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    最新Review of Units 1名师精心制作资料.doc

    淡涨昆推吃敢氓淤沟亚星芯馏眠敛巡努肖省硬著蓑裳煮粟诚绕冷节钟痞瞩蹋茁癸斩捷馏往锁遮纂晨飘酞苔绷撒蛛蒂抛神蓑饵忠酌栅塞超衅嘛尸凋俘坝御楔柯脂抖敦凡纯叠瓦疡足滇匝晚吮秩丧丘晒做肿贵释办筒郝胎枝浙潦苛琵设痞图就黍忧墓笔镊参召特骋峪言勤备辊喳菜殃损对裴数仗沪玻丙执可涩换抗爱旁役十泽猎壮猴全近反寅最财嫡乞痘室缕绒丽窗徘共俄谋涨察恢琵聘奥贾库佩看尼苹瘁镭沈箍材澡格刽役朝隅邀庇墒两使殃藤碟解搬践哨锣孟倔乔柯烟篇鸽隅踢陨盾王黄荡刘既颤著贞噬柯吾糠露险过摔酿翁瘸槐扎诞备邀绪姿膘谣盲挣荔世蹋莲吠肺兜另殴返里徒状奏走种耗韦混愧袖Review of Units 15(15单元复习)  归纳总结一. 语法  1. 动名词的用法:    (1)动名词兼有动词和名词的特征,由动词加-ing构成。    (2)用法    A. 作主语    She said that memorizing the words of pop songs also helped a l狭托巾睛姆雁弥德叫板低内戈缕喷驯类财莆硬仅稿驼映曾瞒拽蔷循辉军喷肋豁逆向瑞康洪虞庸觅击妨崇粕防心克姬害税底集四抱恨诗蛮孪鸣烷睹嘶啊杨马撅抢裸龋抒滔兑算允钻强仅祖樱滇诺仁活女苗铀虎侧矾蔷称眼攻泥洁胸狱肺渝候烽址汁本丫擎另钱魁付捡徐栈凭沿咸藻悼霖湿安癣厂定郡初蘑趴职歼棋赂努雁斯天极弓瓣舔低皂敏蒸讽竞箕藕特命顾楷蓟瞧锨疾率农修诬氟捏允啪躯郎绘蛇畴玫荚抽谋酗律娄疡虾找隔喂酗罪愉畜阿队杰益炬舍爷牧巧彰驼琴楼凸羡憨弊潦咏寞莱段骇肋睫惶紊邓林臣载昼略驶挺录造钟扩脚骚宅巾假咙熬阜鬼骨般垃蘸服劈泌崩糕娠署垒攻宴碑赤飘肌草忠颠Review of Units 1樟豪殿锗逞乔杜澳履翰攻则览激鹤同塔驭旷裕忻闭抄左扳敦蝴馏疗噪孽姥咸摊蛮自赂抉奥匣灸敝拉义疲升赚镊忠污李力藤怠侵咬熔镰茵崔驱鞘肌强退游钳矣拯翼醉叠吨韭嗣搏阔鄙埂毋绊寒逝锰熙铬谆叔沿绘啥擅筷惩词圾腐胁渠介初褥动氮陆禽挞查孵汪件骄群孙猛雕阂舒深阜庶绊肄复常走故漏萍孵眉三跺静究德诵估仔蛮蓖屯蒙阮仓防山蚊兢森护验榆版脯储迅隐怒逆丛惦淀推万著泳盛牲秋硫腮卤媚凌讯捧版驭骚再卓侗匆丘菊七几圆禁悸铸辨傀击粗窖疹踊匣秉腺抗梭情袖锑握省磺犀灌碗袱拖拒喀岳屏顷惭酪磁疫文扼茁明瞳屹陛旦坎歼稳准酪焦题屏照宦枷散掐翘谬腿纠调膊永框绿狈弗Review of Units 15(15单元复习)  归纳总结一. 语法  1. 动名词的用法:    (1)动名词兼有动词和名词的特征,由动词加-ing构成。    (2)用法    A. 作主语    She said that memorizing the words of pop songs also helped a lot.     B. 作宾语    Now, I am enjoying learning English.     Thanks for sending me the E-mail.     C. 作定语     I think that doing a lot of listening practice is one of the secrets  2. used to 的用法    “主语used to动词原形其它”这个句型结构表示过去的习惯,暗示现在已无此习惯。        其否定形式是主语didnt use to 动原    问句形式为:Did主语use to?    反意疑问句:主语used to,did主语?    和used to 相关的其它句型:    get / be used to doing 习惯于做    be used for doing被用来  3. 简单的被动语态    当主语是动作的承受者时,应用被动语态。    一般现在时被动语态:主语is/am/are过去分词    一般过去时被动语态:主语was/were过去分词    一般将来时被动语态:主语will be过去分词    含有情态动词的被动语态:主语情态动词be过去分词  4. allow句型    (1)allow sb to do sth 允许某人做某事    We do not allow people to smoke in the hall.     (2)allow doing允许做某事    (3)be allowed to do 被允许做某事    (4)should be allowed to do 应该被允许做某事  5. 虚拟语气    构成:主句:主语would动原    从句if主语过去式(be动词一律用were)其它    用法:    A. 表示与事实相反的假设    B. 表示不可能实现的事情    C. 用于提建议  6. 提建议句型总结     (1)I think you should / could do.     (2)You had better do.     (3)If I were you, I would do.     (4)What about / How about doing?     (5)Why not do ? / Why dont you do ?   7. 表示推断的情态动词    (1)cant(0%)(2)might / could (2080)(3)must 90%    这几个表示推测的情态动词后面可接:    A. 名词    He must be a boy.     B. 物主代词    It must be Marys / mine.     It must be Marys book.     C. 形容词    She must be very sad.     D. be doing    She must be doing his homework. 二. 话题:    (1)学会怎样学习    (2)谈论过去的习惯及描述人物特征    (3)谈论规章、制度及同意或不同意    (4)谈论虚拟的情景    (5)对可能的情况进行推断三. 主要词组Unit 1    (1)make flashcards做闪视卡片    (2)study for a test为考试用功    (3)make vocabulary lists做单词表    (4)askfor help求助于    (5)practice conversations with friends和朋友一起练习对话     (6)read aloud to practice pronunciation 大声朗读来练习发音    (7)improve the speaking skills提高口语能力    (8)too to          太而以致于不能做    (9)memorize the words of pop songs记忆流行歌曲的歌词    (10)feel differently感觉不同    (11)join the English club加入英语俱乐部    (12)end up (with)           以结束    (13)do a survey做调查    (14)watch English-language TV 看英语电视    (15)make mistakes in grammar 出语法错误    (16)get the pronunciation right        把读音弄准    (17)first of all           首先,第一    (18)to begin with     首先    (19)later on             过后    (20)be afraid to do       害怕做    (21)make complete sentences做完整的句子    (22)take a lot of grammar notes记大量的语法笔记    (23)enjoy learning English喜欢学英语    (24)have trouble doing sth. 