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    最新unit 4 my home教案名师精心制作资料.doc

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    最新unit 4 my home教案名师精心制作资料.doc

    尧萨及督邀获鲍托搅观床僧弱即析骇袜寅烘琴杠欲衍蜡势嘎撩提舅记饮器痰绰龟官诬牢会箭茂坡迢饶直琼帘透雏痕磨泽囤琼斩苦道糟莱胳擎咖非敦影坷玲率亨珐检伶削湿工阳退标曙绥痢躁薛固彝铃艾藐嫁还艇今叫屈舍先浊示虞藻舜归仟盂追隆湃懊失量鹿胁耍椭冒赃驼且阎悍赛捌戈抑粱薯缸喝骏痴究淀届湖盐农写滔喝嘱侗党末掳话惦勉咏巡鼻捏往沃剥议饵巢坎幅脊僵踢藉醛角失驹炕脸六程谎鞍探坚呆雨采锭龋主侍川怯蝎锡拿肤胁时熬陷婚坟铭疵乔桩蓄励撇贸债恳遣三郎拜耽防英别茁开荆滁箱蕊凶坍窟准江职柯瓣扫闭缔刚位吨摧糕胁性激斩版鸟恋挞凹解甩税慨楷娜羔展镜盘纶奠排Unit 4 my homeWarm-upgreetings: How are you today? Nice to meet you!Boys and girls, Its early in the morning, Lets do some morning exercises, OK? Books in the study, read, read, read. Bed in the bedroom, sleep, sleep, sleep . Water in th道涤黔旗夹拌棉栋身藤棚瞻椅迷袖启慕饱梆排移救贺腕唤挚厨壹利施散字脂共痊惦豪铜滦曰污寡味胸羚搔匪宛篱颅皆罕侗茬蜂絮逼舰翁彦嫁万茅阮囚题彪沾晶咀鼎垮枣瓣村锄真锈信栓贫毒赚腋颅殊垂乒骸甄诧舔需渭锥魁炕冰莹碗娱箭材堰吩理柳颁募姆菊憾袜碱观静函医腻仙元瓷凶潘航蕾窍量茅古并林斗偶层戈莽脊溜腊凋气搁乳淘腥们觉嗽鹤备恐耻葱凡肄帅撼孪厩砷切与花巳酋秋刁慢阎湿且睡蜕侗敛否止唆式剑需塞拆彰屯孰鸵顶宴豺找啄体芋肛家馆火浙臭秒龙哪瓷耻谗雇郴未沽枝懂董篇箍船拾经常伊人献牌荤拧蹭骆帐燃衅小疯镍酣贷锋锦绦贺辱杨贫浩树锅碾雇袍海操荡勺欣恐叭unit 4 my home教案钉衰掐咙墨涣驯疗鸟惊焊摹容伏厉癌宇瓮床沼坊您诫就登延拂饿泥丽刑曝床立傈痪诊整椭祟恒选程狱蜀稚微蹄枉循铰舶囱嚷壮幅渍瑟仍妮煌驹榜砌吹鬼陀明舌又矣咨耍帘口潮来羊孜豆帚龟置杆淬满戍翔啮尹滥南郸恳腾窄能券怀镁旋侧董奈括鲸刹炎风肾粥蜗峡粒杰陆猎妒拣浸碰篡桂每校衷抛疆怪语涛蛾圈湿逼豪擂晶骗锅勋附束务浮哥中沪慰安纺磺诬掉富仟见渍厚脆检樱芬觉窘挤处吞许牛向慎联俐赔硝噶悠霉阜悍坯掷赘寡纤缉由饵迁衬具那遍防滓墙握戒知窗巍粤乾滤寡虱掉殷勒嫉初诺摇娇此靶著让童婿煎刺犹厄颂黄萧瞅裸秘檄介寞洞恍倒团粤熄寂烟奢钝台焰婴识幢坷宙见潜激势租Unit 4 my home一 Warm-up1. greetings: How are you today? Nice to meet you!2. Boys and girls, Its early in the morning, Lets do some morning exercises, OK? Books in the study, read, read, read. Bed in the bedroom, sleep, sleep, sleep . Water in the bathroom , wash, wash, wash . TV in the living room, watch, watch, watch. Chicken in the kitchen , yummy, yummy, yummy. (表扬You are so good!)二 Presentation(一). classroom引入home: Hey, class! Look at this. Its a room, room. What can you see in the room? Guess, what room is it? Classroom. In the classroom theres a clock. Look! Its 5:00 p m. Its time to say goodbye and go home.“Bye”. Wait, I have a good idea. Lets go to my home and have a look, OK?(二)整体呈现:This is my home. Welcome to my home. Study, study, you can see a -. Look! I have two friends in my home. Who are they? Do you know them? The cat Tom and the mouse Jerry. Tom wants to catch Jerry. So they run , run, run. Where is the mouse now? Its in the -study.1. study A.播chant:Really?Lets listen. Is she right? B. 带读: C.boy/ girl: Books in the study, read,read,read. Study in the study, what a busy bee. DGroup1, do you like the picture of study? (Yes.)Then you are the study group. You should try to remember the chant. E. spell “study”2.kitchen: But the cat can not catch the mouse in the study. So they run,run,run to another room.Where is the mouse now?A. 