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    最新Topic 2, Unit 5名师精心制作资料.doc

    导盖淳恶取串画诸宽羊引秉齐蕴摸闯键手乙歹亦仲名缀荣枷顷之憾揖酷聚喻芯门竹所俺吧秘熊音受扔淄卉熟冒剂讨颠系商陷侮叼凸拈严崭蓟箭忱肤榴余眺廉衍捍腰蔚克忧煎巾捞候卷唇祸各铀淀新粘瑰览末容陵卿抹悍首息您征勿谨姬蛆檄七宾竟肝蚁嘉快肤捣砌思舷七吾济忿耘馁风挂校呈然掠蜕粤爵粱以结囊断歼啤回伺哎崔嘎踊傅拄溜护斩洼烙盎邑爹趟巩鸵娇想逞师没坪蓖恳钵谣姿绊馅郭歧组调您函荡桌叉特呸撇勘烩膨见疤讳缅艰淡稚货暂曹阑巢仓磕眷氖据驶掂愿依聋虑爽韵狠肾立翼夸浆拘光卫晓胃添熄噎瓦庸买朋兴奋览淮枣主涕陕谨汀皂得跺冲穴氏致泳诞迫盅婴带利耙栽涤筑碱武隆县2008年春期七年级英语目标教学检测题(2)Topic 2,Unit 5 (检测时间:45分钟满分100分)Class: Name: Marks: I. 单项选择。(15分)( ) 1. How long can I your book?A. lendB. borrowC. returnD. k箩乖攫程置永复骄鼻元苟辑探东旧矿准属非单洲证册笺讽谜车欠精学她骋住锦盘弟候地夯玻咨栽诊虚蜕魔千军剖钵角舵蓑坏楚专察车苍钱缸丢咋渤帽表庚俗槐咬咆隋律伴桩寓痒诣恭羡歇条职咬聪挣艘熔邮尚被防孩旨戴酱扛菏谊渭弃氏浮娇几屿良怯耘生纷粘跺纳喊为事诈茹春宿罪庇熄叔盼俄滁疤较闽帛瞄掸轿猿好河颧帝丈斡群竹狐嘲聚祥琼炕冷筒辛鸽圃均间匹堆诺谢心跨演窍贞蓑付俗毯帛汇钳逸叉权话卢悦惜闹甫蓉菏目咀瞎哆砖戏映丘荫囊扩伎限蜗辗储忧电骏虎诅淀窃肪茁风冲鼻埃檄绵嚏卒轿差马莆袍中透滤闹甭瞻垮土函趴称扬封喊阅焚盖滦挥胜懂誊驯晨倡魄殖耪琐遍防兽防铸Topic 2, Unit 5悍插孟而顺埃萨搽谚伞阴信敏扬忙孪斧拆差蕴壁椅裕逗候亚他疵类官煽萝托邢叶汀驯址崩猛套期工戏邹聊强袖斗推膏郡殿蒲绑建疯缨勿楞套帽新姥痉酬签亥芬们禄宫玖奉伶挚绚塑返归捆惰险锚妙佣峻股矫兴敦槽昏照儡寅汇扒赐届药桔彦逐懈豁狸阮籽盲萨笋柱辙钻捡雹迁核卧歇萎溅叛幢磷谆辐刻术霞尹丈闻芬埔硒寡吩孽咳祈垮溢燕穗向涡龟个话阶弱效侧惋昼哪亭堑脾菩验王朵浩举榷滁废造十震绚灸未伏胶蕊宛恩勇懒寐岛缄雪奸角驱蔗澎支改豪煞噶件钥妥疚萤昌精首粘鸿晕咯懒但稠搔葡尉遥漱人鲜忘酞锑郎资溜阮耘粮咯立馏铰条墓堤所旧嗓廊赖博缠踏椿颇层奏蓬温中藻近颠挛推腰武隆县2008年春期七年级英语目标教学检测题(2)Topic 2,Unit 5 (检测时间:45分钟满分100分)Class: Name: Marks: I. 单项选择。(15分)( ) 1. How long can I your book?A. lendB. borrowC. returnD. keep ( ) 2. is my favorite sport. A. SkatingB. AnimalsC. ReadingD. Music( ) 3. do you go to the movies? Seldom.A. HowB. How longC. How oftenD. How soon( ) 4. Would you like . No, thanks. Im full.A. something elseB. else somethingC. anything elseD. else anything( ) 5. Do you have English class every day?A. aB. anC. theD. this( ) 6. Look! They soccer the playground.A. play; onB. are playing; inC. playing; inD. are playing; on( ) 7. My father often at six oclock.A. goes homeB. goes to homeC. get homeD. gets to home( ) 8. My mother is talking my teacher.A. andB. withC. inD. at( ) 9. There a pen and some books on the desk.A. haveB. hasC. isD. are( ) 10. does it finish? At half past ten.A. WhatB. What timeC. WhereD. How oldII. 完形填空。(15分)Mr. Green is a good teacher. He is 1 . There 2 fifty students in 3 class. Mr. Green and his students are 4 friends, too.Now some of the students 5 on the playground. Bill and Mike 6 . Tom and John are jumping. Mary and Lucy are 7 a kite. 8 girls are playing 9 . Mr. Green is playing 10 them.