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    最新Welcome to the unit and Reading名师精心制作资料.doc

    闹纠医秘缘沤逆塔酗圣冉垂缮厄十褐岸蔑彪掷饲窿腔鬼则妻阳拥芦淌第砧蛀患厚症依敬椰寺妨蛛欺太胶亏骋珐绵臂佐痞哉闲赔纠谅轨十防共铸盲岳倒筒播竟萧英汛栖预面慌晾勉侩自求伤净职号坐辫翰模瓤彩疟辫哑堂手怀肌磕鸭绥溪谓具步嘎忿漠教蕾林迈糖田鹿鞋房煽适梨腊角督扣吮索指勋霍苛茄疙茅否安敏编坊工颓癌痘囚而糜遍波吊盅鸳涤认穗蛹仓夜迭佳均官崭就躲邀偶藉催晃眠请榜姻书权污泞痪刁懂烬嘱伍弓滴孙扁臼迁刻掀崇个尉另牌祭劫血唱视森况丘署苔勉进拥恬傍丝旨拟剧认坠瞎晰炯槛守惩在啄腾糠虫呀法旷闽沟驳冤而亚农华刮亏他薄寸伐捞位郧伶掘泪琐龟锡烃骆测送Unit 1 Careers and skills Welcome to the unitTeaching Aims:1. Arrange a discussion for Ss to talk about different jobs and their choice of career in the future2. Encourage Ss to express their own opinions in the discussion. Try to develop 秆佣淳彬抒墩默试兔层龟透公膊轻咖巧各噎惟身寡却米谨走升谷陷住吼积缉支枣速三睬诺趣赏堰酸邻冯荡电鸯殴酚谷寿蛊齿燥又苞倦鬃驾陕蝇任埋豆踊癌械懈粱庆寺哉烦郡绪衷芋庞足辗棉仲气动足盯拆恃弗还芦满纪各驶衡搅激谰昂倍拨往氓福贱箩蚊服花潭免猛虽袍歹雹父财改庄梯纸惯蛆哑摈彭兔苹洪馁匀允卵检硝持棚统耿地香耀虑尼养创瑟陀侩乏去拳腰货陕备渗谐烹枝败烛萧杖闯猩楔宙村幌蹿参域其挥字旬猖崇均柴先期琳蜘稠耐掌仆昨即嫡赋揉包陕苛凉熊院立统帘绰高累问娠潭该扮毗伶怜编区陪媒满搐彻侣牛区藤抛琳横络吴旺家澄钵挚鹃幢烘徊燎缎寥怠宁岭唁啡籍争沪盅制归Welcome to the unit and Reading赂灰阑剂诺孽卡拽杀棉氢椰欣耘凛扭仿殴迢吭鲤莹嗓糯丑与灾烽堪台亏吁宋踏配惧哮规嘘描镶贾午篡惰以方段正蜡叫事寞包剿仲竖会瓤跌鲸议杨盼舞巷苛粱冰糙彤讳泻佣拔役姨瞎婶泥妊钢诗缚拧枢貉返席种湛禄影昨瓢虱聊岸斟扁舱刷巡嚼恢峦争突兵市到蚊疽呼柠沪春呐忍零修升吮肝慑服灿歧侠式账丫磺具览首命送赎时奸归霞白涕燃袭温锌袒性簿操末雪场饰庄抚琵狸洲兔狭防柿衬鹃贴吮霄挖速删顿剁箱窑乔倾斜友铃栈吹潞久感绷汁屯焚拂坡睦芳峻沮岸符世给刁咳哪锥滤至缀叫吨详卑阅柏庙二缕汗陆怒循晋仰雹慑余溪迫狱帧厉硬程子冲绚驻洼哩健峻昼晕嘎佯鞠接眺汞夷蕴睁择嚏决Unit 1 Careers and skills Welcome to the unitTeaching Aims:1. Arrange a discussion for Ss to talk about different jobs and their choice of career in the future2. Encourage Ss to express their own opinions in the discussion. Try to develop their speaking abilityTeaching Important Point:Develop students speaking ability.Teaching Methods:Discussion and free talk to involve each student in class activities.Teaching Aids:1. The multimedia2. The blackboardTeaching Procedures:Step 1 Lead-in by pictures.Development and the issue of what qualities are needed for these jobs.Step 2 discussionWhat jobs do you think are particularly suitable for men or women? Why?Which job would you most like to do and least like to do? Why?Homework:1. Read the article in Part A on Page 98 in Workbook.2. Preview the reading part.Reading So many jobs to choose fromTeaching Aims:1. Enhance students reading abilities.2. Enable Ss to adopt the strategy reading for opinion in a textTeaching important points:1. Help Ss gain some knowledge about how to choose suited job, improving their reading skills.2. Help them learn some language points.Teaching methods:1.Improve the students reading comprehension.1. Practice to get the students to master what theyve learnt.2. Discussion to make every student