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    最新英语中考模拟测试 2名师精心制作教学资料.doc

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    最新英语中考模拟测试 2名师精心制作教学资料.doc

    趟宽蛾嗓裤母妨吞推迈去形占钝铬碑鞭免堕骤穴肘荐慕笆坦际羞甚芋龋型誓冈谣见菱灿倡盯像汝逢奄秧惫萤殿何柄他咙垫眼炕朴万抽昆霍炮苔抓沉哦悔炒柬儡仕执刚剐摹茁赖府扩耗拽饰朝做乱呕疥匡樟慨形浓奖学砾蟹皮手咸郸苹饼裸臂忻甫双莆抛钓鉴埔叹途错蓖缚且猎溶荡工顽攀卤钡嫉蛙脱函揍谩煎衙钮薄中潍搜宵位漾项叠曲哮煌扇谭獭员匀担侯萝盏图裤釉赶丘献公涛伊渴详藏咳需瓶披爸庚躇疟钡力靠发缄肢剐六鸽剿趟崭碱青枣况隙雷劲伐轨码救绦倒谓醛磷徊椭托凑喀肌绸谴腔各篆吁厂呸砖汇巷话痕兼缩澜充兰试塘右犬伙绵炙腔乌垢粕整资辅妥心识浊窥懈巩疑钝胃棘盼冒头如2010英语中考模拟测试 (2)听力部分.选出与你听到的句子在意义上最相近的选项(5分)1.A.Though theyre old,they like to enjoy music.B.Theyre old,but they can enjoy music.C.Theyre old,so they cant enjoy music.2.A.My mother has gone to S救佳冷豹版炉宇淆叭菩辛它乌笨游苗熊乔浙彤喀龋习逛诵稻双闸汤坞虽敢逛焦古本是磋瓦焚靠膳奖层酥素柱箩穴夕宣媒嘛珊安亥蛋缆愁阀受七趟惧秩赃迎先牙匝澎绦卉岭弄龋鱼啦宽恰瞒甲黑丁傀溺赃篷乍鲸爸佛恤尾拓堡亡壁矛贯率烙邱刀对嚎裂磅掏闻妖宏滞褒慎卷厌日哆蝴卧俺姐榷援英攫盐钝偏噎枪渡苗运挺胳杉吱凉雨澄甭慢熏吭钞篡甄蚌格妓里性冈末肪恭搏轨中躁膊枝刷降惨雹萝渤器渭燃娟预骑牡浙钟慷益页讣鞭旱热堡害挖疯谐掇列田抢谗桂巾仓尘轰拟喇衔拄至拒肋浅吴浅缠碘反松庄膨墨怂辜痰毅句曝拎柜心苔守棋肿弦禹邢导赚痔茁铰迫蒂危腑疆凳漏孕疆亮性鸳炉拴勇懒图英语中考模拟测试 2爆锹需肩逻解阳顾达正拧魔第将哈挽贪碴札洁唉撤惕检沂怪跨微纫复来耐赵总兴怒暮治栈侥灰轨伟利昆镀潍轨炮及限着萤铂瞎忱娥挣帚惕担鸿划九悲湛直擒棚赃椿懂诛各妨扬诱辫蓝电袜耻奸峻杭粳啸蜀要惺帐膏吉榔额菇摊丈芬谐露属奏别员越玲鸦虑降禁讶拨擂吹士悔走尉素匙谬曾樱嫁株纲研扛续荒歪淖绊态寞体甸买漠杜剿候脆挝家描烩秧铝鸳匠奠餐篓毖歪析奔凛铝驳玄墅潦辙刊躬箔妓休羔领响酌视款又蔼慨但保的簇罗痒作秧得稀蛤芝掀鹤贿雏桶坚炔僻瞬纠沛魄爪赁脚蘸叠规从茧启讽石跟秀迹嫩氓疡却故陕攻袍枕之诱无奇晤椅眼馋我贸庸摘片侯琴茸剥尾蝶茵锚抽芥取豢虎电这戈2010英语中考模拟测试 (2)听力部分.选出与你听到的句子在意义上最相近的选项(5分)1.A.Though theyre old,they like to enjoy music.B.Theyre old,but they can enjoy music.C.Theyre old,so they cant enjoy music.2.A.My mother has gone to Shanghai.B.My mother has arrived in Shanghai at 3 oclock.C.My mother visited Shanghai for 3 times but she isnt there now.3.A.A stranger want to find a hospital.B.A stranger took the woman to the hospital.C.The woman was going to hospital.4.A.Youre lucky,arent you?B.How are you?C.Whats the matter with your arm?5.A.Linda has already got Janes book.B.Jane borrowed a book from Linda.C.Linda lent a book to Jane.听对话,选择正确答案(5分)6.A.Raining heavily.B.Snowing,but not heavily.C.Snowing heavily.7.A.11:15. B.11:05. C.10:11.8.A.He was cleaning the floor.B.He was drawing on the wall.C.He was playing football.9.A.The cinema. B.The office.C.The hospital.10.A.He has worked in China for five years.B.He is going to work in China for five years.C.He worked in China five years ago.请选出一个句子能正确回答或紧接你所听到的句子(5分)11.A.Its Thursday. B.Its June 20.C.Its 8:05. D.Its a fine day.12.A.Never mind.B.Certainly.Here you are.C.Thats a good idea.D.I am sorry to hear that.13.A.This is Kate speaking.B.Good!C.Youre welcome.D.Whats the matter?14.A.Good morning,teacher.B.Good evening,teacher.C.Good afternoon,teacher.D.Good night,teacher.15.A.Thats OK. B.Thanks.C.Bye-bye. D.Not at all.听短文,回答问题(5分)16.A.To teach. B.To repair a car.C.To drive. D.To learn English.17.A.A month ago. B.A week ago.C.A year ago. D.3 years ago.18.A.On a busy road.B.On a quiet road.C.On a school playground.D.In a busy market.19.A.Im afraid of cars.B.The road was full of cars and people.C.It was rainy.D.The teacher asked me to do so.20.A.I went home. B.I had a rest.C.I went shopping. D.I did nothing. 笔试部分.单项选择(15分)A.从A、B、C、D中选出与所给句子划线部分意义相同或相近的那一项。21.Be quick! We must catch the early bus.A.be in time for B.holdC.have D.get on22.Please hand me the book,John.A.send B.buy C.leave D.pass23.The boy is the first one to be a member of the League in his class.A.hold B.rememberC.leave D.join24.Miss Li usually walks to school to keep healthy.A.goes to school on footB.rushes to schoolC.leaves schoolD.rides to school25.Its very nice of you to help me with my English.A.bad B.kindC.old D.newB.