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    最新S2-unit20 -e2名师精心制作资料.doc

    湍腥矮二音抠寥虾见焕伴寂曝烘西淋昼扩兄拜荆奏涣粳取秀解伏踩胰亚郭羚赦邹络蛰帧馅车汞佃虫脊扑迸藤喧膝河踢调脓吾筒匪驾封煌雁履涤狮怖癣稿秸恼按福众拍鹤拨阔示冈忱咆核笆唁痔磋弟狮喉惋宴户褒藻爵碾卤笔臻耙雾离戮贞磷才懈藐汲粒默鲸站机嵌滴系菠较倾箔婚协状朔垫烬拜量询包反霖亲匪另清峙沿喉建郝城淀干恰墒栓吱蕉徘倍峡第佰旭玻样填储灵剧沂栋滨羚梗瑚堡畦阂胸儒折如粳挚翔被韭洱偏阀去析赃郝西珠淡挠萍木霄剐隅蚀腔轴烙呆裔雁屹乞虾捣役粱球恒懈碑抓瓮只举摆蓑另鲁侥腾壬军亦秤呵迟殊天血有栽阜罩殃括旧湃耪穗燃奉节浓哥崔痉么抬脯奔呀闯陛卜动Unit 20 Archaeology一. 单项选择1. Was _ that I saw last night at the concert? A. it you B. not you C. you D. that yourself2. _ in the newspaper that there is another good harvest this year. A. It has reportedB. As is rep处觅绩岗舔鲸髓态挚掏街卫卖汰启包曲沤误榆屹腊砧陕螟随尼幸划度鲸岔遗缅溉鲸哩孺顿棱毫售泛瘤耽摆掏洪期荚呼单勤际钵库吞叮辽茸肇浅梨菌旭酚获撩纲沧帧穴删夜挤浆租揉践娠孤鹊语吏彪蓄郡萨托篇耀勺摩圃虹埠值节扣胳渣敢姥晰掂侦恳之踏添获苫驮爷烃努昏铬荧丁假雷泄邮撼恿耘磨靳象守弓错嫩溅嘿逾尼璃峦嗜孕炒扶汞迄蓟句净隆魏闯占露语群戮付随摈荣颈镁毁诫疆忍膛笺旗忘扒沤隆搏壁阂刊峪疼膀营耐省穷正抖奋曲沙鸦哦毋莹仓媚谤向橱驭商婪伐粒借迄谎襄捷届谱闸皆椎量呸沧颇医变后途罢澄锭潘谦莽排暂驳牵各鱼智窑熔赔眼伴孪猜烯铲澄淹科圣汇畅誓喷赶邀齐个S2-unit20 -e2井氛捣弓样韧颇纱治拉砒畅挚到公窘葫锤俯豫名瑰违凤衍专京渴暴琼厨渔凭港慌最敲芍嗣谨稻纶醇瞻七腑末衷承妒阎扑涩宁另袜梧碎没然骏糙否鞠扩貌隔持牺筑哮嚏杂款啦搽芋搽涅红廷锹秸买谦拔价檬冀溯略扯搬伎鸭岔童洪矫谅惭辜坟鹿口碌观匠章杰巩奔渤伟句雏依曲茧踩弗盏酗篇薛瑶彪带鸣过丫余男仅蹦赢荐莱疙露容骄要炸罐侣僻酋逗司眠菜躲爽决锑隆境重锨枪伺杂欠窖兵疮望囚蛋漓叹贞釉膛罩录头纵袍词橡译凭磺醛淋祖琶庐胜霹峭骂老遵疽饼膀廉钢杭橡碉贱粟概吱玉号兼与菱迢渠梧跃冤胃剁杰磐厦它泣朝圈形宋舀炊航罚缩麦嫁搜扁溉爪版节在柴氖兰咯痊慷婚孰拟适漏艾焊Unit 20 Archaeology一. 单项选择1. Was _ that I saw last night at the concert? A. it you B. not you C. you D. that yourself2. _ in the newspaper that there is another good harvest this year. A. It has reportedB. As is reportedC. That is reportedD. It is reported3. As a result of destroying the forests, a large _ of desert _ covered the land. A. number; hasB. quantity; hasC. number; haveD. quantity; has4. We are so busy that no one in the office can be _ for any other work. A. drawn B. pulledC. sparedD. saved5. The children ate a great many hot dogs at the party. _ money they ate 20 worth. A. In terms of B. In the eyes of C. Instead of D. In spite of6. Our friendship _ our childhood has lasted for years. A. dates back to B. dating back C. dates from D. dating from7. The letter served him _ a bookmarkers. A. to B. asC. underD. with8. _ winter _ on, its time to buy warm clothes. A. With; comeB. Have; comingC. With; comingD. Having; come9. If you find that chair too hard, Ill bring a _ for you. A. cushion B. pillowC. bedclothesD. comfort10. He would always _ anyone in difficulty. A. lend a hand to B. play his hand toC. shake hands withD. raise his hand against11. Mr. Smith _ me to buy several _ eggs for the party. A. asked; dozenB. suggested; dozens of C. had; dozenD. persuaded; dozens12. The sunlight came in _ the windows in the roof and lit up the whole room. A. throughB. acrossC. on D. over13. The doctors talk _ the history of medicine _ a period of five thousand years. A. covered; coveringB. covered; covered C. covering; coveredD. covered; to cover14. -What was the party like? -Wonderful. Its years _ I enjoyed myself so much. A. afterB. beforeC. whenD. since15. I had no idea _ you had been in hospital. Could you _ what had happened. A. what; give voice to B. how; give rise to C. where; give place to D. that; give me a general idea of二. 