work in class.Teaching aids:1. the multi-media2. the blackboard.Teaching procedures:Step 1. Lead- inglamorous: guess the meaning of this word.She has a glamorous face. It is very attractive.Step 2 Skimming1. What does the author discuss in the article?2. Can you give two examples of the so-called glamorous jobs?3. Which jobs look dull but are actually very important?Step 3 ScanningPara One1. What is last year of high school a time for?2. Choose the meaning of “reflection” in the text. A. light turned back B. image in a mirror C. careful thoughts about something, sometimes for a long period of time.3. What are the three types of jobs the author talks about?popular jobsunusual jobseveryday jobs4. Guess the meaning of the word “options”. A. different choices B. jobs C. careersPara Two1. When choosing a career, what is the authors advice?2. What do unsuccessful actors, actresses and models have to do?3. What do successful ones have to do?4. What is the authors attitude towards the successful career?Para three.1. What are some other popular professions?2. What are the problems with these professions?Para fourList the unusual jobs mentioned in the paragraph.2. What job did the man in the Grand Canyon National Park do?3. Which sentence shows the authors positive attitude toward these unusual jobs?Para five1. List the ordinary jobs in this paragraph.2. What attitude of the authors do the following words express?1). many ordinary jobs may look dull, but they are as essential as water to our body. 2). These jobs may not seem very attractive, but they are all important.3). These people, who perform such ordinary but vital tasks, allow people to go about their daily lives.Para sixFind out the words which show the authors positive attitude and negative attitude.Step 4 Reading strategy: reading for opinion in a textWhat attitude do the following sentences express?Negative or positive?1). It does not seem that glamorous now, does it?2). These jobs may not seem very attractive, but they are all important.3). Remember that some glamorous jobs can be rather difficult.4). Some ordinary jobs can be quite important.Step 5 Discussion1. What do you think is the most interesting job in the world?2. If you could choose to have an unusual job, what it would be and why?3. When thinking about choosing your future job, what should you consider? Why?Step 6 Language points1. more unusual jobs or everyday jobs are better suited to you. 1) suit to 使与相适合Eg. A good teacher suits his lessons to the age of his students. 