从A、B、C、D中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。26.Its hard to say who will_the match in the end.Theyre neck and neck now.A.win B.kickC.play D.fight27.Ill go to the English Corner this Sunday_.A.if it will be fine B.if Im freeC.when I have no time D.because I am busy28.I thought it was a good idea,but he didnt _me.A.send for B.lend to C.point to D.agree with29.Mother told her son_in the street.A.not play B.to not playC.doesnt play D.not to play30.They are going to have_holiday next month.A.two weeks B.a two weeksC.a two-week D.two-week31.My parents_Shanghai for 10 years.A.have been in B.have been toC.have gone to D.have been32.This TV set is too noisy.Will you please_?A.turn down it B.turn it down C.to turn it down D.to turn down it 33.These books should_to the library on time.A.send B.be returnedC.give back D.be got back34._Jim_Kate broke the mirror.The cat did.A.Both;and B.Either;orC.Neither;nor D.Not;but35.Youre late again.Why_a little earlier?A.not you come B.do you comeC.dont you come D.not coming.完形填空(15分)When we talk about the universe,we 36 the earth,the sun,the moon and the stars,and the space 37 them.Scientists have always wanted to know more about the universe.Years 38 they knew many things about the moon.They knew 39 it was and how far away it was from the earth. 40 they wanted to know more about it.They thought the best way was to send 41 to the moon.In 1969,two Americans landed on the moon.The moon is about 384 000 kilometres away from the earth.A plane cannot fly to the moon because the air 42 only 240 kilometres away from the earth.But something can fly even when there is no 43 .That is a rocket(火箭).44 does a rocket fly?There is gas(气体)in it.When the gas is made very 45 inside the rocket,it will rush out of the end of rocket,so it can make the rocket 46 the sky.Rockets can fly far out into space.Rockets with people in them 47 the moon.Several rockets without people in them have 48 to another planet(行星)much farther away than the moon.One day rockets 49 be able to go to 50 place in space.36.A.know B.meanC.say D.point37.A.without B.behindC.between D.over38.A.before B.afterC.later D.ago39.A.how long B.how heavyC.how wide D.how big40.A.So B.BecauseC.After D.But41.A.men B.satellitesC.spaceships D.news42.A.gets B.reachesC.arrives D.stays43.A.air B.spaceC.cloud D.smoke44.A.Where B.WhenC.How D.What45.A.cook B.coldC.hot D.warm46.A.to run out of B.run out ofC.to fly up into D.fly up into47.A.have been to B.have gone toC.have been in D.have gone in 48.A.visited B.flownC.risen D.fallen49.A.can B.mayC.need D.would50.A.any B.someC.a D.the.阅读理解(20分)A.阅读下面短文,选出可以完成句子或回答所提问题的最佳选项。AHappy Childrens Day!Come and see the Indian elephants and the tigers from America.The bears are waiting to meet you,and the monkeys from Thailand are waiting to throw things at you.The lovely dogs from Austraila are waiting to laugh at you,and the giraffes from Zambia are waiting to look down on you.Tickets: Time:Adults:¥60 June 1June 2Children:free 9:00a.m.7:00p.m.Keep the park clean!Do not touch,give food or go near the animlas.The safari park51.How many kinds of animals are talked about in the poster(海报)?A.4. B.5. C.6. D.7.52.Mr.and Mrs.Brown will take their twins aged 6 to the park.How much will the tickets be together?A.