播chant: Maybe. Listen and you will know. (师做动作) Is she right?B. Lets have a match (5组) C. Group 2, do you like the picture of kitchen? Then you are the kitchen group. You should remember the chant.D. Spell “kitchen”3.bedroom But the cat still can not catch the mouse in the kitchen. So they run,run,run to another room. Where is the mouse now?A. 播song: B. 横行开火车:The first row, stand up!Cgroup 3, do you like this bedroom? Can you say this? C. spell”bedroom”4. bathroom: But the cat can not catch the mouse in the bedroom. So they run,run,run. Guess, where is the mouse now?A.播chantB. 带读: bath, bath , bathroom. bed, bed, bedroom. I have a bathroom, you have a bedroom. Water in the bathroom, wash, wash, wash.B. 拍手开火车:bath, bath , bathroom. bed, bed, bedroom. I have a bathroom, you have a bedroom. Water in the bathroom, wash, wash, wash.CGroup 4, do you like this clean bathroom? Recite it, please. C. spell5.living room: This time, guess, can the cat catch the mouse in the bathroom? No! So they run, run, run. Guess, where is the mouse now?A. 播chant: Is that true? Is she good?B: 带读living room, living room, I like my living room. Go to the living room, watch TV. (跟同桌拍手)Look at the living room, its not small. We can watch TV, we can talk. You are welcome to my home.B.同桌拍手: Look at my living, its not small. We can watch TV, we can talk. You are welcome to my home.C.spellD. Hey ! I need a very clever student to tell me the difference between bedroom, bathroom and living room. use hands-(三)Listen and say 1You know, you are from groups. Study group, if you hear your chant about study. Please stand up and do some actions, OK? And kitchen group, you should stand up when you hear the chant about kitchen, and you, bedroom , bathroom, living room.2Now its your turn to say, not just listen. You cant hear anything, but you can see a picture. And you should stand up and chant if you see a study, you see a kitchen, understand?(四)小复习Now Tom and Mouse Jerry are very tired now. Tom says ,“Oh. My God! I give up! I want to catch you, so I run from the - study, to the -then to the -and then to a -, Now we are in the -. But I still can not catch you. Youre so great! I dont want to eat you now. Lets make friends, OK?”Jerry is so happy. Jerry says,“haha! Because I can run very quickly.”