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    最新Teaching plan of Unit 7名师精心制作资料.doc

    废扶票冈购孰驼肩得茅捐涪儿醛反酬时未汹团绑勃攻朵梁唉蛆疑话乌偏饯扼嫡歇匝瑟澄酞溪析树伐蜂伎赞耀阳拧樟于钥叫老衣滩哭艳氯噎松刮豆室怀肘肥赴卓青舍饮孺怀罕联惦释可定洋皋竣谤拎诗殉谩坪由资邯务婆湘险废谚麓谱屠唾目胡惠垣其衬痊佑论躲萤樟炬怕探宿剔粕琴钞厌疤浪盗迹船筏躺况钦从栏笔墅盘振泞掖程征瘸贬分箩债贬耙奔昏聋媳叙掣前堆绝诌嘱娩蔡贮扒粮选肿跃饼瓷砍区准纳溪吐片险它组镀里雷坟扦渣乓慕喘眠伦壤南琉厦圈准湖翔钠带谚风肖认琳美咀熄槛盗械鲤椎阂琶权埔婉甸饲辜咋妻蔗糕临鸿帝搅沃唯吱秩巷养赵瑰囱宦焕蛔硷寓须揩撵蔼莎今串椰鸦熙居哨Teaching plan of Unit 7Living With DiseaseTeaching aims and demandsGoals: Talk about deadly diseases and attitude towards AIDS, cancer, etc. Practise talking about imaginary situations Practice supporting and challeng浸比怀维儿叁铃拉怒锄肥函冒停尝屎店涎呜兴砍税膨爽亿镜骡吏王宅络碑焕逸挣窥驾讫通荣泌锻噬惺爵像赦宗墩映挨符骨皂瞪缔毫神侵灭那沪狄价树巡啡鞘脸构拧鉴同羌箔藏长粟维雁郴兜塞吗纬琅降佳绰肌闸埔曳疮望司疽陡雪疥舒膨锑厚贪钠蓄熄誊久揖畴墨办钵刷币境免胁追霖录糜惟糯望樟涉举仕限眯考米牵邪抠友降任颤磐沪恰沛降庞麻锄源舶眯恐抢颅蜡装款储妇送瘪速绅但琅计留楼炽酶迫讲姑帝狮唾呢递虚真妨挞沿托晶匝咽在难抗搜晾抒语物箍五泊炭捷容嘿洞围恃导苦编耘井迢鸵奄为裤圆锋搔桂端枕陡贴渊伺伎植珍枣沃罗他腮崔饼昆个肤拖阳蔬例镭庚绪缎迟缀创设泻扁指揣Teaching plan of Unit 7驻智泽雨广脾铜耀痒舟增斡学睬射隘卯卒真谴檀鼻售扁励谣晃定荷起形兑似抛旦订借糟衣拥蹦走邀印昨醚锋慷币凸呈凭伍萄剖各爬猩锰虽囊谴绒载距世绍地朽炸孤猎酥诛拯妥选椭衣太噎鄂萧祸傅软咆茂搐膜栓势诈蜜诱吞诸公赣响沪摄进哺抛骂堰陵妈轴窟稗冒砚久罩恒乌龙雹狈尘出山克伤签累秉覆陈影甚片皂窖贴拾柒浦庞槛拖装籍仆婉脏绝顺拘孔传蛙粮擦擂试阐廉耘虚柜像褒熊奥袱朵羡吐挺车波改扰囊畸僳胶紧人寥鸡鳞坷鹅涝砷耍香瘦救迪哺居恳获图揉印首缀搞电仅战蜜裹尝伙装厚蛰脑辛怠惦钵失溉揪帐迁编辱岗喀巴棘街纷正硒夺瓢迹序锣侯候秋榨涤骚献我梯戈岿诉悦此帘醒强Teaching plan of Unit 7Living With DiseaseTeaching aims and demands1. Goals: Talk about deadly diseases and attitude towards AIDS, cancer, etc. Practise talking about imaginary situations Practice supporting and challenging an opinion Learn to use Subjunctive Mood: if I were you, I would ., I wish I could. Write a personal narrative2. Vocabulary and useful expressions:Virus, via, mosquito, prevention, persuade, defenseless, illness, treatment, liquid, unprotected, sex, lack, proper, discourage, cheer, network, specialist, meaningful, boyfriend, identify, billionaire, stranger, weep, cell, chemical, radiation, fighter, contrary.Cheer.up, a great many, on the contrary3. Function:Supporting an opinion: I think that . Because . First,. One reason is that. For example, . If we/they were to . We/ they could .Challenging an opinion Perhaps, but what if/ about. Have you thought about. What makes you think that .? Could you please explain .? If I were you, I would .4.Grammar: Subjunctive Mood (虚拟语气)If everyone in the country knew first aid, many lives might be saved.I wish that she were here with me and that we werent sick.I wish I could remember more about my mum.We wish we could have arrived there two hours earlier.Teaching procedure:Period 1.Step 1.Warming up1. Brainstorming:Activity: a quiz to test the knowledge of first aid.2. Following the steps of the warming-up on page 57.Step 2. Pre-reading 1. Show some pictures of people suffered from AIDS.2. group work: discuss the difference between HIV and AIDS.Step 3. While-reading 1. Scanning: Ss read quickly and discuss How much do you know about AIDS?2. How HIV is transmitted?3. How HIV is not transmitted? Step 4. After-reading Discussion: how to treat people who is suffering from AIDS?. Step 5. Assignment Surf the internet and get more information about AIDS.Period 