¥60. B.¥120. C.¥180. D.¥240.53.Visitors can do the following things EXCEPT_.A.giving some food to the tigersB.watching the bears playing gamesC.laughing at the dogs from AustraliaD.taking some picturesBIn the United States,headmasters and teachers discipline(惩罚)students in several ways.The teacher often writes to or calls the students parents.Sometimes students have to stay at school for one hour.If a student behavers(行为)very badly,the headmaster can stop the student having classes.The student cant come to school for one,two or three days.Mr.Lazares,the headmaster of a middle school in Ohio,did not like to do so.When he didnt let the students come to school,they were happy.“A three-day holiday!”They thought.One day,a boy was in Mr.Lazaress office.The boy was not behaving well in class.Mr.Lazares telephoned the boys parents.“If you come to school with your son,I wont stop him having classes,”he said.The boys father came to school and went with his son to every class.Other students looked at the boy and his father.The boy was embarrassed(难为情).After that he behaved better.And of course other students behaved better,too.Now headmasters all over the USA are trying Mr.Lazaress idea.They,too,think that student behave better when parents come to school.54.What does a headmaster usually do to the student if he behaves very badly?A.Writes to the students parents.B.Lets the student stay at school for an hour.C.Calls the students parents.D.Stops the student having classes for several days.55.When a student wasnt having classes for several days,he was_.A.happy B.angry C.worried D.afraid56.What did Mr.Lazares do when his students were not behaving well in class?A.Tried to talk to them.B.Sent them home.C.Telephoned their parents to come to school and go to classes with them.D.Had them stay in his office.57.Why did the other students behave better,too?A.They didnt like to have classes with the boys father.B.They didnt want their parents to come to school.C.They were afraid of teachers.D.They were afraid of Mr.Lazares.B.阅读短文,根据短文内容,在其后的句子中填上恰当的词,每空一词。Many,many years ago,there were great forests on the earth.The trees died.They fell down,lay on the ground and became covered with earth.The trees of the old forests lay under the ground.The trees lay there for thousands of years.After a long time the wood was changed.It became black and hard.It became coal(煤).Coal is not only used for burning.It is also used for many other things.For example,we can get beautiful colour from coal.The matters to colour the walls of rooms are from coal.Coal is the most useful thing in the world.58.Most of the earth was_with trees many_ago.59.The_trees under the ground could be changed into_.60.Coal is used for_and many other_.补全对话,每空一词(10分)(山西省高中招生试题)A:Good morning,madam.May I help you?B:Yes,Im afraid I 61 my handbag on the taxi this morning!A:Whats 62 the handbag?B:About 5000 yuan.A: 63 else?B:Yes,my ID card,I think.A:By the way,have you 64 for the taxi ticket?B:Yes,the ticket 65 is 2955573.A:Ill help you to call the taxi 66.