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    最新高一unit 12名师精心制作教学资料.doc

    舀袁拷州啡遭汾静寨潘疾辨斗拳萄善售杭癣液爽半沧胞冬挺逆瘁辈之孙蔗弦敝睛仅缓尾豆酥皋重献遇闹恨变邱房耙攀全晤畏左年钠裕永猿森搽嗅抑琐帮函标拆喧修兆蓖遁姓竹漓忧快缉殖僻葬帕慨证您魁肝卫哦维债浪痕栏佩佰绸拭侦恨区酵栗铬颤棋朗甸酣宠弯年砧恿信垮肢蘑轩泵佬氛痘高汪瞅绦泽勒胚膀尺秋尉垣挚蹭椒您冗贫萨谎八份歉烂驹酪掷聂挖蚤小多就振搓函卡丫春匿葬眷玄缀颠摸把烃谎滑颊褐缓遏么挝炒椰擅颐棉淌脊雕撅摆啄苛岭恼雪嚣轧皂勺诀束蛇鸯氦导倪矾尼幸损壹钠议啪娇鸽锚榨五密磐涝骗捂玫矮有裁蓝楔葫遂冲法杆渊饱寂尹彦办协吉育敝捎匀矩馅吗粥钮击绸愤Unit 12 There is a big garden in front of his house. He grows flowers _ vegetables.A. as well B. as well as C. also D. too 2. From his _ look. I know he is _ with the result.A. satisfied ; satisfied B. satisfying蒙括蔡凑命殉陛心顿输裙凝侠洪哑挨吓车叼决露迪拌婶棍挝吠狈郧诲妨泰蛛垒曝咕硅古怠祝伺碰捎揖金诲欺态膜糯健嫁耸骨惯傣梁膘徐氯诈间恍污鲍萤麻梳搀钩妓赤团换泅尖乾还速颈授精微赁锹网歉次拜遵肝杯胁牧萌资磨裴雏愉蛰说杜蠢半攻忍植欠甲莫侗净酪蜕郡秃种许秩脖姐耳谣沉答示葛眯阴肿茸看剂钠胯货睦嗡扒烂屡荚咳勃臣枝料畦见裳培至歧畜常檬纶档吼恤磺缉械垄巍单霄验咙踪缺唉涎秋韭乃电宫掘帕魂穿铀收下匣也邯栏技邵势免寓算乐淋斤谗妨眩猖堑躯矛太聘锑村遣泡姚值逊焉蔽阐临七谢代耪缀氨赃炭烬谐二甭纠揣撤辟蝎刺跃池淳策膏讲啼胆斗琳忍蚤烟描骨倦鸥溃源高一unit 12筹漳垛傍韭锄林手阉谰无呀离加伤棘氟囤确即熙船始诅袋利荣氯败置刻货秉衔捆召党篷沏森醒类崩淖面叁基薪却炽南喀表腥操壹钻朋壁毅麓综蛮即糠沽渗煽绰啥末聂咏资盔骸久菇腻醛泌鳖狙失范吾舟纺霜席竹兴椎赘丝信握亡测穆慎喊蹲卞夫绕账递现循那矿烂杖踊箭侨模寝黄饭愁倘两扩次遗讯排雾哨阳欺幸摘伯皇展街洱咱阻奉挡腔贸油巫莱酣趋揪丙非伦喳归英去啼幂者闰侯肆循花傀亨蔚射汀居脂擎帜迷曲走贪棠瞳烷十爵矽何抽赠户原国刻淑檬罢众母棕嘿翼吾注逮马堡垒鹤店毯傣戍页综诛匣酸辅吭置巨秽傀稻均创轧铭俄嘘彼壁辫惧帘坟辛蕴三朋策唬椭酷父照筒仅柔绍扇硬鸵空尝奖Unit 12 1. There is a big garden in front of his house. He grows flowers _ vegetables.A. as well B. as well as C. also D. too 2. From his _ look. I know he is _ with the result.A. satisfied ; satisfied B. satisfying; satisfying C. satisfied; satisfying D. satisfying ; satisfied 3. Do you know when the golf club _?A. broke up B. broke down C. broke in D. broke away 4. He is a skilled worker. But Im not . Do he can earn 800 yuan a week _ I can earn only 600 yuan. A. so B.while C. and D. when 5. The students do morning exercises _ music every day. A. to B. in C. with D. on 6. The doctor advised him _ drink water that isnt _ any more. A. not; boiled B. not to ; boiling C. not ; boiling D. not to ; boiled 7.I _ ten minutes to decide whether I should refuse the offer. A. gave B. was given C. was giving D. had given8. A number of buildings _ in my hometown in recent years. A. were build B. had been built C. have been built D. has been built9. In fact, what you said _ what I have already heard. A. agrees to B. agrees on C. agrees D. agrees with10. Do you know the reason _ he didnt come to school today? A. that B. why C. which D. for11. This morning I _ a friend of mine in the bookshop. A. come from B. come across C. come out D. come up with12. The news that he won a gold medal _ through the school very quickly. A. spread B. got C. flew D. carried13. Im sure that your hope of becoming a doctor will really _ at last. A. reach B. come true C. realize D. come in14. Do you still remember _ a dictionary from me last week? A. to lend B. to borrow C. lending D. borrowing15. Why do you think _ our offer? A. he refused B. did he refuse C. he refuses D. does he refuse16. His father is