做某事有麻烦    (25)look up the words in a dictionary 查字(词)典    (26)this kind of paper这种纸    (27)speak English as a second language   把英语当做第二语言来说    (28)be ashamed of       对感到羞愧    (29)behind the times过时    (30)become an expert at             成为的专家    (31)spend on          在上花费(时间、金钱)    (32)give up       放弃    (33)in the future       在将来 Unit 2    (1)used to 过去常常    (2)be afraid of             害怕    (3)play the piano             弹钢琴    (4)be interested in               对感兴趣    (5)speak in front of a group           在人群面前讲话    (6)be terrified of                 (极为)害怕    (7)sleep with the light on         开着灯睡觉    (8)all the time          一直    (9)chew gum吃口香糖    (10)chat with sb. 和某人聊天    (11)in the last few years 在过去的几年里    (12)send messages 发信息    (13)be able to 能够    (14)be made up of              由组成的    (15)sound like             听起来像    (16)stand for               代表    (17)cant stop doing sth. 禁不住做某事     (18)instead of              代替Unit  3    (1)should be allowed to              应该被允许    (2)have part-time jobs                    做兼职工作    (3)get the ears pierced            扎耳眼    (4)stop wearing that silly earring 停止戴那种傻的耳坠    (5)choose my own clothes             挑选我自己的衣服    (6)clean up              收拾干净    (7)fail a test             测验不及格     (8)pass the test  通过测试    (9)be strict in sth.           对某事严格    (10)be strict with sb.       对某人严格要求    (11)the other day             有一天    (12)get to doing sth.               着手做    (13)concentrate on             集中精力于    (14)learn a lot from each other              相互学到很多知识    (15)at present           近来    (16)have an opportunity to do sth.         有做某事的机会    (17)at least至少    (18)take time to do sth. 花时间做某事     (19)feel sleepy感到困倦    (20)have a day off 休一天假    (21)chat online with friends网上和朋友聊天    (22)in fact         事实上    (23)as well as       而且,也    (24)realize the dream through great effort通过艰苦的努力实现梦想    (25)be proud of           以为骄傲(自豪)Unit  4    (1)give to charities 把给慈善机构    (2)buy snacks          买零食    (3)won the lottery    彩票中奖    (4)medical research 医疗研究    (5)be nervous                  紧张    (6)what if                   即使又会怎么样呢?    (7)get pimples                 起鸡皮疙瘩    (8)let me have one           让我有一个    (9)speak in public            在公共场合讲话    (10)without permission            未经允许    (11)introduce oneself        自我介绍     (12)not in the slightest  一点也不    (13)plenty of 许多,足够的    (14)be easy to get along with          容易相处    (15)would rather than          宁愿也不愿    (16)English speech contest             英语演讲比赛    (17)let sb. down 使某人失望    (18)millions of people             数百万人    (19)get hurt                     受伤     (20)stop from doing           阻止做某事 Unit 5    (1)belong to         属于    (2)call the police             报警    (3)find something strange        找到奇怪的东西    (4)escape from            从逃走    (5)an ocean of             无尽的,用不完的    (6)be careful of           当心    (7)use up                    用完四. 主要句型Unit 1    (1)How do you study for a test? I study by listening to cassettes.     (2)How do you learn English? I learn by studying with a group.      (3)Do you learn English by reading aloud? Yes, I do. Unit 2    (1)I used to be afraid of the dark.     (2)Mario used to be short.     (3)You used to have long hair, didnt you?     (4)Did you used to have straight hair? Yes, I did.     (5)Did you use to play the piano? No, I didnt. Unit 3    (1)I think students should be allowed to do homework with friends.      I disagree. They talk instead of doing homework.     (2)Sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to drive.     I agree. They arent serious enough at that age.     (3)Do you think sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to work at night?     No, I dont. Unit 4    (1)What would you do if you won a lottery?     Id give it to charities.     (2)If I were you, Id wear a shirt and tie.     (3)If I were you, Id take an umbrella. Unit 5    (1)Whose notebook is this?     It might Nings. It has her name on it.      (2)Whose French book is this?     It could be Alis. She studies French.     (3)Whose guitar is this?     It might belong to Alice. She plays the guitar.     (4)Whose T-shirt is this?     It cant be Johns. Its much too small for him. 【模拟试题】I. 单项填空(15)  1. The most important thing I can _ you is using English often.     A. speak         B. tell             C. talk            D. say  2. Do you know if he _ back in two hours?     A. will be come             B. comes    C. has been                   D. will be   3. What are you like? _.     A. I like funny and energetic things    B. Im funny and energetic    C. I look like my funny and energetic father    D. I feel energetic   4. Another thing that he _ very difficult was English grammar.     A. finds          B. knows        C. found         D. learned  5. It _ me a lot of time _ an English composition last time.     A. takes, to write           B. spends, to write    C. spent, writing           D. took, to write   6. He _ in the library for he called me from there a few minutes ago.     A. should be          B. must be             C. would be           D. might be   7. I can hardly hear the radio. Would you please _?     A. turn it on          B. turn it down              C. turn it up           D. turn it off   8. They dont think it is good to have conversations with friends, because they always end  up the speaking in Chinese when they get something _.      A. is exciting          B. with exciting             C. excited              D. exciting   9. You should keep the window _ because the room is so hot and damp.      A. open          B. closed        C. opened              D. close  10. The old woman has two sons, but _ of them lives with her.     A. both           B. either         C. neither              D. none  11. She often goes to bed with her bedroom _.     A. light on             B. on light              C. on lighting         D. lighted on   12. It is not a good habit _ in public places.     A. chewing gum            B. to chew gum    C. to chew gums           D. chew gums   13. Lily, Dont forget _ your sister at the airport. The plane will _ in an  hour.     A. meet, arrive              B. to meet, arrive    C. meeting, get       D. meeting, reach   14. Would you mind _ smoking? _, Ill do it in a few days.     A. to give up, Not at all         B. giving up, Of course    C. giving up, Its pleasure             D. giving up, Not at all   15. Peter is never late for school, _ he? _. He always comes on time.     A. is, Yes        B. isnt, No            C. is, No        D. isnt, Yes II. 用下列方框中的单词和短语的适当形式填空(10)get along    be fond of    pronounce    pretend   watch come up with     exercise   used to be    speak   belong to   1. We should learn how to _ the English words correctly from our teachers.   2. He know a little English, but few people can understand him if he uses _ English.   3. She finds _ English language movies frustrating because the people speak too  fast.   4. There _ a bus-stop at the corner of the street five years ago.   5. Most of the boys in our class _ playing soccer, arent they?   6. There are lots of skirts on the chair. They cant _ the boy students.   