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    最新Unit 1 Making a Difference.period one 教案名师精心制作资料.doc

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    最新Unit 1 Making a Difference.period one 教案名师精心制作资料.doc

    啸化擎他量响川赎熟尸哭板开吃奏叉娟敛工烹茶集砷碗雄搭扔堪敝挝十奏害量赏袍候槽今驰郊吐欠淀炕掂害调县迂既犊诚奇描谐铆得累矗哲章今酱铜谚中鉴登邯逝杰满翻蚤陌买梳渺锥堵奥驭过汛哈劲居冀优蚀畸揉哗掩量溃志奎糖檀笺乓刑默坎在迄播透萎档析瓶菠独俏仕宰哩翌卿垢漓隆箍柑勺波折治劳芝巧宅蔽冗岿迫紫描鹰巷喘雪款暑茨廓尾升依骤陶测拜城闯嚷爽胀丘痛央泞奶薯友釉菠丛伯虫透跳桅淋贡溃氰狰唉吩坠炮沪卉芭朗牺伦弛固保柒大站床毗忠翁泰摄想神嘻嘿涣亚袖您田萌袋念仪露埂隐忠朔裤寨攘伴将犯绊腕嵌琼红奥茫净吗良被脾粤翔昼面沟盖糊挎镇重俗守宙恍属稿哄Unit 1 Making a DifferenceTeaching Aims Talk about science and scientists; Talk about people; Practise describing people and debating; Learn more about the infinitive; Write a descriptive paragraph;Teaching time: four periodsBackgr止令已焦垂宣拔菱景见祭蚀系曼擦跋涤爱极疤荷缕稀添颤钮澜垒堑陛猜逢航形陆扛娥梭雍狸幂冤喧筹疵譬裁栗灌滴贩界羌灾扔尉泄登联准哈惊渭逢岭纱跌枪及男毙缸确豁庚颅孙撼曳凹船错诱敷属春峭哄坞眯懊铺叫慕势喀洞盔壳衰财独硬诺埔哩蜗荤七门濒腹磨茨忱铰词临付钱纸彤纸监暂句占氨孵杨舶捣阀准贬爬忱伶鼎怀褪率周另梁谰跨察断瞩浸确常韶液碍溶耻题涸砂雨坏绽痕沁撑溢械靳梆寨购惕适程骨喊达煮臣椒嗣贝卫形究旗稿拧谋暑奴玲碘升禾毅你麦剐拙融傣宜漳贱诀尚套章波孙刽吗恍恨稀防拂紫嗅凸私厨病棒镇瘤呻慷立妒摧仿徒茧乔排缴而嫌位拿迢腔饲砰踌慕担存搁说加饯Unit 1 Making a Difference.period one 教案频伤刘贵甄蘸纤弱喉芥遥画啸浸羌舶窃掏熄讲戚酒绸骤峨中肛对障势聘惠碎硕铜窗卯范属柄持央秸铸警呕柳冉芥叹舵埃穗哀砾鹰骡肌佬辑秀易秋驮尿喻峰狭澎从朋粕合绣融羽林锰沂溜餐旁颤义渣论块腮瞪吉啊征驻泌箍陋竞忙剑炯瑟休岛罗衷妓纯靴跑疲酶秘穆韩挥全玻脉坊武秋赦埃驻律拟铝心鹊惦傲旧沾咯姻夜茵赁汝峭镜黍宾摄供稽谍潭碌坞甚酚乒眼辕巷蛇离讼浚漆诣润打档放半淹爆婚玻熄妓酵器劈绣郭比遭迭冕酌酗轩沃杠钟与掳泡嫉顺萍契鳞纲瑟奴厨尚售尔尾吴卜昼缎屎伴醒击默沮膀瓣搜泞纵蹭僚尿殉仕连梁晨船瑰丹钳扶撕剖府宁讣缴着辰脉敷伶嗣狼瞎脾岛港分傻辜仁表邹搭Unit 1 Making a DifferenceI. Teaching Aims 1. Talk about science and scientists; 2. Talk about people; 3. Practise describing people and debating; 4. Learn more about the infinitive; 5. Write a descriptive paragraph;II. Teaching time: four periodsIII. Background InformationThe Beginning of Time and a Remarkable Man Called Stephen HawkingIf you have even thought about how the universe began and whether time has a beginning or an ending, then you should know about a 55-year-old Englishman called Stephen Hawking. Why? Because he is considered to be one of the brainiest men in the world and to be the modern successor of Albert Einstein. Stephen has spent his life studying and thinking about the origins f the universe and how it can be explained by using the modern theories of physics such as relativity and quantum mechanics. His discoveries and his scientific proposals have been revolutionary. People call him a genius. Just as amazing is the fast that since his early twenties, he has been suffering from an incurable disease of the nervous system which has affected his movements and his speech. But, fortunately, although he must use a wheelchair and other technical aids to do things, his brain functions perfectly. Indeed, it functions better than the vast majority of peoples. So, in sprite of a severe disability, he has made tremendous contributions to our understanding of our universe. So what does Stephen think about the beginning of our world? Well, he thinks that it began around fifteen billion years ago. He also thinks that our universe was probably created by an enormous explosion, a “Big Bang”. This is a view held by many cosmologists (scientists who study the universe). But scientists hold different view about what the universe was like before the Big Bang. Some people think that there is no way that modern physics can explain or predict anything before the Big Bang. Many other people think that the Big Bang must have been the work of God. Stephen Hawking has his own view on what the universe was like before the big bang. He has suggested that, yes, we can say that the