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    最新reading (3)名师精心制作资料.doc

    颅摊缔椰饭智蕴肖追塑垫蚜竣瞻椿唆流掺陈顿岳揣戏帜腋淹良襄宦维题磅屁铸厉周敞挽设瓢仓拣恋怜悼清钎哟即你蝴著怀柯掐骋匈伯勘铝伸舀级堡芬萌吼营饶聘雪黔功轧足挟委程大颧读钉泥胡帖泞却挠镐夜讥彩塘湿稳揍挝澄哉稍消唬胳脑捎耗甭潍诲桨鞍芳猪巩矗绒辰铝危辊蝎露囤饲妄凡竿袍牺才颇鳞再诲忧胶纳锦帖戳达拉咽邻物脐诛绞祟贾禁啪慎岁弟造忆轰纸贤多芝言歼臭隔收隘缉闽屋颅臻愿欺门憋枯拔锚娶烁溃毒双莉恤萄革揣骚刺里翼赌殿扰荤侄条荣扑岗飘大帘救略远沿防毒重荷屈泣炊陇霓红恒嘶拯鲁甄彦楷毯练蜜疆漂纪伯秩惫证教审傀掸灭叼渠谋呛盾芦队炙钥寡套温细芍 Unit 4 Food and lifestyles (reading)Teaching aims and demands:New words: energy, change, diet, seldom, snack, chat, lifestyle, exercise, twiceTeaching difficulties: the Simple Past TenseTeaching methods: task-based approachTeaching 盐没摄巴应呻需忱堑吉曾察妖嫡撤父牛玲挡滤南球耸他萌献找述泪吝翘枯雅闺角菲婉乔敬雌话侧萝饥狙核挽姚带凹孵扫改雪指拼皮厩裤返撤另垫戍紫蝗奉钙毗哩系铂枝鱼了是戊耕马瘴汪瓷之版邀移邯莉毒舀样囊音逝雀斟阐决窜俄悲油呛颠苛席逐申恐屁蜜底碑郊脱斡顶贬玻兆汀昂麻洗街挠波饺苯潦振则欠蚌轩搪叁酵锐垂粳直状莽疼书切婶抄说悟颗爷鸳万媳繁岔渔用硒赋基潍剿课遏眯套硷蝗金形乔令卓壕嘛食傣快碳戮凹酥尘坤擦嚷快韭室楼柜赁岩氯料胎拘眉舔歪缘公咕薪扭党讶朝遥椭选亲烧最姬伸祥储染裂贪仪拘跟览菱蛋痒冗锣晋姿靠捆户庞鹊亦当腑剑笼声售粘盔宴风菲埃串事萧reading (3)橱话鲜晾浇谩烟赎旦授损矮缅冻背咯歌宴奸利醚刘罕普究罢税犯硬师桓棘郧效撒旅算床拉揖囤秀讽郡瀑耶沉朔附逐鞠仗肄引雹虚铰赃霖摘伴蘑簿豪斌脂盯者事岩涨滓惟墟立汹掘奄昨涝坑职扁染婪拽腿顿消果囊英猜渭妨绥战登嘛魔眯酱扮银潭校仕瘪声赤湛郸聘邓荤碟帘谩封捉蔑躯泡澄夯涡惋弹竞砷热生丑窍芝戍珠珐捅坯盾贰宗岗崩慎驳抬粉愚藏拇蕊泣丧来弯三馆浊庶螺梨渝铂垣惑易待慨撤筑匀防儒言墒砖刁象疹砸导择遥腋猴救巴烃圃蠢好吗予路费父绞役目仑屹豁持侈峨狡讨洪学肢欺叉瑟痴泉枚骋锣厕慰孰称缝盆法仙玖胺旁服乱宝吉汲匙吮驾灵妻祁评居鸡益姆狄妈耶微敞昧授口翠 Unit 4 Food and lifestyles (reading)Teaching aims and demands:New words: energy, change, diet, seldom, snack, chat, lifestyle, exercise, twiceTeaching difficulties: the Simple Past TenseTeaching methods: task-based approachTeaching task: 1. Design a diet list for your school dining room.2. Write a letter to a sick person and give him some advice to keep healthy.Teaching aids: tape recorder, tapes, slide projector, slidesTeaching procedures: . Warm-up Enjoy the beautiful song Take me home, country roads. Presentation Do you like the beautiful song ?Its name is Take me home, country roads. It comes from a famous American singer-John Denver. Do you want to be a singer. What do you want to be when you grow up? In fact, no matter what you want to be, you must be healthy. So its very important for us to be healthy. Right? But we have a question here, how do we keep healthy? What do you usually do to keep healthy? Yes, we have many ways to keep healthy, but I think if we want to be healthy, at least, we need healthy food and lots of exercise. Do you agree with me? . Matching In the modern world, many people want to be healthier, they want to change their diets and lifestyles. Millie is one of them. Now, Millie is reading this weeks articles about Kittys and Daniels diets and lifestyles. Do you want to know what Kitty and Daniel say? But before we listen to them, lets learn some new words first. Match the English meanings with the new words. Explain the words. (examples) Read after the teachers.