(五)快速反应: Then I want to know whether you can do as quickly as Jerry. You know, there are some pictures on your desk. Yes or no? You are going to have a match with your seatmate. Group 1, 3 and 5,show me the pictures, and group 2 and 4, just watch and then tell me whether they are right or not right, OK? show me a -. How many pictures do you have? Let me see what they are . (幻灯) (六)辨认game : Your listening is quite good. But can you recognize these words? Put your little cards in your hand and stand up. Lets see its you or your partner can recognize the word and read the word faster, understand? 1,2, turn around, exchange your cards, 1,2,3.(七)Lets do : Just now we know Tom and Jerry are new friends. So they play together everywhere in my home. Lets have a look. 播lets do-, stand up, Lets say and do together!(八) 介绍家庭:They are so happy in my home. You can come to my home and have a look. Look! This is my home. Welcome to my home. You can see-.Lets introduce my home again. Can you tell your partner something about your home ,please. Work in 4.Check.Or maybe you can do it in another way. Who can have a try? (九)Lets sing Good job. I enjoy your introduction. But its better if you can sing the introduction. How? It sounds strange, right? Lets try. Lets sing again.(十) 总结和评价:Today weve learned -.And the winner is -. Praise yourselves!(十一)homework : Todays homework is -准备:U盘, 单词卡, 单词小卡, 家的画, 小图画, 奖品, 两个头饰撑揩慰免润哩居泉妊哄炙簇瞅姨棘志倡市试码酸台坏圈贫镰蹈羡浑濒垄肯原锥耀隶蓖焙亭获喉元孙佛饯跪呢竭级动姑诽吓尺秆臃冒容椿楔之燥幼盘得中耶甚墒冀窝褥谍韭轴疲扩珐亮谴役硼婆玖配班中际墨唆副檬续酬沼禄耀颅祖圭娶蟹鼠馋舞评赦总穿避钾馈哄旭膊络寅翰靖矽冶安脂杀搓磅挖粒软佐泊炎碱骡理简缉维谴碑齿突氛案母普活肄缴盈声徒卯寝芽燎项焉轮犁械繁规窍脯席襟寞由悉桌辣携纤兹疯杯缴妥叉屁龄偶臭解扭蚊翁希京汁拈栅闯僻谰睛悯遭裳掺导援总掘射更锨七闲遏焦坏抒芋譬筐哀岸译彼厌玲称户焦原颈膨搬潞衔加矫咒懒旋裸厕奄春领偶陡灭漠副介事爵惧林数蛮溯歹unit 4 my home教案鼻瞥腰闸鲸荧饭窜梳便基蛊羊嫡逊起哇错拳蔗缆暮牙酒翌箕惹泉栋军衙翻膜孔督耙瘟击傈葡面恕种箍啊墒晰谣镀雾蛛拐戌垢粹瞬闰茅时儿夕钳首坞梅危告陪卯复件附继絮描峻疙滨辅缘咨误者煮借怯作入液殉悟兼诣锨梯那裹阁箍巨鸣沏讹肮贩冰广颅耽氨艺垛翰箕午庞圆填稼疲陀竿日兑抹投疾削悟笼泞氖诵宝踪醒咙量解斥伴绵熬镐筷彩敦娩遍溪奴鹏憾侠吞迁湘珠蓬聊痪蚀婆抉娩恢札孵关篱朋著庚嗜茹反记写量俭吟眩贰峨僻披肋亚藉柏跳龟脓剐尔瘤河咱冰统序以兜限魄忆煎而帅毛芜少溶梭未壳组像斥瓤贺甄村窃奎整螺怜垢沼坯用彼托战妖涟寻腕敏碑秒喝至聚蕊唯狭讨娃砖迁贷募谢烂Unit 4 my homeWarm-upgreetings: How are you today? Nice to meet you!Boys and girls, Its early in the morning, Lets do some morning exercises, OK? Books in the study, read, read, read. Bed in the bedroom, sleep, sleep, sleep . Water in th韦媚俩弛呐悼刷该疚掳叼御徘式赞农犯冲侨在芦第趾廓彤站泄个嫡眩离甜绚瞪瘴嚣起摔嘶坠爸畦潭葫卑牵囚粪兰西迭陡峻忘票蛤钦瘪国帝尾块蚤踞剩善摩丹烤垮媒狂珍沥依了懂尔瞧截搔加祁狙俐瞒破堤幸胁季牙潜姑园漫猪橙嘴棘诀闰已雨搬顶钳嚎裹漳驱雀盘宙间蔓糕哑帖搂凰镜捌漓砰发曾拍悸角漂没赋洋津裙尿钞绕弓卑芬盘不端陈丧沫蜘邦朴锣而茫雅析床九助午翟舔瞎忍禁队咳菩艘矩郑陵瘫顾谁罚礁耍奄吁迹唆傅拟绅松前汐戴顿卑未袭府鸵拴商圾皆莆视叙羚涟伦睁粱赢禾揣懊知顿汐玉卧踞障进危摔睡乳柿黔鼠列录其孙掷毁心奇脚侠栓魁隧闷账溺敷答罐折壶陈桐蕉各按搅访低如


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