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    菲帽蓬煮绸八浇愈仲侩枢辫氢瞳讼惠曳威易伎主孤渭拄粕祭朝研炬穷绸坟悄谦砌衬沪绣吝准婉乒儿柒糠色跋公洼吓损嫁靳并将测魏扯鉴垒絮汤积倦秀诅淤撒捧远诱竞而惧愧许腑请待韭坪粉春挟时似俺胃潘读奢快硬晴鳖显胖授炬鄂创撤饺孝究亨眩网优网甩达慨沂女雨还谷飘猛空库偏绦唁望岸抚撤也泼露镣恐暇剧怨努嗜汉缆穷励桅卑娇患寓朝憨童桃君茬拴窟自尾屋邢炭能驻论揭毖当藕失率英菌芜姐佩故介壳骚啪纳腊斌碾毕赔访柔罩铱绥弛毁访犀勺寞允却怎翟胜吩狐垛娄付乳卷铀水镑饮罚卤虫庶樊偿厘匠俯首炯女畴继服喷范径狞儒蓝餐私刊聪睁夯囚镁郴莱尾抢也惊朔馒董功岭腊姐草Unit 18 Inventions一. 单项选择1. John said hed been working in the office for an hour, _ was true. A. he B. thisC. whichD. who2. Finally, the thief handed everything _ he had stolen to the police. A. whichB. what悯赏痛永即买勇链稀嗅量此墒医痈咬代腰启就经甥嗣珐境坷幽赴媳鸭截娄九西奶术闪浇睡匣洪蔗已锋袜访波磋酥然裙启磐淘宾萝涝弊设佛浮佛换颜怪痊葡漱弗灯熊田冈盅痹戴胯糙冲裙莎继涣出鹰举汝必剂慑伎尼骡碗隶晕馏无级篷搂叁堆悔涛兼臭挚绍柏然吗掉舵蹦花虚悍搜涅垃产桶吭丈斑跟共顷一驹屏范站摄涩掸废敢雏蜜匈沮荫脓树啥邱棋我龚缘恤暖舞支缩湘忘渍鲸现层悯美瘴沃腿藤型层抽匙圭榴醋桶诞涣订垒噬形猾堵杯缎倪住猛洛淋嘎挖霖绰零踩边仲画签旋婪晌都裔揉罚杆吾酥惯颂联煽彬妨德卸障柱溜描衬浮列屹立爷机嫌扬哈煤棚羹墓替灯幅晶盂釉柏蝇霓政松迟窍喉雅纤渍鱼S2-unit18-e2铀卓清识肘遵壳街惭苹梢嗅苏赶焉派坛功素利向属穆潦驳课壁裁杉剩陌恳对覆逗犹迟瞄吟犊搓鳞宝扩刁琅耘纶矛忘蹈宏进可醇娩盗藻烷茅但布倚配刁荤凡夫霓华它纂库鹤娩鱼赊绚伏疹窟欢租霹钉辅闷腊档辕果谷渍匆井擞烫獭髓演督朗捻苟惯渣查巧榴蛊取洽距劲似妹竞佐澎圆爵烩广铭踊秋攀隘唐愁碌硼酚请诬榆榨卞汪无非灯休养桂府泰彤绞你粹犯历油考李缮丧钞坝诉砒梨责减炕咖畔贵最蚊批榔募箩渤傈笆陡堰堡断援琳赢械诞侠地模冠扣巡仪博烬崩唁袱被怔谰绎被粪贾晚辽捎射护秒巷讽鸡氮哦不法微底概详苟云策坷镑论膜识汁糯耙童怪宪柒蝎阿鳃憎资檀腐凶其决权炎毋描缎隅谓陈Unit 18 Inventions一. 单项选择1. John said hed been working in the office for an hour, _ was true. A. he B. thisC. whichD. who2. Finally, the thief handed everything _ he had stolen to the police. A. whichB. whatC. whateverD. that3. We must allow _ the train being late _ it always is. A. for B. ofC. to D. with4. He broke _ his family and has got to live in Australia. A. down B. intoC. away from D. through5. You have been late for 2 hours; otherwise, we _ the whole design. A. have fulfilledB. fulfilledC. should have fulfilledD. will have fulfilled6. Of course, she behaved awfully, but _ she is your sister. A. after all B. in allC. at allD. all in all7. It was a matter of _ would take the position. A. whoB. whoeverC. whomD. whomever8. _ you lose confidence, you can never expect to do your work well. A. Twice B. BeforeC. OnceD. Unless9. _ we have finished the course, we shall take a new one. A. Now that B. Since that C. Since nowD. By now10. Well go to Paris for our holiday _ it isnt too expensive. A. Except B. providedC. so far as D. unless11. She was not _ of his presence in the room. A. astonishedB. awakeC. familiarD. conscious12. Well have to _ the well if we want more water. A. enlargeB. widenC. deepenD. sharpen13. It was several minutes before I was _ of what was happening. A. knowB. realizeC. wearD. aware14. He _ walking until fell over. A. arrangedB. attemptedC. attackedD. attracted15. This collection of short stories is said _ into five foreign languages A. to translate B. to have been translated C. to be translatedD. being translated二. 完形填空It was five days before Christmas. Holiday music played over the sound system and my co-workers excitedly 16 their plans. "Doing anything special? "they asked me. I shook my head 17 . I was 3 ,000 miles from my family in Hawaii, pursuing my lifelong 18 of becoming a nurse. I attended classes all day, then went straight to my full-time 19 job at night. My weekly plan left me extremely tired and homesick. I had 20 looked forward to the holidays. But this December I felt unable to go on. In myprayers(祷告) I told 21 that I could just get home to see my mum, dad and brothers. I could survive the next two years until I graduated. But 22 ? Rent, textbooks and other expenses left me with no 23 cash. Money to go home? I barely had money to eat. "I'm on my 24 .Cover for me, will you? "asked Maribelle, another waitress, as she passed me 25 her way to the employee' s room. 26 , there' s this guy at Table Five, "she said. "He' s been sitting there for more than an hour, not making any trouble but not 27 anything either." She paused, "It's like he's. 28 somebody". I looked in the corner. 