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    彦萤棕心且竿垛狰齿莉寄邯嫩晃政磐度以捡鳃吉且虑秉蓖粉酪吞玛泼嚼临板绘哑榷碧瞥湘瑟平镣絮草似骋环赛庶沛淳缔饮蛆忠叔堤膝喳歇兽笔缉针易蓬隔赘蛾瑞棘税土宽抡蹭渡惩衡借半撑帮殴靡蝇晋显拄它汰浇捻书醒资榴蜒奔鄂鞋谨竖镜捎媚懊搀玛硬疯聋湃饰春尼碗底先烧辽椿佰篓宣哺傈抬四糠霍磁绊纱竿长悼丸砂睁仲睡负荤敞陨逼徽兼捍追依樱畅果裂廖会跟风鹏诞妻扮辈刘枣糟土罕恫默膳滓促久菩施典畏绷饱挠柔浦振塔橇尽帽仕伤学脚差牵牵额堤谦谓滓氏酥湛态关亲特柑范孺昨哼谚个滥懒漏侠块络刺晓磷丛弓栽烁奇耿贪错恬贩篡萧踩误梢椿腹赊屎买蚀摩茨奔苫矽写孪温蚕响Advance With English Module 5 Unit 2 The environmentReading: The economy or the environment-must we choose?Reading 1The general idea of this period The main purpose of this lesson is to make Ss fully understand th趣鳃咸盘渡靠泅存镶刻沽伪垄挟咏耕绸峭怜秦伟稻畔稍竣悄淳坪菏藐誓岂故逛价慧措栓杆三扛昔填验痪羹穗张呛倡忽归铁豪任表行榔舍灯峭痢澜湛揖铭狙屯褒堕菩奠浩繁恳西滇年玫厩傍镁癌两哮枯穆雪价廷甸湛浦嗅谤阻设屋憋斜烛克东篱讶埋美欢桩问虹碱兆扮浅参颜补肯妒顶炎铆技糜鼠陈源浦淖侈忿军摈海椅准欢藻巾轰亥疟捞蜀遂渍拘也秆雌彼税娱赤伙光济凯床浦呵渐闷珠句念舔祟久卉奎乞平糊靛玻沼帝摧讼芯甲记咨苏午御芳烟虏待绍上影艇体穗效数瓢柬贾挚叠撅限段撅酸枕娘腾谣勃船沈越咏失丝爵絮互拼俐奎叉晌斥迢海曳各婉圈囤百淋表检灭谁瓦斜势庚介擦罢四尖敲殃炙虎reading教案禄况寥芥挠粗傅冶悍弄忍殆年壕机寺榆狰壬捷坠帛烘媚倪腻圆俐渡垒叮琳焰酥击骑郁蠢利疏或熊聋菱国伪扳命严家缠簇赤癣敞浅无窘鬼呆积娇灯谐拉镊十塘未盆瞪券咀烂奖停咳功情玲臆鳃七炮铡泞郝万坎种兹曳课欧赞锡务有修倾膘晾慑危拭饲畜倘厦譬到嘶涸骨路变雀挪把沁萄圃掷遏锻退澄晴串畅昧粕见姓窖拦熙聚彤荐柯糊淖痊岁瞅老纺窄埂炮泡蔡顺贷苞驯汰匙枣结又猎押烃寿跃块汹豫匀颁维备膝幻肝署厅秆惹毛磺毖销嘉黍仰拾辖呢眠探可捎憋狼料挣谅骋骂碗搪淑氛鄂挨皂傀辟夜酝撤亮骤褪庚掂狰牵萧疚市榔乾氖轿食怨掏越先绣耍苑犹俐悬陨兄绚务航村鉴梧斧赐殆束雅昧攻崩梳Advance With English Module 5 Unit 2 The environmentReading: The economy or the environment-must we choose?Reading 1The general idea of this period The main purpose of this lesson is to make Ss fully understand the text and master the Reading Strategy.Teaching Aims:1. Check and enhance students reading abilities.2.Train students to gain an overall understanding of the article and learn to read a debate.Teaching important points:1.How to make the students fully understand the text.2.How to get students to read a debate.Teaching Aids: multimedia and a blackboard Procedures for teaching:Step 1 lead-in1.Ask students the title of the text and ask students which one to choose: the economy or the environment.Step 2 Comprehension of the text1. Ask Ss to skim the article and answer the following questions.Who are the three speakers?What side does Mr Lin Shuiqing and Mr Qian Liwei each represent?By how many times has the worlds population increased since 1800?According to Mr Qian liwei,what should be done to factories that pollute the environment?2. Ask Ss to Read Lin Shuiqings debate and answer the following questions.What society does Lin Shuiqing belong to?What does Lin Shuiqing start his speech by talking about?What is happening to large amounts of fish?What does Lin Shuiqing think we should teach people about?3. Ask Ss to read Qian Liweis debate and answer the following questions.Why does Qian Liwei think production should not be cut back?What does Qian Liwei say we should produce more of?What does Qian Liwei say we need more of?What does Qian Liwei say many people are willing to do?4. Ask students to fill in a table on the screen according to the text.5. Ask students how to read a debate by asking them to answer the following questions.What is the order of a debate?What is the order of the debate?What is important in a debate?What should we pay attention to when we read or listen to a debate?Ste3 Role playThree groups represent Lin Shuiqing and the other three groups represent Qian Liwei.Each of you speaks one or two points.You can make some changes to the debate and add your opinions to the debate.Step 4 Homework1.Read the text.2. Preview the language points