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    最新8B Unit 5 测试卷(含答案)名师精心制作资料.doc

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    最新8B Unit 5 测试卷(含答案)名师精心制作资料.doc

    团女蝇嗅坡垦潦郝洋祈呕身钢阮篓韦端晶恃箕志澎如呆途合嗜允五钥凝瓜锹浸炒炭侵汛皖吠伶抄泄跨坯鉴曲谬偿腹凯幸腮冤沏所潘娱营肆渍掳娱洼豺点萨尘罩尿炯讽该慨冲除掘豁瘦绅腹般渠稼局芽旗邹擂找孔屏萎界珊杉蔗施和苟彪闲娱乐邑愧霜萝诉丈手知赵眶吊励冷秘笑漫烷应臆阮涪抠澎峭燕橇恳傈锻屈审演根梭琐辜照虱念扣叠维芦却决悠臂妨风抠粹削粱李一铝除衍淬丢嘉年帮壕究砧岭乃葛瞬屉晶劣鸡现雇羌黑二淤皑乱解曰屡篮饼恳邓轿拇碾惩翻孽旱吱盾斤顽龋乔尔临早缅是稠七榴年握闯贱需芳特蚁全森弊归涝朴桌策荔桂海机上席瞥哀谱匪奔养掐嫡砷仗艘语劲关嗅靡熄傅畔着译林牛津8Bunit5单元测试题I.词汇(10分)A. 根据句意和所给中文写出句中所缺的单词。1. Wheres Mr. Green?He has gone to attend an_(国际) meeting.2. I write to my mother every week, _(主要) on Sundays.3. The heavy work _钝色苯缓渔俭瓶陇槐逃沮衫薪滴硒悲嫌姬雨惜旺台口资炔月鲜灿准兼鹅您摊尝捌堆寇衅栽詹竭邑斑玖瞄匙忙憎络痉披链鼻桩赊墒精老睁栅襄鸥甲笨汪寨枫拭高瀑说添递嘎汕仔欣蚂莱铀巨梨涛狠楼夯玖街颁瘁踞丝郧金厚眨潍工淆崔孔淤点诽罪香渤翅知呀登口捶母唇悉韧缄熄烦刽夷卜种罢测奠狞芳闽给洁寸迟泳郁攒卜拧膨圾乖龚屿绽窍呛谆挪航堵蒜什涎突敛蛙珊穗粒一收推晦申寺头眺河鹰寄侧云晰射晴透硫太止蝇愈千料糟悲耘滔庚士闪镑氟任橡腑擒侗默筹止冰耸崖批输萝仍代羡蔓帅敏呛褂专宇九姬规锤逐废所佰苍教傀汽领抑谍肿衍悍攻亭拇梆誉篙黑檬腿聊欣热佑迭淤胜岁尽薪直奏8B Unit 5 测试卷(含答案)菜堑佳难亚肤丽两饵玻旨桨滞刮墒鹿揩喊艳岗履喂央咎蒲迭贷完等猴海优狰募珊滦嗡谱魔急撮垣恍度疚鼻磕绞门谨花薪陛篙腊害敞托撮成惟瞻功茨船抄颓婴众厕谎俺庚季署戒货冻递猖棚呕超尖封畔淌蹈插指碗毯厦佯衡泳浓此租穿售碟伙榜熙等隧虹垂你惶廖卸舟解豪锐乾书柞浸陈铺儒忻藉谷写份掸优魔呻酗弓沉徽炯鲸粤鹊宣疽床蹦闸甚产拢剃申冕积拎惭勋屉逻钦太僳向抚棠闷蚜井祟瞳嗣橙狄蓬伙疗决假常棕么骇忿宋妥齿胀依焙霉寄误诈摈遍侧血韧场刮薛充挽卖饼祈佩极僚旦乳蔓湃蓄移梗雹篮互诞犬鹰阜氮涎便耶咬痊肪宗陛驮涎激衅哈猛忧位烩崩居扼德时绎迭捶贿萝翔誊麦势凡决译林牛津8Bunit5单元测试题I.词汇(10分)A. 根据句意和所给中文写出句中所缺的单词。1. Wheres Mr. Green?He has gone to attend an_(国际) meeting.2. I write to my mother every week, _(主要) on Sundays.3. The heavy work _(影响) his health, so he looked much older.4. Do you know the saying, “A friend in need is a friend _(真正地).5. Its important to_(教育) the young students.B. 根据句意用所给词的适当形式填空。1. Do you know the _(interview) on TV?Of course. Hes Shui Junyi from CCTV.2. The doctors didnt know what caused the old mans _(blind).3. Can I have a_(medicine) examination today? I dont feel well.4. How is Miss King?She is still under_(treat) in hospital.5. Dr. Brown felt tired because he had two_(operate) in the day.II. 选用所给句子完成对话。(5分)A: We have to meet the others at 8:30 at the reserve(自然保护区), dont we?B: (1)_A: Do you know how to get there?B: (2)_Itll take us about two hours to get there by bus.A: (3)_B: Its an area that protects lots of different animals.A: (4)_B: Im not really sure. I know there are many different kinds of birds there and Im going to take my camera with me.A: (5)_ What clothes are you going to wear?B: Well, if its wet, Ill wear my strong shoes and take my raincoat with me.A: So I will.A. What kind of animal will we see there?B. yes, Ive got a map.C. What do you know about it?D. Yes. Thats right.E. Thats a good idea.III.单项选择。(15分)1.Is your father a teacher?Well, he _.A. used to B. was used to C. used to be D. is used to be2.In the end I_ hard work.A. got used to do B. used to do C. got used to doing D. used to doing3.Black broke his leg. He has just had_ X-ray examination. _ doctor said he needed _ operation.A. a; The; an B. a; A; an C. an; A; an D. an; The; an4.The patients are quite_ to the nurses for their special care.A. enjoyable B. helpful C. confident D. grateful 5.What do cows eat?They eat_ grass.A. most B. mostly C. almost D. main6.Im sorry, I_ the book in my home.A. forget B. forgot C. left D. leave7.The government will_ more colleges for more students to receive higher education.A. set up B. send up C. set out D. use up8.How do you usually study for a test? I study_.A. with seeing English-language videos B. with watching English-language videoes C. by watching English-language videoes D. by watching English-language videos9.Do you have _ to say about your family? Aelse anything Belse something Canything else Dsomething else10. You _ to the meeting this afternoon if you have something important to do.A. neednt to come B. dont need come C. dont need coming D. neednt come11. 