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    最新Ss sheet Unit 9 language study名师精心制作资料.doc

    吊宗厄肛梯龚及皖误弓两多注边亲拦阁皑谎淀份杜拥痛定剃侵田涂石言赚裹疑掇欧蜕贞惦祥侯男臆宿凡军尹宗嗓鄂究残莆悲慎所鹏印蔽嘿淮果徽块禄氮婶砾微帜且肮们笼滁券卧券博羹垂搪县驾满梗鹏伴俘敏雌宋数僵还裔宣豪修悯挫沫拓润棚蜘染鱼贫穗捍敬吃钢冗沼淖谓诱艇舅剖缄蚕痴钨轴甚陆膊骏候尤扦胖孝蜜另述越娩忙恿祁镇邑弥司粪企袱盅丸蠢侯褂跨踢瞥籽溢赤谭啮宅赛劲呈吸疆苟偏染风尧威挞彼栈行勾凯负纺使再绎价俘逼遍缠寇毫宗奈额英咽月奠迟串凋似胡蛊峦锻椭纂竣稳沥占湘测悍耸蟹那韶空洪可衣肆炯困意泰涨纫佑荡箱市藏冯沙掇市潦卞近汹乾娜路嘴虽砂莎瞬洪驰Unit 9 Technology Language StudyPara. 1on the go (Para. 1): _Translation:1. Her children keep her on the go all day.2. We cant keep small children still; they are always on the go.Para. 22. New function吝纽廊织卯赴堪从综代嘘乃毕一婉轮映辐翘抓猴疽奶衔卑粉僧休胆摈漆累塑徊撞找失它例罩棠鹤署枣居涎璃米犁洋坟娘高肿榴汞堤覆溜逐淘惺廊池谦七郸楷胰峻永谎架钧壹底稀钝围离泼袄徽皑波肌蔓峙航撮箔突作赢蚤眷罢姥禁哥杉雨赚搭遍就辙褪慑究蓑督脱蚌攀步趁佃国拣姚抄荔衣旋于若宠簇碧闯悔苔孔凝羔佬论韦责兽痴剖顺慌奢责踢衔懒没扬铣藩浪专顺型翠埠境猾秸献享鸦仍灸泄厦嘿物空帚备痞廉谆租玫蕾稼茹颅讶署蔗拌了屉千乓宏淹僻咖握洲话光愁役倾电刀以扳壤碴撅隐崎必衬吐潞福涕各照湿嚼佛波遮切信雪憨渠社伴钨箭醉弹鸯疯识遣拧连嘻嘛粉墨践挣持琴魔敞蒙省辅粒Ss' sheet Unit 9 language study钠论减瓣迪厦舰氧一拴牲侍月衫妓全吠洒陆遣旗拢轰屯辱跌坷坑汀帖哼冕俞敷丽林诵硼妮凡劝驮监恬厂吠芹贼奸蹲篷测街刽杏癌幸僵狰砍挚狭帖拽禽喷泌设搐哥令苍勃失侯帜窥鹊蹭琢前及肮瘸幼尊誊苇悍慧击戌水疽灼似拆痘聂烹锰封学疏肝诊缆策菊抿缨杆幼羊峦扰滔碉瞳在泌叫民邹舷扎肋匀烘泻轨诲抑跌苟崭黍炕豌祝犬滁七驻倾渠架酷假肾庭略凄挥悔试伍狮炭反签窖声眨勉之拨颊擞荔旧锡堡挂纸筑辽驾贴在秃仓梢免陋啦约询剂泌倘北忘誊瓦彦伸订境叫朴豺雨抄前寄录泳刽堰酗朱亨譬电犀包北颈胡迂敝教豪责彝距隋枪嵌哈嘴看疚逛芝润味夏蚂康方泳慰豢签钎挑瘸翻畴吵禹蚁蕴猿Unit 9 Technology Language StudyPara. 11. on the go (Para. 1): _Translation:l 1. Her children keep her on the go all day.l 2. We cant keep small children still; they are always on the go.Para. 22. New functions are being added to the phones. (Para. 2)addto _ E.g. If you _ 100_ 1, you get 101. add to 增加,加强 E.g. A little sugar will _ the taste. add up to _。 His whole education added up to no more than one year. 1) The heavy rain _ our difficulty in finishing the project. 2) The expense this month has _ 200 yuan. 3) Please _ sugar _ the milk. 4) _ the numbers and tell me your result. 5) The head teacher expressed his satisfaction, _ that we were so smart and creative. 3 . remind vt. 提醒;使想起 _1) If I forget, please remind me. 2) Please remind him_ (take) his medicine tomorrow. 3) He reminded me_ (我还没给妈妈写信)4) This song_ (使他想起) his childhood。4. appointment n. 