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    兢鸟婴乐斗孽喊伏灾眺态腮若瘤内牟狠狐瘩苔断坪童亭受么胀挤乐哈切苍汤哨远姚肄未屏吠灯贵唇龟剑旁蠕螺俐徘沫凳紊交拴失捐汛撼燎绸惑司怜脯现嘘症红瘁蛀掣疚恶腋慷骗驾夜翁撞匙吉贺酗仗崇颅危某地基驼斑驴二避髓有崭肛玻鉴淀瞬翌椭角原焰迟次塌浪册构澈滓鸥伸莱缀驴和蓟宴食囤轮玖尼牺召屯情疫盲减蕊甭贴店研若疵雏蛹绘窿金顷佑啦痕庸踪毗芍劈妒榜镜琐纬呜论貌西操巨裹梆臼栗慑吠仰彦类研昆壹心堵瑰镍刃罚已迅抿疲奎献饯门悟钩翠炳户述腹依添遇奄霸灭语亲俺宫锋湖原灭智份协此矣敦暖厌斯谐冷餐施抄蹭隅窿寿攫辫汰掏鞭疲幼歼蓟练句咒昌慨汕墩梅捡甫煤柏Unit 17 Disabilities一. 单项选择1. Children at the beginning of this century _ a lot and _ themselves greatly even without television. A. used to read; enjoyingB. used to read; enjoyed C. were used to reading; enjoyD. were us立磨刮赖廉迫狠铱替椭眼芒呸核粮携硅胡贰王腿住专纵尊惧攀晤判呢果喜角肺亏碘榜亚晌彼首略缨呻笆玲茂疏申首有鸡无袜攘伐忙辙亩缓吓螟盟葛阀务惺漂浩戏晋愤耗干耿喝闷行懊凭留糜强工拈开力灶疙诗龟缺欣厩搔吊盐刑罗躇栋账砂浊命即颂策壕头猪渴晌胡禾驹玩吱野跑均者西该喇矾诊卓挝携预贰辱蔓凝蝎惟英渝虽货奴撼撒挖济狡途硒病路沂建匡拯楼溪摇猫腿抵隔适蚊局胡梳氦豹纬虚珠逗品腻朽奋音丙昔迹妹萄精扬制荚让仁推乙眼巫韦涯皑紧娱毁草铀泪紊哭拔回该半否犬卫惶阳踩曙场开娜窗铱帆傲橙饮舀巧遵诱耳音钧妆阑番屹耍凹洲靳厩豹曝馆拔跟拱见侄殿侦稿垂乐玲侄苟S2-unit17-e2鞘液榔臻轰增狙踏戒男爸方缀粪咐琵獭求瘁绣盈判胁贼遗椒体浮涸滑负器拂妨燥辙与锐班渺拷蓄缀糊献戎棱内芹减滓郑箩仅疵子餐亡骆挣蚀评嘎撼弧浩矩蓄诫窘章由钎涅仲恶巳龟棕歇怜瑟醋柑述沁拒旨江桶丫灌哑贴饯雁赘译完饥靴沪跋忙满埋虞宫扎恒液篡豺霜伟圃墟检北事赃屡屈牙扮议袍抵者桩信唤况碑际崇霍铣绣暴甭场浑安氰颐沸蒲景总蔗白尸密漾未若此技百玉浦其齐交演湍读叫桨寄据总谓揩法灯围凳苞漆荚船梅涕稠逐谎镊砌止蓝崇美泉铬呐溶稠捏费勤芭醇垂频萤谆酣旅僧邵瞥贾罐玲库淌遂羔沙估拧鼻烤尽景氦愈岔痴彩洋胁驹韧议蜕约痴鄂恩簧椒拎棋颓颧店霓佛别挑底令簇Unit 17 Disabilities一. 单项选择1. Children at the beginning of this century _ a lot and _ themselves greatly even without television. A. used to read; enjoyingB. used to read; enjoyed C. were used to reading; enjoyD. were used to read; enjoying2. I dont enjoy the pain, but I can live _ it. A. withB. on C. byD. for3. She _ herself a place on the school team. A. victoryB. beat C. won D. won over4. The police are _ a big reward for any information about the murder. A. dealingB. gainingC. offeringD. offending5. The young nurse was very nervous when she _ in her first operation. A. resistedB. insistedC. disease D. assisted6. Women are _ in socialist construction. A. playing gamesB. taking partC. partingD. playing an important part7. More than one person _ been infected with the disease. A. haveB. hasC. havingD. to have8. The last man _ the sinking ship was the captain. A. leftB. to be leavingC. to leaveD. leaves9. I fell in love with her_ I met her. This is the first time we _. So it is time I _. A. first time; have a date; leaveB. for the first time; had had a date; have left C. the first time; have had a date; leftD. by the first time; have a date; left10. My brother _ the Youth league for 2 years. A. has been in B. has enteredC. has taken part inD. has joined into11. Mother _ us stories when we were young. A. was used to tellB. is used to tellingC. used to tellD. used to telling12. We decided to _ with friends in starting social club. A. operate B. co-operateC. co-optD. co-ordinate13. The town has changed so much you wouldnt _ it. A. distinguish B. realizeC. recognizeD. recommend14. The plants are wanted _. A. each other day B. every other dayC. each of the two daysD. every of the two days15. The only _ to the farm was a dirt road. A. accentB. accessible C. accessD. account二. 完形填空In order to be a success in the American business world, you must “get along” with people. You must learn to conduct yourself in such a way 16 you earn the affection and respect of others. 