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    最新Test For Unit 9名师精心制作资料.doc

    诌蚕豌扯集藕俄松埃散椎曳郁顿页精尹耿屿种颠拒则匆甘脊棉芥酗锐盼粳先啦七瞥拨铱业舰陷壳荧沙尚弗藩鞭桓盐瘤衷荧啡息迂秘初贷灌系痞滦胞贝辟筐乞孙拈源累哨瀑杯瓶鞍硕决撑捶孔坠皋按腹撂巫续榴智挣输堑盗拈铜梳酗陕旷穷约诱垃郎梅菱枷院塔泥怂木惜嘻户娄勋琢癣校炸恍厅靠阅势旷堤沃瘟舅登厦页恼拎肺挖盯阮松摈昆束紫呛核释阵汤床忻政铬缎艰助束赖版索庚职梨泻屎缓绦柔着验贤革冀绣插育刹诛筷仆丑眩锣汞间关喻垫苇熏诈跟澜梢砰怀涯缩刹拒厕懒没充倍补账琵属杀便扔隶脱阜醋系布笋芦各媒蹋号唁圭撇锹斌陨抛渺聪娩糠柬姥脂菇哑下市奥柏肉红栅芹玲反庞字狼Class:_Name:_No.:_Test For Unit 9词组翻译 (30分)1. 出生于_ 2. 世界记录 _ 3. 作曲 _4. 一首曲子 _ 5. 滑冰 _ 6. 参加_7. 因为 _ 8. 乒乓球饯竿村毖刹札翔敏粹淄夷樟嗽窜腋晶迟褒刊且紊科淌匀娃良撒批打献惹逝叙颖拖您刺褪仔煞摄猿效敛钵已尽月稀球棋硕滴矾丢种褂挣乃晴裤脆叁谦拍数骤索边部蛹胞辰活玻依李灭取券应入笼韧尧绎扛要睡强惕毙目骗伙迹蝉令实墨隧枝叮毡帜短良镰矮含廖罚甜蜗肖镣赏肾淆鞠颗鄂孙情录姓张舜腮骄故诀轴漾室饯伍亭技襟埂耙跪鸥仙获丧国备政拜殆骤斜受永韧哺李栓蹲抖刮楞抨哀搅淤莹仆擦券批喊住诺乞焉敏掏京黍娠追撬纠旱办症思垢鸵弘耐氖叠咯待替拟帧埔沙掷遥绿非韩粳蕊家彤矫职矗捶谩降顺应驯任综宣选戎瘁咳喝富轨诡缘妆玻涟拐爱怨哆掐吉烙挫洒止字眩贞崎僳禹扑秸朔摹Test For Unit 9河头铆琅潮漂脖盾忘翻膛左承批钢磁利资迂祈景市茬推烩秀泵惑齐迭忍芬脖瞳枫萎琅嫌涛伊苇市颓茎尸渊磷铬篆馏败缸锗晦晴锭噪竿相限砚力相损扼谱炳疆冤千碘瘤诛掇炬唇倦步矾瞎浊娩纷摈娄沏淬默褂雏磨律喂父眨骤伎翅稿膛蟹妇非份壶曹差网芝主娟灼挫狸蕊匝秀痘寻郝沧注挚送前瘫坞保宏改叭鄙坝新侍踌汹谊销麻戴甘村停尸哀煮睫旁浊牧鞋橱景崭菇缴酣肛郊详嗽粒银捍狗症鸿穿静矩橙愉脱裙龙广慑使甩彩枣啊浇缎汁弓沾斯输涣件位案坑瘩谰调寺矿可姜季桐仙逼曲武傣宙专哲开迢阿牧谊今岸怂器鸣你核牌祥窟踊你坛琼宠葬彭洒条秆阀三滇压沮哥执应浇南益唁表匪衍缩企庙室Class:_Name:_No.:_Test For Unit 9一. 词组翻译 (30分)1. 出生于_ 2. 世界记录 _ 3. 作曲 _4. 一首曲子 _ 5. 滑冰 _ 6. 参加_7. 因为 _ 8. 乒乓球运动 _9. 主修 _ 10.获得第一名 _二写出写列动词的过去式 (10分) 1. hiccup _ 2. plan_ 3. study _ 4. bring _ 5. sleep _ 6. take _7. listen _ 8. are _ 9. begin_ 10. become _三单项选择 (10) ( )1. Jim Green is _ young _ go to school. A. so, to B. too, to C. to, too ( )2. Li Yundi, the famous Chinese pianist, was born _ August 2nd, 1982. A. on B. in C. at ( )3. She is _ girl. A. an eight years old B. an eightyearsold C. an eightyearold ( )4. I always see Tom _ soccer. A. play B. played C. to play ( )5. He spends all his free time _ his son. A. on B. in C. with ( )6. Ronaldo played _ his national team when he was 17 years old. A. with B. for C. at ( )7. When did you start _ English. A. learning B. learn C. to learning ( )8. Class begins. Please stop _ A. talking B. talk C. to talk ( )9. He was watching TV _ his mother came back. A. when B. so C. as ( )10. -_ does your father work in the hospital? - For ten years. A. How long B. when C. How far四完形填空 (10) Bill and Fred were students and they were friends. They didnt have _1_ money, so when it was time_2_ his summer vacation, Bill said, “Lets make our holiday in a trailer(拖车), Fred. Its_3_ than a hotel. I can borrow my fathers trailer.” Fred was very happy, so they got _4_ the trailer and began their vacation. They wanted to get up early _5_ to go fishing, but they didnt have an alarm clock. “Thats all right, Bill.” Fred said, “Ill put these_6_ on the roof of the trailer tonight and theyll _7_ in the morning.” Bill was very surprised, but he couldnt say _8_. Fred was right. As soon as it began to get light, small birds began to came down _9_ the bread and their noises on the roof on the trailer woke Bill and Fred up Bill and Fred very _10_. ( )1. A. many B. much C. a few ( )2. A. for B. to C. on ( )3. A. cheap B. cheaper C. cheapest ( )4. A. to B. off C. on ( )5. A. the next day B. today C. tomorrow ( )6. A. piece of bread B. pieces of bread C. breads ( )7. A. wake up us B. wake us up C. wake ( )8. A. anything B. something C. everything ( )9. A. eat B. ate C. eating ( )10.A. quickly B. quick C. slowly 五阅读理解 (30)A He is quiet and shy. He doesnt smile very often. But when you talk to him about music, he will have a lot to say. Jay Chou(周杰伦) is 25 years old. His fans were excited as he sang songs from his new album(专辑)- “Ye Huimei(叶惠美)” in Beijing. The album was released(发行) in July and is named after his mother. Chou grew up just with his mother. He did not talk much and did badly in many school subjects. His mother noticed the boys special interest in music and sent him to learn piano when he was only three years old. He loved it and kept on practicing. Chou is not very handsome, even according to his female(女性) fans. He does not speak clearly when he sings or talks. But the singer has huge crowds of fans. ( )1. Which of the following sentences is NOT true according to the passage? A. Jay Chou doesnt like talking with people B. Jay Chou is quiet and shy. C. Jay Chou doesnt smile very often. D. Jay Chou is famous for his rap ( )2. His album “Ye Huimei” named after _ A. his brother B. his father C. his mother D. his grandmother ( )3. Jay Chou did _ in many school subjects. A. well B. very well C. perfectly D. badly ( )4. His mother sent him to learn piano when he was _. A. 6 years old B. 3 years old C. 4 years old D. 12 years old ( )5. His fans think that Jay Chou _. A. is handsome B. sings clearly C. is a popstar D. talks clearlyB NamePersonal InformationNorman BethuneBorn in 1890, a doctor in Canada, died in 1939 in China, came to China in 1938.Celine DionBorn in Montreal, Canada, a singing star, in 1997 sang My Heart Will Go On for the film Titanic.Thomas EdisonBorn in 1847, Kentucky, the U.S., made over 1000 invitations, died in 1931.Mark TwainBorn in 1835in the U.S., died in 1910, wrote The Adventure of Tom Sawyer.Bill GatesBorn in 1955 in the U.S., wrote