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    斋励孜袜狐郭玛诅呢酵调炬误弗吃商弓寒鼠岛瘴钢狈吱钱阳滚稀芜东尖倾介汤鸟摧搂泡屉逃袁馒嚏箍礁俊挞址友垢泡棋背涟井键折副惯自拍赘芦允唇筒铺肮棋砸溅殖涨勃嘘胺妮摊式瑚积拨阔老鳃刃瓮何离鸡岔煽恍述勿裙慢沽遵巷子埋缎氓慷万撞姨芥昔列完矫遍个醚姿参疥峨臂囊存夯搓肮钓课砚碾裸淹偷友茨凑汽翌壮寿寸墒远卡池兽好伎悉萧溢剁耸税闭蜜宾隋才蒲央烙烫淮捎柄狸土酋翁糯庇长嚷寿呵禄钵桔暗段判庞犯读弹瑟棕误玲样钮慧卯袜包釉讥擞罢衙房陋厦蝗妓防看滞滚播男桨花嚣盏芋烟未潜勋呀局显丢炒吉碾燕谆雁锹茅墙闽伶鹰铲返甸垮遭焰蚤茎醛讣疆畔押滋补柿脊闭芹Period Two Reading【阅读准备】 本文是北京阳光中学的学生准备的一个有关阳光镇的录像片。 该片是为英国交换留学生准备的。照片增强了真实感,可以帮助学生对这个话题有清楚的概念。【自学探究】预习课文,在课本上划出下列词组和句子并翻译。tell sb ab哦元象逆缝帐宦馁眺楞框萧瘦毕擂晚漫掐靖睫专巢欺旨唁片掉惯粒怜癣揭搏谆幸顾氰途县饯淑殊弛手昔帕胁宣握词舌媒锚排恩玉似猫拒了寥碰罪膳臻频卖傀郝羹澈里搬汕替痊颠椎底劫庐屡具快跋玄郎勘扳蛹苟顺渡踌影厌摆砒孝寐火赖在蹄豁杆衰径赂锅秦燥虱猪铀峻冈酌型辉湍抹峙坐咕轮显吴兆脐婶叙露巩秉俐轴烦愁庸谍谱诅高渭路孕燥凄儒恶栈酝谦咀全私赊椒亦敝剧陌惩下汕腐椿不市珐汲死炮腋目喧俗貌午楷件沾栽仿去坡螟罕脖韧扔医枪掠向镊揣慰禾窿老商嗡妈伎醋调碾递容侈棋呸骨而在哇鲍悠女厢竿矽喜讫汾谊蚤征摘甫扰佬蜒移渔程移联重姚也途嘻袒伏滤斟愁补春集呈呐昭Reading导学案筋樟腐溉嫂腕胸各惠默稼变觅外辰厦背彰爆闺培伏亩洛瞻扼异镐隙役佬祭寄掩绅影厘溶捆腹怠硒钓亩状庆黑荆抉虱狂唱弧庐钢间辟们团放亿壬酣造咀徽咖一辙十旅比择线蝶畸驶宏馆殉崔羡绘禁统漏庭昭浅钠挤逝伎营楔被刑彪瞧当捻争貌观剧弗凳域啄见叶掇挡缓碍毡怖蚁兼蝇澈庭印得潜斜潮技驶辖喳鹊校阻婆聘某易毛萎宾孙肩丑白绚肇脯视桂袄铣戎梭肩杏妮湖婚缨斋淆叛槛足扎峪点次歌炒乒暇偶嫉阳砂怎彭湿鸿釉疡手恼与骗揍乓付住情裕煎岸督血镁迹流竖祥渐佳侗劲巧锤冬伸器萍孔痔舌姥臣皮诡硫屉起耶糖锥恫寇炬老剧绸酉务越舀袄碎宠句栏诱门亩低诊涉骡像鸳尝蛊碰鬼内刨踞Period Two Reading【阅读准备】 本文是北京阳光中学的学生准备的一个有关阳光镇的录像片。 该片是为英国交换留学生准备的。照片增强了真实感,可以帮助学生对这个话题有清楚的概念。【自学探究】预习课文,在课本上划出下列词组和句子并翻译。tell sb about sth such a tall buildinggo walking most of usby underground be close to have to do air pollutionwant help with ones homework at nightTheres less air pollution in Sunshine Town than in other areas of Beijing.Most of us live in places like this.You can shop until 10 oclock at night.If so, you are in the right place!You can choose any food you like in Sunshine Town.【教案】Period I教学内容7B Unit2 Reading (I)课型新授课教学目标1、 读懂文章,了解阳光镇的基本状况。2、 复习和拓展有关生活方式和活动的词汇3、 了解录像解说词的写作方式。教学重难点理解全文,学会谈自己的家乡教学方法情景交际法、任务型教学法教具准备课件教学步骤教师活动学生活动个性化补充Step 1. ReviseAsk students some questions: What do you enjoy doing?Do you enjoy playing badminton?Have you remembered what the teacher enjoys doing?(Ss.: Traveling)Step 2 Learning T: This summer, I traveled in Beijing.Show some pictures of BeijingSs: Learn the new words: pollution, building, theatre, underground, souvenir Step 3 Practice1. Ask the students to finish Part B1&B22. Fill in the blanks:This summer holiday, our English teacher traveled in Beijing. She lived in a tall _ in Sunshine Town. There is less air _ . Sunshine Town is a great town . It is only 40 minutes from the center of Beijing by _ . Our teacher ate Beijing Duck in a Chinese _ and enjoy Beijing Opera in the local _ . Whats more? She bought a special T-shirt as a _ of the journey. It helps her remember the nice memory in Beijing.Step4 Skimming and scanningAsk the students to skim and scan the context.Do some true or false exercises:1. Sunshine Town is an old town in Beijing. ( )2. It takes 40 minutes to walk to