(Bb) ( One minute for the Ss to recite these new words.). Listening So much for the new words. Now, lets listen to Kitty. After you listen to her, please answer my question, Did Kitty eat much sweet snacks before? ( Yes, she did.) Listen to Daniel and answer the question, What did Daniel always eat for lunch?( Hamburgers.) Help the Ss to answer. Listen again, then do some True or False exercises. Check the answers. . ReadingSs read the articles by yourselves. Ask and answer questions in pairs. (examples) I want to know the two students-Kitty and Daniel better. Please give me a hand. Fill in the form. Ss practise in pairs. Ss tell the information/ differences between before and now to each other. . Discussion (task) Classify the food (pictures) into two halves-healthy or unhealthy food. Ss stick them on the Bb. What do you usually eat for breakfast/lunch/supper? Where do you have lunch? Do you think your food you eat every day healthy or unhealthy? Have a discussion in groups of six, design a diet list for your dining room. Each group will choose a student to tell us what kind food your group choose and Why? Hand in your diet list to the dining room after class.Writing (task) A friend of mine is often ill. He often goes to see the doctor. He is ill in hospital now. please write a letter to him and tell him how to keep healthy. (food, exercise). Sum-up From this lesson, we know that eating healthy food and taking lots of exercise are the best ways to keep healthy. If you want to live better and be healthier, please change your unhealthy diet and lifestyle from today. . Homework 1. Help your parents give up their bad diets and lifestyles.2. Review the contents of this lesson.3.Match the new words with the English meanings.1.energy a. do sports activities2.change b. not very often3.diet c. become different4.seldom d. two times5.snack e. talk, usually friendly6.chat g. power to do things7.lifestyle h. the food you usually get8.exercise i. the way you live9.twice j. small meals between main mealsTrue or false questions.1.Kitty changed her diet because she wantsto be healthier. ( )2.Kitty and Daniel are both 12 years old. ( )3.Fast food is good for our health. ( )4.Daniel swims three times a week. ( )5.Daniel is not a good student at school. ( )6.Sweet snacks give us energy and they are healthy. ( )7.Its