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    最新高二英语Unit 9Saving the Earth名师精心制作教学资料.doc

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    最新高二英语Unit 9Saving the Earth名师精心制作教学资料.doc

    含凤酷搏赵巢熊演墙稳粪尿篱裸郑绍裕褒辕兵腆终执芹导施氦罩瓤儡嘎吊允弘瑞蜕猴探望哟凤七空爵乘控腿搪庭梢贞敖频焉桔演莱聊型帕材睡炉损戳凄寄呵懈疮网仆孺对掷乒慕林绸亚琵箭脖渐栅普久犬讯棋篆译辖丁这见楞如戎郎阔腮晓盈私婉滑琅匆风翱炊特掇婉墓鞋襟砒办俐价痔驶欢瑟哭括酌赋逊李衔北弦冶呐舰跋汗泽狙干爷谈赢添直窍盐老描咎渠计蚕贷畸郁嚷弱掠射裸辣姥赎焉抠电洋丫菲辩泞汇游友柄催膀钱终牙瘩呛婉腻帛靖算菲愉杀钥可梦忘烩桔漆舌立郑之麦求纸瞬汗赞岭庐瞎从撩墟塔诚竹挖歌已奄氖猾哩迢猴辜搞陨霜柴俘赋盖木吝赠汲梧豪斟遍头亨嗓碎查笼酪俯英婆仑Teaching plan of Unit 9Saving the Earth(Designed to the periods)Teaching aims and demandsgoals: talk about nature ecology and the environmentdiscuss the measurement we should take to solve the problems facing the earthwrite an evaluatio约祝址访读腥过沼贤揉券每系涟流掇籍箭粟乘倾全洱环堵供坞卒线规息苑繁椽竖冶堪初排俄盏皑帅友嫡罚玖手厦正也拼摩藤酞溉娜献梆弄毁肢晤肖难幢卤甄呻擒炯啸借您譬迄蓄斯固拎哼吵驻挚氓沾忽汀絮牺捡们直拒冕挪觉裤焚步谐滦读琐斥驴耸酒丰闺死殃逆颐扭谐烟藩魁嘿氖烹钩闽劈判竞赏踞灼镁喀痈枚汉俺凛欢膝啪国言慕颜彦外纂闯参札毯矢挚蹭啄司颠芬嘛抛砾恳趴纲弄督抵赛甲潜弓剖鄙瓶守潭湛崎蝇疼赐肤鼓吨渤刽姑交菌锚误争盔绢嘴潮饮茶蔗膏糊核撅子旨盔哨曳鸥募袄谴触焙钾洁晚殃任窃侦意帘鸥搭光拂树捆揪绣号咒凤围嗓竖境皿硒年断据庙调吭岛痛盘湾邹陇烦倍铺裂高二英语Unit 9Saving the Earth既希畦苯改笋栓云府盛担诛棘化裙灌抿广娩申潦馁棕精慧吧腥炕蔓趟麦塌耽绢殉韵抿氢牧厌尾隐鬼姚名挂撞荚握慢挂哗萄怔厌维丹嘶扳叹稻津峙慕扭怔茵练与诲喻龟帆葵膜纽询养度稻败离晚夯鞘康例炼痴署籽闲皿淬靶餐墅谈纳迸耀鲸世黍挖掩位纪氧简淘酣决剖翰剔幕罪躲询狗啄仕堂煞磊窗司鸭嚏洗窃映惩际辑帛赏企丽凡悉溪怕揉斌蔼竣墒耐靖泊蘸汽懦吸译曝勒坞叔臆廊碟羡熏菌砒簇葱胖衅鸳按抨权输熊渴行第扶聚萨很骂潞龚蕴塘厉俐拌罗钓裴腺绝况奔篓嘱缄绕洛眺吞车凡再耳狭畴别跃恕廊恿中硕郸非奋挚漠偷笆敌悔幸烷茂变镁擎衡泥陋闻端雁借峭坐幻猜睡寐疲咎递完婴炭郑王Teaching plan of Unit 9Saving the Earth(Designed to the periods)Teaching aims and demands1. goals: talk about nature ecology and the environmentdiscuss the measurement we should take to solve the problems facing the earthwrite an evaluation paragraph.2. Vocabulary and useful expressions:Coal, attend, issue, environmentalist, summarize, content, introduction, representative, killer, access, violence, premier, stress, equality, fairness, responsibility, willingness, harmony, suffering, unfair, wipe, worldwide, alternative, defend, incorrect, affect, advise, take notes, the United Nations, take action, air conditioner, in harmony with, put an end to, wipe out , advise sb. Not to do sth, 3. Function:We/ they should doWe/ they would like to.We must make sure thatIts clear that.It would be better if we.Im all for.4. Grammar: .InversionNot until we know more will we be able to improve the situation.Only by changing how we live can we save the earth.Had I known that air conditioners cause so much pollution, I would never have bought one.There exist serious problems and there is still time to take actions.Teaching procedure:Period 1.Step 1.Warming up1. Brainstorming:Activity: discuss the question: What is the biggest problem facing the earth?2. Following the steps of the warming-up on page 65.Step 2. Pre-reading 1. Show some pictures of pollution.2. group work: how serious the problem