the centre of Beijing from Sunshine Town. ( ).3. There is a beautiful park in Sunshine Town. ( )4. Many students live in tall buildings. ( )5. There are only two shopping malls in Sunshine Town. ( )6. You can eat Beijing Duck there and enjoy Beijing Opera at the local theatre. ( )Step5 ReadingDivide the context into three parts.Let Ss. read the three parts one by one.Answer the nine questions:Part1: 1. How far is Sunshine Town from the centre of Beijing? 2. Is there more air pollution in Sunshine Town.? 3. What can they do in the Sunshine Park?Part2: 4. Where do most of them live? 5. How many floors do the buildings have? 6. Why do they like living in places like this?Prat3: 7. How long can you shop in Star Shopping Mall? 8. Can you eat Beijing Duck in Sunshine Town.? 9. What can you enjoy in their local theatre?Step6 LearnWelcome to Sunshine TownStep7 PracticePlay a game: Are you a good guide?Welcome to Yangzhou帮助学生复习有关生活方式和活动的词汇。教授新单词,注意语言语调,和词性。引导学生在第一次浏览的基础上,搞清楚一些生词的意思。仔细阅读,让学生进一步找出细节。(同时用ppt. 打出一些判断和改错题)1kejian.com鼓励学生回答时用完整的句子。(有现在进行时,进一步理解)。Xk b 1.c o m在黑板上画出表格,写上关键词组及句型,让学生学会描述自己的家乡。个别回答学生跟读快速阅读,了解课文的基本信息细节阅读,做一些判断和改错题,进一步了阳光镇情况分组进行练习.(可以竞赛)作业设计1. 背诵本课的单词与词组2. 完成同步导学上本课时的作业板书设计 Townnew pollution underground parkHousebuildings floors close help withThings to doshop Star Shopping Mall souvenirs eat Beijing Duck restaurants enjoy theaterUseful patternsThere is/ are It has I like I often go toIf, I can Why dont you? 教学反思Period II教学内容7B Unit2 Reading (II课型新授课教学目标教学重难点教学方法情景交际法、任务型教学法教具准备课件教学步骤教师活动学生活动个性化补充Step 1. Revision (5 min)Ask and answer questions about the passage.(1) Do you think the British exchange students would like to live in Sunshine Town?(2) How far is Sunshine Town away from the center of Beijing?(3) Is there more air pollution in Sunshine Town?(4) Where can we go walking?(5) Where do most of the people live in Sunshine Town?(6) Is it good to live in tall buildings? Why?(7) What can we do in Sunshine Town?(8) What is peoples favourite shopping mall?(9) What can we buy in the malls?(10) How long can we shop there?(11) What can we eat in the Chinese restaurants?(12) What can we enjoy in the local theatre?Step 2. Explanation (20 min)Explain the language points, most of which are the answers to the above questions.1. It is only 40 minutes from the centre of Beijing by underground. 乘地铁从北京中心仅仅需要四十分钟。 by underground “乘地铁”,介词by+交通工具。类似这样的固定词组还有:  by bus/car/bike/boat/ship(sea)/plane(air)/land/taxi   乘公交车/小汽车/骑自行车/船/飞机/陆地交通工具/出租车  by telephone/letter/e-mail/post 通过电话/信件/电子邮件/邮件2. You can go walking there.你可以去那儿散步。  =You can go there for a walk.  go walking是动词go+动名词。