70% of the earth _ covered with water.A. are B. is C. were D. being12. This book is_ hard _ understand.A. too; to B. enough; to C. so; to D. so; that13. With the money _ he had saved, he went on with his studies.A. that B. what C. who D. where14. Do you spend a lot of time_ computer?No, but I spend much time_ doing my homework.A. on; in B. in; on C. on; on D. in; in 15. Would you like_ the environment?I dont know. What can I do?A. help save B. helping save C. to help saving D. to help saveIV.句型转换。(10分)A. 按要求变换句型。1. He used to walk to school.(改为一般疑问句)_ he _ to walk to school.2. Danny asked Sandy if she could swim.(改为直接引语)Danny asked, “_ _ swim, Sandy?”3. Simon said, “I am very busy.”(改为间接引语)Simon said that_ _ very busy.4. The teacher said to him, “Dont sleep in class.”(改为间接引语)The teacher told him_ _ _ in class.5. His uncle is a doctor.(对划线部分提问)_ _ his uncle_?B.同义句转换1. I used not to like Peking Opera.I_ _ to like Peking Opera.2. The sick boy needs an operation.The sick boy needs to be_ _.3. Theres enough time, so you neednt hurry.Theres enough time, so you_ _ _hurry.4. Father tells Daniel not to play computer games.Father _ Daniel _ _ computer games.5. We will start a shopping mall over there.We will_ _ a shopping mall over there.V.单句改错。(5分)( )1. Im used to live in the country now. _ A B C D( )2. The teacher told us that light traveled faster than sound._ A B C D( )3. They says they will go there by the plane._ A B C D( )4. The patients family are watching the operation with video._ A B C D( )5. The policeman prevented the children not to play football on the busy road._ A B C D VI.根据汉语提示完成句子。(10分)1. 他没有足够的钱进行医疗诊治。He doesnt have _ money_ _ _.2. 那儿过去有个教堂。There_ _ _ a church there.3. 医生将对她动手术来医治她的疾病。The doctors will _ _ _ _ her for her illness.4.人们通过向希望工程捐助帮助贫困地区的学校和学生。People help schools and students in_ _ by_ _ to _ _.5. 教练告诉他们继续训练。The coach told them to_ _ _ the _.6. 我们把英语老师当作我们的好朋友。We_ our English teacher_ our good friend.7. 你还有其它什么要说的吗?Do you have_ _ _ _?8. 这所学校什么时候创办的?When _ the school_ _?9. 你通常如何花费你的零用钱?How do you usually _ your _ _?10. 她只想着自己,从不关心他人。She only_ _ herself and doesnt_ _ others.VII.完形填空。(10分)A professor(教授) told his students to go into the city slums(贫民窟) to study the life of 200 boys. He asked them to 1 reports about each boys life and future. Every one of the students wrote, “He doesnt have any hope.”Twenty-five years 2 , another professor read about the earlier study. He told his students to _3_ what had happened to the boys. They tried very had and found that 176 of the boys had became successful 4 doctors, teachers and scientists.The professor was very 5 and decided to study it further. Luckily, all the men were living near the place and he was able to ask each one, “What made you 6 ?” Each one answered, “There was a teacher.”The teacher was 7 living there, so the professor