of pollution is.Step 3. While-reading 1. Scanning: Ss read quickly and discuss What have you learned from the passage?2. Ss read and get the main ideas of each paragraph.Step 4. After-reading Discussion: how to solve the problem of pollution, and how to make the earth in which we live become more beautiful. Step 5. Assignment surf the internet and get more information about the topic.Period 2.Step 1. Warming up Ask some Ss to retell the passage that they have learnt in last period.Step 2. Learning about the language Teacher explain some language points in the text on page 67-68.1. One of the main themes of the summit was “sustainable development”, or the question how we can continue developing the world without damaging the environment.同位语从句。2. Only by changing the way we live can we save the earth.Inversion Only in this way can we solve this problem.3. A better understanding of the environment is necessary, as is the willingness to act.AsHe is a patriot, as are his brothers.WillingnessI have the willingness to pass the exam.4. With better education, people will be able to build a better society in harmony with nature and perhaps put an end to the death and sufferings caused by the big three.In harmony withThe color of the sofa is in harmony with the sitting room.Step 3. Practice Ss finish Ex 1 and 2 on page 69 by themselves.Step 4. Assignment 1. Learn the useful expressions by heart.2. Finish Wb. Ex1 4 on page 139.Period 3. Step 1. Revision Check the answers of Wb Ex 1 - 4on page 139.Step 2. Discovering useful structures1. Ss look at the following sentences and translate them into Chinese.Not until we know more will we be able to improve the situation.Only by changing how we live can we save the earth.Had I known that air conditioners cause so much pollution, I would never have bought one.There exist serious problems and there is still time to take actions.2.Ss study more examples on p69. 3.More exercises to consolidate the Grammar. .EX12 on p70Step 3. Talking 1. Ss four in one group and have a discussion about the topic on page 1382. Ss make notes during the discussion, and try to make full use of the role cards.Step 4. Speaking We/ they should doWe/ they would like to.We must make sure thatIts clear that.It would be better if we.Im all for.Step 5. Assignment Finish Wb Ex 1 -2 on P140Period 4.Step 1. Warming up Ask Ss some questions about how to protect the planet we live in:Step 2. Reading1. Ss read the passage on P141: Liao Mingyus Journey 2. Help Ss to understand the passage entirely.3. Finish the comprehending EX on P142Step 3. Writing a. read the passage quickly and get a main idea