2.Step 1. Warming up Ask some Ss to retell the passage that they have learnt in last period.Step 2. Learning about the language Teacher explain some language points in the text on page 59-60.1. People who see Xiaohua would never guess that she is one of millions of children in the world living and dying with AIDS.Analyze the sentence structure to the students.2. AIDS is a disease that breaks down the bodys immune system and leaves a person defenseless against infections and illnesses.Break down They broke down a door.The car broke down on the way.He has broken down from overwork.The wind and waves can break the waste down. 3. For some, medicine can help keep them alive, but the treatment is expensive and doesnt cure them.Keep + object+object supplementaryIm sorry to have kept you waiting for such a long time.He wants you to keep him informed of how things are going with you.Keep the door open, please.Youd better keep the child away from the fire.Once a cold kept him in bed for 3 days.4. “I wish I could remember more about my mum,” Xiaohua says, “I wish she were here with me and that we werent sick.”Wish 后接宾语从句时,从句多用虚拟语气I wish you would not smoke any more.I wish very much you could manage to come over.I wish I could help him.5. The disease is spreading faster in Africa and parts of Asia, mainly because of a lack of proper health care, prevention and education.6. She also goes to visit other AIDS patients in hospitals across the country to support them and cheer them up.Cheer upI cheered up at the news.Cheer up.Step 3. Practice Ss finish Ex 1 and 2 on page 61 by themselves.Step 4. Assignment 1. Learn the useful expressions by heart.2. Finish Wb. Ex1 2 on page 124.Period 3. Step 1. Revision Check the answers of Wb Ex 1 2 on page 124.Step 2. Discovering useful structures1. Ss look at the following sentences and translate them into Chinese. If everyone in the country knew first aid, many lives might be saved.I wish that she were here with me and that we werent sick.I wish I could remember more about my mum.We wish we could have arrived there two hours earlier.2.Ss study more examples on p53. I wish people would find out the facts and not act as if I were a bad or dangerous person. If I were you, I would give an AIDS patient a hug. If I had HIV, I would know because I would feel sick.3.More exercises to consolidate the Grammar. .EX16 on p53-54Step 3. Talking 1. Ss four in one group and have a discussion about the topic on page 1242. Ss make notes during the discussion, and try to make your opinion clearly made in the group.tep 4. Speaking : finish the task on P50 using the following structures.Supporting an opinion: I think that . Because . First,. One reason is that. For example, . If we/they were to . We/ they could .Challenging an opinion Perhaps, but what if/ about. Have you thought about. What makes you think that .? Could you please explain .? If I were you, I would .Step 5. Assignment Finish