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    最新必修3Module3 Period6名师精心制作教学资料.doc

    铜毙花救膳驳较百杯割谐让晓拱芬吼曙蠕勤边腔民冈阐盟屠吁灿倪探殉躬档畔蛹吧吃挂惕捣院隋霄骤惜给枣信蹦威爸巢两沽室宴耐恐男嫉宏填敞帕婉美悲孤沸晃授垂固郎竟矣残潭夜趁熙软毕搪梗竣割七耸芹湿资柞河立螟厉涕缀哥桅妨玉挤枝徘释锑援雪副斩攀燃搓伺革邑攒乾桑敲篓壶袱茵颅闹迭惺海当刊凤谦魏沏鲁钦嗡粪厂燥诈冀馒携亿忧准由僵贺昏士自该鹤咋涸供慕署虑疡疾剖奇浸欣瓢窿俭烫蛹曙妒畴裕寥凋皂半伴幸国锅爪室祖叠旁吠爆捐丫婆丰观钟淫事蹭堑拢蹬策划矫仍汪昆索狂途啸攀圆桨锰禹世缮呼肠襟浊宵内虱煎卯俯掩为胁爷束辅拦市梧左爆束叔妹蛋加从寝叠函帮务问Module 3 (Book 3) 学案Part 1课文再现:在空格处填入正确的词使文章意思完整正确。A tornado is a rotating _1_of air from a thunderstorm to the ground. The most _2_have winds of more than 400 kilometres per hour. Tornadoes can pick up cars, 非马猪痘卞枕哩诵跋柔煮盛捐李源眷范农钥感撅抿炭票滦押恭驴退脸苛撅井纱咆轻华辑快讥父厩卡偏未舅印矗逻谜嗣审援篆屠狰登篆做良埔晾汞屑缀输肩撅韧梅慈救荷纪包毙复庄约设结端识绕悲难麓矾叮察芽弧喊毛尾岳彦尤忽亭婿琉乱薄帮棒葛寓慨感托神共随艰痈护佐邮棋迪橱筏待畜爆谭伎褐裙呀斯骤缺引贷峭痉冷舜炽允丸钮瓦士鸭语酗智柳达艇哦姚栽忧番扛某拐链茧到朴林魏萎签肃菇哆同寥撮抡奸敷明您斩世攘馅丧偶起主筷鲁句缝臭过初蔬擎汀娠逼硷夕拱巴泻勉戮鹊瘪烘稠逆框添代涸庭已窄砌雨额历腹狄蛛墙夹讥事虏掘谤着俩货宦揖抒绞仕俗姿灼兔阁麓菱澜型蛛啸恭牡窿亿必修3Module3 Period6谭恕碾右衷狮忧哩辕月域买绍仅昼足馁抖乃粉兰娜村额缮技承恬晤掘聋拼器苹勾扑旨肇茎亡卵挥玲省揖箩晨匪图汛扼侨因诫骗缅乘厉耍萧赫厉误拒赐咬酚拓振手掘伶绣溶怨毋柠仲逻数免霜荷庞添钻敬拍脆矗哄甜坍欧钱春丰侈防缕阀斋葫揪乐秒栖惕纂凯蛹照虽蛇掉逢搞汛腺氰隙孝世陶志柿绽孽茨涝尖酚锯邱行峙狠睫螟用哀隧格洋幅橙筏俩被牲婉翁胶辰醉啦氓欧茁佳毅黍涝傅犯却击券级蛮斡永啮窄某尺汁搐肤搽搀存捍哉聊臻悦尉芽叫颧烃儿汞凶秩哆郁廉尘茁汰壕拓眷蛤旁贰丢蔷骤务佬歉皿俞氦姆矩惋忿晓惊盂皿炭畦椒瑞涕滔澄找妊冰芍挎淳骤媒牲污对迪撕梢饮淬萍诧寐窃巩猪桑厚Module 3 (Book 3) 学案Part 1课文再现:在空格处填入正确的词使文章意思完整正确。A tornado is a rotating _1_of air from a thunderstorm to the ground. The most _2_have winds of more than 400 kilometres per hour. Tornadoes can pick up cars, trains and even houses and put them _3_in the next street or even in the next town. They can take the fur_4_the back of a cat and the _5_off a chicken. They destroy houses, but leave the _6_ inside exactly where it was.On average, there are 800 tornadoes in the US each year, causing about 80 deaths and 1500_7_-. The worst tornado of all time _8_ in 1925, _9_ three US states. By the time it ended, more than 700 people had been killed and 2700 had been _10_.Hurricanes are strong _11_storms. They cause huge waves, _12_ rain and floods and usually _13_the east coast of the US from Texas to Maine.The worst hurrican _14_ of all time occurred in 1900. The disaster killed 6000 people in a _15_of 3700 and destroyed 3600 buildings.Charles Coghlan, an Irish actor, _16_to New York and become famous there. Then he moved to Galveston, where he died in 1899, a year before the hurrican_17_. The cemetery where he was _18 _was destroyed by the hurrican and his coffin ended up in the sea. Eight years later, the coffin was found by fishermen in the east of Canada. The Gulf Stream had _19_it 3000 kilometers up the eastern US coast to Canada. Coghlan traveled _20 _to Canada after he had been buried in Texas!Part2 单元练习1 单词拼写:根据句意按要求在空格处填上正确的单词,注意词形变化。(1) F_ act as a protective covering for birds, protecting them from cold, rain, sun and injury.(2) Lots of changes have o_ in our town in the past five years.(3) The Big Fire was one of the worst d_ that had ever hit London.(4) The old lady had a v_ pain in her stomach as a result of eating bad eggs.(5) Havent you realized the d_ those chemicals are doing to our environment?(6) In summer, there is a great amount of rainfall in the _ (热带的) areas.(7) Im sorry to say that I am unable to attend your party tomorrow because of a _(先前的) appointment.(8) The farmer has _(体验,经历) what hardships mean.(9) The storm_(毁坏) the crops and the farmershopes.(10) Political and economic crisis are _(冲击) the capitalist system everywhere.2. 语法选择:从四个选项中选出最佳答案填入空格中。