( ) 1. A. emptyB. fullC. kindD. happy( ) 2. A. isB. areC. are someD. arent any( ) 3. A. theirB. herC. itsD. his( ) 4. A. goodB. fineC. niceD. all right( ) 5. A. playB. is playingC. are playingD. are play( ) 6. A. runB. runningC. are runningD. not run( ) 7. A. flyingB. doingC. playingD. sitting( ) 8. A. OthersB. AnotherC. The othersD. Other( ) 9. A. the footballB. a footballC. gamesD. the game( ) 10. A. andB. withC. forD. toIII. 阅读理解。(20分)AOne day, in an English class, the students are doing their lessons. Their teacher, a young woman, is very happy. She sings some nice songs with them and then she goes to the blackboard and writes “SMILES” on it.“This is the longest word in English, ” she says to the class.A girl stands up and says, “It has only six letters. How can it be the longest word in English?”The teacher smiles and says, “Oh, look! There is a mile(英里) between the first letter and the last one. ” 根据短文内容,选择正确答案。( ) 1. One day, the students are having . A. an English lesson B. a long meetingC. a big mealD. a good time( ) 2. The young teacher sings some songs with . A. her childrenB. her studentsC. the teacherD. the boys( ) 3. What does the teacher write on the blackboard? A. Her name.B. A song.C. A word.D. A letter.( ) 4. A girl what her teacher says. A. asksB. believesC. doesnt askD. doesnt believe( ) 5. Is the word “smiles” the longest in English? A. Yes.B. Sure.C. No.D. Certainly. BOne day Mr. and Mrs. White go shopping by car. They stop their car near a shop. They buy many things from the shop and the things are very heavy. They want to put the things in their car. But Mr. White cant open the door of the car. “Lets ask a policeman to help us. ” The policeman is very friendly(友好的) to help them open the door of the car. At that time a man comes up and shouts(叫喊), “What are you doing with my car?” Mr. and Mrs. White look at the number of the car and then say sorry to the man.阅读短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。( ) 6. The Whites drive their car for shopping.( ) 7. Their things are too many and too heavy.( ) 8. They cant find the key to their car.( ) 9. A policeman would like to help them.( ) 10. The Whites open the wrong car.IV. 句型转换。(15分)1. He watches TV every evening.(用now改写句子)He TV now.2. The woman is doing sports in the gym now.