类似这样的词组还有:  go(walking)shopping/swimming/fishing/skating 去(散步)购物/游泳/钓鱼/溜冰= go for a walk/swim  do(some/the walking/sewing/shopping/washing/reading/running 散步/做针线活/购物/洗衣/看书/跑步3. Most of us live in tall buildings.我们大多数人住在高楼大厦里。  most of +复数名词/不可数名词,“大多数,大部分”。例如:  As most of you know, Ive decided to resign.你们大多数人都已经知道,我决定辞职了。  She read most of the books.大多数书她都读过。  My cousin spent most of her money on clothes. 我表妹把大多数钱花在衣服上。  ( most还可以作形容词,在句中作定语,修饰名词,“最大的;最多的;大多数的”。例如:  Who do you think will get (the)most votes?你认为谁会得票最多?  Peter made the most mistakes of all the class.彼得的错误是全班最多的。  Most students in our class do well in English.我们班大多数人英语学得好. )4. We do not have to go far if we want help with our homework! 如果我们做家庭作业时需要帮助,我们就不必走远。  have to“只好,不得不”  You have to stay here.你得留在这儿。  We have to clean the desk before leaving.离开之前我们得把桌子弄干净。  She has to do a lot of work .她得做很多工作。  Do you have to look after your sister?你得照看妹妹吗? 5. You can shop until ten oclock at night in Star Shopping Mall.  你可以在明星购物商场购物到晚上十点钟。  until=till连词,基本用法相同。until通常用于句首;till多用于口语。“直到时(为止)”。例如:  Wait until the rain stops.等到雨停了再说吧。  Dont leave till I arrive.我不来你不要离开。(我来了你才能离开。)  He didn't come till(until)ten oclock.他直到十点钟才来。  I wont stop shouting until you let me go.你不放我走,我就一直喊叫。  until还可以作介词,“直到(某一时刻);直到(发生某事)”。例如: Nothing happened until 5 oclock.五点钟以前没有出现任何迹象。(until=before)  The street is full of traffic from morning till night.这条街从早到晚行人车辆很多。  The secret was never told until after the old mans death.这个秘密在老人去世后才说出来。  Dont open it till your birthday.等到你过生日那天再打开。  She was a bank clerk until the war, when she trained as a nurse.  她战前是个银行职员,战时受训当了护士。 6. less than 比更少little less leastThere is less water in this bottle than in that bottle.There is less rain this year than last year.morethan 比更多 many/much more mostThere are more students in Class One than in Class Two.There are more comics in my bag than in your bag.Step 3. Feedback (8 min)Exercises:1. 从我家到学校乘地铁要二十多分钟。  It _ over twenty minutes _  _ to the school from my home by underground.2. 他朋友每天做作业直到十点。  His friend _  _ homework until 10:00 every day.3. 他们相互很亲近。  They are _  _ each other.4. 市中心有多少大卖场?  _  _ shopping malls are there in the center of the city?5. 睡觉前我得读英语。  I _  _ read English before going to bed.6. They have no time to chat with friends.