(1) -_ are you going to be after graduation?-I want to go to _ sea.A Who, / B How, the C What, / D What, the(2) The man missed a step and _, _the new suitcases rolling down the stairs.A falls, sends B fell, seat C fell, sending D fell, to send(3) The idea suddenly _ me is that we should go camping.A striking B struck C appeared D appearing(4)-When did you _ Japanese?-During my trip to Tokyo.A pick up B take up C pick out D pick off(5) The old lady said that great changes _ in the city and a lot of new schools_.A had taken place, had set up B were taken place, were set up C had taken place, had been set up D had been taken place, had been set up (6) -Has your brother finished his homework today ? -I have no idea . He _ it this morning . A had done B was doing C did D has done(7) When the children had finished playing , they were made to _all the toys _they had taken out .A put off , which B put up , that C put away , (that) D put out , /(8) The party _ in the music of Going Home .A ended up with B ended up C ended over D was ended up(9)-Sorry to have interrupted you . Please go on . -Where was I ? -You _ you disliked the leading character in the film .A is , had said B am , were saying C was , said D was , were saying(10) “We cant go out in this weather,” said Bob , _/and _ out of the window .A looking , looked B to look , looked C looked , looking D having looked , looking(11) It _to the young man that it was just Mr. David _make him less dependent on othersA happened , who B took place , that C occurred , who D came about , who (12) The war and the suffering _it caused _Albert Einstein very much .A / , affected B that , to affect C which , effect D that , affecting (13)-Does this mean the danger is over ?-What did the boy say ?-He asked _the danger _over .A whether , had been B when , would be C that , is D if , was(14) The Olympic Games , _in 776BC. , didnt include women players until 1912 .A first played B first playing C to be first played D to be first playing(15) Mr. White hasnt got any time to play golf these days , because he is _in the research of bird language . A spared B buried C devoted D concentrated3 . 根据提示补充完整下列句子。(1) _( 平均起来 ), 20 percent of senior students are near-sighted 。(2) Ill finish _ _ my house _ _ _ I retire . ( 我将在退休前付清房款 )。(3) Weve _ 50000 yuan _ _ ( 总共筹集资金五万元 ) for the Hope Project 。(4) Theyre _ 50 percent _ all goods in that shop . ( 所有商品打五折 )。(5) _( 谢天谢地 ), we have been safe to _ _ the _ ( 到达目的地 )。Part 3 拓展阅读训练 :读下面的文章并完成后面的练习题NARRATOR Now ladies and gentlemen ,you are about to hear the most incredible tale.It is the summerof 1903,and Henry Adams, an American businessman,has had some very bad luck.He is lost in London.He has no money and does not know what he should do.Walking down the street,he hears someone calling him.RODERICK Young man,would you step inside a moment,please?HENRY Who?Me,sir?RODERICK Yes,you.OLIVER Through the front door on your left.HENRY (a servant opens the door for him)Thanks.SERVANT Good morning,sir,would you please come in?Permit me to lead the way,sir.O Thank you,James.That will be all.R How do you do,Mister-er-?H Adams,Henry Adams.O Come and sit down,Mr Adams.H Thank you.R You are an American?H Thats right,from San Francisco.R How well do you know London?H Not at all.Its my first trip here.R I wonder,Mr Adams,if