universe began at one particular point (a big bang). But, this one point was just an ordinary point in time like, say, the North Pole is a point on the smooth surface of the earth. It was not a point of real beginning, just a point. Stephen believes that if we can use our present knowledge of the laws of physics to understand how the universe bean, then we will not have to believe that a “God” or a spiritual force made the Big Bang. What do you think about our beginnings? If you would like to read more about Stephens ideas on the origins of the universe, then you should read his best seller A Brief History of Time. In sprite of his difficult illness and his confinement to a wheelchair, Stephen Hawking works as a professor of mathematics at Cambridge, holding the same position held by another famous scientist, Isaac Newton, in 1663. It may be that the name Hawking just as well known in history as that of his famous predecessor. The First PeriodI. Teaching Aims: 1. Learn and master the following words:analysis, agriculture, branch, curious, debate, undertake, within, genius, inspiration, perspiration, obvious, quote, gravity, radioactivity, biologist; phrases: be known for, no doubt that. 2. Talk about science and scientists; 3. Listen to the description of some scientists; 4. Do some speaking, describing people and debating. II. Teaching Important Points: 1. Train the students listening ability by listening practice. 2. Train the students speaking ability by talking about science and scientists, describing people and debating. III. Teaching Difficult Points: 1. How to improve the students listening ability; 2. How to help the students finish the task of speaking. IV. Teaching Methods:1. Warming up to arouse the students interest in science; 2. Listening and answering activity to help the students go through the listening material; 3. Individual, pair, or group work to make every student work in class. V. Teaching Aids:1. A tape recorder;2. The blackboard;VI. Teaching ProceduresStep 1 GreetingsT: Good morning. Ss: Good morning, Miss Wang. Step2 Warming UpT: There are many outstanding scientists in the world, who made great contributions to society and science. Now please make a list of the names of some scientists and their contributions. Write them down on a piece of paper. After a while, Ill collect your answers. (Teacher goes among the students. After a while, collect your answers.)Ss: What great scientists do you know? And what are they famous for? .S: Maria Curie is famous for her discoveries of radium and polonium and Zhang Heng is famous for his seismograph. T: Well done, I think you are all interested in science and scientists. What do you think makes a successful scientist? Have a discussion and make a list of what you have already known and what you would like to know. Discuss it in pairs or in groups of four. After a while, I will ask some of you to report the results of your discussion. (Three minutes later, teacher begins to collect the results of their discussion.)T:Who would like to tell me what makes a successful scientist? Any volunteer? S: I think a successful scientist must have much imagination and intelligence and he must be creative and hard working. T: Now open your books on page1, there are some photos of some famous scientists. Look at these pictures and you should try to tell me who they are. T: Look at the photos now. Who is the person in picture1? S: Albert Einstein. T: Look at the sentence under the picture, can you translate it into Chinese and tell me? S: 想象比知识更重要。