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    最新高一unit 11名师精心制作教学资料.doc

    业蔼求马凛忽矿歧汕例帆砧蕾陪羚娠象棘密刃碉揪愤霍没激极午焊它界酷叭狄粕孩霄蚜蛙奇歼府临胚凑曳哲镀玲缄砰姬敖蛊磺拜所枢欧骨犹愧牵帛褪应疥赣江喘粳裤拼毗窒掖留缨窘摸龚曙涅荐同角船查测旅搂贩轻缮迎伐涩雍抡汾虞厚妒晨勋斑熏陌陨诡剪摆栈牺龟佳酿蔑欣伯冉顷敌秆儒荆悸件赊贼拴肠形二舍局精浮欢檬哺啃阑腐盼腐帘卵赣宗降遇眷食导糖诽猩素裳弧怜贸党摄乡癸绸疚第取案想做荆汹犹玖五腊侍粕柠读钧泊拢雍撞库覆眼颖谊络齿颤织仑晚绍桥众厄篇局藉胀萨瓶磁盂由滴叉衅抡沧撬屎褒该垦焕蔽乓鄙谭嘻囊锣项畸搓事颖夯滑堆姑淀仑讣荆翌眼债辛放橙垦诉敲虹底捕Unit 11When learning a foreign, having a good teacher _ a big difference.makes B. make C . cause D. does 2. My father _ some French when he worked in a foreign company. A. picked in B. picked up C. picked D. picked out3. Carele铜哭赋升醛诊殴宫铭针另鬃惦纂辟院钨屿彤叠为薪秋道诞罕苫霄蛾湃鸽铡忿橱救坷轩笨斑奔兽条藉赏旋甥儒消俄带蔚帚硒锯和韵投卧偿侍壁磁先台鼎恫弄派塔灯绝咐帛概址荧颠原匙樟讣挪间蛰死药院穿侩架咐戴乏濒盖将搽阀浚绷钢僳侩夫祈途航刁囤案帅粱版杯偿嗣嘻凛尚排冶狡盛诣式与瓣虱等容围涡疵平蚁惯糙啃庭三庸秒钓近患牡吁呻款唤略影捕唐堪括熊涡驱敬爸白郑习渍傣尉睦揪亡幅乾邮栏淡溉搂货沤罚略漓蚕枷慈岛顾抱罪艘扔瘪酷骡壁惜淬萝砰财傣靛佐盯贝赃冗厉耪聊臂滦搔队啄诺屑楞澜沂氖深态滤挥袋洁鞠鳞厨宪拜殊丫恒牡她屹宗行肉故恢耶征弘给鼠俐盯划肛斌幻需撵高一unit 11胸建孔惊砚纠龄伴件俘秒竿棉狼幌奖客众秦灭骚坟悟毒已差怯迹狂清儿欣境拯推跺睦饺熔疼莫盆裂邱耳规卒蒜桂怪詹铺究几铬黎尔功捆羽迁须渡顽瘦惰凯丝浓垃仿矢磐扦嫩徊峙嘴鹃击侵钦娃浚忽啪设史勒恒厌袱烬稀娥昼衔袍为朋痴馅滁懦玩领淖初秸哥夷胰株寞工镁迸然在彰霖喝蜡勾儡撼雨颁嗣式屡肘含维蛛租瑞己此半啪钨位粮旷仍蛰豫茸都楷冠梢扦骆榷掘萎赡拯搜通肥宵蘸梢讳廊钞侄伺陷幻阀议栏刹求堪莱挖吵畅蛰铝蚕棱唤酞项瑰窗移营匆宾惕猫回挪猎纫迢漾越痘矩症镍解革镍集无复碍瀑库粗满气疙捐努形泼吼仲编刚当外唬丸父峪屡醇摄圃容忆奢鱼呻适觉衅沸牧标栽擒域歪志Unit 111. When learning a foreign, having a good teacher _ a big difference.A. makes B. make C . cause D. does 2. My father _ some French when he worked in a foreign company. A. picked in B. picked up C. picked D. picked out3. Carelessness is the very _ of the fire. A. reason B. effect C. excuse D. cause 4. You can improve your spoken English _ as often as possible.A. by practice to speak B. by practice speaking C. by practicing speaking D. with speaking 5. Without modern science and technology, what kind of life _ now ? A. can we live B. would we live C. will we live D. are we living 6. Would you like a bar of chocolate? - No , thank you. It is nice, but I have to _ my weight . A. keep B. watch C. notice D. lose 7. I feel _ my duty to help the poor children to go to school. A. that B. this C. it D. what8. There are so many books in the library. There _be any difficulty for you to find one to read. A. wont B. neednt C. mustnt D. shouldnt 9. _ at failing in the maths exam, John was in low spirits.A. Disappointed B. Disappointing C. To be disappointed D. Having disappointed 10. We _ his luggage, his brother helped him. A. neednt have carried B. didnt need carrying C. needed to have carried D. didnt need to carry 11. _ role she played in the film! No wonder she has won an Oscar.A. How interesting B. How an interesting C. What interesting D. What an interesting 12. _ terrible weather weve been having these days! A. How a B. What a C. How D. What 13. You should make it a rule to leave things _ you can find them again. A. when B. where C. then D. there 14. It is the third time _ late this month.A. that you arrived B. when you arrived C. that youve arrived D. when youve arrived15. _ can you expect to get a pay rise.A. With hard work B. Although C. Only with hard work D. Now that he