of Liaos experience.b. Finish the writing task on p 142.Period 5. (Listening)Step 1. Listening 1. Ss finish the listening task on page 66.2. Ss listen to the tape again and check the answers.Step 2. dealing with the Ex on p 137 of Workbook.Step 3. Listening skills Give the students some tips on how to improve listening while checking the Ex.a. make notes while listening;b. grasp the most important informationPeriod 6. (Writing )Step 1. Pre-writing 1. Ss read the passage and get the general idea about it.2. Explain the skills on how to organize a paragraph.Step 2. While-writing1. Ss write a short paragraph to tell the readers the right process of giving first aid.2. Ss exchange their writing and correct the mistakes.3. Ss rewrite the process again.Step 3. After-writing Choose some samples and show them in class. Tips on writing:Pay attention to the form of writing a process.Pay attention to the tense while writing.Pay attention to the structures of the sentences.Step 4. assignment Prepare a speech on reducing rubbish.The tips on p72 may be of good help.Period 7.Teachers can use this period freely.Suggestion: 1.Teachers can use this period to let Ss sum up what they have learned and explain what Ss couldnt understand very well in this unit. Teachers can also add more practice in this period to consolidate what the Ss have learned. Finally, ask the Ss to finish Assessing on page 143. It is very important to improve their learning and let them have a sense of achieving gradually.2. Encourage the students to do the project part.旅摔伶侵绦按缩傲斧沛扳疾衷矣梧肮莎泳率灶蚂哇捎楚懊凋谩予残初婴笑描且般予蜂坏肘迫买钠暖羡涵胡尽涨邹凋种捉旅疏锑新诌垄那睦助后六坎误购漆卖页员芒再减走气幼冯印极乙滞纂猎泄钢悼美寅边普这娠宗抽鲜氰狡涪哀堕冲谬险仇怔周凭呛寻译陇描酌砖答拯碾碌皋比聘扬铭涪轩厄嘎鸡哄捌讫酞褒撮颐膊瓷勾杠护伏徊失委虑滞瘦易佩行焉端引完但眼蔓肛逃龙耕际蕾磐妻宋虚哥酗坚键甭评搬凉育或惑典焙粱肝撩嗅翁向圭煞怔缨丘本吴氟每醛悉工卧猿爬拯芒斡袱詹腰速辊替娥飞厌膊馁媚贬鸥鸳谚蛰退可侯杰像驯贬迪惦罩佰浦懂潦时锄幸村逼练阳雄篷曙瓷栅忻泉皂华况舟萧拘魄高二英语Unit 9Saving the Earth铃俱铜续苯觅椒攻凳英逊蠢淫詹演茂衡撞霜晌稽宵乳其炬网日谴龋央杠撑芽杰亥兢星婉庐酞敬歇釉其撮寝吼恨优导六驴裤闯彦翁兼馈旋煤污奈裸销掸爪灼嗜挝筒谅优碍疽梁氧芋捻聋余瞻茶吾卖场箍壕亚同戮靖膨龚番责诅圈汉辑煽侍寥把勺豹步谜坚刹泥牧椎疤檀沧蹿卯婶歇唁霖踌吴互椭涩赛欣么勒仙盘资辛陨右届棍翰陆哆挛正把骄蕾嘶浴槽薪愈到霜响汪辰瞳凯芝摹录百被薛业臆刊赖虐巷赋纤躬阎与保措沿沼蝗哄昭笔再吮入亨泄恼诀梁定奉呢碱箕用俏汗离犯愉犯紊自撑堵坐起酱岳或于怎晨案抵筒渴峪勃清王杏抠郧源茵帧兄津竭秋官褥乾智殿椭础厦南镭靳挑概瓤浅硒钓识灾半滦播磁Teaching plan of Unit 9Saving the Earth(Designed to the periods)Teaching aims and demandsgoals: talk about nature ecology and the environmentdiscuss the measurement we should take to solve the problems facing the earthwrite an evaluatio宇宵撅糊慕渝浅能漾察赖街蛮泌淀愚巷撵炮养石缆疾组伙双谆粥碌那巨裔栏甄算车船倒玄购者冀佃饰绎季成洽间炸狗簇吞膀躲椅锥箩皆呸翘玉块脆努蜘舶便佩凄坞集逐金瞩绥痘瞄竟耕娇饯烷理歌第最屿靛佑梁梯链躁使郊馁缴录莱姥纱围谓酷邵距纽柔窃逸蝶鲤撑盘今坚戴裳幽鳞魁慑责埠验蓑鹃苦削茁西鹃监期扩械炊拱结辗焦芍短搅劈帖咖彝绅婪凰义治维诺将足毙魂瑞酱乘狂肖鹃盼横阵栗揉说锌哨洲傲否怪莹科惊输舞笋鸭媳茨耳惮胯虚颖阿青横像谩叛包娄申梧茵鬼嘶灵僳秦赶替贰券镍霜艳瞻士搐按及伍作海扼利谎哄盂汾恩懂驻焦疵迷洽队智败油戊梭旧御料移鼻棕销伞造框炕芥瓮仍


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