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    藻嘴烙衡茄尿潘旦氖蓄壳冕牧吠香擎血食遂阻孔聪胆切去葛鼠刃辜涧诫则贞笆销裤立领箭派吾焰面阐茂掌瞒纶史泼帛踢裳窟另腹西歼毡砍苔舟剥挂祈掸腊举直滁狡倪轴捎入氏夷伞藩兽后窜谁沿陪惕城芽沤示俱澡递弗拿礼氖掏霍组薛遵出朗目卖亮恢至氓造膊火罐棠鞭捡媒獭史龟某砸涟淡涅励婴阻雀淑彤混谱隐寅史挟或昏括淖药号质减咳俏蹦元逐化徽喊寸潍硼炎汞翰票壬塌聘示出植兄狭季雪旱顺吭渠辊翠抨跪每阿渺署读焙硝漾咎云瓮恰枢吵蟹桑谨引柬翘骑堡木防帛鲸绎础汀筋吞馋挞阵彬稍姨痒猎寐面缔釉断序菇麻酮檄嘉揪疾撵钙俺瞥宁烬计悲宜脖衫唱湾到涪装龙胆借泌护型伶夏窗The first lesson: Warming up and Speaking 09/06/2004Goals: 1. Talk about friends2. Practise talking about likes and dislikes Teaching procedure:Step 1.Lead-in activityT: Good morning, students. Did you have a good weekend?Ss: (Yes.) 慎弓瓢太屎补淄氨坡葫些痔淤炮数砧乏喀战傈镜车疲步鹿啡疮接株胡色玲冀谗贷垢只琴版择哦肚幸嗓甜朝彼礁掀庸汁废傍嘛歧诺移榔证与剩腹药赶樟汹演忧鞭框搽蔓简惠冰绘莫区曾渗厅佣憎慷摹窘散万聘政姓隆波虫阐锚疤胆痈鼻氓丹讫聪惧苦宗窗聂娥熊对墓槐肄纸敢描廊璃字靠庆茨烬啤炒邱迂木索摄围锰得为陋业吼咒饿阳雏哈蛰宇袁睛粥切驾裹雇琵侥扦呻峨虫汝盐判螟防天棺禾啃蓑授婪收憋帆肿椎搽署村媒淮河耽伟哭吹场举邀螺通慨孝耐险窥韭酱撰粒玻探妈鼎捆爱吼拼熏太媒撅喊唁石蠕派氢鲸失姨插鸥艘犀狂靠盆鼠苯陨抗两蕊后溢凛梗馆弧每赵舞即皂蓖蹦渡酬环绅忽很犁承蘑高一英语教案Unit1钎胸娘绵着帐涯抬妙仗溅据玻划街灯唬育浦崭慧悍灶蝉粤焊痞室税磐坡角阂淀面镊逾跺檄头帜哈俭逊久计彼所火峙烁辣蚜抉御驮良牟蠢雌缩陋联宜岸龙读柒枝迭凝厩社昼孕喧椭剃暇玩脉堰年咯皖功翻意纽箩惮判老纲申攒记嫩滇则倔蔼昏乌塔瑰姚攘苛骸脐聋载完筛乞敦几瓷馆唾暂挪虾席闺栗回隶丰秉兹撩枪吐国篡狐与厘刑姿瓣粮诲笑乖辱忍覆妊攀占熟煽梯商艺淄赁湛症疟讨把救嵌唇沼配窜牲鞍狸甩维罢夯叛予篇蝎旨踩秸人咒萍塔茁矽愈畏竣诛稳呻怠蜒颁场莲两毒胞窃难败格惧豫料谐邪圃卤坠荤藐乃敞啊旱袁闲淆逗啸迄挤摸吞那品垢瞪锦暑彼关烩喀瓮颁路氛潞蜘皆灭枢右韭珊叁蔼The first lesson: Warming up and Speaking 09/06/2004Goals: 1. Talk about friends2. Practise talking about likes and dislikes Teaching procedure:Step 1.Lead-in activityT: Good morning, students. Did you have a good weekend?Ss: (Yes.) T: Good, I am glad to hear that. What did you do?Ss: (Watching TV, do some reading, shopping and so on.)T: Shopping? Did you go shopping alone or with your friends?S: (I went to the bookshop with my friend.)T: Is he or she your good friend?S: (Yes.)T: OK. I know many students in our class also want to make friends with you. Could you tell what your good friend should be like?Step 2 Talking about friendsS: My friend should be kind, honest, and brave.T: Good. So who want to be your friend should be kind, honest and brave first. What about you? What should your friend be like? (Ask several students and show the characters on the video) OK, I also have a good friend. Ill describe him and you should tell me what quality he has. And please use the sentence structure “I think he/ she is ”OK?Ss: Yes.T: I have a good friend. He is always dressed neatly and cleanly, and looks like Pei Yongjun. He never tells lies, or he is always ready to help. He is not afraid of danger or difficulty. He always has very clever ideas when others do not know what to do.Ss: (I think he is handsome, honest, kind, brave, and smart.)T: Good. Thats my friend. Now its your turn. Open your books and turn to page 1. Fill in the blanks. Describe yourself in three words and then describe one of your friends. Do it quickly and then I will ask some of you to read it out.(After two minutes, ask three of them to read it out) Just now we talked about our friends. We know if we want to live successfully and happily we should make friends with lots of people. Now lets look at John, Ann, Steve, Peter, Sarah and Joe. See if you would like to make friends with them. Step 3 Dialogue 3.1 Dialogue presentation: The first readingT: Now please open your book and turn to page 2. Read with the tape and then try to fill in the table on page 3.(After four minutes, ask some students to read out their answers and check them on the video.) 3.2 Dialogue Drills: The second readingT: Good. Now group 1 and group 2 read A, group 3 and group 4 read B. “Im 15 years old” One two start.(After reading) Good, all of you have done a good job. Now lets look at some useful expressions in this dialogue.(Deal with the useful expressions and write them on the blackboard.)Do you have any questions about this dialogue? Ss: (No)The third readingOk, now please read it with your partner. Then I will ask some pairs to read it out.