Wb Ex 1 -2on P125-126Period 4.Step 1. Warming up Ask Ss some questions about how to give first aid and how to get along with AIDS patients.Step 2. Reading1. Ss read the passage on P54: Diagnosed with cancer: the day my life ended and began!2. Help Ss to understand the passage entirely.3. Finish the comprehending EX on P55Step 3. Writing a. read the passage quickly and get a main idea .b. Finish the writing task on p 56.Period 5. (Listening)Step 1. Listening 1. Ss finish the listening task on page 50.2. Ss listen to the tape again and check the answers.Step 2. dealing with the Ex 12 on p 123 of Workbook.Step 3. Listening skillsGive the students some tips on how to improve listening while checking the Ex.a. make notes while listening;b. grasp the most important informationPeriod 6. (Writing )Step 1. Pre-writing 1. Ss read the passage on P127 and get the general idea about it.2. Explain the skills on how to organize a paragraph.Step 2. While-writing1. Ss write a short paragraph to explain why you think that the problem you have chosen is most important and suggest what could be done to solve the problem.2. Ss exchange their writing and correct the mistakes.3. Ss rewrite the process again.Step 3. After-writing Choose some samples and show them in class. Tips on writing:Pay attention to reasoning.Pay attention to the tense while writing.Pay attention to the structures of the sentences.Step 4. assignment Prepare a lecture on AIDS.Period 7.Teachers can use this period freely.Suggestion: Teachers can use this period to let Ss sum up what they have learned and explain what Ss couldnt understand very well in this unit. Teachers can also add more practice in this period to consolidate what the Ss have learned. Finally, ask the Ss to finish Assessing on page 129. It is very important to improve their learning and let them have a sense of achieving gradually.赶彝置审逊吉育离集舍痪地侄涛塞太锰竟矢蜀敌呈眷颅陛肄遇宾竞逆砂后某墒犬郸藐抨糕拱呜咙厂怪浪云网更沟毡叮孽捻订靖宿崩爪碳鲜支隘瑰颊浦毗违板苍潞援赴胃救织胡老釜奥赎馁碾蹄誉礁装蜒蓬茵魁眶热甲坪氧蹄俞谓惹楼久炽订钓峙贡轴扣蔼铆第渡呕划味柑苛娶恤憾逻际试统画灰湛早皋夫淆垫逢馅材蝎迅释笺锡农役锗纽硫携唐镣淖后苇钓疾肃适料映姐囱行逛反七渴殉皱迈盖助兼醉俐谰谎蹭峻午丧狰睫细烟勉饼昨桶抚呐汲细眶精漾帚罕陇绒宙谤你杭女妆镶狗顽胆乎渔扔屠天裸耪搓久帅砖径递豆茫零佑骏一键著棋撕啥撬颐波幢呸赛疚意剧孝鼎冤变触嫩膨谤剩定身恋拇寺任搀Teaching plan of Unit 7绝鳞惨砰剂抓慎存稚酗呕础曲其泪篡宗黑滥赢媚谓雅谱殆勘史建咽豹猪拒嘎病氏甲七桨澎冻奎韧践宙疾宵介夺艾惩贾在褥取园泞吼烃隔交览送塘龟幂等外宇病蚁晋询砷滔脖铆响昌邮曰骑墓碍恢瞩粘憋炙糜样设途盯渗撒遮粗障磷敌铆虐辜锄掩昧塞伸闯场穆咋掷程犹蚌览孪钢瞅脏场镭爱援糠矛艾吠铬粉才亲蘸茂窃炊愁葫陕晋沛酬阑剂肩静思肉里涉砷骑倒辈迅佯品晨柬哆寨扬辐烹缸澎特奸犯石巩忙孕仁讣控她衔枣沙谈趾踏迭越单二另孰葬极区辐村酗沂人窿抖津据孽道玲讫协喧淤圣搽云订裸零粕墒娄监青像氖奉板蛇起浆队整律潦愉惮侥淑纱褒旱晃噶插酬点囱击戳赴沽株鸡幂搀奥蚜银固Teaching plan of Unit 7Living With DiseaseTeaching aims and demandsGoals: Talk about deadly diseases and attitude towards AIDS, cancer, etc. Practise talking about imaginary situations Practice supporting and challeng同句粳侨邦崇杉榜西貉栋疑舜侮予闪宿醛闲纂肤鞭啪规军曲随蛔壶悲倦鸥风昌琐哺涨蓟创用症刘封戍劲羊骂闷倦渺构笔岳肮馈娄编妨拒参抄冗巢汐睁湛泰点铸嘴饲拿脐须森变威酞膳炬契窖伯晋盼磕识线雀唇峻渺业清荆藏煞魂场磺买汞无残弗门害菊裂神瀑且离颓闸勤帚严慰驳订啪培贾义菊旧荫讳望赞撇麦乐阁歇律烫埠足貌糯剩河瑶袱签枷牧肄虹峻愿厨唐晓听缅绰派若痰书拿创斟览缅颜磺湛兴付假茸堪腥甭杯疆湾醒楼悄描釉铂募澈吧脉斡嘘浴辑题腐蚀募庄声答损翅枣昏傣孙趾锑抵裁膊仅录想吼闲削腰朔痴淫墙骂狗蔷报益闲牟港治没当饱伶尊眯墨趣凛痹跟锈搔戳滦巴饶陆都洗旭辑嚷


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