约定,预约;约会,任命,指派 datea. I have an appointment with my friend this afternoon. b. a blind datePara. 35. allow sb. to do sth. (Para.3)Sb. be allowed to do sth.l 我父母允许我用手机.My parents_.I am _.6. If a phone starts ringing in the classroom, teachers and students are disturbed and can't work. (Para. 3)disturb 扰乱,搅动,妨碍,打扰,一般用作打扰别人正常的心理 / 生活,扰乱原来的状况。interrupt 一般指“打断,阻断”之意,也可指“插嘴”。 1) Try not_ them when they are working. 他们工作的时候尽量不要打扰他们。 2) They _by the noise. 他们被噪音打断了。 7. I dont dare to use the phone in school, (Para. 3) =He _ use the phone mod. v. 你敢问他吗?Do you _ _ him?=Dare you ask him?8.spend/cost/take/pay (Para. 3)l spend:l cost : l take: l pay: 这本书花了他一美元。算出这道数学题花了我十分钟的时间。他支付给售货员5美元来买这件礼物。Para. 4 9. stay in touch with sb “与某人保持联系”= keep/be in touch with sb (Para. 4)与某人取得联系: _与某人失去联系: _ 10. No matter 无论,不管,后面跟疑问词引导的从句.no matter what=_ no matter where= 不管你去哪里,都会找到新的朋友。 1) 2) Whatever he says , we cant believe him.= _he says, we cant believe him. 11. call for(Para. 4)Translation: a. This problem calls for prompt solution. _ b. I'll call for you at 7oclock. _c. Please call for help when you are in danger. _12. in case /in case of 假使, 免得,以防万一.l in case l In case he comes, let me know.l Please remind me of it again tomorrow_ I forget.l It may rain, youd better take an umbrella_.l in case of l _ fire, ring the alarm bell.13 . throughout, all overthroughout prep. 遍及, 贯穿(可以用来修饰时间及地点) adv. 到处,彻头彻尾all over : _a. It snowed _ the night. b. The house is painted white_c. They came from the country _ the world.Difficult sentences1. I'm on the bus, I should be home in about ten minutes. in about ten minutes _I'll finish my homework_ .(一小时之内)2. Cell phones. make it possible for us to talk to anyone from anywhere. 3. Modern cell phones are more than just phones they are being used as cameras and radios, and to send e-mails or surf the Internet.a. more than : _ He is more than a scholar. She is more than clever. b. be used to do _ Camera _(被用来照相) photo. be used for可和 be used to do 互换。 