(Ask two pairs to read out the dialogue.)OK, these are their introductions. Now its our turn to find out whom wed like to make friends with. And we should use these useful expressions. (Show the useful expressions on the video) I will try first. Im sure that I can make friends with Peter. For he likes singing, and I also like singing. And he doesnt like football and I dont like football, either. Now its your turn. You can discuss with your partner.(Ask some students.)Step 4 SummaryT: Today weve learned about talking about friends, giving reasons for your decision of making with some people. Step 5 HomeworkT: Boys and girls, Id like you to write a short passage to introduce yourself and hand on tomorrow. (Video) Are you clear? Class is over. Goodbye, boys and girls.Blackboard:1. make me happy make +O+adj 使某人怎样2. enjoy+doing be fond of +n/代词/doing be into +n/动名词3. Hi there. 喂,你们好。4. surf the Internet详见课件Record after teaching:The second lesson: Listening & Talking 09/07/2004Goals: 1.Revise the standards of a good friend. Make the Ss be aware of how to be a good friend.2.Listen to arguments between friends. Arguing is normal and solution is important.Teaching procedure:Step1.Revision and lead-inT: Good morning, students. Yesterday we wrote a short introduction about ourselves. And now every one of you all has got one of them. The paper in your hand is one of your classmates. Now please look at the video. Try to use these useful expressions to tell us whether you can make friends with him or her.(Ask a student to tell whether he/she can make friends with the student whose paper is in his/her hand and also ask the student whose paper is read to stand up. After then ask this student to tell. Do it in turns. Sometimes cycle may occur. Ask another student to start another cycle.)You seem to know your classmates better now. And I hope all of you can become good friends. Everyone has friends and usually it is great to have friends. Friends are people who share the same interests and favorite hobbies. They often play together and help each other. Some may even stay together all the time. Most of the time they feel happy and enjoy themselves, but sometimes they argue. How so? How can friends argue with each other? But its really true because something is wrong. Can anybody tell us when friends will argue?(Ask three students)Step 2 ListeningT: Now please open your books and turn to page2 listening. Look at situation1. What are they arguing about? Listen to it carefully and try to write down the problem and the solution, ok?Ss: Yes.(Listen to the situation1 once.)T: Have you got it?Ss: No.T: OK, lets listen to it again.(Listen to the situation1 again.)Ss: Yes.(Ask some to tell their angers and check it.)T: Do you want to listen to it again?Ss: Yes. (Listen to it again and deal with some difficulties.)Do situation2 and situation 3 the same as situation1. We know to keep the friendship forever is a difficult thing. In daily life, many problems can occur. So we should learn how to make apology in case that one-day you do something wrong. Now please open your book and turn to page 85 talking.Step3 TalkingT: The whole class please read the dialogue. “Hi, Peter” one two start.(After reading) OK, now please read it with your partner. Then I will ask some of you to read it out.(Ask one pair to read it out.)Now please look at part2. Choose one of the situations to make a small dialogue, using the useful expressions on the table on page 86.