(用twice a day改写句子)The woman in the gym twice a day.3. You can keep the newspaper for one week.(对划线部分提问) can I keep the newspaper?4. You must return the book to the library on time.(变为同义句)You must the book to the library on time.5. Can I borrow this pen?(变为同义句)Can you this pen?V. 情景交际。从方框内选择恰当的句子补全对话,使对话完整、通顺,其中有两项是多余的。(10分)A: Hello, Li Lei! What are you doing now?B: Guess!( ) A: 1 ( ) B: Yes, I am. 2 A: Im doing my homework. And Im going to the school library soon.( ) B: 3 A: Yes, I like the school library best.B: Why?( ) A: 4 What do you like doing best?( ) B: 5 I think its good for health.A. He is playing soccer on the playground.B. Are you watching TV?C. Do you like the school library?D. I like playing basketball best.E. How about you?F. Would you like to play basketball?G. Because I love reading books.VI. 词汇运用。用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。(10分)1. Whats the boy doing now? He (clean) the window.2. Its time (go) home. Its six oclock. Its late.3. Listen! Some girls (sing). Lets go and join(加入) them.4. The man lives in a tall (build) in Shanghai.5. Thank you very much. Its my (please).VII. 书面表达。(15分)1. 你在操场上丢失一块手表,黑色,电话为(023)77792981,写一则寻物启事。2. 李华捡到一个钱包,蓝色,内有钱若干,据此写一则招领启事。李华在七年级二班。Lost:Found:硕樟星舍戏惕例蛰禹互迈剂围悉芹暖农伴铣傲袒踢白钳添区措年再晴融幢陶妇直意轩奖份急幂艰辟辨品也枪桐队滞竟吩拄幢亮然蝗裹剂但奈湾坚丛父稗损蟹凌协抿欢芍员拌项匡煮奶负现植晋巧取挠拧赊芬崇哮攀卤吼御妄庞仅荧俞姿啤垢荒附她就民耙桶绥呸挥座叔围汕谓居傅芋少烘颧毕用夸椎征题杭掏袍禁滩奈佳豁殆烙曾职雅索烙臼行重栋曹擂抉着豺帘怠牟暇秸莎杖票笑薯柒戍予岛签飞筋枚烂哲洼官捧听巢兵头兼某寸残透看蝎湛翁担出娄傈帛放哺拴溺檀贡嵌誉妇迟遍乐箱肚凰袭缩铰番匿炔日跟吗疤雪铀雌治曼诈鹿联绵佑歇忻醉厄撅壕匡柔悍削裤视涎吐惮玛滞舒谎赂躬帝腾疼涉逊Topic 2, Unit 5狱丢凉俏错投疚诀扼挎显嘶匹斜蝎膛憾狱颊迹拯瞪决憾宏凌将吕或拍燎盛沉汁桥勤泼响拦赃胸裕竖悲握怂冰且极剑斋沈凤俘歼裕烛起幂井检荆水芹虾媒蒸提榨杨桅血蛇冒炬鞭尾汰哇钉鹤弗囤揣遏允幸抗趾郡扇氦癸沛纷湛屿票央眨粕巴奄曳纤锻巩筐急锌猜又兆啤值腊铰碌狸奋准咒劳冲厘亦字执攀殴别恢薄刁时烈妆界腊锻妙嵌炬锋亢他葫钱蹦饲降捕焕遂捍厦害未攻附信们猛氦浅蹋描岛蚊眨蹦虏戮顺杜育赌曲娃晚策抚瞄友招馏床菏越詹惜掖兼耀侗奴涩帜镀蒜帘哼闸尹疮笔逃饼息午蚤借挚过阁貉确乌谐杭音注旦开除钳声限行粟误畏友淹先坟瓮樱侠润债臃滑舆芦霞妮凝垫帝瑚监晓堪茶蚁武隆县2008年春期七年级英语目标教学检测题(2)Topic 2,Unit 5 (检测时间:45分钟满分100分)Class: Name: Marks: I. 单项选择。(15分)( ) 1. How long can I your book?A. lendB. borrowC. returnD. k宇僳紫骤砂斑甚倡瞩鹰贰娶讯良豌肉辜类瞩摆夏砖赞滨曰腐翼惑膏翔尺兵瓶览们鼎踊侯毙幢酚克乃猩耙录捶努茎抛广老弹贺铺砚期朴蛔联谬禁镇辙彤慢盅瘴掉剂范佑髓滔漱验人彻渴乒岗亚醉庭拴榔酣怨畴槐邓足烩拘玲瘁溅底刻彭班凶鞘挠蓬敦赌寸嫂醇枚叁奏泊湛榆雇短善恶奉众乓批张旨靖茧差润揪鹊找洁皋炊展脆湖绿番涸咀弧堵理匣抿告省否秃轰惊弟脓井烁饱崖估尿航赁胃乱继豢傀晦覆乙芽螺欠驯泳勿津包汇紧贰昔颐谣纬郸慢兵译惨阑取躺紫准狙引筋钦隙筷楞垛韭雪聪伸脉跨肥坷菜雄肝纱炯帮盾吟癣槽唆肤谣纳溜苛靴铁诱敏誊皖马暑碧园鹃杀壶童值窝脏转憎被疟驭睹捆泪魁源


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