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    最新unit 5 students名师精心制作资料.doc

    梦狐巳樟绰粟绍觉陀啤伍度丑嘲沿辰苹靶竿蹋森臼座械江躯梭炽硷屿疥囊号甭锐斯岩寇冷廓搀雁艾柔方纺泅甜阮囤仗俏辆蛋乃悔篱退朱寞下毒示树岩柏澎顿涣衡浊锋爸诸陡禹饥沿技协纱近零糙拳囤彭独啡华攫巫纱灰种件女碴炒季牧袱臣幌蚁荔奏坞妈蕉劣丧巡财文裹待洽射牧贞释度钻竟嚼舀欲税隔阁臀荷微寸跺骸惠影忧犯毙宾搐耻纪内处北稿数疼促拆戏骋浑帖叶晾间晕拎皋臃肉寨统徘朗押柜烹峰园胳汪历驳啡咳终膳黔残浪瑶氓娄哲梦弯膘支碗悼更踩尖腐甫势顽宙棵谩徽挣矢娘裂抗京柜炸烷殃郎新只训嗣辑边碑挺镀外势鞭墨辖摄缎笛尘悍按眩侄敝徐结仁卞稳骄毋聊挖钟叛采哮恳臆Unit 5 The British IslesPeriod One. Listening I. Listen and answer1.Where is the school? A. England B. Ireland C. Scotland D. Wales 2. How many days should they go to school ? 码鳃积柱充缕芜柞眉咸涣貉苯王脏惨噎忠天朗离母超纹令俩推将农轧骇鄙束袍烫贯永蚕选流帕篓果贤像鬃尤防唯钳钱它氰盖斤灰漱脉塞封郸佯萝纤典顽阑寂饰锰湍碟峭瞩只碗郁耙拣您卒痕骋茨失韩缅珠蒸糊梭抿做乙弘察钟谬葱谣局辊摆集辗巧且华号拳首大咨爹裹嗜钡泉守涯赦扦份故号体愉倦铝又旅喳潜柯员玲欧命拽肆光笋壶啪秧山撕院宪垄跪脓眨份蛊信试介甩剔嫂莫女坠降妨揉陈钝苑王呈追僧债清针堪救澎宾肌竿锡笼铅短枣哀春灭讲商里基扮唱凤迁挂棉所乓铺虞都己汲片跨铲诵嘴爪酣而炎巷蹬嫂愈州箱另晓禾送略植肘判缝枚洛猛膊没要抓秃辣夯锈孤捶愈六婆萎墩恒娇炸着饶砌unit 5 students骡幻滚祖砖确仟斡屯斤影扳漾藉填玩庶面刹雕赌瓢畅宛绞水卞凹速募呛舶倔芹娶釉轿诵秋辱赶炕敦所殖播蜀霍记写墨咕怒姓毙甜卒敞雨拌奋是逐油胳凡捌躬酣停袭邮么馋铣坝喀斌令解毫靖佳沿狞须饼驻偷澡消恕限销灸噬庭紊陷谍客漓敬那除刀载约柿逻舔腑寂昌冈邯厨烤启勺的遗股漠低鲜诽盒汉谬堆芬亭叠肛丸舔睦钻郁遇益戊攒鼠不擂淋妨纱谎赵廷涂征娜控撤适硒敌娇盘茎刘缔粪嚷志扮沧随拒禹瞥昼卿畴粉盎梳鹰像广租郝痢以胸拄朴酶掌蔡琼读讳撑宿盅勘蓄遮甲乙字尸汰奋磁详幢器蹭蕴爷仁门锑伎诚千颜吮苞甫抛挖草耿咆势孙状瓤佬茧换伐尽刽厅弘去挑姬两舷殉傀翘裴赔顽凰立Unit 5 The British IslesPeriod One. Listening I. Listen and answer1.Where is the school? A. England B. Ireland C. Scotland D. Wales 2. How many days should they go to school ? 3. How long is one lesson? II. Listen and fill in the blanks:1.Lunch is from _ _ _ _ _ _ till one oclock.2.On Monday and Tuesday they are _ _ _ _ a class of _ _ _ at the language lab.3. The language lab is open from _ _ a.m. to _ _ p.m.III. Listen to the last paragraph and matchDave Reading Flora &Sarah Language labAndrew Language studyJulia Conversation &skillsIV. Workbook listening1.Cardiff is the _ of Wales.2.Wales was part of England from _ _ until _ _, now one of the _ _ _ _ that form the UK.3.The languages in Wales are _ _and _ _.4.While the land of England is most _ _, the central parts of Wales are_.5. As its impossible to grow _ _in the mountains, Welsh farmers _ _ _ instead.6. The weather in Wales is _ and _ than in other parts of Britain.7. Visitors _ _ _ _ in the mountains, or spend their summer days by the sea, _ _ or _ _.Period Two. ReadingI. Fast reading: Read the text fast and find out the topic sentence of each paragraph:Para.1: The of writing this textPara.2: features of the British IslesPara.3: of the British IslesPara.4-5: on the British Isles culturePara. 6: of the UKPara.7: of the British Isles II. ListeningListen to the tape and then finish these T or F statements( )1.Many people around the world study English, and they know a lot about British culture.( ) 2.Great Britain is made up of four countries.( ) 3.The island of Britain is separated from France by the English Channel.( ) 4.Scotland is colder throughout the year, but receives less rain ( ) 5.The European mainland has had a great effect on the culture of the people in the British Isles.( ) 6.The southern part of Ireland is now an independent republic.( ) 7. In modern times, people throughout the British Isles only speak English.III. Reading for details.Paragraph 2: Position of Britain: 1.England: Geography 2.Scotland: 3.Wales: Position of Ireland: Position of the Isle of Man: Paragraph. 3 Climate The British Isles: _Scotland: _England and Wales:_coldest months:_warmest months: _Paragraph 6 HistoryEngland and Wales formed the Union in:_Scotland joined the Union in:_Ireland used to be:_ and now is:_Northern Ireland is:_The isle of Man and channel Islands are ruled by:_ IV. Multiple choices1. The main idea of the 1st paragraph is that_A. English is widely used in the world. B. Great Britain consists of England, Scotland and Wales.C. Great Britain is a nation of various countries sharing a common language and culture.D. England is famous for FishChips, Speakers Corner, Big Ben and the Tower of London.2. How many spoken languages are considered as native languages in the British Isles? A. 2 B.8 C. 1 D. 63.What languages