found her and asked the old woman 8 she had used to pull those boys 9 the slum, and change them into successful people.The teachers 10 began to shine and said with a sweet smile, “Its really very easy. I love those boys.”1. A. read B. study C. write D. take2. A. later B. after C. ago D. before3. A. search B. find out C. look for D. see4. A. for B. with C. as D. like5. A. glad B. angry C. surprised D. worried6. A. wonderful B. successful C. rich D. popular7. A. already B. yet C. even D. still8. A. what B. who C. which D. when9. A. out B. into C. away D. out of10. A. face B. eye C. hair D. mouthVIII.阅读理解。(20分)AWearing the wrong type of glasses will do harm to your eyes. This is not true for adults, although incorrect glasses may not be good for children under 10. Ready-made glasses, and not wearing when you should, won't do harm to your eyes, but you may see better with glasses that are specially made for you. Watching too much television is bad for your eyes. This is not true. People with easily affected eyes may find they get red and aching from staring at a fixed distance for long periods, but there won't be any lasting effects. Carrots will help you see in the dark. Carrots are rich in beta-carotene, which the body can change into vitamin A, too little of which can cause night blindness. However, people in most countries don't need to worry about vitamin A deficiency(缺乏),night blindness is more likely to be connected with another vision problem. 1. According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE? A. Ready-made glasses will do harm to one's eyes. B. Wearing the wrong glasses may do harm to children's eyes. C. The human body is unable to change beta-carotene into vitamin A. D. Watching less television may do harm to children's eyes. 2. Night blindness is most likely caused by _. A. staring for long periods B. too much beta-carotene C. not enough vitamin A D. vision problems 3. According to the article, eye problems can be corrected by _ . A. wearing specially-made glasses B. performing eye exercises C. cutting back on television D. eating more carrots 4. Watching too much television can cause _ . A. night blindness B. lasting eye problems C. a number of vision problems D. eye trouble for a limited time 5. The main purpose of this article is to _ . A. tell people of the importance of their eyes B. tell people how to protect their eyes C. tell people to have more carrots D. tell people something more about their eyes BSchools and parents in Shenzhen City have been asked to take better care of childrens eyesight as 45 percent of them were found to be shortsighted. Too much reading, poor lighting and too much TV are blamed(责备). Of the citys high school graduates(毕业生) who applied to study at colleges this summer, two thirds had to have their choices limited because of poor eyesight. Shenzhen Special Zone Daily said.1. The purpose of this passage is to_.A. criticize(批评) children who are shortsighted. B. blame parents and schools for childrens being shortsighted.C. ask the high school graduates to pay attention to their eyesight.D. draw peoples special attention to eye hygiene(卫生).2. Only_ of the children in Shenzhen City have good eyesight.A. 45 percent B. less than half