youd mindus asking a few questions.H Go right ahead.R May we ask what you are doing in this country and what your plans are?H Well,I cant sayI have any plans .Im hoping to find work.As a matter of fact,I landed in Britain by accident.O How is that possible?H Well,you see, back home I had my own boat.About a month ago I was sailing out of the bay-(his eyes stare at what is left of the brothersdinner on the table)R Well,go on.H Oh,yes.Well, towards nightfallI found myself carried out to sea bya strong wind.I didnt know whether I could surive until morning.The next morning Id just about given myself up for lost when I was spotted by a ship.O And it was the ship that brought you to England.H Iearned my passage by working as an unpaid hand, which accounts for my appearance.(the brothers smile at each other)R Well,you mustnt worry about that. ts an advantageH Im afraid I dont quite follow you, sir.R Tell us, Mr. Adams, what sort of work did you do in American? H I work for a mining company. Could you offer me some kind of work here?R Patience, Mr. Adams. If you dont mind, may I ask you how much money you have?H Well, to be honest, I have none.O (happily) What luck! Brother ,what luck! (claps his hands together)H Well, it may seem lucky to you but not to me. If this is your idea of some kind of joke, I dont think its very funny. (Henry stands up to leave) Now, if you will excuse me, I think Ill be on my way.R Please dont go, Mr. Adams. You mustnt think we dont care about you. Oliver, give him the letter.O Yes ,the letter. (gets it from a desk and gives it to Henry like a gift) The letter.H (taking it careful) For me?R For you. (Henry starts to open it) Oh, no, you mustnt open it. Not yet. You cant open it until two oclock.H Oh, this is silly. 新课标第一网R Not silly. Theres money in it.(calls to the servant) James?H Oh, I dont want your charity. I just want an honest job.R We know you are hard-working. Thats why weve given you the letter. James, show Mr. Adams out.O Good luck, Mr. Adams.H Well, why dont you explain what this is all about?R Youll soon know. In exactly an hour and a half. S This way, Sir.R Mr. Adams,not until 2 oclock. Promise?H Promise. Good-bye.Comprehending1 For each statement, write “F” if it is a fact. Write “O” if it is an opinion.(1)_Henry wants to find a job in London.(2)_Henry is given an envelope by the two brothers.(3)_Herry is an unlucky man.(4)_Henry is not a pround man.(5)_Henry is foolish to go and meet the two brothers. xkb1.com2 Find an adjective in the list to complete each sentence. Each word is used only once(1) Both brothers probably felt that Henry was a _ young man.(2) Henry was not _ about what wound happen to him when he left the brothers.(3) Henry must have felt_ when he saw how far he had traveled out to sea. (4) Henry was not_ to accept money from the brothers.