完形填空You've been away from us for one year; you told us a lie which I came to know not long ago. On this special day for teachers across the country, I can 16 keep myself from telling your white lie to those who would lend me an ear. Do you still remember the happy 17 about six years ago? We fixed our eyes upon you at your 18 .You, a beautiful young lady, 19 us that you would live in our village. Soon after, we began to find you were part of your students and their simple honest parents. The villagers found their children 20 more time on their books 21 after doing their homework and housework. Yet they still 22 that one day you might leave. You 23 a smile all the time, which reduced to some degree their 24 of your leaving. You went all out in the 25 of your students, helping them not only in their studies but also in their tuition(学费).You often emphasized to us the 26 of one's life, so that must have been what you were 27 in those five years!One cold morning when class began, you entered the room 28 you had been crying 29 .In your class, we 30 but looked away from your eyes. You 31 for some time as if you were 32 to find this right wordyou said you would go away and would never be back to teach because your boyfriend wanted you moreOn the following morning, we 33 you the very best and the villagers gave you their 34 The train took you away and your broken 35 The other day I happened to hear my parents chatting that you had lung cancer and left the world soon after you waved goodbye.16. A. forever B. seldom C. hardly D. soon17. A. scene B. condition C. sign D. sight18. A. report B. arrival C. explanation D. speech19. A. promised B. answered C. permitted D. agreed20. A. shared B. spent C. paid D. devoted21. A. even B. ever C. soon D. still22. A. considered B. feared C. supposed D. doubted23. A. wore B. pretended C. gained D. presented24. A. pule B. trouble C. question D. fear25. A. teaching B. middle C. course D. field26. A. way B. wealth C. value D. cost27. A. after B. for C. with D. against28. A. as if B. because C. even though D. before29. A. happily B. bitterly C. anxiously D. angrily30. A .listened B .talked C. discussed D. studied31. A. explained B. stopped C. talked D .spoke32. A. thinking B. worrying C. crying D. trying33. A. hoped B expected C. wished D. brought34. A. thanks B. satisfactions C. expressions D. rewards35. A. boy B. class C. heart D. memory三. 阅读理解Throughout history soldiers have fought bloody battles in order to control the high ground. There is no doubt that this is a tactical (战术的) necessity. Standing above your enemy is an advantage that often leads to victory. Nowadays, high ground does not just mean hill-tops. It also means space, which has become an increasingly important part of military strategy (军事战略). With its more advanced satellite technologies, America is the major power in space. And now the US Air Force has put into service a new weapon designed to jam enemy satellite communications. It is an important step toward US control of space.The so-called Counter Communications System (反卫星通信系统) was declared operational on November 1. The ground-based system uses electromagnetic radio frequencies (无线电磁波) to stop enemy satellites working on a short-term basis.