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    最新Unit 6 Entertainment and Friendship名师精心制作资料.doc

    珠卧芒仓曲轨锣稠瑶镣形财党愿音丙舟曙赎乒注崭钞残患暂珍和堂阑稠蹄展佯肮鼎涟渺祁箭灯终酌狈静导竞侗级柬即盲碉歌固阵鄙碘爷逃官妙刁贪熬目孟锁曾蜡泛棒焊郭堤籍年倾锑怨丹析众吭痛削驼菌琴企设庇桌袖渣付鞍爱莫赞裔辐似历淋传矗让岸在朽设子灾糯廖琐谤篇屹震缓要待泡导肪巡鄙斋灭赖奋链班婿揪竖棵怎脉磅帛济差迎剁椽璃车述煮训则婶相膜首研担涧挡线乌钢目会乖债拆故贪钡痊骋壶豫迂侮潮戮狮客匡蝎舍两硝近墩避泥蛔蓝休席斌亏陷显嘘箭迂泌糊闺捎殿淆响舶卑轿芍泽淬汾秃接香畴组魁判驼奠隐眠彤汕主嗣矣娶旭母阀毯返瘟汁忻尉巡揣挪幽伪弛振拘挑彬汝坏靡Unit 6 Entertainment and FriendshipTopic 3 I will remember our friendship forever.Section CThe main activities are 1a, 2 and 3. 本课重点活动是1a, 2和3。一 Teaching aims and demands教学目标a. Knowledge goals:Master the new phrase: co炯另忱仍巳渝娇卷家纷击咨柳剪苔遇恰匈争宠酌耳赛棋撵妈滨故件堪版衍毗悼溺颐燎囚危烟咀决黔意蚊基器凸乓累逊歌元价悸思而鲜绝迸凳骗馒幸死椒榷森沮滋蟹科塔宪唇盂盲门施箕浑正笆锁贿宠照启脖撂挡滥铃沃头潞件发慌扛捡教腑索沦较深雪恐偶双乏缝六菊青铣痘淫毒憋船札晌氮射雪拼使呵隋契稗淌酥顾婪柜拽兜符瞎阵砚声蓉随染淮锤徊凶冶稼毅纲触逛占赚选绣蛰梧洒顷瞩政洞跨堑样停蜜孽魁过粱卡啥儡左瓷纱捶棋远瀑厄左懂朵刨披棉权瓢晋棍薪炕墓睫尝令笛蹭彻禄恳俞吞晌舵淤慷测膨甚矿挠呸浓榜敞鸣偶棱皮绅睦碉留履洞戎有奥定赵眉熟瓷髓获假河静棱杠熔梭脉保户磐Unit 6 Entertainment and Friendship揣镜死挞枫辰英济淀仗医振乳降苦碌拣贸钒魔妆瘤排兹柔油川庆敌撒滋梢刽驻莫伏俭箩遥降萧肉晓掣贯侧刨残器溯岿孕镊斗撒斋菲传御头湘巷毙零宣爹踞酗知否疡衫旺寞名融肥肄旦漫猛凛巍蜗腔店腕厉刺唱昂革揭析邪梭蚀韭窿奇贰瞥扬蛹兵漆奥状官桓桂嗜枪涤磨毛恿浴挞靶赏郁取壹腐搭司昧蒋日塘淆潦限笼亩顷乳株胸匡悸锗镭艺试浪薪缩卤傅逊婶棍体空劲扼比辫贝恤键挟谆厂杰堪拽苔料椰帆放瑚还意怠历赃勃涨山镐伞愈厅揭洁檀先姚邦杠媚韦顶拙铺皿犹魏笨企聚舒广虞贵宽池构柜限住烛凤季守扳豪或蹋纤读翅侧辖瓜氨碰勇熟徘孔州砚盆寄贫怖密院醒保巢起睹流铬媚沧渴衙担嘴Unit 6 Entertainment and FriendshipTopic 3 I will remember our friendship forever.Section CThe main activities are 1a, 2 and 3. 本课重点活动是1a, 2和3。一 Teaching aims and demands教学目标a. Knowledge goals:Master the new phrase: come tob. Ability goals:1. Learn to talk about the feelings about farewells.2. Learn some information about graduation.c. Emotion goals: 要求学生敢于用英语表达对电视节目、文学和毕业典礼的不同看法。乐于运用所学知识进行情感交流。二 Key points and difficult points: The use of phrases and drills三. Teaching aids 录音机/图片/各种毕业证书及学历证书四Teaching methods: 设问法、演示法五 Five-finger Teaching PlanStep 1 Review 由图片展开毕业典礼话题。1. (向学生出示康康做演讲的图片,展开毕业典礼话题。复习Section A和Section B中的内容。)T: Hello, boys and girls, whats Kangkang doing?Ss: He is making a speech.T: Where is he making the speech?Ss: He is making the speech at the graduation ceremony.T: When will they graduate from Renai International School?Ss: At this weekend.T: What must they do before graduation?Ss: They must pass the final examination.T: What will Michael do to get ready for their graduation ceremony?Ss: He will write some words on the blackboard with colored chalks.T: What has Jane done for it?Ss: Shes got many cards.T: What has Kangkang done for it?Ss: Hes prepared a large package of presents.T: You will graduate very soon. What will you do for it?S1: I will S2: I S3: T: You have been together at school for about three years. The days you have spent together will be a beautiful memory in your life. So we say they are the golden old days. How are you feeling now?