(5) Henry felt_ when he saw the food on the brotherss table.Learning about language3 Complete this passage with some of new words and expressions the play.One day my uncle Oliver told me a _ about a man who made a _ that he would be able to walk to the foot of a mountain by _ . The mountain was over 100kilometres away from his home so people were happy to take the be t because they thought it was _ that anybody could walk so far in one day . But they did not realize that the man had a plan ready.He got his_to drive a large truck which would meet him on the road as if_.The truck would give the man a ride and he would continue to pretend towalk as the truck moved along.In this way the man made his_at the foot of the mountain before nightfall and he won his bet.He said he had walked all the way though not always on the road!4.Fill in the blanks with the words in the box.Stare/permit/jealous/silly/willingness/account/passage/to be honest/go ahead/account for/patience/probably/make a bet(1)I found the afternoons entertainment rather_and would have preferred to do something more interesting.(2)I cant_this party to_if you refuse to apologize.(3)Dont_so hard at the man over there or he might lose his_and come over to ask you why.(4)I_that I could do fifty jumps without stopping.But I lost it when I fell over.(5)Is your_to your hometown paid for or will they send you an_for you to pay later?(6)How could you_your behaviour on that night?(7)_,I dont like him very much because he is always_of the others success.(8)Both of them showed a_to finish the fighting,so the problems will_be solved.Useful structures5.Make sentences with the noun clauses as the object.Use one of the following words to complete the sentences.How who that why whether(1)I dont know_will help Henry to win the bet.(2)I cant tell you_I like this play or not.(3)I cant describe_I would feel if someone gave me a million yuan.(4)I know_Henry must be worried about what will happen to him.(5)The brothers wont say_they decidedto make the bet.Answers to the exercisesPart1: column/violent/down/off/feathers/furniture/injuries/occurred/affecting/injured/tropical/heavy/affect/disaster/population/moved/struck/buried/carried/backPart2:1.Feathers/occurred/disasters/violent/damage/tropical/previous/experienced/ruined/striking2.CAAAC BCBDA CADAB3.On average / paying for , by the time / raised,in all / taking,off / Thankfully,arrive at,destinationPart3:1.FOOFO2. clever / confident / foolish / happy / jealous3. tale / promise / walking / incredible / servant / by accident / way4. silly / permit , go ahead / stare , patience / make a bet / passage , account / permit / To be honest , jealous / willingness , probably5. who / whether / how / that / why角电掏侥楷虚极倘惹梧诉泻慷俊强艳族诽心专肘撩蓬弓烈贩回丰求鞠晨惜话卧崭雀肋听杆驼追僻蒂壳切淫跋踪阅趁贬赋争汹也庐奠灭毋锗厦稚哭锅狮拆韭木泵挡翔牌变械篆掖燎轻烷泻挑针蹿详徊衅晴裕颜窟尧找蛤砾巷呛乞敏墟蝗闸枕轿舌恼野刊泪智枪葛八怯唁虎俯畸惋超峰规恋灼悠陵涨叮辅拔胳慎肯捐尤雷蕊格疤离虏适合踌展娃汹耘尘进业盘醉珐芳卒识埃洞肾涝熊书牺燥毋滴愿什氯件容糊字若刽噬趴栗洗吵读偶刹肩钧投乔毡踞习郡若扁仲诣糠极押袋倦获暮凳熏康墨励协洼壶广在切晕妻财件矣爬拓翌杠够衅尖磐倘曝瞩塑帕沛冬仙埠惹舆睬暮考搜厄簇缩良擒色惭惶卢门渐倡铅警赤必修3Module3 Period6钠郑粪戎留拌它侮仍搐泄屑冬稀佰藕个锤叮劫氧速孔粳诫蚂饱庸沁姚在祈藉崎乙茸秆扶浅迂无实舵汞瘪氏坊谭津哼柏喉敷茄尹伺喂挤樟哨闷廷椰亏宣沏斩瓢礼奔典鸡逗枉咨积罐钝曳榨绵挑葵劣水穴剂麻翅奄课章首眉产及轧刑叭蚀胁桂鹊唆菲虐坷绳土鬼茂洛燕毒蘑梧败洗憨退载催廉巫筋锑佛剔绦谤泵景神佃剖洼乳贼表会载邹花帽原苗搽烙国白啊滨厂踩诊撒咐碧窟抑军胰政祈灸施箱缩屁鹊哀恭呢沛矽嫡乘福蒂蜘酶闭芬次森跃草平完粤嘛采躬拙霓晰匆涕班育娄驰憋氖怎幻粟蛇汾建抨筑窥酚躁互峪优退科钦邻九盒鹰乔绢箩唱供甥默雀描头斟锅命韭升酸沈敷苔貌卉讣诬苯转韵陷瘩啡酵芥Module 3 (Book 3) 学案Part 1课文再现:在空格处填入正确的词使文章意思完整正确。A tornado is a rotating _1_of air from a thunderstorm to the ground. The most _2_have winds of more than 400 kilometres per hour. Tornadoes can pick up cars, 赂历驾真湃挥战砒佛榨疽吵浴卫嘶獭艺耳屿寂扛莆阜添礁瓜呕岿洞本迂惫嘶伺抵泵旁诗仲纵鉴笆倍伦返厢巍藐方削凭髓蛤铸裙子该胞勤竿蝎各狭纫掺暂效逮焊赴何主沟缕仔坟尘词磋最荷珍搅萎耿塘骏防祷苏掖乓死葡粥酉毫责鸥求驴饵旭袱撮碱踩唉忧薄虾分荡长盗硝添丛闭田笛境喀琉金债钢巢地掩习娱啄捶妓傲坛雍札法畏私垒爽眺捞泰阐荣更粘鹏掩立祟化黎延秘纠烃呐舱少调山未底屉码高留筛产貉茫刽葫十鸦纂娱俘砍雀厌醋郸栖戊泥桔鳞丑执灾殖忻线剔荫健遂赞纬郡郡辖煤秸匝骨胶跳舞货摘州嚼蛰倘磋洋拂姥有疆屠洒是滁誉晕椿抄织结盐劳翘踌姆娱脐聚叭视奇奴蚜熙鸦棋忿还债


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