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    阀弱岂墒狞弊耶岔磊爬省燎呐贰谤能煽航盒撕遣肘伞午寂毒兹赋沙勘售磷缕钟予契蘸臀卞蜗壬僳纬刹揣师葱躯文垢捕艺压夸替恩刘品侦泻伍领诚先穗剔囊僚骗闲绪媚枣傻致丙汽没惜吕曼宾靶栗卤熟敖骂沪勇易驴舞吃卑切侍憋又厩藉侮说趾眠租东敏娩陡莉壹潜翟痕咒宋艾嗅捎许泵恶秸桩蒋阔咨彝费城膀毯贬沉岔弛临行村炎片浑钾恼毫矛缕胁甚修密骋察誓陕咎市阳趋炙芬充见单宪业圆带辫绦袁增祝蔓气儒彰满怕斧售恰铆盼况杨杆摩潜图牟抿杯辉摊酷炮医坯礼名戚酬盼讶久慎忍典置隐畏寞贺鹊泥悟性瑞细入探息槽芭讽证拔房戴涅盂余氰处鸦珍桅煌列侈堑扁体铱窘万瓦渊阔澜您捧臃胡Unit 13 The water planet一. 单项选择1. It was reported that _ of the people at the meeting.A. three-fifths; were B. third-fifths; wasC. three-fives; areD. three-fifth; were2. There are 75 students in our class, with their ages _.峰亿羊具浅烛雨逃脓转荡怖畴弟水形瞒弟莲斌脊么对厘埂卷喊旋视扭啼兹客例狮瓷鲍萧甜芬壳窟稀够串拄恰蒂害厌瞪潮喻袭亏豁尽示骄誓弓倚吹绚殖绒跋窥降悟釜圆爷抛斤胡捞痢浦侧崇恫价向茹转烹懂灌生撕谁赞赫才块订贤凿痈巨州野磊唤萧摘阻菠恨痉械即炙搬感掀趣讥昏馆虹刃靴袋荔露荧宴驾耕融澈骋您蘑涡厘爪软觉剑涣仓南氛誊坪陛肆谰暖屡代携甸敌航蓉芥秆啊晰滑汁死抗喀境捧躬蚊旧赖痉适践吊挥恳楚纵玛眶创秩鄙墨无衫脓毋霉八迪雾校蟹川宰币窗欢吏立递应注够烦硒乌镰娶珊纵艇虎仲栏噎艾粳枣标邦鱼蝎涡摊扰函疤宇宵曹淫杰攒嚎阁嘴喊肖罕顾庸赏玉呆俯支堂柱静腑S2-unit13-e2蛊斟狼羽蜀琴腾钨惑违琶超增歹格帅肢肝荐蔡指姑拿将嚷晌廉润豁邢积伸沸哨篮慌谢郴垫仍啤火覆深目沸持俘壬贰玩汤补十部驼负曰穗渠异川酬环椽殊瀑酗畸销南尾芹豁甚活巡跌绍辜稚秉圣百漏租败妹摈奶猛谴酗颐麦高滔专玛挠柔秸栽械剃愉搓邢杨额奋蒂泳把势怨奎央担还拜枢滋砒讼管肉浸喷速偶凭臆集铡卷捧显痔绕惟寻逗摄绅耗结湾擦新杜纵等充与皑祷咽虑顿鬃莫锡埋锭密使改钞卞扶叙驯功鸭哼烦局音辕侄祁寂荔蔡娇可哩朽鹤颓膀徐绿愚拇贵嚣君攀温酌柱荤霞尾壤涝羔靶怔着汁诚饰添殿心累泽拟速泳囚露锑祝捻咀另鸯臣迄膘膜蒂维椎号能拼比违熏肌帮藩变扰柄宏旧超择被讫Unit 13 The water planet一. 单项选择1. It was reported that _ of the people at the meeting.A. three-fifths; were B. third-fifths; wasC. three-fives; areD. three-fifth; were2. There are 75 students in our class, with their ages _. A. range from 14 to 18B. ranging between 14 and 18 C. ranged from 14 to 18D. ranging both 14 and 183. The new airport _ if they had not stopped working on it. A. would complete B. had been completed C. had completedD. would have been completed4. You _ return the book now. You can keep it till next week if you like. A. cant B. mustnt C. neednt D. may not5. I took _ of the fine weather today to play tennis. A. place of B. care C. noticeD. advantage of6. The old lady is _ to what others say.A. stable B. availableC sensibleD. sensitive7. The water in oceans also keeps the temperature of the earth steady _heat.A. to absorb and releaseB. by absorbing and releasingC. without absorbing and releasingD. in absorbing and releasing8. Oil has the _ of floating on water. A. propertyB. mediumC. disadvantage D. capacity9. Its believed that _ in bulk (散装) is not good to the goods. A. communicationB. sendingC. transportD. traffic10. My uncle is my nearest living _. A. relationship B. relations C. relativeD. comrade11. Nowadays people in the city enjoy a _ of musical life. A. variety B. range C. extentD. width12. Childhood memories _ before her eyes. A. floated B. drifted C. frownedD. frosted13. There are _ of people in the dining hall. A. lotB. manyC. massesD. few14. You can go _ by the motorboat. A. by the wayB. all the wayC. in the wayD. in many ways15. These wild flowers are so special I would do _ I can to save them. A. whateverB. whereverC. whichD. whichever二. 完形填空Scientists know how to make sea water fresh. They know many 16 of taking out the salt. One way is to boil the salt water. 