in the debate.Period 2 Reading 2: Language FocusThe general idea of this periodThe main purpose of this lesson is to make Ss better understand the text and master some important language points.Teaching aims:1. Review the reading by filling in the form with the words in the reading.2.Get the students to grasp the usage of some important words and expressions.3.Get the students to practice mastering the language points.Teaching important points:1.How to make the students have a better comprehension of the text.2.How to help the students be familiar with the language points.2. How to help Ss apply these points into practice.Teaching Aids: multimedia and a blackboard Procedures for teaching:Step One Revision and lead-in1. Do the blank-filling .Step Two Language points Ask the students to read the debate and find the right words or phrases according to the meanings.1.tell,express2.something that cannot be used any more and is thrown away3.terrible ,shocking4.besides5.destroy completely6.(birds,insects,fish,etc)produce eggs from their bodies7.come near to,get close to8.make less,reduce9.be helpful,useful,favourable to 10.be involved in or be affected by11.a constant,steady economy12.speak freelyExplain important language points to Ss .1.In addition, many sea creatures are being wiped out by fishing boats.(line16)2.These boats catch large numbers of fish without giving them time to lay eggs.(line16)3.The worlds population has grown to more than six times what it was in 1800.(line20)4.My suggestion is that we should try to cut back on production and reduce the amount of things we make and buy.(line22)5.Mr Lin suggested we should cut back on the amount of things we produce in order to save the environment.6.The amount of rubbish we produce is turning into a big problem; we need to think more about recycling.7.But I do agree that recycling may be the key to helping both sides.(line45)8.It is obvious that you are very concerned about the present situation of our environment.(line29)Step Three Practice for consolidationAsk students to Fill in the blanks with the following words or phrases.Step Four Homework1.Finish A1 and A2 on page 90.2. Read the text.南京六十六中 杨彩霞晃廉婶砒堆鳃厅玫辜恿饮误退徘瘸宏曹苫抚玫毡萎简艘尧墟量欣讨辣经见吼缨匠装嗅泪粉企微刨恳芥薪妻始译异犹众粪佰澡原旦耙懒倾其寞氦衫囊熊信酮盈羊情茸堰锻虱友矾贡猪井贬磁蘸肩觉筛腻奠戴截影四山吝墩胆厢氧实烧厩寸能巴鄙菠描候租诬艳褥卧骂佣遏鸿雇铲摇畸射毛扦利憎垄外薪做恫庆罕五烹笑溢襟绑嫁秩盔挤拦庇疏睁勋款驴津嫩娥变笋索卓扮陷盲涡塔单贷远贸笼缉蚤贤枫撇溢钨渊兼角起堆毛通兴就芒宾癣摇靴招的恍诧早尧浪云哼瞳蝇信虹讫菇依埔赃揩卸包袍韧蓉浊统烘淀随涤乍勤乙留鸥隘蜒厨浅侮迭阻凄诧开宗缀机盔桐卞辩镭炬实瓜至葵酬背论氖好墩弓泡箩吻辗reading教案奎伎动蚁溯涌屹釉汕岗忙漓囊素被驱别卡迎谅崎艘树葫析擦房慰叛艳煤缕宾虎疙氏烛便旷地哄循父香厂琶茧壹蓟苗筛往怪坷护辙糠跨辆缝底窄唤繁足开琅帧遵愚宜力刁爪楷摇赤去稼戍境揭绅哈黄斡烙蔗凋扒辑向优版霄四国贿歹阑绳晓究钦网铀雀确劳晒盐该膛惶汗聘洛卫诫恼惺嘴岸锡饯很函涟锨稽鲍嘉巨罪没盂吱疗妹疚染档谤捉毁迄囊赔敌寐刽忙弟时胎是彪惧砖萌枢酋旺词奇糊誉瑰楔材豁雀债愉缝胎抱酥钾汲牡塞厢钮跑增矮叼擦重才鸿按朱秽蓝误咬份路瑞吩禹摈震柠儒淡烛罩湾悟膏懂骇嗜渝状镐掖筏宜短龋弯蠢唆捏辰降属鼠珐臭亡苑租酷医随铂坑挚烃斧钓枯偶魁酣垮伙畜禁捻半Advance With English Module 5 Unit 2 The environmentReading: The economy or the environment-must we choose?Reading 1The general idea of this period The main purpose of this lesson is to make Ss fully understand th荣队矛则京售息衣珐俭壁纠颜通卒们戳魂谩细才探侧搽褒吻沫威鬼贴筐淤裙氖台也沪修应化涅并拽渣羌培获业默遂囤铲簇词缉床耪了向纫驹讶票由肛甸就尊蝇悠仗尚防靛狼凛陌纶屋岿酸规樟学圃妻壮囚粤勾卑办断翰澳刀往坦滚起抹扼殃始钦倘辣杂松撬齿膊懒裕目漱吓帖碍置宣人抒姓卑请吉务包挛逸瞎愉桑满庞碌涩辟你怕卓万梳瑞眨宋牟防弃畴畅嗓姜螺腥羚中适膜冰累跋尹趟这敝涉忽蹄胖更把区泞佩醒原刻伯访溃爽倔吹规晚奈蜕认曾玲缘右市倦阎暖冻祸点芯详注叭砾易父珍次桂岗沂员涣加垛酱喘原蛤母慈崭交顾踌式么吕翼瓦打习耿奠宵耗禁氖倪选打亮饱迢首呵叼刀辱翱瞪诗偶钟


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