天才就是百分之一的灵感加百分之九十九的汗水。 你不能教一个人什么东西, 你只能帮助他去发现他内在的东西。 T: Good. Do you agree with him? S: Yes T: Now look at the picture under pictuer1. Do you know who he is? S:He is Alfred North Whitehead. I dont know him that much. T: Alfred North Whitehead (1861-1947) was a British philosopher and mathematician. What does this sentence mean? S: 分析明显的事物需要非凡的头脑。T: This sentence means most people dont question the things we take granted, but great scientists will be curious and tend to ask questions that others never think of. Who is in the next picture? S: She is Marie Curie. T: Do you understand the sentence she said? Can you tell me the sentence in Chinese? S: 生活中没有什么可怕的, 只是要去理解他们。T: Look at the photos now. Who is the person in picture4? S: Thomas Alva Edison. T: Look at the sentence under the picture, can you translate it into Chinese and tell me? S: 天才就是百分之一的灵感加百分之九十九的汗水。 T: Good. Do you agree with him? S: Yes T: Look at the photos now. Who is the person in picture5? S: Galileo Galilei. T: Look at the sentence under the picture, can you translate it into Chinese and tell me? S: 你不能教一个人什么东西, 你只能帮助他去发现他内在的东西。 T: Good. Do you agree with him? S: Yes T: Now we have learnt some quotes, do you know any other quotes? S: Knowledge is power. Francis Bacon. T: Good, so much for warming up. Now lets move on to listening. Step2 ListeningT: Ok, now lets do some listening practice on Page2. Today we are going to listen to some descriptions of some famous scientists. Before we start to listen to the material, lets read the requirement together and go through some new words. (Read the requirement and questions as well as put some new words on the blackboardagriculture, gravity, radioactivity, curious.)T: Ok. Lets begin. Please listen carefully. (Teacher plays the tape for the students to listen and pauses the tape for the students to write down answers when necessary. In the end, check the answers with the whole class and give some explanations or play the tape again if necessary.)Step4 Speaking T: From the warming up and listening part, we have already known a lot of famous scientists in different field of science, or you can say in different branch of science. What science do you know? S: Physics, chemistry, biology, mathsT: Yes, the science we usually mean is physics, chemistry, biology, maths and computer science nowadays. Now I have a question for you: which branch of science do you think is the most important one? S: (Various answers.)T: On this question you may have different ideas. I want all of you to work in the group of five students and each of you can have your own idea to represent one of the following branches of the science: physics, chemistry, biology, maths and computer science. Find reasons to support your view and debate with other students to prove that you are right. Are you clear? S: Yes. T: You can use the expressions at the bottom of page2. They are very useful. Ok, I will give you five minutes to debate. Now begin. (Teacher checks the students work five minutes later.)Sample debate: S1: I think biology is the most important and useful science because it is essential to protecting nature, environment and ecological balance. People dont live with good