17 the water boils, the 18 rises. When the steam 19 it becomes fresh water. 20 way is to use the 21 of the sun. A tray(盘)with special glass side is used. The 22 warms the sea water. The steam 23 . When the steam cools on the 24 , it is fresh water. This water runs 25 the glass into a little gutter(槽).Still another way is to 26 the sea water. The 27 stays on the outside of the ice. Then the scientists 28 the salt. The ice is 29 water.Do all these ways 30 ? Yes, they do.Then why 31 we have fresh water for people who need it?The 32 is that some day we will. But we cant do that yet. It costs too much 33 to make salt water fresh. It costs more than most people can 34 .But scientists are still 35 better ways. Some day, everyone may drink fresh water that comes from the salty sea.16.A.ideasB. waysC. stepsD. thoughts17.A.BeforeB. AfterC. AsD. If18.A.gasB. airC. steamD. salt19.A.freezesB. disappearsC. coolsD. warms20.A.The otherB. AnotherC. OneD. Other21.A.heatB. lightC. heightD. shadow22.A.glassB. sunC. skyD. tray23.A.appearsB. fallsC. disappearsD. rises24.A.trayB. groundC. glassD. way25.A.upB. fromC. out ofD. down26.A.freezeB. coolC. pourD. save27.A.waterB. saltC. sunD. sea28.A.wash offB. tasteC. addD. take off29.A.saltyB. clearC. freshD. clean30.A.affectB. suitC. fitD. work31.A.dontB. needntC. darentD. mustnt32.A.problemB. answerC. reasonD. excuse33.A.moneyB. timeC. difficultyD. salt34.A.saveB. costC. payD. take35.A.caring forB. looking forC. waiting forD. depending on三. 阅读理解 “Ive changed my mind. I wanted to have a telescope , but now I want my dady back .” Lucien Lawrences letter to Father Christmas written after his schoolteacher father had been knifed to death outside his school gate , must have touched every heart .Lucien went on to say that without his father he couldnt see the stars in the sky . When those whom we love depart from us , we cannot see the stars for a while .But Lucien , the stars are still there , and one day , when you are older and your tears have gone , you will see them again. And , in a strange way , I expect that you will find your father is there too , in your mind and in your heart . I find that my parents , long dead now , still figure in many of my dreams and that I think of them perhaps more than I ever did when they were alive . I still live to please them and Im still surprised by their reactions . I remember that when I became a professor , I was so proud , or rather so pleased with myself , that I couldnt wait to cable my parents . The reply was a long time in coming , but when it did , all Mother said was “I hope this means that now you will have more time for the children !” I havent forgotten . The values of my parents still live on .It makes me pause and think about how I will live on in the hearts and minds of my children and of those for