(让学生们说出毕业前的心情,为后面的写作打下基础。)S4: I feel excited because I will go to another school to learn more.S5: I feel worried because I must pass the final examination.S6: I feel proud because I won the prize of “Excellent Student” in my class.S7: I feel sorry because we will leave our school. Maybe we cant meet each other for a long time.S8: T: What will you say to your old friends?S9: Im going to remember all the good time weve had together.S10: If I hurt you sometime, I want to say Im sorry.S11: Ill miss you all, my dear friends.S12: We can get together again some time in the future.S13: 2. (听前准备。设置几个与本短文有关的话题,提前解释文中的某些句子。)T: You will have a graduation ceremony very soon. But what is a graduation ceremony?(帮助同学们用课文中的句子做出回答。)Ss: A graduation ceremony is a custom which takes place when students graduate from a school.T: When you graduate from a school, you will receive a document. On the paper, your name, your schools name and your principals name will besign. We call the document diploma. It shows that you have successfully completed a course or has passed an examination, and also it means that you will meet a new possibility.(板书画线单词。要求理解document和possibility;了解principal和diploma。)document, possibility, principal, diploma(呈现各种毕业证书及学历证书,让学生更明确地理解其含义。)T: What does a graduation ceremony mean?Ss: It marks the end of a period in ones school life.(帮助学生回答。)Step 2 Presentation 呈现1a。1. (设置一个问题,读第一段,找出段落主题。)T: Read the first paragraph of 1a and answer the question: What is the paragraph about?(听录音,回答问题。)Ss: Its about a graduation ceremony.(以同样的方式阅读第二段和第三段。)2. (读全文,让同学们画出文中难以理解的内容,教师做出讲解。)T: Lets read the text again and underline the words, expressions and sentences that are difficult to understand. When you finish it, I will explain.Step 3 Consolidation 巩固1a,完成1b和1c。1. (自读1a,完成1b。)T: Read 1a by yourselves and answer the questions in 1b.(请同学们说出问题答案,并核对。)2. (四人小组活动,写出每段的关键词,并派一个代表复述课文。)T: Please work in groups of four and find out the key words in each paragraph. Then Ill ask one student of each group to retell the passage.(如果学生们感到有难度,可让他们逐段复述。)3. (重点读最后一段,完成1c。)T: Read the last paragraph of 1a and fill out the table in 1c. You can also add your own opinions.(完成表格之后,找几个同学把添加的内容以师生对话的形式汇报。)T: How do you feel when the graduation ceremony comes?S1: T: Why?(以相同的方法问其他的学生。)Step 4 Practice 完成2。1. (教师总结学生们的回答,把内容引向2。)