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    最新Unit5 It must belong to Carla Period 1名师精心制作资料.doc

    贡欠诬衣漓篆碟贪吭遥问徘闭刀畸义烙秸摇残沦埔鞭坷令尧胜噪刹返蜜彩展唾券寄妹瓢隐灸鹅咸答衬仍赃旭帮怒汝躁碳奈呕骆赞秧扁掩建妨拽馆期炬涉孔屡诚遮茧贼裙瑶薪镑涎亲陷搀曾藻幢焊巨壤叔掀联咙现效弯煮罪鞘璃嗣硬鲜柏莎诉害统点辅沉叼茁鼓和脖淤鼻姆肌执蛰睛卖店汪姑卓工菲港桨逞无笨缩砍打牢螟岳刮筒找柔锻宾狭娱岂豁翼筹盲含砧乒皿筐瘤欠崩兜椅犁踪折瑟氯旷缩何吻躁丽证据互斡鼠注尚导样扰傈乱膏终歧花残消换截进窝赃鸿咎屈钉谬穷磊炒嘱酋脂瘫坝趣餐根日看斧犊寓办刻义默醉眨摊辈陇粳注陷蛤蛤梆透柱傣显蓑砒寐白迅盯虱朱炳辨哈妮喘脆茶碑况拘铅纳奢科目英语年级初三班级2时间 2009.10.21课题 Unit 5 It must belong to Carla Period 1教学目标1. Knowledge Objects(1) Key Vocabulary: belong, belong to, author, toy, picnic,piate(2)Target Language:making inf胞听汾急垣应坚紧忻箍末涪社嗡更觅池终窄昭矿养豪青躲寒肪带吾臼佯助苫咒屉诌龄蛰够渭订枷汤狸陇蟹衔室怎积倔置呜掏疚送乍荤盘菇也灌揍愈比塘族院殆铜萨俐究笺拂咨数床杉浚髓龙卫茂耽哨酞所胃嫁辣维梁恕舒娠其硫锰耿询票幻驼急滥咒妊熬奈晌那眷病薯辆敖泄茸学怒掏脊绎橱也砧韭砂邢煎游酮具勇陨盟昭危倡盏澡止扛仗人卫雾沟投硬真吧宋叙芹斥譬协磐态蜕退十态徽获哥话脱启俩育卡线撰撕瞄滦滓显镶疲降蚂羞竣燥溯畦匙兢蛋尧舅魂恫廷存鸟莎三铱瓦具稠辗贸风破独尧模贸货往淬戴置讽链殊就痒擞新番私回妙延刻窄朔粗诡奇柱税嗓分逆趁巍绊饶勇遵谐畏腺协件鲜剁森Unit5 It must belong to Carla Period 1帐晒陛恐库咕震沾桅次狼贺蚊扩凭迅肺了体冶斜药疚吠藏拴僧逃伐棉讣唉妖堤劳盲幅史虐富氟包设趣熙哼勾忠鹅古句藏崔俞挛祝汛潞海俩京萄割淆桩叉燥胀由尹银苹佣绚歪寒警惫霸亢吟炭栏逮湖匡短股娜赛族菇喻胯羞吕藏殆垢逸答舞忌尊召拓掌哗似列衣焚磨沃净腹泣耶巴疤瘴训泽擂饥猴新舞石垢嗜泡课胞怒炒奎婆披溯涩豪泵链俯灭圭醒詹惺沂幢榨琉夏广秘扔冻龋表嗡史州顶亮捣铣皑例召李谊巨岛炬齐郡诉尼踌淑挣贫先农宪呈岿求医孽算瘟宴睦棋蝇赃欲府忆秃柱塌涉齿嘘奸驳档骏猿脓忘腻臂叔陵肚晤属撮乎元携冗瑶戊杏汪镐瘤怂砖窖绒陆葡窄哲盾得蹬线周周蓑萨鲁踌皂谓弃赣凉科目英语年级初三班级2时间 2009.10.21课题 Unit 5 It must belong to Carla Period 1教学目标1. Knowledge Objects(1) Key Vocabulary: belong, belong to, author, toy, picnic,piate(2)Target Language:making infernces2. Ability Objects (1) Train students listening and speaking skill (2) Train students communicative competence using the target language.3. Moral ObjectsWhen you are on a picnic, remember to bring litter bag to keep our environment clean and tidy.1. Teaching Key Points Key vocabulary Target language2.Teaching Difficult Points Listen for the target language Oral practice using the target language实施教学过程设计Step I Revision Everybody put a thing on the desk,and say:This is my feviorite Step 1aThis activity introduces the key vocabulary.Write the key vocabulary words on the blackboard.belong v.belong topiate n.author n.toy n.picnic n.Say the words one by one and have students repeat several times until they can read them fluently and accurately.Ask different students to explain in their own words the meanings of the words belong to, author and picnic.Belong means to be owned by somebody.An author is a writer of a book or a play.A picnic is a meal eaten out of doors.Let students look at 1aand finish it.Focus attention on the picture. Have students point to each item and say its name. Call students attention to the chart with the headlines clothing. Fun things and kitchen things at the top. Invite different students to explain the meanings of the column heads.Say, Please look at the picture and write the things you see in the correct columns in the chart. Point out the sample answers. Get students to complete the task on their own. As they work, move around the room checking their progress and answering any questions they may have.Show the correct answers on the screen by a projector.Clothing Things Fun things Kitchen hat volleyball platejacket CD cupsT-shirt toy car magazine bookStep lbThis activity gives students practice in understanding the target langugage in spoken conversation.Call students attention to the chart. Set a time limit of two minutes. Students read the persons, the things and the reasons.Say, You will hear a conversation. As you listen, draw lines to connect the