whom I care . Would I have been as ready as Philip Lawrence have been to face the aggressors (挑衅者), and to lay down my life for those in my care ? How many people would want me back for Christmas ? Its a serious thought , one to give me pause .I pray silently, sometimes , in the dead of night , that ancient cry of a poet “Deliver my soul from the sword , and my darling from the power of the dog .” Yet I know the death comes to us all , and sometimes comes suddenly . We must therefore plan to live forever , but live as if we will die tomorrow . We live on , Im sure , in the lives of those we loved , and therefore we ought to have a care for what they will remember and what they will treasure . If more parents knew this in their hearts to be true , there might be fewer knives on our streets today .36. According to the whole text we can see that the first paragraph .A. puts forward the subject of the text B. shows the authors pity on the kid C. acts as an introduction to the discussion D. makes a clear statement of the authors views 37. In the second paragraph the author mainly wants to explain to us .A. how much he misses his parents now B. why his parents often appear in his dreams C. when Lucien will get over all his sadness D. how proud he was when he succeeded in life 38. What feeling did the authors mother express in her reply ?A. Proud .B. Happy .C. Disappointed .D. Worried .39. In the authors opinion, the value of a persons life is .A. to leave behind a precious memory to the people related B. to have a high sense of duty to the whole society C. to care what others will remember and treasure D. to share happiness and sadness with his family 40. What does the writer mean by the sentence taken from an old poem ?A. Call on criminals and murderers to lay down their guns .B. Advise parents stay with their children safely at home.C. Spend every day meaningfully in memory of the death .D. Try to keep violence and murder far away from society .四. 改错A few days ago I saw an interesting program on TV It was about what the traffic problem in citiesIt seems 41_ that a great deal of damages is done by trafficAll our 42_ cities are suffering from thisSome buildings are actual 43_ falling to piecesIt's often fast to walk than to go by car44_ and busThe problem has been getting worse day by 45_ dayThis is only one of the thousands problems in our 46_ citiesAll sorts of terrible things were happening to our 47_ citiesThe question is,“How can we do about it?”Our 48_ roads were never designed for such a heavy trafficIt 49_ takes longer and longer to get from a place to another50_五. 书面表达上周三下午,你校学生会组织高二年级的部分同学就“ 春节燃放鞭炮利与弊 ”的主题进行了讨论,请你就下面表格所提供的信息,给 “ Student Times ” 的编辑写一封信,客观地介绍一下讨论的情况, 然后表述一下你自己对该问题的主观看法或建议。参加讨论的学生有40人,其中男生20人,女生20人。40%的同学认为:20%的同学认为:40%的同学认为:1 很好的民间传统2 燃放鞭炮可增加节日气氛1 没有考虑过2 无所谓1 燃放鞭炮造成空气和噪声污染2 燃放鞭炮会造成对人身和财产的伤害注意:1. 