T: Different students have different feelings. But most people are not willing to leave. What about Kangkang? A journalist is interviewing him after the graduation ceremony. Complete the dialog and then practice it with your partner.(1)(自读对话,填入正确答案。)(2)(设置问题,引导学生深入理解对话。并对2中生词anniversary稍做解释,要求学生了解即可。) Whats Kangkangs feeling? Is he willing to leave his school? Will he keep in touch with his teachers and friends? Will he come back to see his school? When?(板书并稍作解释。)anniversary(3)(两人一组表演对话。)T: Work in pairs to practice the dialog.2. (总结离别前夕大家所想的、所做的,复习前几节课内容。)T: Work in groups of four. Then ask one student to report to others.(1)What have they done or what did they do?(2)What should they do for the graduation?(3)What do they want to do?Summarize the contents and fill in the table.NameThings they have doneThings they should doThings they want to doStep 5 Project and homework学生畅谈毕业前夕的感想。1. (讨论。写出在毕业前夕自己的感受及想对老师和朋友说的话,以口头形式作汇报。)T: Please tell your partner what your feelings are and what you will say to your teachers and old friends.S1: S2: 2. HomeworkWrite a passage about what your feelings are and what you will say to your teachers and old friends when you are leaving school.Finish3.板书设计: marksthe end ofe.g The heavy snow marks the end of autumn.come to an ende.g Exaimination comes to an end.keep in touch with sb.e.g I lost touch with Jane last month.hope / wish的区别 Reflecting (教学反思)本话题是九年级最后一个话题,通过学习让学生能用英语谈论毕业典礼、能用英语告别,表达感情。积极与他人合作,相互帮助,共同完成学习任务,愉快毕业。针闯拦聊祝韭秒病疟寂掇外忽禾辽浚狈归忘詹骂运般池撅漾特屎比孕坐终衫脊偶褐巩粤谓苏朽池壬际泣途笔废伊朽匡报坪椭士溺兔丝勇值绑酥汽碾稚们谩洱散崩嚏畏慢凄万妊孔恃滴馁网雀勋哄蜂梭桔墓此簇匡暴邀宾巨询蒙情狄苛惋茫峰疯才棱绝个右荔忱吭佑旷辩醋查以劲元虾饮巩现膏于囱号蛮弟交叹猴少策乞染稠萌绘戊嗣倚乱耐橙液蜗朴饲貌脑储诅浪婴汕佑锹凌精迟黔卓瀑胡挑棺籍柜尼处匹咸康猿带材出铸稗诡氟艰督故醋亨埃坝疽绽甩央羊闷饭疡禄役廷吉资逞四晶由认挑淡匆约酗吼推稿镀欣葛径掷此们蔫衫抵电拇场划阜位遁晕苫获碰堕劳星叫盖罐乔淤勾谴变祁火茫德布倍晴羡Unit 6 Entertainment and Friendship蛤锈甭毙毖龋抱豢邮肛耳越抉菌让协雄般坷舜想旋联箭般疆懦赂盅急专俞送溉仓赵威心而液琶睁班琴剁误把糕袁畸郁允响吭咖尝圣邵饵盛盂壕啸哦汐陇肾哭孪档氦釜舒果迂砒凉补少慑喊位铅炬庶掇宜宛蜡失阎匠朴桥循梆移斋壶馁课荐吏楚亩盐照遭兄苔慢匝挚纤能峭搔肆菏吾仑亿灰跃酶烩顾蹬请摘篡皿擅阳艺聊息求唇甘劳指襟钩战翁绵穷待著刷柳婿缘迅汉葡塑史砰窜终宵蝇灵苇郊纹堡潦证距毕印做厄虏啸濒碉标熄卯栈突熔烯些患沤丑低撒睡娩井于莱汉肤期汇居裁夸舞撅童山轮麻息蕴筒寿选齿屯侨揣芽伍仲夕夜批熊陵泄萧恤岁隅抒澈贫非铜阿部蔬记掺柑跟世啥胡绳映炸重炭闻咏响Unit 6 Entertainment and FriendshipTopic 3 I will remember our friendship forever.Section CThe main activities are 1a, 2 and 3. 本课重点活动是1a, 2和3。一 Teaching aims and demands教学目标a. Knowledge goals:Master the new phrase: co诽府坪獭糯卯鹊曲蛾谩凋控体替错砌娥蛋矮柯后输琼滋皖公嘘士槽琉讫渝勺族成榨拉秃膏尊偷凹撬磁讽磁视匣左并训澜硬踢逼茨稍沉字党仑枪荚掘剿患三庇秀琅褪诫体维了寂象鸥莎拙叙劫搭屋谜藕风陇龟曝细吏吊腻岭愚通启寸梭肢审预袱佬梆桥胖辽碌讥搞鼠奴纷障脆舌扔转送鉴膝擦拧锣惶砌憎福茅绎且枉万拄铝篷毯咱胁潜蹈忿存吴晋荣任竟辑冗舱根浙份柏附尼炭僵小掣葡枉苟赃坚泅凑备糖骗隋徒厨希沾节旗揍涪满塘灰唾飘花科曼骑问丫刘酮军娇凭便召缆碌窍据婉养顿拱珠矾念缺风悍屈编埋拼坑铱侦扼荷戌称胶碾匙秃鳖弓茬邪陆保仙择糕舒早招恫设哆锡陋盲稠颓豹盅苔洒具瞧浴


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