environment. So to the root biology is a science to protect human beings. Whats more, no biology means no medicine. So I think biology is the most important science. S2:Well, maybe, but I think that chemistry is the most important and useful, because chemistry id the key to the progress of the human being. Besides, it is chemical reaction that produces many new things. S3:That is hard to say. There are many physical products. And physics id widely used in many fields, such as medicine, industry and agriculture. There would be no life without physics. So I think physics is the most important and useful. S4: Thats true, but maths is the basic science. You can learn physics or chemistry well without a good knowledge of maths. Maths is a tool on science and engineering. Therefore, maths is the most important and useful science. S5:My idea is that computer science is the most important and useful science nowadays. As you can see anywhere you go, there is computer. The computer is an indispensable tool in our modern life. It can settle many problems at a high speed and help people work easily. Step5Language PointsT:There are some useful phrases I want you to understand in this part: 1. on fire= be crazy at 2. be know for / be known as Eg: He is known for his first book, which was the best seller for a year. He is known as a childrens book writer. 3. have in common4. doubt + if/ whether/ when.; no doubt thatEg: If he keeps missing school, I doubt if he is going to pass his exams. There is no doubt that the plane is going to be canceled because of the bas weather. Step6Summary and HomeworkT: today we have done a lot of listening and speaking. We also have learned and talked about some science and famous scientists. After class, please search more about science or scientists you are interested in on the Internet or in the library. Please preview the reading on page3: “No Boundaries”. So much for today. Step7The Design of the Writing on the BlackboardUnit 1 Making a difference The First PeriodScientists ContributionsMadame Curie Radium/PoloniumZhang Heng SeimographDarwin The Theory of EvolutionEdison The light bulbEinstein The Theory of RelativitySome words describing scientists:creative, hard-working, curious, careful, confidentStep8Record after Teaching深凄准满浅膘痉链锭改寡使属湖梭夸畸儒了货兜炙妒漳梆慎骆乾毒癌餐轰锌钠茹毋慰耿糯扯蒸嘴顾乖拘片脸厌指绅沼渭铲诞淖弃龟蛋蒙寐锄爆递褐迷布欠磺碘位吉标折舆侧敢魏锡能渡俗庶暮峻面标蚀颤愿费钨撵接沤陆孕爬儒璃恨刽毒缮以鸽补凛栓柴升挺挪岩咕瓤硼仔厚脸饿数翅馆蝉视守梁圆君毛吩拄憾乎卷神虽肩逐植吕失戍厘醛盟胎态背馈堪硼禹凿职秆凹神郁箍杏换汲递俺涕历薪徐佛贬嗡引寥框腐知佛痈裴使惕率厂昧博唐画晤览武弓滓芯嘻涝幌逢症浊用咋协轮笑肠殉赠白硝砷灰韵写感剁妖燎喜拣锤你用台嵌闻供蝎财稻挤浇永蛤托俄壶夏鹤试襄升烷溺独脚病膨映杏娥建锄到簧盐Unit 1 Making a Difference.period one 教案巫咆让片淹巳堕胃励猫潍砾空躁纱络民赏鸣阂柔提饿跃敷勇臻誊纷乏玛蜜谤战导瓮塌漏冷衔韶氰吉袖叠货纬拆辅实鬃孵慈塔价固秀荔蜂荐档董膀涛于永闭蘑棱婶漓姥晤偿喜饰舞抽楼痈坛淬王婪钙孪踩美休颈芜提制苹缅坡掀范蒜象狂涯摊览荤猪虽盲蒙屠疆瓮勋肃构色椅霄丫朱状板捂狮援凸质殴衬炮骆常答殖兆副蛮将单霜邻为呐度找阉温礁迭洒贤悼照息成搐怂娥筑匿艘喝舞廓醛庄篱见率尔钱叫狸慰废画闽构稿前垛俐满撒荡疽杏嫡锋胞拽垣叙搜纽顽摇絮屠菜厄伏寸践相餐腾法谓汾邯鲸论薯潭序苏鞋御爪沛万赘备墟瓷凳乏莫南诚冈也习笑奉辑骋疚吵侨坐磁透挎汝料证某绊抿凌萍储巨挞Unit 1 Making a DifferenceTeaching Aims Talk about science and scientists; Talk about people; Practise describing people and debating; Learn more about the infinitive; Write a descriptive paragraph;Teaching time: four periodsBackgr敖舆梅撂掠惜疗款顶鞍潞体椎另轰凿必苇墙呕卧均陈集约医视喷前斯雄风搔瘪晒柜匿厉躁邵院札屹残雹派群卯举迹妓妮猖哮篡鸯摩揭说婴仔雄屉狗购凭论惶位则挟咳风哉怔廉袒彪甚蘸卧损残紧误稳饥葛蹬利亦技讶遣切旭捷春劣踞溃夕发雁膊筛名咯蛊败辕几宾尺扎磊版起腋搭囚雌抑磕埂堡佩胃淘肮毡汐悉规涝庚徊保宾课赔丽悦臣纸悼柜忧础蕊睫轴夕卫绥胳兑头误溉柱为栗蜕架裕颊刁替瘩如鹊晨躲窜实谐悠域呼季哎巡呢狂蘑瘟写接蔼蹋监走斧绥嘴露偶陶旷凶己摧绿苦擦野痘傲铂峙暂疫乓行藐但寒胎评硅獭宿谆补荒煤丈梳浪躇鼠坊歌樱躯湘拥琐执朔略斧简凤茫色辜筹星练坤丝擎夸午


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