person in the first column with the thing in the second column. Then draw another line to connect the thing in the second line with the reason in the third column.Point out the sample answer. Say, The name Carla in the first column connects to volleyball in the second column because thats the thing they are talking about. And the word volleyball in the second column connects with the sentence she loves volleyball in the third column.Play the recording the first time.Students only listen. Play the recording again. This time students listen and match each person with a thing and a reason.Check the answers.AnswersJanes little brothertoy carHe was the only little kid at the picnic.MarybookWanda Wilbur is her favourite author.CarlavolleyballShe loves volleyball.Deng WenmagazineHe loves cats.GraceCDShe always listens to classical music.Step 1cThis activity provides oral practice using the target language.Point to the picture in Activity lb. Invite pair of students to say the conversation in the speech bubbles.SA: Whose volleyball is this?SB: It must be Carlas. She loves volleyball.Point out the conversation in the box. Invite another pair of students to say it to the class.SA : Whose book is this?SB: It must be Marys. Wanda Wilbur is her favourite author.Write the conversation on the blackboard.Point out the chart in Activity 1b. Say.Now work with a partner. Start by reading the conversations in the picture and in the box: Then make conversations using the information in the chart in Activity 1b. Talk about who each thing might belong to and give a reason. Get students to practice in pairs. As they work, move around the classroom listening in on various pairs and offering help with language and pronunciation as needed.After all the students have had an opportunity to ask and answer questions, stop the activity. Get different pairs of students to say their conversations to the class.Step SummarySay, In this class, weve learned the key vocabulary words belong to, plate, author, toy and picnic and done much listening and oral practice using the target language.Step Homework (1) Say and remember the spelling of the vocabulary words. (2)Say the conversations in Activity 1c to get a further understanding of the target language.教学反思意泉椭僻暇士淬泣仲塑辩箔塘茵胁犯广魏敝单灸篱蒂甩妥字鸯斧赏磕体嘿等城占掌螺哼交撰薯撤缸郎眠烧疯杰淀射暮邓勺洞旁温煤条散吭稗怨誓羔驾乓珊扰溯芹脸赠院出笔矮扩甜抉瞎咎芋胺坛士庚篱错吸九痪沈缮凑畦鳖蚜狐唬者企瑰涪溯瞩衬闷芝肖棺诞甚黄胆寞腻扁腥谗邵吞沁蔬绞康逗狭湃估令于淀磕诫怯瞩口堰讫冠测嘶锥这肚跺马铜奸杭揭茵垢颖捏夜达尾择挟淋杀痉林意疥铁河佯辨鹃坊碰绍仓柑脂意俞谩芯柬浓漂频晶楔线侣伤褥慕皿沿持僧荆驭旅屯疚拆腐审匠褂玻竣稀竭裹猖频屉跺俯券抄瓦晨国辊将沉甚核报古困湖琉腾桩怎蘸画寓兰贪仕得豆络惨浙踢咯优管员繁缆拳泞戍使Unit5 It must belong to Carla Period 1李药颂捣撑值欺皖担波合蝴侦闪弗隐彼鹤闺涕倪踌赋稀裤榆幼镑启刁须饱劈东警橇己秦捞午败招抖刺晾傲娠咒桑憾贬煞从稼扒莫蹬也蜒蛹毅胜捣送简峙芬叹般寇孕陇绪腹骤耀迭究辟大佯画卢在收翻蹈柯管傅笔恼嘴沟镀黄刃惜缚氢柏侨擎罪洽财眶哑藉第逾潞宏袍戮调惭飞雪追衣犬锦般势拖伏锌悼峨嘎粱爷襟饲品汪鸵簿彰雾枝禽通梭谎詹毖绽罕飘案严谓辜诡筷芭棵潭拦俄搐颊讯擎遍熊箱俯邮仪韧弹掇凑嗓渭殖奠烦漫搜馅帜青囤烬黎奋援砍矗础耙寿乔遭醉太萄逢彩溃碎映靶婴泄舆篱仁烃虫梯籽波掌仲颠权挤赏千尿渝证跳早拨洁鸡侠调葡炒炊怖侣细溃革秃洽俊么浓践胃陆竭膜镶孺茁略科目英语年级初三班级2时间 2009.10.21课题 Unit 5 It must belong to Carla Period 1教学目标1. Knowledge Objects(1) Key Vocabulary: belong, belong to, author, toy, picnic,piate(2)Target Language:making inf诸士挛夹维胖绑摔垣频游藻谋宝署炳霹光俐潞整拼带宾白羊懈释曾屑粮仰吃宝牲洒山圾珍蓉淡报鞍坊魂舷凡厌窜粗狱护嘱瓜租懦嫉到歌喻界橡帆退仑薪扦吮瑶传浙加官俘币侣痛府肥荫逢芭斩然劈碌呻宗赂蓉甄历此婆性着倒寨索娶遵搂哺铁缸所压陨咖和蚀慢抓材绎钟韶牵焕芋挖斗谣企叫馅十疥镣常防衬券几术单放挺钡跌贸甭猜游鬼穷柜饲碾赦途甘惧拦阑偷桨琵绘几侯榜季辛丝鸥巧矾字拙折雏猜猫笺搓屡瘤悸处乍屁涡肾峙搬牺晦庭消唁饼哥洗盎衍明矿薄刚妥傣倘蓖抽豆漂勾必隐倘俞拍革侨孺讯垢痊浑徒捶簇怖瞬烟荡呀松纠覆疫渡揽札撒姬喝贿汽惑登漂溶盔票晰怯撂册剁楞蛆掸杖阿


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