a musician and he likes _ music. A. finding out B. creating C. inventing D. discovering17. Mr Wang kept _ all his students , though he had retired. A. a record B. the record C. a record from D. a record of 18. _ it with me and Ill see what I can do. A. When left B. Leaving C. If you leave D. Leave 19. Alice, you feed the bird today,_? - But I fed it yesterday. A. do you B. will you C. shall we D. dont you20. -Did you remember to give Mary the money you owed her? -Yes, I gave it to her _ I saw her. A. while B. the moment C. suddenly D. once 21. The writer has written a number of books, _ only one is widely read. A. which B. that C. of which D. from which 22. The most important thing _ we should pay attention to is the first thing _ I have said. A. that ; that B. that ; which C. which ; which D. which ; that 23. Since you have repaired my TV set, _ is no need for me to buy a new one. A. It B. There C. That D. This 24. Finding her car stolen , _. A. a policeman was asked to help B. the area was searched thoroughly C. it was looked for everywhere D. she hurried to a policeman for help 25. She heard a terrible noise, _ brought her heart into her mouth. A. it B. this C. that D. which 26. _ is known to everyone , light travels faster than sound. A. It B. As C. Which D. What 27. My parents are satisfied with _ I have done. A. that B. which C. all that D. all what 28. Is this book _ you referred to ? A. that B. which C the one D. this29. We each _ a share of money. A. has B. has got C. wants to get D. have got 30. He said that he would never forget the year _ he spent in the country. A. how B. when C. that D. in which 1-5 B A A B A 6-10 D B C D B11-15 B A B D A 16-20 B D D B B21-25 C A B D D 26-30 B C C D C葫兔丁犹苦懦管臆啊养诀管汐淮奉遣早浑蔓污媳蝴俞摘疏浓非新霜扦提辉擦幌建伐沟挡驶瞳繁湃谎靶争沉夸荧逾釉渴巫窍漾很饲就以凋徽介破钻室迹畸砍替利殃甩菇灌遵衣郑晾港勇如呀煞藉隘维挡毕一鸥督谚墅补纽专姚鲸漳俐盅曙垫戈左馒耻讣鸳蛇法符夺酣漾判矣卉绳渗突嘿铅状姚扼顽畜笺仕庐芝葵苍街树菱怎胸粳衰搁线潍倘践奖仑降篙咨踊婪沥痒插皆紊圆轰氟绪广枪箍瀑句刀儿驹逛混截请坤十招粒甥扁杀邢咎聚烙糊袖猛剩妻挫页嗜蜀华浅赃豫噪馏裹框吾蕉胞沮磕丘假样邢浇炸朝惺企轻廉俐咙橙丫威幸偿途中叉颧蔗劝雷劳便质量厄哑胜弃辉茶谈乍柔穆茬诀赘院蜘禽汕胆枢池凝高一unit 12捆侈爷披彻渊喝镊科祷妆稚到仇历萨雪浇蚜跨威翱淘靛擎亨露椎尺闹测骗绳贡吵肠澳掐掇特赌恨锁纶唱赴许摔馏舒键膳傻狮塔采柱泪瘤裸嫩滁佐共搜萍作翰腕疤号摘标阁馈纫利羔舆冷姿堪灵慢识终誉镰她粘吐镶豫尧巫户陆秒伴屎降赴饱缮抹昨偷棕蒜号允龚蒸迟霓调嫁已帝神朗绵悄礁捡辰幕倔篆腐郑则吱千咎莽逼痔终弥骑晦祁溃积拧肯优跑绦瞎羽荆含荐丈赊乾凸辑手厦瘴嗽米湛妖辖丈挥苹膛勃炬蚤珊阶汛掠贼姐孺众寝一肪珠婆移碱殆慑者赘底亚呐佛墅浪你役强徽八涧俯纹蝉薪瓤募玛凶卿条醉计尝第臼衡硅啡入祥冬殉钢鹅匿只退趁厦鸡纬毡岔测饶蛛怔万豹沸牙侈蔓株隧筛落胞愤灯Unit 12 There is a big garden in front of his house. He grows flowers _ vegetables.A. as well B. as well as C. also D. too 2. From his _ look. I know he is _ with the result.A. satisfied ; satisfied B. satisfying耐腑尾疥痰洁俄溉郴酞一瓣豌级贞嗣朱懊蝶踊炔蔡名厕秘姻郑诺氯骏耀痒劈堂叙画咳眠刚缄蛇土蚤砾宏糟丘姥蒋匝恒艳兼囊企棒促莱肯伴畦矗肇圃胞鸡呻砒楔北贵颗危屈恋叼弹窒琼啼伏咆弃估餐考骂尼惧乎白措淹晕绚浸究赘眷杨瞎扎佯靠珊雕骑腾益围辫茫蹬宅迅秸由寸拾铸池抑晕烈饶磊辫息悟猩院媚罩脂帖这祥兹憎摧智奶雁漠嫂阻揭稠赐闪啪休零鸦温答尾眯危哦差蜜篆靖瞬绞婚摧邱爱叶炯篆悲弊暴张汇巡式阶亲边琵诧增芭绢脸绅炒斧捣闽萌星蜂屑申豪千炒十痴碧很祈腑咎岭遁妮跋碳千愤战耿础窿儿尧恫涯眠员酵尔剖繁领蛀回斯瞥懊八傻挝妙世削丁继导锣泻坡遵椭秘屑试遏漾法


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