(Ask two pairs to act out the dialogue.)T: Good.Step4 HomeworkT: Make a similar dialogue with your partner. Tomorrow I will ask some pairs to act it out in front of the class. OK? Class is over. Goodbye, boys and girls.Blackboard:Group1 think Group2 think Group3 think Group4 thinkSituation1: Situation1: Situation1: Situation1:Situation2: Situation2: Situation2: Situation2:Situation3: Situation3: Situation3: Situation3:详见课件Record after teaching:The third lesson: Reading 09/08/2004Goals: 1.Read the passage to get the information.2.The Ss use the language materials learned to express themselves.3.Learn some words and expressions and useful sentences. (Survive, deserted, hunt, hunt for, share, care about, in order to, such as, etc.)4.Think about themselves, friends and life. Draw lessons from the story.Teaching procedure: Step1 Revision and lead-inT: Good morning, students. Yesterday I asked you to make a small dialogue. Have you finished? Ss: T: Good. I will ask some pairs to act it out in front of the class. Who would like to have a try?(Ask two pairs to act it out.)T: Good. Youve done a good job. OK, do you like to do adventure? Adventure means冒险. Ss: T: If you have a chance to live on an island alone, do you want to have a try?Ss:T: Do you really think so? Ss: Yes. I think it will be very interesting. T: OK, then what will you bring with you? Open your books and turn to page3. Look at the box and choose the three most useful items and explain why you think they would be useful. And use the sentence pattern on the video.(Ask three students.) Today we are going to learn a new lesson Chucks friend. Lets have a look how Chuck can live alone on the island. Now please open your book and turn to page3.Step2 Fast readingT: Read the text quickly and try to find out “What is the most important to Chuck when he is alone on the island?” I will give you three minutes.(After three minutes.)T: Have you finished? Who would like to have a try?S: A volleyball called Wilson.T: Good. Whats relationship between them actually?Ss: They are good friends. Wilson is volleyball while Chuck is people.T: Yes, Good. Have you watched the movie Cast Away?Ss: T:OK. I will tell you.(See the video, the introduction of Cast Away.)And do you know the main actor in this movie?Ss:T: The main actor in this movie is Tom Hanks.(Show the introduction of Tom Hanks on the video.) OK, here are some pictures of this movie. (Show the pictures) What is he doing? Have a guess.Ss: He is making a fire, making a boat, writing.T: Good. It is very interesting. Do you think so?Ss: Step 3 Careful readingT: OK, now lets know more about the live on the island alone. Please go through the text again, but this time please read it as carefully as you can. And try to find out the answers to these questions.(Show the questions on the video.)(After four minutes)Have you finished? Ss: (Ask some students to answer the questions.) 详见课件T: OK, now lets look at some useful expressions in this text. (Deal with the useful expressions and difficulties and write them down on the blackboard.)Step4 DiscussionT: Do you have any unusual friend?Ss: Yes. I have a dog. I like it very muchT: What can you learn from Chuck? You can discuss with you partner.Ss:T: Good. We can learn a lot from Chuck about the friendship about the life about everything.Step 5 HomeworkT: Todays homework is to review the text and try to retell the text. And finish word study on page4. Class is over. Goodbye, boys and girls.Blackboardsurvive desertedhunt/ hunt for share care aboutin order to such asRecord after teaching:The fourth lesson: Post reading, Language study and Grammar 09/09/2004Goals: 1.Retell Chucks Friend 2.Learn the grammar Direct Speech and Indirect Speech. 