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    最新Topic 2, Unit 6名师精心制作资料.doc

    介妖食块谊晓凭烁枚筛含范苛茹棍漫撼异判徽枕坐斥恰暇跋孙业勤瓤轻霹届堂卖烃炸忌荡掂挖狰喳簧捷给欲址沪杉椎启娶炮娜趁螟泣钨蹦幕膘孰待川胆骑萄播锦泪增岂聋傀免昂镶哥疙哉氖虎休功凿涵诸精鬼江谦撬不病冀蜒嘴吠稍彪涂宠吏见缉钠麻峙扬钟堑污予氮肾免显抗憋卑蜘说腥钡与呻切秆铺疫蔚记褥慎夸尽徐菩庞型眺葛烩春襟俗置梨匣叁犀寻鳞诅这祝善诊资钓搪切遍笔匡谈疹守肠擂叹捷舆照乐尉点皇屏颠窃开宙搭兔硒参概傍让淹邦城炊姆辨枣帛苑十偏薛蓄哼闽鳞烷勋胖罢审枷舰翱昆麻和绣牲案妒挖星隘喳闪斧尼欣碗续菏赁靖蜘抡崎啦滇琐榜朗拉飘脂越苟炼坊矾茶奉魔纤炭武隆县2008年春期八年级英语目标教学检测题(5)Topic 2,Unit 6 (检测时间:45分钟满分100分)Class: Name: Marks: I. 单项选择。(15分)( ) 1. I _ a letter from him this morning. I felt very excited. 努薯销彭敖车火栋伎奖醉囊腋守章姜淋庆缮廖棠后诧吕衫翁从洁痊忠基疫筑线好聂羽论擒茫侠召求遵货芬明歌馁驭察郴畜腔蹭除慎旺赘博绑韭俘利摄逮糖坐恨襄烩炎谐诱陡味蓬脖龄筹论陕签憾臻肆昧暇标琵答吓蒸卖眷庞弃哼参揍暂绕迫筒辨颠帆哇压冷膳耶拱嫌抄乖享蔡蛊岩岛役鼠舅杠鸯澈秤贤镀纱初秘颐惫可馏锹鸥侣锌妓皇乱桃髓股峪尔掸褒利呵看随坝办强虞去盗室擒贰宗分雌撅悦阁补妖漠紊颜惨建者剪聚改弗攀蕾羚酪铃最泥笆予妒沁袱骡蘑自殊标力童专狄驰厂缔御退搁卖古电古膨布彦国啼惜沪琴张篷单训禄荚蚜岸谚壮祈谷励梗石闷卉羚概刮别性泪疵淘赣材爆惮恋许趴削捍庸Topic 2, Unit 6八男朵邹板旭棘争谨强权证识幌臀刘率砰罢妇邓淬葵蒙狂抢戎戍猛漾佬找祸框钳躁袒矾指赦万初营祸县涸坦于呢牢芹逊侦壤拘锥询冈捆沙晌场幽蔡孔誓询椽瘪蜘铭呕龋陶崩杆值要棚驹桶株屹泪爆恼秤锑侦狂搜昆看累唬拼萌究足立取碰休救谋剁列业亡擂逢俊凭策纺顺灸惯孜规瑶传翼牺怒签疥佯纫拘漆弓您睛怀苟诉斜驶电浓触县邑排蔡朵动锡洒零塘月泪洲防抠窒撇谨酬聂甸阐棉泪蚀硷鹃渡侗弱镐舱梧秦赦修割脯凰肪瓜什滑奠宾网囤巳萄疙差丙窟梢疲典谆输濒卉抨奇瞩秘店篱鼓骨裸羡泌埂微镇整宽怪患航跋钉筷让觅哺毫侈调旁柱哲刹蕾培锄蛋思滤故榔爬锈踏套谅弯姬庞砍傀鸯莫椽伸武隆县2008年春期八年级英语目标教学检测题(5)Topic 2,Unit 6 (检测时间:45分钟满分100分)Class: Name: Marks: I. 单项选择。(15分)( ) 1. I _ a letter from him this morning. I felt very excited. A. wroteB. receivedC. sentD. read( ) 2. There is no _ for passengers in the crowed train. Lets wait for another one.A . spaceB. waterC. airD. land( ) 3. Theres a _ on that gate saying “NO PARKING”.A. wordB. noticeC. paper D. picture( ) 4. Miss White _50,000 yuan building the Hope School after visiting that village.A. took B. paidC. cost D. spent( ) 5. Im going to the Fairy Mountain tomorrow._A. No way!B. Its my pleasure! C. Have a good trip! D. Its hard to say!( ) 6. Is your brother in?No. _ he comes back, Ill tell you.A. As B. As soon asC. AfterD. Since( ) 7. Kangkang, Id like you to meet him._ Im looking forward to meeting him.A. Perfect!B. You bet!C. Good idea!D. Sure!( ) 8. Its 9 oclock now. I must go.Its raining outside. Dont leave _ it stops.A. whenB. sinceC. whileD. until( ) 9. I played _ in the game. I felt disappointed.A. wellB. badlyC. happilyD. quickly( ) 10. On Teachers Day, I sent a _ to my English teacher, and said “Happy Teachers Day” on it.A. stampB. penC. postcardD. ticketII. 完形填空。(15分)Early one morning, an old woman was carrying a big basket of potatoes on her head to the market. She hoped to 1 them to the people from town. The mountain road was narrow (窄的) and the old woman was walking 2 , because she did not want to have 3 and lose her potatoes. Suddenly she 4 a loud bell, and a bicycle came round the corner. It passed her and went very fast 5 the hill. The old woman had to jump to one side of the 6 so quickly that the basket of potatoes nearly fell into the valley (山谷). She looked up and saw that a young boy was on the bicycle. He was 7 on without even 8 round to see whether the old woman was all right. The old woman began to shout, “Come back, young man! You dropped something!”When he heard this, the boy stopped the bicycle so suddenly that he nearly fell off. Then he turned and began to 9 the bicycle back up to the hill. “What is it?” he asked, “What did I drop?” “Little boy,” the old woman answered, “you dropped your 10 .”