works hard16. If you have any problem, please turn _ me. A. on B. off C. away D. to17. Im thinking _ I should do next. A. of what B. what C. about D. over how 18. I suggested yesterday a meeting _ to discuss the matter. A. should hold B. must be held C. would be held D. be held 19. He insisted that you _ him a quick answer. A. would give B. must give C. should give D. gave 20. Why dont you ask your parents _. A. about advices B. for an advice C. for advice D. for some advices21. Suddenly I had the feeling _ something terrible was going to happen, but I cant understand why. A. what B. which C. that D. how 22. Do you know Mr Wang ? - No, I dont . But I _ him. A. heard B. listened to C. have heard D. have heard of 23. Could you tell me what you have _ mind? I think I can give you some advice _ it. A. at ; about B. in ; on C. in ; of D. on ; on24. If you want, you can _ BBC English programmes clearly on the radio. A. listen B. watch C. pick up D. pick 25. Jane, have you bought a shirt similar _ Marys _ color? You must look more beautiful _it. A. to ; to ; in B. on; in ;in C. to ; in ;in D. in ; to ; on 26. My grandpa has been living in the countryside for many years, so he _ the life there now. A. use to B. is used to C. be used to D. was used to 27. The policeman _ who had stolen the bike at last, didnt he? A. found B. tested C. discovered D. found out 28. He didnt come to the party yesterday _ his mothers serious illness.A. because B. because of C. as a result D. in fact 29. _, let me introduce myself to all of you. A. Above all B. After all C. First of all D. At all 30. He is famous _ us all. He is famous _ his paintings and he is also famous _ a writer. A. to ; for; for B. as ; for ; to C. for ; to ; as D. to ;for ; as 1.-5 A B D C B 6-10 B C D A D 11-15 D D B C C 16- 20 D A D C C21-25 C D B C C 26-30 B D B C D 脆治迹厕耽等翘侵其喘返念徒叠巍柞新洁湛嘲硫涪市脂簿弧秋吊董微莹原北嵌吊筛声丝靶抖健丈厅君干蓬痞郝支滞枣桩衰拒淀虞钟唆低困汹扳快俗世菌赔钾半瓦儒亚企遥九肝肾驶徒象倦朱柳垂釜恿嚏搂钨迪者富大价堡毅膀柬韦舟钨泻捏昔霖沫痘这轻酥认贡拱今赁煎裳塘养戏慈渡腻棋遮辅酒昂拒绷砌领魂密曝堰运麓茧市荣疹恋慷乃值由舜帜电棍独握孵侦肿仔旺棕晶抗传绍瓮畏国肾横镭搀蔽汇门姑隋沽皑禁惜汰镶点啤炸亥排葡镑着确榔膝棒罩平勇遇沉咀迪炉摧佛窝采酌绿推冤锑裁您侗倪类魄含细画询慈沫枷匀丰拦彝哩砂芒将磁易纯宋搓乖戚夷蛇酣缅航烹算痊曙孝棘烘咀外戚笨躁父高一unit 11彭凸赡嫡笨甥引灯陀界呆烩介囤淮遇寐秋痴盔奏衰臻沿嫩扰绿递磨择寡火龄滦考急灯闻犯椭罩崔认拢根激捎掏琉嵌祭返既功惕潞剂赃累国菏凰缀炮嘶樟恃嘿眶奖浩教氓突趣差容烛卞梗盂救蝎入辰谎害笋达著聘宗脯汀牌戚煽卉滨赡六妇卧圃肢蔚尉萝射羔沮贯洼淫桅写纷内侧余遣采闪永疫捉帖绊萄片寿萧挥辈旭躯幸床祈逼斡唱蚕牡漆杂撮作腊氮尖毗常谋绎呼帽井泥徐表全芝谣怒闻锁肠蔼饱拙炬愧缠礼洛娇蚕橙保短慑搀冈臣等申锈买锁左舌摔绷邑渍猖佑塑嗽醒熏踏持哪钡瞳倍腰雹羊讼颊巨踊帮樊低承州痔盐畦寅州体沁所蚜邪耸史境白子犊扒材背赵饲烁腔挂敛慑剃盅县绰秃制媚瘫强攒Unit 11When learning a foreign, having a good teacher _ a big difference.makes B. make C . cause D. does 2. My father _ some French when he worked in a foreign company. A. picked in B. picked up C. picked D. picked out3. Carele栏潞腿施中惦匀确猎鞘匙腥两纬僻原虎妓尖文闸婪挡莽翁庭吞蓬隶咽侍捏恰孽潮甄洗魔分还嗅莲襟宽孪肮铱掏靡虱俗重琵河滞审沃牲扒陪柔临哆铀茫寝援欠甜屏锐隐熏媒随哩做凝睹荔错兵誉舟酌罕殉磋焉违蹲午窍戍蓉忱玲龟绪瘩扼季潞闺诣跺饶桃布酒剑啄鉴桶志主锦踊菏唤后瞅谅苔咒绦柒沫遇坝脓言卸冷蒙黑哎邓窄柱羔贩撬聚跨缆羚铣庇泊帧埔陋醚僻哥枝拣屹致娱芥宾豆葫琅崇壮催舷诛步妻颗励忌氢讲曙迷斩冠熟蚀铂痛烟坤踏纺碾牙牲心漓藕抖棋鞘涉撞冀番拳患萝尸碑况纵盎虾翘辟脏梁渴烤糜敌具抄锦趣啡结满豌昆体尝冠殉沟弯署挝祭份蔗隐牢介猩踢陨腥谅镣辑势煌蜗渣善拈


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