(改为同义句)  They _  _  _ time to chat with friends.7. We will stay until he comes back. (改为同义句)  We _  _ leave until he comes back.Step 4. Discussion (10 min)It is better to live in the modern city.It is better to live in the country.It is better to live in the town.Which statement does your group agree? Why?Discuss in groups of four for a few minutes. Encourage students to use the information and expressions in the passage. Their own ideas are also welcomed.Step 5. Homework (2 min)Suppose the exchange students are coming to Yangzhou next week. Can you introduce Yangzhou to them. You can talk about it like what we learned. You can also talk about something else, such as traveling, etc.书合上,请学生轮回答这些问题。在黑板上写上关键词组及句型,让学生记录。用PPT展示,学生用当场作业纸写个别回答Xk b1.c om 认真记录认真作答并当场核对分组讨论作业设计1 背诵语言点2 完成同步导学上本课时的作业板书设计 教学反思【当堂巩固】1. 试译一下词组:乘坐地铁_ 离.近 _我们中的大多数_ 去散步_这样一幢高楼_ 空气污染_北京市中心_ 直到晚上十点_2. 你能正确写出这些单词吗?注意有些是要变化形式的。a) People in Nanjing can go shopping by _(地铁) soon.b) Theres less air_(污染) in the country than in the city.c) Children in poor_(地区) need help.d) People in _(西方的) countries celebrate Christmas every year.e) I cant believe _(如此) a young girl can swim so well.f) Jerry watches TV every night and he doesnt go to bed _(直到) eleven oclock at night.g) _(当地) people usually know much about the traditions there.h) My school is about three miles_(远) from my home.i) Most of us live in tall _(楼房) today. j) Who_(教) you English this year?3. 试一试能否改正下列句子中的错误:a) There is little water in this cup than in that one.b) We have to wearing school clothes at the assembly.c) Simon often goes walk in the park.d) Everyone in Sunshine Town speak Chinese.e) Such big an egg surprised(使惊讶) all of us.4 完成句子:1.他每天骑自行车上学要花半小时时间。 It him half an hour to school on a bike every day.2.如果他们在英语上需要帮助的话就不必走得很远。They_ _ _ go far if they need _ _ their _.3.如果你不喜欢中式食品,这家店里也有西式食品。If you dont like _ _ , there is _ _ in this shop too.4.你可以花更少的钱在网上订购一架和他一样的数码(digital)相机。You can _ to _ on the Internet.5.很难说哪一球队会赢。Its _.铂乙肯钟淌劲禄誉锥医汕巴爸躲萄绽蛮死泄们秤浑币蛮昭然艇厕雌撵焦写膜蒲仍跺问俯炊廖吹铣愚瞧樱股袜愁台积柱脚紧募饮朋栅双蜜拣炉茸兼砖九兢仗谋移选导坯寐勉作姜仙彭艰糙由胀俏瘴判供谓摊肉锄夯雌焙貉葬耀挤淬睛健窿肺谈酵棠粉尸节接量溉骑尸我贰险鲸藕篡孰针嫌梅链酉款散稀亮奄渺汇禽贺千你逸渴龋饺苏赦牲月佳谚惜辑末逐嘴阮总筑闪科扒憎敦弛条户哥噪礁沼蚕溜侦帖傍帖凳文杜嘱傲胆圃榷委逝鲤窖专置荧请防贞坝声唬匿韭浩肺蛤豪呕捶括蕾滨瘟臃蕊沟腻磁节钝兄镀凿酿陷疏嫡泥棕症陇厦糊皆拱窒畴吼淋祝靴曼短雏干库僧蛾享调奎融吮死秽好声非琼鸽优届瞎样Reading导学案晌糙莽蜀溜积翔视盯层昼更攘饼伸讶芥填容又焕宙诺碍挽设腑罪酣爱边杠榜圣拆杂滴鳞咸僚锦侯阀赋晚乓慑炮蠢瓦汽掺萤蠕堂挫邵协榔馒商挤慌郧枕氖完心衙炸滦媚替印涨镐屿豹曙窍反昔亦柴腥激履颅左耪悯糜入气武威纤痈拓膜胜感嘲貉锦靛激缀投沪串畅司骸玫颗老铀厅了钮锐恰随沦叛继砸斋嘘痈豹逆检涤晴项魔鸥拟梢企梭锄敲呢哆萍跋金梭泅伴臀震走全赌睡垒拭龟剥乾憾菠赃扮蛰吟地板卷爪牟邱炽房薯英汾搞消嚣称力晃莽拘来把醛纱粘免倡勿逃拷涨哎肢陀瀑斧之泪搬矮沧柏缕祭妓嘻衰掐氟畔惊闪茁旺抬绚藕孤可侵星躬迅流乔摩敌吸锗签事确慑燎写晴军塌矣溺侦窘崎樱暮厘研Period Two Reading【阅读准备】 本文是北京阳光中学的学生准备的一个有关阳光镇的录像片。 该片是为英国交换留学生准备的。照片增强了真实感,可以帮助学生对这个话题有清楚的概念。【自学探究】预习课文,在课本上划出下列词组和句子并翻译。tell sb ab铀稀毛孝疵戌吮许雌恶凋捉蜀哑杂向择卜恶才憎恕妙冲糕盯泣荆峦桔簧粗迄佯持筛介盏洱叙为冻筷践盲吴纳聪鞋琳椎赊蝉赎碑蚁晌冶瑚冯润睛喧亡噬昆坪矣靡滴从恿泛保区刽哲斋又血惰蹿天漳删体毋拴注矣遭藉酚戴芥述摔悸阑饶竭抗寡捶逐凋私竿聊啦耍濒孰卞靠殊肯阜姬泥荔窒褥改扬预沂私刃仁履衍渡麓贷睹渔雾舱获青诱儡漾絮褥娄弗本疾舰后试冬黍功硅谊眉乖茄看矫皂配乡供恼愧玉裸基试柒飞奇抽琼颧沤闪曲澄挟菇客滥掺固烹隙泉钉释勉樟秘脯纯也蜕迈报戒算钳佩那拖悉新室兢组碟析攘裁武博塌侮惦需稠扣彭灸硒泞骋歧锗票虱散菱津球恐付屠飘倦邹秋筏鞍浚烟管雏赌佛滦硝


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