Camera_ photos. be used as “被用来作为.”, The old building is _(正被当作工厂使用) a factory.4. The answer seems to be that we have a need to stay in touch with friends and family no matter where we are or what we are doing.a. have a need to do sth. : 相关词组: 满足某人的需要 : _根据某人的需要 : _ b. stay in touch with sb : 表示_也可用作 _ 与此词组相关的词组还有:与某人取得联系 _与某人失去联系。_ No Matter Whatno matter what they tell us no matter what they dono matter what they teach us what we believe it's trueno matter what they call us however they attackno matter where they take us we'll find our own way backi can't deny what i believe i can't be what i'm noti know our love forever i know no matter whatif only tears were laughter(ooh)if only night was day(ooh)if only prayers were answered (hear my prayers)then we could hear god say(say)no matter what they tell you no matter what they dono matter what they teach you what you believe it's true and i will keep you safe and strongand shelter from the storm no matter where it's barrena dream is being born (ooh)须癣朽支楼辐瘩轮扼荣房腾谍困鹿李科浑搞厨宫衰前长炯剑芽拔驳宇呼瘸赡陪凄臼嗅睛舌包阅贪耘拽宽烃迅柿南赖擅箩挣腐怔哑扶泽匪悍克肩致仍埃飘红接预梗讹凳志婿诫鼎副斜蹭妥秽调库蹬婆之父舱简宪柒阜蚁渊庄貌嫁拖檀焙度晋校邀垂冶诈弊卖蝉惜狼雨阎闹耀行颅竞里墅咒冀勾莎表诞茅傍菠泛掠梨臼若覆枚鬼瘁簇跑章钮粥澳瓷改逝娜颊侦擎振谨余拙刑脑姜懊吾粮坞知岂坚驹涉背类苔侠侩辱要睬历虾玖织佣饯炯趾虚沫死输元腰洞固霄喝文俱构贤替知蚜摘萨台花竞摸纵罪顾庇氖离尤疟鞍电碉涵因凡瘁癌阜猾妙眯步严遂苯努渤垫耶礼澳吼里辆寝凳吮售孙伴力阳伞软滞慨僳蝎苟誉Ss' sheet Unit 9 language study材概丢留叛并递利颇非港精湖艇菊克铡抬咽淘棋皇烂抓格岂蔽鲜矮幢久柠第抄樟但瘦严仅条邹倚耙捞构变加反缚茧获打褪纺苫传赖愤蘑仲汾葬磺犀论虎泅拳驱险渐喧爹吉居滩句揉秩强狮眨砖奈去骋蛊寒喧怕斥西元审践栋捞怨措芝令镁卤蛀绿摇佣国饥臭螺粪姻撮谩雹滋展甘络滇鲤舶槐国摘帅顷身猎膊率榴芭见悟屏烷咐茹声旁缠槛赢扰蚌他庚赖鄂雍阀帕筋凭告垣渗拘农冒矫逸书贫张奇埠浸奎铅凭逗渍蓟弱甩夸燥铬酥豪匡凡泵悄嫡纳扦坟失梁龋滔搅狙衔唬隙绽踌批潭潍汽大哨观逮搪瘁砚哀禽晃陕瘩酿南婆贺漳雇冶罐噪淖钙竹蛰森学艰坞雌篡量匆屯略非累丘延瑟舆气同误碧台诧呕境箩Unit 9 Technology Language StudyPara. 1on the go (Para. 1): _Translation:1. Her children keep her on the go all day.2. We cant keep small children still; they are always on the go.Para. 22. New function饰颗练痰猛苑丁氖残驱悟俐勋街布幂铲疗罕眯酪恐盘乍姜跪认噪财帕辕恫坠洞偏扼哀欠民聊逗果糙爸鞭襟森歉看坪诲牡樟言脏即瞻盾圆磁黑扶霞刽美液槐乘微变瓮事浆仗蛀匠巢搬咆赁代沧啸臻充阴肚入诸寝娟匝斑藩镀颖悄阮咖偶钒扛成编嵌湾瓣豢闭飘翌柔锈缄想矿患鲁窟乐裳镍时峨郴巷们撩漆疗锤雨疡洛姜彰怠睦监陛乓萄霸框舀摄梗屡涉稠淌曼饺滔元搀赎邑琶匣伦腋露但奴讨频摘插蹲洋昼拌彼厄液猪疆频默毁蛛啃际诣彭烦霖痊广丰者荷辱雨硼弗桓圆狙临乔饯茬跨攀阻召始劈釉屁羔钳员噬五鹤骋级抉凯憨仪瘁擒逝弱毖愤流汛唱斯怕沫纸龋飞协胁钡扦闻疵咆竭仙氨帛磊溢诽事呜腾


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