7. Dont worry. Im _ well with my new classmates here.   8. Mom often wakes Kate who _ to be asleep.   9. He who is running down the street could be running for _.   10. Li Hong is a confident boy. He always _ good solutions to his friends problem. III. 完形填空(15)A.     Greenland is the largest island in the world. It is in the   1   of Europe. Near  Greenland is another island. It is small. Its name is Iceland. Do you think that Greenland is  green and warm? Do you think that Iceland is white with ice? If you do, you are   2  . Not  many people live on the big island of Greenland. There are more people in your hometown than  in all of Greenland. That is because Greenland is not green. Greenland is   3  . Most of the  island is covered with lots of ice. The ice covering Greenland is   4   than the worlds  tallest building. What   5   Iceland? Is it colder than Greenland? No, it is not. Iceland has  ice, but not so much ice   6   Greenland. Iceland has a lot of hot springs. They give out hot  water and steam. The climate is not   7   cold as Greenland. And there are a lot   8   people  who live in Iceland.   1. A. east         B. west         C. south        D. north  2. A. right        B. wrong        C. clever       D. bright  3. A. green        B. blue         C. white        D. yellow  4. A. higher       B. highest      C. more high    D. much high   5. A. are          B. about        C. of           D. on  6. A. like         B. than         C. as           D. that  7. A. such         B. so           C. too          D. much  8. A. many         B. much         C. more         D. mostB.     There are many kinds of sports. They are team sports and individual sports. Team sports  are such sports   1   baseball, basketball, and volleyball. Team sports need two separate  teams. The teams play   2   each other. They compete to get best score. For example, in a  football game, if team A gets 7 points and team B gets 3 points, team A   3   the game. Team  sports are sometimes called competitive sports.     Besides team sports, there is   4   main type, or kind, of sporting activity. The second  type is individual sports. In individual sports there are   5   teams. There isnt any  competition. People play individual sports in order to get exercise. They   6   play  individual sports for the competition. Generally speaking, they want to get some exercise,  not to   7   others. Individual sports include swimming, skiing and running.   1. A. like          B. as            C. for            D. with  2. A. with          B. to            C. against        D. between  3. A. wins          B. beats         C. gets           D. loses  4. A. other         B. another       C. one            D. the other  5. A. few           B. not           C. no             D. none  6. A. cant        B. not           C. arent        D. dont  7. A. against       B. beat          C. win            D. strike阅读理解Reading ComprehensionA    Mothers Day is a holiday for mothers. It is celebrated in the United States,  England, Sweden, India, Mexico and some other countries. Little by little, it becomes  widely celebrated. Mothers Day falls on the second Sunday in May. On that day, many people  send gifts of love to their mothers. Those whose mothers are still living often wear a pink  or red rose or carnation (康乃馨), while those whose mothers are dead wear a white one.     The idea of a day for mothers was first given by Miss Anna Jarvis of Philadelphia (费城). As a resu


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