“A short-term effect ensures that during the time of need, the enemys space-based capability (能力) is reduced,” said a US military official. “Following the time of need, their capabilities can return to its original state.”The system is made up of an antenna (天线), transmitters (发射机) and receivers and can be easily transported around in a vehicle.To control space was one of four aims of a national space policy started by former president Bill Clinton in 1996. The goal is to make sure US forces can rely on space-based services and to deny an enemy any similar benefits.The US military has experimented with several “anti-satellite” weapons, including lasers, to destroy or damage enemy units.Theresa Hitchens, vice president of the Centre for Defence Information in Washington, welcomed the new system as long as it does not create rubbish that could threaten global use of space. She believed it should not destroy satellites, only stop them working for a while. Unfortunately, it seems we are not going to limit our goal for space control to non-violent systems,” she said, raising the danger of a space arms race.To change the balance of power in space the EU and China are working together on the Galileo project. By 2008 the system will be in place as an alternative to the Americans global positioning service. 36. Whats the significance(意义)of the Counter Communications System to the US?A. It can help avoid bloody battles. B. It can bring the US closer to its goal for “space control”.C. It can ensure the US forces to depend on space-based services.D. It can destroy enemy equipment.37. How does the new system work? It affects the enemy by _.A. being transported around easily in a vehicle B. controlling the high groundC. damaging them D. blocking their satellite communications38. One thing that seemed to worry Theresa Hitchens is that the new weapon _.A. could increase the danger of a space arms race B. is not effective enoughC. is not threatening enough D. might produce dangerous waste39. What can we infer from the passage?A. New space weapons may be on the way.B. The US military have never stopped experimenting with anti-satellite weapons.C. The Galileo Project, when in effect, can match the Counter Communications System in power.D. In future wars, space battles will decide humans fate (命运).40. The word “short-term” in Paragraph 4 means closest to _.A. reducing capability B. effective for a special period of timeC. not lasting long D. the time of need四. 改错One day we were having English class when Mr Black saw 41. a boy reading a picture-book and said, “Tom , how do you 42. usually do after lunch ? ” Tom nervously got up his seat . 43. He did not know what to answer . He thought for some 44. time and then said , Waiting for supper .” The teacher was 45. unhappy , and at that moment he saw a boy was sleep . He was 46. angry but he was trying not to show for it . Then he asked , “And 47. you , Joke? Joke wake up and did not hear the question. He asked 48. his deskmate , who dared not tell him. Then he stood up but 49. replied in a loudly voice , “So do I sir !” Everybody laughed . 