3.Practice the language points and the grammar points orally and write them down. 4.Finish some of the related exercises.Teaching procedures: Step1. RevisionT: Good morning, students. Yesterday we learned a lesson about Chuck and his unusual friend-a volleyball call Wilson. I asked you try to retell it, did you prepare for it?Ss: Yes.T: Good. Now please look at the video. Try to fill in the blanks. It is the retell of the text. I will give you two minutes.(After two minutes, check it and write the words on the blackboard and explain some points.)Now look at the blackboard.(with the video off) Try to use these words to retell the text. The first time you can retell it with me. Chuck is a successful businessman who is so busy that he has little time for his friends. One day he is on a flight across the Pacific Ocean when suddenly his plane crashes. Chuck survives the crash and lands on a deserted island. On the island the most difficult thing is how to survive without a friend. Even though Wilson is just volleyball, he becomes fond of him. He realizes that he has always been thinking about himself. He also learns that he needs friend to share happiness and sorrow. He also learns that he should learn more about others.Ok, now retell it yourselves and then I will ask some of you to retell it.(Ask two students to retell it.)Step2 Word studyT: Thats all for the retelling. Have you finished word study?Ss: Yes.T: OK, now lets check it. 1.My friend is honest . He never tells lies.2.I like pop music. She likes classical music, but we are good friends.3.I think a good friend should not only share happiness, but also sorrow with me.4.Although father and I often argue with each other, we are good friends.5.Many people keep dogs as pets because dogs are regarded as loyal friends to people.6. If you were alone on a deserted island, you would have to learn to collect water and hunt for food.7. The young man is very fond of history. He reads books about it almost everyday.8. She is a brave girl. She is never afraid of anything.9. There will be many people at the theatre, so we will go there early in order to get good seats.10. If someone is quick in mind and action, we say he is smart.Step3 GrammarT: In this unit, we learn a new grammar-direct speech and indirect speech. First lets have a look at what direct speech and indirect speech are. Please look at the video. John said, “I like reading adventure stories.”约翰说:“我喜欢看历险故事。”(直接引语)John said that he liked reading adventure stories. 约翰说他喜欢看历险故事。(间接引语)Are you clear now? Now look at some examples. (Show the examples on the video and explain some points that need to pay attention to.)OK, now lets do some exercises:1.“I like reading adventure stories,” said John.John said he liked reading adventure stories.2.Sarah told her friends that she didn't like computers.“I dont like computers,” Sarah said to her friends.3.“Ann, have you seen my blue notebook?” Peter asked.Peter asked Ann if she had seen his blue notebook.4.“How can you do that?” Mary said to Ann.Mary asked Ann how she could do that.5.“What difference does it make?” Peter asked Jim.Peter asked Jim what difference it made.There are other points we need to pay attention to. Now please open your books turn to page 178. Look at these points. You should pay special attention to them. Are you clear about them now? Ss:T: OK, now lets do more exercises.1.Jane said, “I often go to see movies.” Jane said (that) he often went to see movies2. Tom said to John, “We have


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