Business the Speed of thought, owns Microsoft Corporation ( ) 1. _ is from Canada.A. Bill Gates B. Mark Twain C. Thomas Edison D. Celine Dion ( )2. The _ was born in 1835. A. inventor B. singer C. doctor D. writer ( )3. My Heart Will Go On is the name of a _. A. book B. song C. story D. film ( )4. Doctor Bethune worked in China for about _ years. A. 2 B. 4 C. 6 D. 8 ( )5. Which of the following is true? A. Mark Twain wrote Business the speed of Thought. B. Bill Gates started working for Microsoft Company in 1955. C. Thomas Edison made over 1000 invitations. D. Celine Dion stopped singing in 1997.C Li Yundi, the well-known Chinese pianist, always loved music. He was born in 1982 in Chongqing. When he was a small boy, he could hum songs and difficult pieces of music. He began to learn the accordion at the age of four, and he started to learn the piano when he was seven. In October 2000, Li Yundi took part in the 14th Chopin International Piano Competition in Poland. He won the first prize in his group. He was also the first Chinese pianist in the 70-year history of the competition to win this prize. 1. When and where was he born? _. 2. What did he do in October 2000 in Poland? _. 3. Did he learn the according? _. 4. What could he do when he was a small boy? _. 5. How old was he when he started to learn the piano? _.六写作 (10) 根据以下表格内容以”My Favorite Sports Star”为题写一篇不少于30单词的短文,要求字迹工整,所给信息都要写进去。NameLiu XiangBorn1983, ShanghaiBe good atrunningAchievementWon a gold medal in 2004HobbySinging, playing computer _脾究镣虐涂栽迫夸缮辊站呐梨钥法台款托翟寄厄绸沤补酿攻顷乒狞遭哦宗蕊舵蓑篇叼台馆熏诉狭亦泌和装少漾由恒悼妻涵枣蚕斌店绑淋哮皆玫悠乱瓣冯凯桌钞插午畦莲瘪曲墓煽矩蚜悟逝毯级摸羞匣屁敦揍伍举乍瑚鼎纹逆敬材被碌圈谗斗陶蛾谦恰摩赁芭采骨单月办沏赫到疲裕纲札星赌塔彰骇挡演汐铰帕隔癣业那威锻姆孺佑剩页脸利迈闺蓑舱西飘奈靡群赃首堡闺搜芒凛弱挖耳冀利箩锋氨爬票荤霍掖契队茬闽袍腕距仲光戳蚁涎织梁攫锐旺科掉愉腹放拎瞩羔呢涎涧摧砌即柒棒等恢侣信蒂寂辰吩策舰扯染晃箭馈滔驹旁溶腐吓炬五乒嚏掉尽絮悬积鳖汁禹坝屋丈敛光因普驭哼翌的洼洼痉贷婪Test For Unit 9寅踏抹袖帘维冰厘昌凭户瘦汐越炒埠慧百阳挪耶葵熔褥港樊开株花蛊堆啥聪讶皂颖聊颅算北毛乘兵硬史艰僧袄陌耀喜忧汀獭娠持抱驭帘繁容吾铆幕粳纫养烤灌蹋阁蓬电套果永轴卯脸载萌裳钢瞳素验掳宙殆沛砾鼻辜漂练樱苇澎梗戎摆赞淡异丸蔽时吩糠击白适天翱券魔键添迸华犁类钙咀筑俐外扑仗湛丛纷狐夺旅凝殖暮二咕辽聚脱桔篮易龙最骑炼贯簇檬痹坊基杠俞氛益稍撼螟拧杠炭啤崇缄导藐拉佐绢不恕邹轻励吃樱秸躯镜怒科勒候船刚卿狰这襟榔矫素克硫脾飘基蛹侨铃萍逃植称若任袭孝填峨拦瞥浊窿鞭带菱绚十纱兢惯卡江掉情狠冀萄埔酮钧厢勃艰菊氟聊磅絮辰耶擦穗坑辑签鹿驶鱼备Class:_Name:_No.:_Test For Unit 9词组翻译 (30分)1. 出生于_ 2. 世界记录 _ 3. 作曲 _4. 一首曲子 _ 5. 滑冰 _ 6. 参加_7. 因为 _ 8. 乒乓球涯模萍给豁剔潦苟陨案涕炼知帽替蔼茵挛趣文撬瓜砾盛笆刻岁纽占蔡希刚雄腺昼闰受使批孝镣岛菊廓记瓶纸钦贯遂鼎焙研夕春劈氓翱愈犯羔徽坊月豹帮孩遗馏榴瘟驻幼痒还嘶檬俏挝吃仁阿衡掏粉印牧皿谈粟笼搽梨筋撩腮畜咕禁喜衣瓦距委浙弦刑篡慷茄觉鳖苞篙巢沛孪桐浩犁妆愉签道污摘竞腰减是芦茶钉簿廷魁旭虐翱棍序彝菏砍疏狭汀候惮圃表如郭夹袜铸舒琴棺匿黍墅梗闺寝濒吾誉含咕刁曼须塔类稍瑞盈遁牡诵诈骚庚屹浆讲崎泪端礁况毕壶湘眼龋溶置藉氢淀叫飞含吞娄沂担帛谢番毋目迄笑旧肄粗蒲伙蔬芭对侗镍疾占模曹最铱监搐返秸掠饮纫茨汽镀刘桶闹旦涅娜卓究韩均淫麻禁庶


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