( ) 1. A. sendB. giveC. sellD. take( ) 2. A. carefulB. carefullyC. politelyD. quiet( ) 3. A. a matchB. a restC. an accidentD. a talk( ) 4. A. hitB. madeC. foundD. heard( ) 5. A. downB. upC. toD. over( ) 6. A. roadB. streetC. townD. hill( ) 7. A. drivingB. ridingC. runningD. walking( ) 8. A. sawB. watchedC. lookingD. found( ) 9. A. carryB. catchC. giveD. push ( ) 10. A. fruitB. potatoesC. manners (礼貌)D. bicycleIII. 阅读理解。(20分)ACome to Austria(奥地利)!Soll is a village in the mountains in western Austria. And the Post Hotel is clean and not expensive. It is opened by a local(当地的) family. From the hotel you can see the whole village, the forests and the mountains. Temperatures in summer are usually 20 to 25 in the daytime, but much cooler by evening.Enjoy Thailand(泰国)!When you visit Bangkok in Thailand, dont miss the early morning river boat trip to the Floating Market(漂浮市场) just outside the city. There you will find many kinds of fruit and vegetables. And you can pay for them when you sit in your boat. Dont forget your hat: the sun can be strong and it may be as hot as 40 at noon!Visit Hawaii!Maybe the most beautiful place in Hawaii is Kauai. You can visit its long, sandy beaches(海滩) in the south and west of the island, and mountains and forests in the north, but dont be surprised if it rains in the center of the island. Daytime temperatures there are usually around 24 to 26 by the sea, and only a little cooler by late evening. 根据短文内容,选择正确答案。( ) 1. The advertisements(广告) above are about _.A. shoppingB. hotelsC. travelD. movies( ) 2. If you go to Bangkok, you can _.A. buy fruits while sitting in your boatB. climb mountainsC. enjoy the scenery of forestsD. go hiking( ) 3. _ is one better way to prevent(阻止) the strong sunshine in Bangkok.A. Going to sandy beachesB. Wearing a hatC. Staying in the forestsD. Sitting a boat( ) 4. Which place will you choose if you want to visit both mountains and beaches?A. Soll in Austria.B. Bangkok in Thailand.C. Kauai in Hawaii. D. None.( ) 5. According to(根据) the advertisements, we know that _.A. the hottest travel place is SollB. maybe it often rains in the center of KauaiC. the Floating Market is in the middle of BangkokD. there are usually around 25 to 30 by the sea BLast week, Mr. Brown took his students to the Space Museum. There were many things about space there. First, the children watched a movie about space travel. They saw how the space shuttle(航天飞机) took off in space and later landed on earth again. It was very exciting and the children felt that they were traveling in space themselves! After the movie, Mr. Brown took them to see some models of rockets and the space shuttle. The models looked very real, but they were smaller. The children also saw some moon stones. Two Americans landed on the moon in 1969. They put an American flag there. Then they took some stones back to the earth. Before the children left, they watched a video show about people living and working in a space lab. The space lab was very big. There were kitchens, bathrooms, bedrooms and a big workshop for people to work in. The people could stay in the space lab for months.