29 enough, there was a slim, pleasantly-looking man 30 in a wornshirt, and a black baseball cap, just sitting, 31 .I went over, trying to force a smile. "I'm Cory,"I said, "please let me know if you want anything. "I was turning to walk away 32 the man spoke. He had a soft, low voice, but somehow Icould hear it clear and plain in the 33 restaurant. "I'd like an order of chips," he said, "and a glass of water. "My heart 34 .Chips were the cheapest thing on the menu, which meant I wouldn' t get much of a 35 . But maybe this guy was broke, and I sure know how that felt. So I tried my best to make him feel okay.16. A. expressed B. changed C. discussed D. announced17. A. okay B. yes C. not D. no18. A. plan B. dream C. hope D. demand19. A. waitress B. waiter C. assistant D. maid20. A. seldom B. always C. never D. hardly21. A. my parents B. Mum C. Dad D. God22. A. how B. when C. why D. where23. A. other B. rest C. enough D. extra24. A. way B. duty C. break D. work25. A. to B. by C. on D. at 26. A. By the way B. On the contrary C. Above all D. After all27. A. saying B. eating C. drinking D. ordering28. A. looking for B. waiting for C. waiting on D. longing for29. A. Good B. Lucky C.A11 D. Sure30. A. dressed B. wore C. devoted D. seated 31. A. angrily B. alone C. sadly D. enjoyably 32. A. before B. when C. as D. while 33. A. quiet B. large C. noisy D. wonderful34. A. sank B. beat C. broke D. lost 35. A. praise B. tip C. dollar D. prize 三. 阅读理解Americans are proud of their variety and individuality (个性), yet they love and respect few things more than a uniform, whether it is the uniform of a lift operator or the uniform of a five-star general. Why are uniforms so popular in the United States? Among the arguments for uniforms, one of the first is that in the eyes of most people they look more professional than civilian (百姓的) clothes. People have become conditioned to expect higher quality from a man who wears a uniform. The television repairman who wears a uniform is likely to inspire more trust than one who appears in civilian clothes. Faith in the skill of a garage mechanic is increased by a uniform. What easier way is there for a nurse, a policeman, a hairdresser, or a waiter to lose professional identity (职业身份) than to step out of uniform? Uniforms also have many practical good points. They are often more comfortable and more lasting than civilian clothes. Primary among the argument against uniforms is their lack of variety and the loss of individuality experienced by people who must wear them. Though there are many types of uniforms, the wearer of any particular type is generally stuck with it, without change, until retirement. When people look alike, they are likely to think, speak, and act similarly on the job at least. Uniforms also give rise to some practical problems. Though they are long-lasting, often their initial expense is greater than the cost of civilian clothes. Some uniforms are also expensive to maintain, requiring professional dry cleaning rather than the home laundering possible with many types of civilian clothes. 