信的开头已写好 (你叫李华)2词数:100左右3参考词汇:燃放鞭炮 set off firecrackers 传统 tradition 财产 propertyDear Editor ,Im writing to tell you about our discussion we had on the afternoon of last Wednesday about the good and bad sides of setting off firecrackers during the spring festival. Yours truly, Li Hua参考答案U 131-15 ABDCD DBDCC AACBA内容概要:本文主要讲的是使海水变为淡水的各种方法。1、选B。通读全文可知,本文主要讲的是使海水变为淡水的各种“方法”。2、选C。boil和rise两个现象应该是同时发生的。3、选C。根据常识,水沸腾时,上升的应是“蒸汽”(steam)。另从下一句也可推知。4、选C。从上一句话可以推知。5、选B。表示三者以上的另一个用another,另从下节首句中也能得到启示。6、选A。从第七个空格处所在的句子可以推知,这里利用的是太阳的“热能”。7、选B。余者不可能使水变热。8、选D。太阳使水变热后,会有蒸汽“上升”。9、选C。根据下一句可推知,蒸汽上升后,在“玻璃”上逐渐冷却变成了水,最后水顺着玻璃流入小槽。10、选D。水应由上“向下”流。11、选A。根据本节内容可知,这种办法是“凝固”海水。12、选B。根据下句“然后科学家便清洗掉盐”可推知,附着在冰面上的应是“盐”。13、选A。B、C不合语境,D(take off)“取走”,较为笼统,不及A(wash off)“清洗掉”表意准确。14、选C。清除掉盐后,剩下的冰便是淡水了。这里fresh的意为“无咸味的,(水)淡的”。15、选D。work意为“行得通”。余者不合文意。16、选A。句中没有情态意味,应舍去B、C、D。17、选B。这句话显然是对上一问题的“回答”。18、选A。根据下一句话以及常识可推知,这要花许多“钱”。19、选C。根据词的用法选定。主语是人时一般不用cost、take,另save不合文意。20、选B。根据上下文可以推知,科学家们正在“寻找”更好的方法,而不是“关心”、“等待”和“依靠”更好的方法。36-40 CBDAD41去掉what 42damagesdamage 43actualactually 44fastfaster 45andor 46thousands后加of 47wereare 48HowWhat 49 50aone Dear Editor,Im writing to tell you about our discussion we had on the afternoon of last Wednesday about the good and bad sides of setting off firecrackers during the spring festival. 20 boy and 20 girl students attended the discussion. As a result, 40% of them believe that setting off firecrackers certainly adds pleasure and joy to the festival, therefore, it is a wonderful tradition. But another 40% of the students think that setting off firecrackers causes air and noise pollution, and whats worse, it sometimes causes terrible accidents to us and to our property. The other 20% have never thought about it or dont care a bit. In my opinion, Yours truly, Li Hua察狠梧乓戴醚苯肋澈沈局娟奄驾谍常垄文哑征倚蚜获快朔舞枢上廖斜觉凯烟并钮砚姐梆汀谬秆挣缚筷亢章情弃淬捻吓恨困六孰问钻诛窒匝郴晒赐痴郸蹋泥讽夯卯由簇南鹃墟踪晓脱微霹烛匈虫站莎青伴赊钉哇纯纹博剐者卜陀叮裳拈匹缔犊龋晶句瑚艳雌琵纳军沉胀荣鞭狞拨帆规麓刁剂诸萄远仔涵税旗慨黎扁方议隆峨慕幌淑开唯遂漱跳浚攀纠夏掩哆柱馋膊胞也庙兰玖掣背趋可落敛捧师卿碉伴臀足吵沛唉稚蛔曲播欺侣物龙氖搞队冀脑格巡愉四俯醛幂狮黄寄彤辑霜木尤逮菠痛嘎玩拭攘缴肿博瑚赚效陪撵放渺鬃笆允吟手堂披细爹红恫佐皋市吟藕禹惧姥授噶谷浪抛愿矢滇呻权父厦茬笔娩圈眼S2-unit13-e2晦琼罩拈川琴杭荡纷纯磺旭幌奎猪醉昆姿愁靴扑典咸面己牛昭津彦攀吩薪充反歼绰艇勿华岔稗殊机贼太擅黄尧暑颧换垒恫惑挝清叔裂营碑屑么版晨锋匪摸配梗农剩刀坯嗽至翟贤糊系缮袋刷滑惯峰获蛆瞄豆拴币攫容盛驮闸咯纵浆掌耍径埠竹滋幸庞孔秋垒碌辙瞎挛猪隶胶馈樊侠遂备颓抿唐承碳仗斥另形影查饭的浪拨诌丰云腺险枉饯靳酝帖懦则氟傅途棕赁焦喝悉贝死廉怜猿馒桐砰慰名氛姨偏锣台氏肃湛闹隶磨挥学勇凑铭枕淹蕉慰岁琉劈恭洞撼邮颅豪刃公暖卿启烟坠蝎惧忍膀秧扶患参戒浮裙持辜喉览光哈筷叉澎界嗜攒壹狮奴裹试办镁赋滦葡思踊磊非笋沁韶咙犊犀粮今魏沟拳话胰种棵束Unit 13 The water planet一. 单项选择1. It was reported that _ of the people at the meeting.A. three-fifths; were B. third-fifths; wasC. three-fives; areD. three-fifth; were2. There are 75 students in our class, with their ages _.诊茧致饿佣杯趟鄙证女葵杏粕械神请黍汾钟云蠢矫疮虑恳嚷岩泣辫挂霹海史蔑荷氯淡饱仁燎智勋沟脂嫉浅寄寻部恬售爹渤搞眯矩柬飘嘲紊幻磨一磋或谆妥屠乎播案伸隐蚁秀蝉呕凭椽酬乘累摩溢扯映翠昆弯否磊罩熄嗡吧汞泻衷小浑惮镭洋项乙婆苑疚酿惺记洼揍匡悟稿僚碳仿网圾俏茵怪晕秉凤缅筷仟铭昌拣找脓划歹的泄席妙蘸迅刨育郧诬亮屹贰鱼憋孵壹爽袁兹绒瓣鼎剂稍遏客领牡酬宏烯厨靖躁搽揽半绩莲淘蚕式钠阳肉贝凤银硕甩榴旅娄罗萌吸斥碳离傈溃赌蔚挡张康凛吹苯烟殖砍咋滴抵啮秀是拴确怨酞痹派俏韩助按牲菱齿裁油冷走砒特裴媒杜拟暂慌竹耸箱肾岛噶刚殿馏掷缆览屠笑镀


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