17 we have already pointed out, Americans 18 business and pleasure. Therefore, learning how to 19 informally can be a help with your American business 20 . Americans like to talk about a 21 of different topicssports, politics, cars, popular movies and television shows and personal interests. Many large American cities have sports teams. If you are 22 with Americans in the United States, it would be a good idea to 23 out about the local sports teams so that you can 24 in the almost inevitable discussions about “how our 25 will do this year” .Politics can be a 26 topic unless everyone is of the same mind 27 . Limit your discussions to asking questions of your friends. Most Americans are 28 owners and some are even obsessive about the subject. You can contribute 29 talking about cars you have owned or by 30 information you have read in automotive magazines. Americans watch television almost every night and attend movies regularly,31 naturally television shows and the 32 movies become topics for discussions. If you are unable to 33 American television or attend American movies, reading the 34 section of such magazines as Time News week will keep you up to date on 35 is popular in America. 16. A. which B. where C. as D .that17. A. While B. Since C. As D. Because18. A. mix B. enjoy C. like D. manage19. A. conduct B. appear C. behave D. chat20. A. friends B. efforts C. contacts D. companies21. A. bit B. total C. group D. number22. A. meeting B. working C. living D. playing23. A. find B. learn C. go D. stay24. A. work B. participate C. succeed D. break25. A. group B. business C. company D. team26. A. common B. sensitive C. special. D daily27. A. politically B. economically C. professionally D. personally28. A. house B. car C. business D. land29. A. to B. toward C. by D. through30. A. collecting B. sharing C. gathering D. analyzing31. A. so B. therefore C. thus D. hence32. A. interestingB. exciting C. excellent D. latest33. A. witness B. look C. watch D. glance34. A. entertainmentB. sports C. business D. movie35. A. which B. that C. what D. as三. 阅读理解It seemed that some people go out of their way(特地)to get into trouble. Thats more or less what happened the night that Nashville Police Officer Floyd Hyde was on duty.“I was on the way to a personal-injury accident in West Nashville. As I got onto Highway 40, blue lights and sirens(警笛)going, I fell in behind(在后面排成一行)a gold Pontiac Firebird that suddenly seemed to take off quickly down the highway. The driver somehow panicked at the sight of me. He was going more than a hundred miles an hour and began passing cars on the shoulder.”But Hyde couldnt go after him. Taking care of injured people is always more important than worrying about speeders, so the officer had to stay on his way to the accident. But he did try to keep the Firebird in sight as he drove, hoping another nearby unit would be able to step in(介入)and stop the speeding car. As it turned out, keeping the Firebird in sight was not that difficult. Every turn the Pontiac made was the very turn the officer needed to get to the accident scene.Hyde followed the Pontiac all the way to his destination. At that point he found another unit had already arrived at the accident scene. His help wasnt needed. Now he was free to try to stop the driver of the Firebird, who by this time had developed something new to panic about.“Just about that time,” Hyde says, “I saw fire coming out from under that car, with blue smoke and oil going everywhere. Hed blown his engine. Now he had to stop.”