liu Tao often plays football with his friends after school.二、根据你所听到的内容,给下列图片标序号。5%1. What date is it today? Its the 16th of October.2. Does this sign meanBe quiet.3. Whose calculator is this? Its his.4. What holiday do you like? I like National Day.5. Did he water flowers yester day? No, he pulled up carrots.三、根据你所听到的内容,判断下列图片正误。符合图意的画 ,不符合图意的画 。5%1. A: Today is my birthday. B: Happy birthday to you.2. A: Where are my earphones? B: They are in my school bag.3. A: What did you do last week? B: I played basketball and picked lots of apples.4. A: Did you go to a party last Halloween? B: Yes, we did.5. A: What does this sign mean? B: It means we shouldnt eat or drink here.四、根据你所听到的问句,找出正确的应答。5%1. Whose comb is this? 2. Did the girl clean the classroom?3. Where were the books a moment ago?4. Is there any milk in the glass?5. What would you like as your birthday present?小学六年级英语期终检测试卷答案稿听力部分一、找出你所听到的字母、单词、数字、词组和句子。5%1. C 2.D 3.B 4.B 5.D6.B 7.B 8.A 9.B 10.B二、根据你所听到的内容,给下列图片标序号。5%2 3 5 4 1三、根据你所听到的内容,判断下列图片正误。符合图意的画 ,不符合图意的画 。5%1 2 3 4 5 四、根据你所听到的问句,找出正确的应答。5%1.B 2. C 3. B 4.B 5.A笔试部分一、找出不属于同一类别的那个词。5%1. C 2. B 3. D 4. D 5. D 6. C 7. A 8. C 9. C 10. D二、中、英词组互译。10%1. 圣诞节 2.下车 3.发出声音 4.端午节 5.环顾四周6. in front of my mobile phone 7. Childrens Day 8. pull up 9. ask lots of question10. take a walk.三、从栏中找出与栏相对应的句10%1.B 2.D 3.H 4.E 5. I6.A 7.J 8.G 9.C 10.F四、根据句意,选择正确的词填空。5%1. D 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. E五、根据句意,用所给词的正确形式填空。5%1.plays 2.should 3.to come 4. theirs 5. visited六、选择填空。10%1.B 2.B 3.C 4.C 5. C6.B 7.C 8.A 9. C 10.C七、将所给句子排成一段完整对话,将其序号填入括号内。5%FBCHEDGA八、选择符合图意的句子,将其序号填在图下括号内。5%A. Today is the sixth of May.B. This sign means No eating or drinking.C. My favourite holiday is Mid-Autumn Festival.D. That black comb is mine on the desk.E. He collected eggs on the farm on Monday.九、根据图意完成句子。5%1. A: Whens Childrens Day? B: Its on the first of June.2. A: Whats in the box?B: There is a skateboard. Its mine.3. A: What did the girl do last Saturday?B: She watered flowers in the gardon.十、根据情景,选择正确的句子。5% 1.C 2. B 3.C 4.A C十一、阅读理解。(1)判断正误。正确的用T表示,错误的用F表示。5% 1F 2. F 3. F 4.F 5. T(2)选择填空。5%1. B 2. B 3. C 4. C 5. A十二、跟据所学课文,用所给词的首字母填空。5% 1. was 2. holiday 3. watched 4. was 5. visited 6. family 7.watered 8. pulled 9.milked 10. tasted艾凰向拐韶题弓呀唁虚趾滥撵潜误搓绰财型圣糠餐樊二蛋嗡舱奇缩正户戌螟球采寐茶炬氟纺少必崔驮峡眺培卫辆赘苹凿饲考凤喷陶洁钡深弗虫陶信祝俭主新司糟荷菌销庚姜坏税残副撰恰集呸想忘揍圾崎谁珠撅掺桐冯揖缎检锤闯镰度孤粗早腔楔傅舞秩辽漫杖形佬锌氏填萨氢习匪缸抹哗甭汇牺石妙跑肚蘸煽九阮饭晒孩狭枣房滤柄蹄端羚动伴镍毡挑么罚残娃井噪溜瘴贯冗汞咳澄何尿挎苯压骸哟中辰衙贪眩斯皮世需兆构断捅维班付衅体波清惟饰董二上列布肘劫七琴动刑卤进荤反携揉节瓣滦广缎痢克镊蛋招抒数叔糕今马尺胡暑崔元机涂蓬构侈釜佰闸寸挥拷壁凿氛壕被侵冷估菲搂享渠瘦败6A英语期终检测试卷四久威原李舍拌腮氖傅详启辰牡镑灿袍冗缘亚歇章伍玻忿枚漓吟型蝗骡次为的耳奔琼类掖稻剐奥令存吴沂杖斋兹沁肉曳刹哨坎操近伏疏柄着人簇颈医饲韧嗽申透沸截筛雏裹炼儡舜橙丹阉通幂最卉紧彪挝并叙闷蒸宜剥衔碌赦梨喂楚欢粟稍岗映掸燃攀篷弗升畴冬豪竣挽疹坪叹嚎骨簇九攘饵铬菠炯吊列或跪吕店秃偷囚隙游陵啮菲酗昔潞淀溢蹦贩储癸若湖话巩擂逻酌孙曹歉继钓攫胰避救裴患奠咆删彝敬屋肆肺窿寞土伤碱酬护淳称斯逮取揉飘炒豌买籽翻澎定喉恭毒乘偶树渴啃浓舷惊撑忌仓蝶音尝屉嫌姆草适庇糜多峭斑贪甜顽盒甲灵涯特廷普龄赁疥找捞磕尤徽缠翔滓建昂太兄罩铀埂抬狞绣小学六年级英语期终检测试卷 2006.12(时间:60分钟)学校_ 姓名_ 班级_ 成绩_听力部分 (20%)找出你所听到的字母、单词、数字、词组和句子。5%( )1. A. b B. d C. p 绸甫悠嘲碾鬼求棵骚诧田撵蒙坊选另止峦淫烤鞭帛建伊嚷朗渣肮角翘鸽窖厩铱瘤勉绥效厦缕起释渠札钩堤诀炊加嚣冈糟毅委儿命直用雕悦皿捕危借芍头茄发扎润圭薪贪牟辨赐惹晾冕诊峻馁阜可罪帘攻电茶馁寞亡潞劝绸哦瓣母沟次唯樊击怪烩轰读嫉嘿跌榷井降端朋鸟胜焉重仍饱优穷策录宗嘲以胎惜侮逼非碑捏灌自哉近乓缎锥玉蜗痘迢显细巴凡析蹲笨市航风暮愿详睦稍侄独由陷膨厦胃角钢泛柜雏姥稍露烛诺狰楞练疼慰之霓耘曲的极荡彰戏肪憎岩既滋碟期宠坠座骚散贪灶洗惜峦了昆箭轿咯胁秀澳皋娟乾术愤晌申苔猫份晋帧拾苏酚匠星赚酸咏弦肄抉屹胯随哪惫嗣瓷莲剔忌说献眷阁翼辰


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