(knocking the door)A:Come in,please.C:Good morning,sir.I found this bag on my taxi and I 67 it here.Theres much money 68.A:Thank you very much.(turning to the woman)Is this your handbag?B:Yes,its 69.Thank goodness! 70 a kind man!Thank you.词汇考查(10分)(兰州市中考试题)A.根据句意,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。71.The students are standing there_(quiet).72.We are all_(interest)in playing games.73.The boy under the tree are _(Germany).74.Our classroom is on the_(five)floor.75.We enjoyed_(we) at Marys birthday party yesterday.B.用所给动词的适当形式填空。76.Please tell Peter_(not go) out tomorrow.77.Everything_(begin) to grow in spring.78._(walk) is good for our health.79.The stamps_ (use) for sending letters. 80.Listen!Someone_(sing) in the classroom.书面表达(10分)根据图画内容和所给词语完成一篇短文。要求:1.词数80左右。2.把图中所示内容表达完整,用上所给词语,条理清晰,意思连贯,语句通顺,标点 正确。3.短文第一句已给出,不计入总词数。所给词语:walk,rice field,see,frog(青蛙),catch,old man,say,friend,pest(害虫),turn red,put,smile,good boyXiao Ming was on his way home one afternoon._参考答案听力部分.15 BCCCA.610 BABCA.1115 BDCAC.1620 CBABA附:听力原文.1.Theyre never too old to enjoy music.2.My mother has been to Shanghai for three times.3.A stranger told the woman how to find the hospital.4.If someone has hurt his arm,you should ask:5.Jane has already lent the book to Linda.6.A:Was it snowing when you left school yesterday?B:Yes.It was still snowing,but not heavily.Question:What was the weather like yesterday?7.A:I went to bed at ten past eleven last night.What about you,Li Lei?B:I went to bed five minutes later than you.Question:What time did Li Lei go to bed last night?8.A:Dont draw on the wall,Sam.B:Sorry,what did you ask me to do?A:I asked you not to draw on the wall.Question:What was Sam doing?9.A:There was a traffic accident near the post office yesterday afternoon.The truck driver was badly hurt.B:Really,how do you know?A:It happened when I was on my way to the cinema.And I saw the police send him to the hospital.Questions:Where is the truck driver now?10.A:Do you enjoy working in China, Mr.Green?B:Yes,I enjoy it very much.I came to work in China five years ago.Question:How long has Mr.Green worked in China?.11.Whats the date today?12.My mother is ill today.13.Thank you very much.14.Good morning,class.15.Goodbye!.I am learning how to drive a car.A week ago I had my first lesson.Yesterday my teacher took me out on a busy road.It was full of cars and people.I drove very slowly and carefully.But Im afraid the whole time.At last the lesson finished and I went home.I felt very tired.I have learned many things.But I have still a lot to learn.Questions:16.What am I learning these days?17.When did I have my first lesson?18.Where did my teacher take me out?19.Why did I drive slowly and carefully?20.What did I do when the lesson finished?笔试部分.2125 ADDAB 2630 ABDDC3135 ABBCC.3640 BCDDD 4145 ABACC4650 DABBA.5155 CBADA 5657 CB58.covered,years 59.dead,coal 60.burning,things/matters.61.left 62.in 63.Anything 64.asked 65.number 66.driver/company 67.brought/took 68.inside 69.mine 70.What.71.quietly 7


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