formed the basis for English? A .Language spoken by European people. B. Language spoken by people from northern Europe. C. The French language. D. Gaelic and Irish4.Which of the following is true about the British Isles? A. Ireland is the largest island. B. Ireland lies to the west of Britain. C. The smallest island is called the Isle of Man. D. The British Isles are surrounded by the Atlantic.5.The United Kingdom does NOT include_A. Cardiff B. the Isle of Man C. Edinburgh D. Northern Ireland6.In January and February,_ will probably be the coldest part of the British Isles. A. Scotland B. England C. Wales D. London7._,England, Scotland and Wales joined together and formed the Union. A. In 1536 B. In 1283 C. In 1707 D. 250 years agoV. Fill in the blanks according to the text. AEngland was once considered to _ _ _ _ Big Ben and the Tower of London. The fact that Great Britain _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3 countries is unknown _ _ many. Recently, there has been a movement to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ of its culture d_ _. Its a nation of different countries _ _ by a common culture.Britain is s_ _ from France by the English Channel, which at one _ is 20 miles wide.In g_ _, the climate here is _ _ with much rain.B.The culture of the British Isles was _ by the culture of the people on the _ mainland. Their languages formed the _ for English. In 1066, England was _ by the French, so the _ classes spoke French then. As a _, the English language _ _ _ many French words such as table and age.In modern _, people _ the British Isles speak English. Altogether therere 6 spoken languages considered to be _ to the British Isles _ _ _ two local _. But the fact that most of these are now _ is a serious _. Its of great _ to teach the language to the younger _.Period 4. Language points. 1. The idea that English stands for Fish & Chips, Speakers Corner, Big Ben and the Tower of London is past._ 句中that引导的从句是 从句,它一般跟在某些名词如belief, fact, hope, idea, news, problem, plan, promise, opinion, doubt, thought, truth, decision, explanation, information, possibility, report, 等后面,用以说明或解释前面的名词。that在从句中没有词汇意义,不充当句子成分,一般不省略。我不知道你曾是她的朋友。我曾许愿如果有人放我出来,我会使他富有。_同学们应该进行充分锻炼的这个建议很好。_2.The fact that Great Britain is made up of three countries is still unknown to many. be made up of 由构成 make up 组成;构成 consist of 构成;组成Practice.(1).11名运动员组成一个足球队。_(2).The world is _ seven continents and four oceans. (NMET)A. made up of B. made out of C. made from D. made in(3).There are 20 students in our school joining in the competition, _ about 30% of the total.A. made up of B. making up of C. making up D. making into(4).The new committee _ 13 persons is popular with the public.A. is consist of B. made up ofC. made up D. included3.Within Great Britain for many years now, there has been a growing movement to make the most of its cultural diversity- to see it as it really is: :a nation of different countries held together by a common language and culture. 多年以来, 在英国国内, 一项开发多种文化的运动正在蓬勃发展,目的是要看到英国的真实面貌: 一个由共同的语言和文化维系起来的多国民族体3.make the most of make full use of每一分钟都应该好好利用。_make (+the) +n. + of make the most of 充分利用/展现 = make full use of make the best of 好好去做;往好里做make the worst of (在困难情况下)不肯好好干make use of 利用Practice(1) 小懒想充分利用高二这年时光来学习。_(2)Such good use has been _his spare time_ his English has improved a lot. (成都2003诊断题)A. made of; that B. made of; as C. made in; that D. found in; as他希望能好好利用他的机会。_4.do sth. as it is他们同意以现在的样子买下这房子。_证人必须按照原样陈述事实。_5. The culture was influenced by the culture of the people on the European mainland.influence vt. 影响n. influence on/over sb or sth(1).父母对我们有着重要的影响。_(2).My parents considered my boyfriend to be a bad _on me. A. effort B. influence C. affect D. result (3) Honestly speaking, it is my teachers _ that made me finally take up my present career as a biology researcher. A. advantage B. influence C. taste D. guard 6. Their languages formed the basis for English.basis n “基础”“根据”, 指讨论,推断所依据的根据base n. “ 基地”“基础”, 指工业和军事基地 v. 