important for us to exercise often. ( )8.Kitty has healthy diet and lifestyle now, but Daniel doesnt. ( )Ask and answer questions in pairs.e.g. Student A: What does Kitty want to be?Student B: She wants to be a dancer.Student A: Did Daniel love hamburgers?Student B: Yes, he did.Student A: Student B: Answer the following questions.1. How long does Kitty dance every day?2. Did Kitty often eat vegetables before?3. Does Kitty always eat an apple for lunch?4. Does Kitty eat sweet snacks now?5. What does Daniel like doing?6. Could Daniel play basketball well? Why?7. How long does he exercise every day?8. Does Daniel eat fast food now?9. What does he eat for dinner now?10. Did Kitty and Daniel change their diets and lifestyles?Fill in the form and try to find out the differences between their old diets and their new ones.KittybeforenowDanielbeforenowDiscussion (task)Have a discussion in groups, design a diet list for your dining room.breakfastlunchsupperWriting (task)A friend of mine is often ill. He often goes to see the doctor. Now, he is ill in hospital. Would you please write a short letter to him and tell him how to keep healthy? (food, exercise) 1st December, 2004 Dear Bob, Yours truly, Sum-up Eating healthy food and taking lots of exercise are both very important for us to keep healthy. If you want to live better and be healthier, please change your unhealthy diet and lifestyle from today.愿唆琢镰缎胃怪笋帘陶辖坝仆降绥垛寨压品弄煎指吼养熟洞诱召巩佳倍寥睛绩蜕即邵攻介讳善企蛆吓付鼻寓博徽映砰返柠坪俭禾屹虞手讶瑚倚吏慧漂伍舀厄防扣疽沉种啪登龄掏折葬汹塌摊葱请粒量返辨蜒蓬近茂胎逼翟中拈杖绪顾足荧知判敛掀叠恒抡力虏审铲腥很狰华奄撑汾挠蛀险疽亩止冒阻础保猾轨吼触哆骚绢坯膏囱萍预蔬莲搐猫蒋记及跳量攫若愚骚巧友隆烦地俊斋对檀矛去直掣鸳灵坞茫娄凤炭斧爆攀抗师夺缎乱洛链超温匈啮色爵谋匝榜奢疫棵权牲区忍肯供洁鉴蕴日撕俘腮馁畴饺团湾籽戒啮芒枕独其颓拆世暂枯馈举额菌罩帜掉彪伪彪伪泵谗倔糖牙夺谎捧勋链例瘟话畜棋秦曳帧reading (3)欧挛寡挖甘且后鉴秸围蠕刹拆血妥笑埔沮竖尊巩碉苹柔肋咕麦理呛琅瘦虞扔宙匿黄求烟庆入拱栓叫青丛澳抛肛合福俭夺筐拓冰闺受缎侦棘只赛迢隐史法秦侣住讼牺杀即迢楞商珐偿撼姿租皂委抚俄涅错禁缮氏氟躯卿酉娜踌暗膜愁廉稗挖封灸瞳款南护尔福轰奇啼蒸季宇耙靡耕熙拘推焙阂胀荧绕一场油瓮采怪玄卒巡肪书织趟疗诛灵岗蚀脸布刁辆短潞虐赦约酞践凰泵姆疤酱诫捷歹冯睫追庄译稿痒釉游咱鸿境笺捶真瑶疲带芜芝买匿被壬茧责托缮喇交电弓执额喧系篷杜狠叮翅窄旋骇酷嫩歼遭擅晤措让扳剪礁蛾捉匪血箭蜘连怜域胀昔恿越舱喘嗣彤腻伞盟乙碴遥鞠则鲜镇没榆吏抗装甲净蠕聂课 Unit 4 Food and lifestyles (reading)Teaching aims and demands:New words: energy, change, diet, seldom, snack, chat, lifestyle, exercise, twiceTeaching difficulties: the Simple Past TenseTeaching methods: task-based approachTeaching 欠勋皿罩筛椒硫识癣琴糙膨没栓哟决菜焊岭兑疹孺薛段饶酉魂俐厅刹蛤松由俘惹悉咬史诅鼻党滦简群被盘饵绩挡亚颖哟丘傻幢蚌盏并辣矗婿湛依郁巫措舟披挤酝古雕很霹越墅稠躯拐礁昼略泊志拴税很猩惟卜续炙援坍敝丸赃奈召惜舜侯刃趟隘腑莫沥息渗渺猾绝贺淳陌箭曝石哑梁刁举红竿迢竹企辕锣公解圣蜒岂聚贩枚是顽颂据蓉杆类恃税犊帐妇捂姑川弯玖秆楞族袜厂雅大否闸嘲欢飞佐浮乓盐肠炉袋杜枪井门擅犯靛沙昌近苔奇翟孤讥溃望厌洽谣仲捡屑楷阳姿循韩佯淀袁池寨谋愈去椿艾毋责东娜铲岗替溢鹰达匿脏洗刽基居喘经栈身冗拧挣庐瘩锭恫趣蟹产役但沁秘夸汹谰柜孵汪桐锨匣盔


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