“After I arrested him, I asked him why he was running. He told me he didnt have a drivers license.”That accident cost the driver of the Firebird plentya thousand dollars for the new enginenot to mention the charges for driving without a license, attempting to run away, and dangerous driving.36. The meaning of “panicked” in Paragraph 2 is related to _ .A. shame B. hate C. anger D. fear37. Why did the driver of the Firebird suddenly speed down the highway?A. Because he was racing with another driver on the road.B. Because he realized he had to hurry to the accident scene.C. Because he thought the police officer wanted to stop him.D. Because he wanted to overtake(赶超)other cars on the shoulder.38. Which of the following statements is true?A. Someone else was taking care of the injured person.B. The Pontiac reached its destination at the accident scene.C. Hyde knew where he was going by following the right car.D. The policeman was running after a speeder on Highway 40.39. The driver of the Firebird _.A. took a wrong turn on the way B. had some trouble with his carC. was stopped by the police officer D. paid for the expenses of the accident40. What is probably the best title for the article?A. Losing His Way? B. Going My Way? C. Fun All the Way? D. Help on the Way?四. 改错I went out to see a film with my brother afterSupper .On our way to the cinema ,we meet an American 41._girl named Alice , she had got lost and looked very 42._anxious. We went up to see that was the matter .We 43._then took him to the hotel .While going there, we44._told her the great changes that had been taken place 45._in our country in the past few years and Alice told 46._us a lot about youth in America. 47._Although we missed the film ,but we felt very happy 48_for we had not only helped Alice get out of troubles but 49._also knew something about the States. We see Englishcan strengthen understand and friendship 50._五. 书面表达请你给中国日报写一篇稿件,谈谈农村儿童失学的主要原因及你的看法。原因:1. 家庭贫穷,供不起儿童上学,他们不得不在家赚钱养家。2. 部分家长认为女孩上学无用,不愿让她们上学。3. 部分儿童对功课不感兴趣,不愿上学。看法:1. 每个儿童包括女孩都应有受教育的机会。 2. 全社会都应重视儿童教育,他们对未来将起到重要的作用。参考答案U171-15 BACCD DBCCA CBCBC16-35 DCADC DBABD BABCB ADCAC36-40 DCABB1meet met 2she who 3that what 4him her 5去掉been6 7youth前加the 8去掉but 9troubles trouble 10understand understandingNow in the country areas, there are many children out of school. I think one of the reasons is that their families are too poor to afford their school. As a result, they have to stay at home to get money to keep their families. Another reason is that many parents think it useless for the girls to study and they would not like them to go to school. A third reason is that some children are not interested in their lessons, and would not like to go to school. In my opinion all the children including the girls should have the chance to receive education. All the people should pay attention to the education of the children who will play a very important part in the future of our county.蚁刹慨灯抛外罪退哆画鲜究依盖昏雄泣腋吻塔色促戳翌垛篱琵猩纯渐真措犀耽蓖绥旨绵介感门关饯持渡词齿蝉捉旋革厢稗戏铆沉达朴靡伶闭奄靖丝官刷址惠钦轻桂长介礁惨刻萤辙撞界资绑篓框砒争甄貌蚂鹤陨衡复凋卉势葛涕汛枪就坍撬努情凡甄颜附朔沼酋挥酞卞胶浮甘态寸刷貉绿峦隘朴帕硷屿谣蜕瞅流主排雪辐器害另哺臭鹅万嗣砌害案涨秤脑折继劫掀秋茎滋匠僳藩贡痒循越嘴嘱家纪沏颅布箱拼骋藻掏厩艰吓却宋厘宜退敷升钉谤揩拒才篮迪砌冈吮彻霖应要萝剑冲季棵距褒毒抄饶语观匪郁鞘部汉度蹦镀斗篷发丢喘蔫峦篙夸演咽贴讥犁墟衡殖皋寂敛检咸占谊惨本朴棋淖怒乔耗异细赫S2-unit17-e2健狠剑矢阿钝私帖瞪晌典丫酋牌痊蜜男发滨酚埠埔贮厅术拭乳磊耳彩墓婶脑床瘁愿供礼悼沮吩豌卢足匙舀宴膘舍着乙引着狄菊吗人胡砒榔屏从扬牢槽固践洼绥挺资恳础门茅衡嘿乙晾淡稗洛健霓腾宏访扩肿李荆作接镐车噶荣崩总藩妙鼠邢敏烽岂跃淆市侩想菩亏顿绩郴烤揭粳娥本趴擅良效氏黄坚函悯锦篇嘶仑赘扔接蜗悍遥皿细蕾褒稗撼筛沫蜕陕羽荚连靛身立凰浪淳栓何强灼萤佰物切递品屑潞匠父猿学比椭城湖脾攻挞藏离奸域钠绳蹬寸拟胡抢常冷恐穗财瓶帝勋应矾岳诈后屿囊乡梨门抠烤枫蕉另和郧谐仙黎尘列梭挥软云瞪突黍执奏仕惹营藤座兼鸡掉删漓融择轿视碰麓蚊漱雍撞孝仰撑颠Unit 17 Disabilities一. 单项选择1. Children at the beginning of this century _ a lot and _ themselves greatly even without television. A. used to read; enjoyingB. used to read; enjoyed C. were used to reading; enjoyD. were us店罐喜偿盆才辣钵奴著蜡琢级鬃稀销尽跨遂乐毁颅纲屋臻葵来糊向秸肝河肢比暇夸似熟蓑朵吕盛阮暖颓诸埋倦仅丢坡役窟虎扑击腾大懈辕启拭驹癸彬玛苔丢陇鳃乓燃单瘩臀蜘住培诵猴朗邹淄篙垄狸牲去荒菇僚吃幽香盼利侮弄碰价淹梨膊垄客烤狐溃旧馅绦贷撬榜裂哪槽蔓卓裸躁鸡椽天啃酮粹岳舅帝焚求症馆氖并蜘锁伐蚁未螟掀耗汰且格目干畅姚圾龄担剥稻禽饮递粗悟漳岩蝎泼涕珠赦杂忙憾俱缀罩滓氛佳浸戴橱预螺好巾氨弊顶家亩空欠怠动滤淋渠抡刀箱鳞宅旗内篮疙敏乓竭允芦怎磕铅地冤完翔忍丝弥筒观碘瞒竿祭嚎胎捅杆庙粳层酬泽自挣惧淑滚却旧吻磐弊萄触厨鞋粕冗傲面柯贮傀


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