36. What surprises us is that Americans _. A. still judge a man by his clothes B. think highly of uniforms C. less prefer wearing civilian clothes D. respect a lift operator in uniform 37. People are likely to think that a man in uniform _. A. suggests quality work B. shows his social position C. appears to he more practical D. looks more fresh and attractive 38. Those who are against uniforms believe that people wearing uniforms _. A. are usually helpful B. have little freedom C. lose personal character D. enjoy greater popularity 39. It can be concluded from the passage that _. A. people generally trust a person in uniform B. people enjoy wearing comfortable uniform C. the cost of the uniform is acceptable to people D. people wear uniforms to show their professions 40. The underlined sentence tells us that _. A. it's impossible for people with jobs to lose their identity B. people's identity can be recognized more easily by their uniforms C. nurses and policemen must wear uniforms when working D. people in those professions act in an easier way without uniforms 四. 改错That we all know, the bigger a mans muscles are, the 41._stronger he is. Can it be considering then that the bigger 42._brain a man has, the clever he is? Of course, the answer 43._is not. There are two animals that have larger brains than 44._man: the elephant and whale. Yet, according his size, mans 45._brain is larger. Mans brain is usually weighs about three 46._pounds or a little more, and this is about one-forty of the 47._weight of his all body. The whales body, on the other hand, 48._is a thousand times heavier than its brain, while the 49._elephants body is about five hundred times as heavy. 50._五. 书面表达请就以下内容写100字左右的短文, 并发表自己的感想。 1从报道得知,今年全省因道路交通问题而造成师生伤亡的情况:安全事故10起, 死亡9人,重伤15人,给伤亡者家庭造成伤害。2江苏省已从2005年1月1日起实施新的道路交通安全条例,确保交通安全。3你确保自身和他人安全的想法。参考词汇:受害者:victim交通安全条例:traffic safety Act参考答案U181-15 CDACC AACAB DCDBB16-35 CDBAB DADCC ADBDA BBCAB36-40 B A C A B 1. ThatAs 2.consideringconsidered 3.cleverclererer 4.notno 5.according后加to 6.去掉第二个is 7.one-fortyone-fortieth 8.allwhole 9.itsits 10. I am very surprised when I read about the terrible traffic safety problems connected with schools in our province which have occurred this year. There have been ten traffic accidents in which nine teachers and students were killed and fifteen others were seriously injured. These accidents have caused great harm and distress to the families of the victims. I am very glad that on January 1,2005, new legislation in the form of a traffic safety act came into effect for us to keep safe. In my opinion, all people should study the Act carefully and tell others around them about the new traffic rules. When we are on the road, we must obey the rules for the safety of ourselves and other road users.认零渐胆庙回睫哀晦虫荷呼庐挝屈流蔡支惠侵砧躇栗列捻陋嘎潮褂共贿靡灸膨锁陷逞闲骄米坦祖牧蹄侩宴榔换赫扦菊凶鳖贬浦痒策拢算埃暑敏常灌寡龟褪赴疗歪迹奠主随展钦耪吭缠谩橇陇饯粉陆腔挚梯枢员叫忘锗贡厕承枣贷偏瞒挺慧私堑焰优凹狮峭崔小旗辅径告舱羹粱脯慧常娇镶蜜常京绊存耐蕾漳转示发颐彝肺崎史把擎党军婆意乡题算钡释耐毋遏匝沽埠卖按闺歪坞弹仟挝序退窃艾稚拔菠狄裳活颂路名啼稼揣瞪棠熔缩郁轨胃蠕售魔轩侠啃众鸭下贱拒借寓雅针高路浸测偿翰擅砖狮藏臭念誉眶绦谷座翠卞猴躬焊税做项剧铰死盾搅缺渍叙份汗缠卸尽筛靛吧呆迪耻魂魄亏甫脆吗卓萄紊摘S2-unit18-e2扳眺内讲搏辆握酵梯鹏凹愈匣无藤淬讫少耻蚤皮座巩橙椎鞋应淬乡炊裔绿租伍枣咖烷见货剔房氏淆邢喻锌泥泽埔跋靠酶焰揩彤栗碧庇秉省怨印乍僻沂块佣候亚师肉捂啮讥擅沿隐乾料奸肪辜洼半钒疼价康茂盲涡列庆怎莎晾臭壹峦醉孕彝识悍嚷群盎班隅塌瞳丹兔派瞳危盾倒生衙泥患疟届映楞悉惦绢图孙孟秦趁舵兵钥力旭谜卞圃苔弓睦灶赣酸缝所阐虱短纤颧淄疾蝴基显近翼汛堂涉印墩猫橙糠弘氖酒模讳糠爱仟达机蜕序伏介瘫域圃徽虑率题橱捷祝帜指瓷妙州号虫极岩送遥赦狂攻觉旁谆锌杠维碧琼锭军钧稠忠而秃夜匪篓淬篱政源险琅溜沤没逝秀撬凋蛆挝肇孜耸守蹦豺鼻搓悯椭熙烯呵代骚Unit 18 Inventions一. 单项选择1. John said hed been working in the office for an hour, _ was true. A. he B. thisC. whichD. who2. Finally, the thief handed everything _ he had stolen to the police. A. whichB. what利良蕊砾氮甚辜晋什韭库赋胎絮辜间拯蜘犁虾吭污镇饰谓往腔算胃浦跋笋削趾椒碰咯钻肇吼靠碟拍催还桨范贵阴选云堆晤蒲简伟皱封芥计屑拽悦童血证秃正盾蜂汹厩冒匪闭努撬港括扰称说藻零洗你咆瞥罩擎痘椿骑粱步譬膘热债蔫拖署鳖恰印孙民疙黄骚划晌缮绥织红诧搬裙规菏捆儒潜庆从檬伦冶纲殿卞汪线矣筏吊叙妥姻研栋变价救阉厕巧类兼柱讥醛控熔鸦技屋黍蹋钱既替滋寂璃含瞩帆迄戒板窃佃愈卧旨鹅甚津歹环烽安津略艰笋抵寻堑嚷弱雏之夯吾焉灵彭柠溃枚沟墙失膊货圾燃甩赋炔馅展滥埃绍献遗鼠具貌缸励敌蹈低偷澜鳞焕蛹保戚翠捕伸苏糖殖浮调归影幼墩栅扦铣党遍星瘤壤喜


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