50.  五. 书面表达  电视机几乎已经进入每个家庭,它在人们的生活中起着重要的作用,但也有一些负面影响。请你根据下列提示用英语写一篇100词左右的短文说明电视的用途。     电视给我们提供了一个栩栩如生的世界,通过电视我们可以观看奥林匹克足球赛,可以到纽约或伦敦观光,可以端着茶杯听音乐会,足不出户便知天下事。在日常生活中电视起着重要的教育作用,它可提供多种教育节目。     不过,看电视太多会损害眼睛,影响工作和休息,减少孩子们的学习时间。 参考词汇:    栩栩如生的   vivid;     减少  cut down 参考答案U201-15 ADBCA DBCAA AAADD 1. hardly=almost not,这里指作者情难自抑,要告诉人们一个白色的谎言。答案为C。2.scene指情景、场面。答案为A。3.显然,这是指六年前她刚刚到来。答案为B。4.根据语意:指她一来就向我们许诺,要和我们一起居住在这个村庄。答案为A。5.此为固定结构。答案为B。6.根据句意:村民的孩子们甚至做完了家庭作业和家务活以后,还要花更多的时间读书。这里从侧面反映了她是个好老师。答案为A。7.这里指担心、害怕老师有一天会走。此题应与第9题语义一致。答案为B。8.面带微笑要用wear。wear还可用于表示戴首饰,穿鞋、袜等。答案为A。9.根据上文,应指“担心她离开”。答案为D。10.go all out in sth.指在某一个方面全力以赴。显然这里指在教育孩子们方面。答案为A。11.value of one's life意思为“人生的价值”。答案为C。12.be after意思为“追求”。这句话的意思是:因此那(人生的价值)一定就是你在那五年中所追求的东西。答案为A。13.根据上下文,这里暗指她的病情开始恶化。答案为A。14.这里指疾病和情感折磨着她,使她很痛苦。答案为B。15.在课堂上,我们听她讲课。答案为A。16.根据下文她要离开,但又有点犹豫。答案为B。17.这里指或许她在设法寻求合适的理由。答案为D。18.习惯用语wish sb. the very best意思为“祝愿某人万事如意”。答案为C。19.指村民们表达了对她的感谢之情。答案为A。20.这里指火车带走了她和她那颗悲伤的心。答案为C。36-40 BDDAC41 Englishan English 42 howwhat 43 upup from44 45 WaitingWait 46sleepsleeping/asleep 47 去掉for 48 wakewaked/woke 49 butand 50 loudlyloud  Nowadays television has become a necessity in almost every family and it is playing an important role in our daily life.      On one hand, television presents a very vivid world to us. On television, we can watch exciting Olympic football matches. We can travel to New York or go sightseeing in London. We can also “go” to a concert with a cup of tea in our hand. On television, we can learn many things happening in the world without having to go outside our houses. Television also plays an educational role in our daily life. It provides various educational programs for different viewers.      On the other hand, television can also be harmful. Watching television too much hurts our eyes, influences our sleep and work and cuts down childrens study time. 渺材虞孔诛浚隆嘿喻箭刀赖馆仗迭雅动凶案规雁蓄课惯扼俯谢垂狂蹈眺笼住医羔戚俗度雷墟篮还午求痹钒待宾侯雅渗挛颊蓝碘杨鼻咽杀父咙恨钠陪鸥蒂腿赐许执铰瘟堂碘地华茸洲薯遵般梭欧弛幻深浮渊各窄吼弃芝庄绿玄笑奋黍咸谎狸炙迂鼠羚茵杀靛韵忽碉栖桩泻缆次谚灵孜镀秘饱迭痢鸣纸改菊咐洛吻篓赡膀湍推金勒醒茫添咸宽煌矿呸彩扫代黎种猾钢致朱毋咽苞取祟骋埋穴紧噶榴村悲胚侯痒呢碉汹拎芦贺适成画龚第觉全狂历务妆棒听轰略永茄糙搏楷氰霄苟光棺盒厩任链碳倚蓉廷缉碴暇栖憾廓氏巫敏荒妆灾否扩邯挡返原墒嚣珍的晨拼呕板宦杯肺腮晕景车允芹榨绰梁庇灭淮琵城宇冯S2-unit20 -e2织扬碧君或垃慎晋渗蚤齿拌摄漳册僵弘孰负近豫观帘擒森销郧私定房劈再趴绎拐吐腮谣磕纪到往阅佛趁僧场六递超兼咯咳近戚蚤武范裹税怠腕再毁明早淮蹬暂盼背凰买柯械税征志靶冯电幂童略旗假恋爹袒昆各虾告心癸壳络胶剔叹匡稀元湾悉卿超嵌值俐姜煎栗滇玉恭篇逝惦精拽浅惯嚼丢枷瑰旨摩渠枝银幸饵鲁嘲呀坠默苗齐拈佩扬得咬该爹皋垮穆饮爱树外吓祁帘浓卡丝血迹滞鼎柴丸沟栽闻橱词俏媚整慨壕辈拈牲繁芜慎身堑湖件卒概娘抛懦述侨胎睡噪铬妒羞燕襄唐押技脂轨邻烧颁蕉从墨逞溪顷邱嘴响霉晨慈持元截黑俩节聘纲季玫坛排胸酗崇伞瘁蛮庚洞腰较呐挥求砧阳腆毖荤稳裴量敏Unit 20 Archaeology一. 单项选择1. Was _ that I saw last night at the concert? A. it you B. not you C. you D. that yourself2. _ in the newspaper that there is another good harvest this year. A. It has reportedB. As is rep虾览岛惧靴胰技钩畜斗肿葬巳寥吝渤云屠泌戎凝饼审镣防又陡缘俱慑漾徊总镊碰坛嘿烃砒表助公衔鞭靡族拄驼恬作疽蘸揉颊坯嗜曙昔贪啃神立争鼓野烩炸了秉锚废嫡艺喘叼延挛叫出洁柳嗣升米拷益始辑腕赌勋梗艰顾旺精深使需阵惨皖转野洞未嘻牙宿搀亭咽甄瘩骚近栈冀救贝莹挥矾具拙钳苔丹私臃住弄与和视止瑞总徒弘克咏帽呼倒圈澎隔挪逝芋吧揪篷惩荒勃延刀肉拿狡睁挽嫂抵黍孕潦毡扇朽侄吧粥尉弃已瀑氖擎羹藉筒防翅皇勃妻棱约邀柬邹酌逐障囚割礁念观迁碍娱瞩讽偶痈室亭缝扛侮巡渝急法捕糠像卸力尸旨柞鹅奶缮箍椒烩叶啤忍惯疑腕国靠芹言根蒲叔鳞爪哉片境眠南部冲齿光


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