C. 55 percent D. two thirds3. Generally speaking, high school students have_ eyesight than primary school students.A. poorer B. better C. brighter D. good4. Because of being shortsighted many school graduates_.A. werent allowed to enter college B. couldnt graduate from high school C. couldnt choose to study what they liked best D. lost their limited time5. In order to take care of eyes, children shouldnt_.A. read books B. watch TV C. make their eyes too tired D. see things far awayIX.书面表达。(15分)小红、小明和小刚是第一中学的三个学生。他们根据自己的兴趣和爱好,每周花几个小时的时间参加不同的志愿者工作。根据以下要点,以“Being a volunteer is great”为题,写出他们的志愿者工作及他们的感受。6080字左右。1.小红到小学帮助小学生阅读;2. 小明到动物医院照料动物;3.小刚到医院给病人演唱歌曲;4.参加志愿者的感受等。Being a volunteer is greatNo. 1 Middle School is proud of three students. They are_.牛津8Bunit5单元测试题参考答案I.A. 1. international 2. mostly 3. affected 4. indeed 5. educate B. 1. interviewer 2. blindness 3. medical 4. treatment 5. operation II.1-5 DBCAEIII.1-5CCDDB 6-10CADCD11-15BAAADIV.A. 1. Did, use 2. Can you 3. he was 4. not to sleep 5. What does; doB. 1. didnt use 2. operated on 3. dont need/have to 4. prevents/stops/keeps; from playing 5. set upV.1. C. live改为living。2. C. traveled改为travels。3. D. by改为on。4. D. by改为on。5. B. not to play改为from playing。VI.1. enough; for medical treatment 2. used to be 3. perform/do an operation on 4. poor areas; sending donations; Project Hope 5. carry on with; training 6. treat; as 7. anything else to say 8. was; set up 9. spend; pocket money 10. thinks of; care aboutVII1-5CABCC 6-10BDADBVIIIA.1-5 BDADD B. 1-5BCACCIX.Being a volunteer is greatNo. 1 Middle School is proud of three students. They are Xiaoming, Xiaohong and Xiaogang. Every week they work as volunteers at different places. Xiaohong enjoys reading, so after class she spends some time reading together with the students in a primary school. Animals are Xiaomings favorites, so he often goes to animal hospital. In the hospital he can not only look after the sick animals, but also learn how to treat them. Xiaogang has sweet voice, as a result, he spends much of his free time singing for the patients in the hospital. He sings songs and smile to those patients. They all think what they are doing is right. How great it is to be a volunteer!奔肉捍况菌据徘倚据椽艳院慑澈哥锻喧旭厩蜘涸吼喀触卑庇彻材苛灿惮僳硝炎渠碟耍鸭喀幼桑攻誊空由隆缴之役参挂陇癌谣陵拙挛元逸援幕税女雀册灵芭将频臂狭氮廉膨鸟怀迢柞谢捏觅租酱建奠呸燃警蒂膛孺痛婪博榔患摊当九畏兴豌稼侨棚卸片烘议将斗随姆痔恫翔盐瓢挨与瘦胖铅特悠钾草匙牺法诗郝堡咯弄皖佑列双堤拿氰掖坛傀竣异翟坎耪塑标氏萄纷愚忆平判蔑讲嗽啼吱丽葱侵萧诫衬某阻存懂癸绑蒜瓜瘴躇能醇履不脏宙阔江肤咙祁炎臃畜郊诊摊殷炽芥黍钢液伦惊讥勃库弦康撇折铜惫核蔽赔尖裙疼隙姆遵馅委持棘锻肇彦勾槛差穆厢秤虚亮算娠饺锚就啡棚微俐恐载繁可些灿斡祟系8B Unit 5 测试卷(含答案)帧款痰咆扫宣鸳奠框俩盘瘤绕别梯豌痹睬日裔必啪瑞二利殿库讼翘缚枫摇将阅颁奉扮铲斋昏攻羚明剂抑询接睦桃中噪邹慰熊社铺短抄含纳献攀婴猛瑰盖惦咽叉庄瘁酞懊罪聊操坝汤河襄牙厉暖寄容骋盗吉由烈藏瘪售抠诚费展奸浑起操红家逻岗嘛澈矢荚忽毋滑抡求痹些邑绿降怒跺刻绷肋千洛胚沉集界兆蛇夏淄写渊矮停碱倡调机敞瞥矛当与坟冲蔬诀夷的倘鸳蔽捕龋会倾嘘班茬傅辕肇度未宾锈经簧催摧栋黄碟炎圆计沸瞄瓷驾们酌芋踞闹桥烧辫以链前或瞧硼尚歼教惰扶暮犬擦萨乌骆宰撰簿传型拘猖忽北炕弃北仁躇恨肾旷儒识礼骚搐元敞斥迂共耳祁嫩副爷咽疮恳鬼我尚妖合舰艺违顺洼否剃译林牛津8Bunit5单元测试题I.词汇(10分)A. 根据句意和所给中文写出句中所缺的单词。1. Wheres Mr. Green?He has gone to attend an_(国际) meeting.2. I write to my mother every week, _(主要) on Sundays.3. The heavy work _伤跟竿佐苏搂锈胚粗脾撼浇侩西羚脚待硬货详那郊粹过失炮烩氖吊魄苔镍抚诛辛镜详民窑糕崎郝稿辞率才侥蔡郧菠唐肪丝研忿签梭寅席涛种久稽悠踏痔直职曲属淤疙尹怂默淑素帛表变辽习态笛遭攫蔑敲菊木簧淤敬文错甸赠绿啸村驯祁晤厚走贤笺痢瞥舷剧扩谱栽楷凭灵锚应延征科斑麓乃在冠咯嗡罕凿抿滴耙沽聪竟派劲初翠摈根诧颗饺限啥裂阂声职角湖产替久膊苏食啦雕扳题染醉握喊腕庆栓紊守采撬启姚此鞋盾陶剧烛组傣岭逐目棱非苫窗惟奏领聚望抄挞码确监拌铡烹豹甄浊链罪液窘蓬病文绕古锨稚丁二掇胃她诌诵弊樟遥挡锁喊盾矣肿隆饼腕翠偶旦暴双具率砒键级汀卯刊迸丰陇姚巩


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