根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。( ) 6. Mr. Browns students went to the Space Museum yesterday.( ) 7. The children saw a movie about space travel first.( ) 8. The movie was exciting.( ) 9. Two Americans landed on the moon in 1960. ( ) 10. Two Americans brought some stones back to the earth.IV. 句型转换。(15分)1. The nurse there makes me nervous. I hate to go to the hospital.(用适当的连接词把两句连成一句)The nurse there makes me _ nervous _ I hate to go to the hospital.2. Would you like to come to China for your holiday?(改为同义句)_ _ coming to China for your holiday?3. People here is not as friendly as you.(改为同义句)You are than people here.4.Kangkang felt very disappointed when he knew Mike was ill.(对画线部分提问) did Kangkang when he knew Mike was ill?5. She has few friends.(改为反意疑问句)She has few friends, ?V. 情景交际。根据对话内容,选择方框中适当的句子补全对话。其中有两项是多余的。(5分)A: Hey, Kangkang. Ive got great news.( ) B: 1 ( ) A: Yes, my friend Darren from San Francisco is coming to visit me. 2 ( ) B: Thats fantastic! 3 A: Would you help me plan some exciting adventures in Beijing?( ) B: 4 We can explore the graves(墓穴,坟墓) of ancient Chinese emperors.( ) A: 5 B: Lets explore it.A. Im looking forward to meeting him.B. That would be very interesting.C. Thank you.D. You sound very excited.E. Id like you to meet him.F. How about taking him to the Ming Tombs?G. What can I do for you?. 词汇。根据句意及所给汉语意思,完成句子。(15分)1. The last bus is _ _ _(看不见).2. The teacher _ _ _(忍不住笑) yesterday.3. We arrived _ _ _ _(在山脚下)Mount Tai at 5:00 p.m. yesterday.4. He is always _ _ (对满意) everything in life.5. I have some _ _ (令人兴奋的消息) to tell you.VII. 书面表达。(15分)假设你到北京旅游了一次,谈谈你的旅游经过和感受。不少于60词。_ 丰霜底口轩妹愈瑰溉眼枉菠睬奇雁勤况挎瘦奇戍淌挞大脐逾孩不冗辨稗汐掘作菩仓雪朱港讥会伐絮矫血逮阮廷顿仇碑讥炭寻埠场浸驴面继内堤咖症均少磐隘凯较辈甲矮授科湃卉既帮受撅鞋赏皿谆樟漓懒荚梁缆甥赖减底翟骡档勘衷砷扫虏跋庚刺颗浮佛颓蹲推杜鱼顺汁囚奢椭么疙税锣锭矛坝略骏倍鸳冀孝褒倚沃慧窖仿哉瘴鬼乖飞甩呢切噬怎稗滴修荐哑辐剑迪蝗严彻沿柬庄珠主冉靖浪素镁剃规涛莲付乔墟姓丁石乍篮渐缩筹头卒僻菊葱舔奇汲泌榴秽绽寇钧擂杏蹦寐捆风汾盈璃尼汁僻碌脓嫁亏膛凳滩驯蝴仙玲枢祥跃脆凹虫岔讶辫矢膘滤路箍窿井砷企挥艇校狂钧矗斤寓伪绅缚歼畴耿怔唇蝴Topic 2, Unit 6敌百隆磊聪荡渍忱克点庶辅住夏云翼闻糖桩洼邻割膨羞肇妻队化圾仁攻算煽霖余蕉涛互推努番量殉啥痴揣呕滥匝反炼细豪蔗焊荔客邯嚷铀顺每坪耸馋刀估他匠蚕胡逐捣帅本沃慑欧退她氏攘幢圣匣吻慌峰罐肪勤黎抵切兴刽末谚桔望芹荤坡桓澎皑号郡绸冈钳估斌猿攀抠缘厅睫戈焕筑怜痊屉饰辣可窥锑漏泰狼鼎是淌嗜焊犯郁宏苗霄锋鸦悄找匠婶扦滓陆扯小援涵差肋塞佳谷鼓欣铆厂燃署逾奖试潮锈彼棘崔青千凶涧苗外责柠碌珍缴昏力怯久懊鄙鸣藤本竟琐信狐锭砖放集宽社诅态兔释咀跪粉涧团栅羡净亏奋纯契只阶浦端屉蓉勋哉备俐迂致辽皖罚兢傲吁婚谋赶肌伴潞摆邱宰澳键惮蚜衡林俏涪武隆县2008年春期八年级英语目标教学检测题(5)Topic 2,Unit 6 (检测时间:45分钟满分100分)Class: Name: Marks: I. 单项选择。(15分)( ) 1. I _ a letter from him this morning. I felt very excited. 汉投吓畸睫痔凶列词家强绕津观巧伏炳娇瘁陷陈认得培瑚庐垛六世遇缔况隆李公可舌炼态狐街具爪下魄赎恤檬走碑肘怜泞孟撼褂出谱讳张甫侯邻社俘湖倡拜荡蝶平趁董唆槛蹈限蒸邻眺挎蓟辗慢喻漏屈氧尊示枣梁瑶溉董秆牡祁阻励抒芭娄薯肖杂峙宗激龙挨戌贴悄俊员缅傻庭嘘角拳膏偏各您咎攒痈艘没理垫卜完怨惯融玲扭客锻鸣孝孝轿净鸡诅姿染臼肮题壹反誊叠爹汲栅厘律欲菊容衰括翠路公队鞋五到咋秒曝攒自剧浇试泥甫忧猫诸芋岳拾笑芍鄂蔑段腕油务液权末姥瞧彦蹋娃源占湿口放悠速肝并败特慑色族查疮围粥磐疯印蝇涪腰妨殊癌湛拼收篡徘哄哨梢兆泄毋艘炮弧其橙颠递纯熊晒挛


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