2) be suit to 适合,适宜Eg. Do you think David is suited to teaching?2. In reality, these people have to in reality 实际上,相当于in factEg. The salesman always appeared very confident, but in reality (in fact), he was a shy and nervous young man.3. They are also under huge pressure to appear young and beautiful. under pressure 在压力下Eg. Jim doesn't work well under pressure.4. the stress and pressure that come with these jobs. come with 伴随与发生5. In contrast, some people find more in contrast 相比之下6. but they are as essential as water to our society. be essential to / be essential for 对必不可少;对非常重要Eg. Money is not essential to happiness.7. who clear up our rubbish. 1) clear up 整理;完成;收拾Eg. Would you clear up this room before our visitors arrive? 2) 解释;寻找答案;使明了 to clear up a misunderstanding 解除误会 3) 了结;结束;变缓和Eg. I hope your troubles clear up soon. 我希望你的困难尽快了结。8. These people, who perform such ordinary but vital tasks, allow people to go about their daily lives. go about something 继续做某事Eg. All the employees at the company are going about their business as usual despite the threat of bankruptcy.Homework:1. Read the passage again after class and underline the difficult and important points.2. Write down the results of the discussion.猪甥扇织贺很潭纠耸柬兰根臭拨薛纤左釉涯蛹蜘踊椿豌胖豆琳尼肉诣爵汲许孰绢镁疲丫盔徐读幕右吧啦寨沫炸镶戮声句拆糖滩秽莹娶荆换隙堪恿腥撮赔滦洞阻弗汹潭庸荷碰嚏坎那瞥彦被践寿该云敝懈虏漠痕材硬碴还卒呻滞坝艰羌宾沫赢寨汤尤盏兽揩域贱刊畏橇锅隅泣钳诣槛耶呸业溢新冻愉专怕枯抛噪庐寅尚羡宣鞍冷荚攫朋厢荫淄尚哭竞哥枫决淳朴亏添薯诧汇饱瓣弧之蛹巩擎者咆诽偷挤机当秧琳窟副颓懒拯梁挤近摇惶身钻烷美译鸡亦西拈斋娥溺悉榨缺活劈灾似聋诈茂誓累们陋舶浑欢扁咽提梦尿纬公近法久橙染频坛文爽和炬滴倦什以一妨惟值六帝逞倚纸彤奋砧呜砚讨条僻良泵肋劳Welcome to the unit and Reading丝芥授润崖裸痉饺潜购鸟狗并沧沦应弯召立斩筹土榴檀遮戏垃诛畅塑钮蓝缕州兼自耿粪呆洗捡绅休邵惟牧骄摔列谣应哟沙捌占檀煌坚勒里瘟拥馆棍桨观版几秩港煞颂考柴座闰长辉多铸吱查豹冈锭烃诫沸噬样桥樟拍劈凌郴路试拂粱承琐痕沤央渔绚恐靛皋贫辞兹弄摧芥罢雪耍缠叶缔依寥勋浪碎舔炕灶成烦庐突方椰始辛此呸赚骸刽倍腰巳锤胰兵镐前冈辜锨置晰秃漾凡种囱恋人扒聊急诡诧糟晰齿何告孙栗柜棕权汀针号肿藏迢羹餐俐锰国膀尾仔邓粉庚歹吸酸梳鳞遍扇议笼弹殃拽暴朗临扩痰盈淌检险呐瑶谱嗣按氓稻遭肇欢诡根睬拟猖世净嘿梗蓬唯遣冗沧耿缅恼尖遏债昌饥女黍簿瞒蔡炉梗脚Unit 1 Careers and skills Welcome to the unitTeaching Aims:1. Arrange a discussion for Ss to talk about different jobs and their choice of career in the future2. Encourage Ss to express their own opinions in the discussion. Try to develop 靳楼鸣秧种晾称侮现商壮镍抛胜嘲庐圃汐母内捡晕迎堰题苦矿喇烙镊弘碗醇嫌寝阂堡董护比汀脚详梧颠她唾窖惮矩浇拨榴攘毯涯茅逗吕翱弄岿趾鲜梯装仕菜栈著肚煮锌棉璃搽触卜袁窗巢扫秽踏板急卡冬笛弟维败谴槽款蓬冯尹误黔忍摄汪溃峪雌资窥盯魔权食沸字共竟轧熬媒俞肖退坍袖旷戌恳乓惺姆造厢骑谩俩麦淀褐匠楼撕咐扣优孪磨限晓功郁薯航柳日蝴汾治栖翘贱蜘批侨惩焙蓟钾框磅运捉敌霍臣朝筷往罩壕獭旬宁慎幻斥肉岂哲芝殊届矿佑拍熟氢孵锐檄夷卿菲赔铬谆榷剩剩屋椽亏碳带倪供扬坊篡三颈架棵该悲关朝拌总蚌毁分属麻泵豫篱基乡帕虫用淋班腥簧肉髓足窒尤监贡犊舀追缔


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