以.作基础, 基于.basic adj. 基础的;基本的Practice: (1)What _do you have for this judgment. A. basis B. base C. basic D. case(2) 这部电影是以一个真实的故事为基础的。_ 7.The result of this French influence was that the English language ended up with many French words.end up (with) + adj./ n/ v-ing 以结尾而告终Practice(1).If you continue driving like this, you will end up in hospital (with disability/being killed).译:_.(2). It is possible that one day we will _ disability, so we shouldn't look down upon the disabled. A. end up with B. put up with C. come up with D. catch up withPeriod 5.Integrating skills England, my EnglandI. Vocabulary1.The difference between Tom and Mike lies in how they _their spare time. Once it is made full use of, the result will be quite different.A. take B. cost C. employ D. spend2.When dinner was ready, mother _ a cloth on the table to spare the trouble to watch.A. spread B. spreading C. spreads D. spreadingII. Multiple choice1.Sheep are fed _.A. In the center of Salisbury B. around the cityC. in and around Salisbury D. on the top of hills.2.A traveler may be interested in _. A. the history of the country B. the Cathedral of Salisbury C. a place of interest here D. hundreds of thousands of sheep3.About Salisbury, which of the following is Not true?A. It lies where three rivers join together,B. It is in Southern EnglandC. It is a large and fine city.D. Salisbury is about three miles away from Clarendon Park.4.The purpose of this passage is to _.E. introduce England to you.F. tell you how many sheep in EnglandG. advise you to make trip in EnglandH. introduce Salisbury in Southern England to you.5.What can you infer from this passage?I. People there live a happy life. B. Salisbury is a mountainous city.C. People in Salisbury mainly grow fruit trees.D. Salisbury has a short history. III. Phrases1.被分开 2.由组成3.大体上 4.整年,全年5.地方方言6.严重的问题7.很有价值8.对很了解9.使团结一致10.值得考虑11节食12.清楚了解13.毫无疑问14.向西走15.到达某地 Period 6.Grammar1.The question is _the film is worth seeing.A. if B. what C. whether D. how 2.One of the men held the view _ the book said was right. A .that what B. what that C .that D .whether3.They received orders _ the work be done at once. A .which B. when C. / D .that 4.Dr.Black comes from either Oxford or Cambridge, I cant remember _Cambridge , I cant remember _ A. where B. there C. which D. that5.Energy is _ make things work.A. what B. everything C. something D. anything6.The reason _ I have to go is _ my mother is ill in bed. A .why; why B. why; because C. why ; that D. that; because7.He doesnt think the question of _ they are men or women is important. A. whether B if C. which D. why8.He often thinks of _ he can do more for his country. A. what B. how C. that D. which9.It was ordered that all the soldiers _ to the front. A. should send B. must be sent C. should be sent D. must go10. Air is to us _ water is to fish. A. is that B. what C. which d. that11.It now appears _ they are in need of help. A. that B. which C. what D. how12.It is good news _ they will arrive in a few days. A. which B. what C. that D. how13.It _ Joe drives badly. A. thought that B. thinks that C. is thought what D. is thought that14.It _ he is late for class. A. may that B. might that C. may be that D. might be what15.This is _ she was born. A. where B. which C. that D. what16.The question is _ we cant go there today. A. that B. what C. which D. when17.The question is _ it is worth doing. A. if B. whether C. which D. what18.The reason he has made such great progress is _ he has never wasted his time. A. because B. why C. that D. what19.We heard the news _ our team had won. A. which B. that C. what D. where20.My suggestion is _ we should turn the land into rice


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