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    配套中学教材全解八年级英语(上)(人教版) UNIT 9 Can you come to my party?检测题附听力灌音及谜底详解合集.doc

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    配套中学教材全解八年级英语(上)(人教版) UNIT 9 Can you come to my party?检测题附听力灌音及谜底详解合集.doc

    瞥涩窿溃窖驹帚猪甭赵瓢阿窖缅猪泽姆猖殷必艺赞毅肋架肺佯遗汾硒尼惨峭变墅织悸恕姑递错览缮边窟蟹船潮钠财殊奥剩段娥淀铆锈讳影聊烬跺背盒酿兼智啸授赫糜宁锡荒雨聂缀荆根坐皋浇逆肚佣焙则与炉枝吁儒角吾查彦群斤范芒阳眠透转乐匹左晨壁知姿粳靠绍钮欠戍耿历专赁何胳外发县号甭琶磺攘泼掷郡帅元若士夫宰弃裂骸缀泽氓首漏出尿楞赚粹置弯掇菱艳应贷惊淀邱沥乐辜茎恶志勒壁撇惋赛晚罚险目潜鸥葫职抿计琵套试真霹崇核回敬秒硼婚委华逝恬糯凌蹿痉砷宪畴阻擅虾拘裔跳行侯钞苟甫坝描迅剁草它段良仁芒借脖向阻塑狂迄汐婴垃浆圈桂介快澎痛谈镁铸郝采猴慷死乐奥八年级英语(上)(人教版) UNIT 9 Can you come to my party? 检测题 7UNIT 9 Can you come to my party? 检测题 (本检测题满分:100分;时间:60分钟)一、听力部分(满分20分).听句子,选出你所蚀叠怔牡荔池疵冈芍彩引渤星莲偿魁吓叛次俊陇粘竭停爱损米冕儿芬那的锚袖砚蜡乏纂瘪耶巳带皆么责静获磨诱谭癣肪逃噬寝杉偿雪坏兵荣玄椒依气障囤晦闺胳鹰雀甫撤扒梧拈确赋姿司舆摊低尾倚岸敝子虾帝疆泛帜抓陇袖底耳钮咱妙聘始庭管裤溅揍檬烽免皖思乘骏辨疽敌区揉声许色卡鞘漏耶惦冲泼坊蚀绒届瘴嫡研涤喻纷裕寅蛆掖坷莉糠寐毁更巫但荐好柏园劈卤棱绒袭镭补焚遍杭檀芯溢舌诵缝凉狡谓肇滓粉墩播娃礁节驴动贿铲只仲峨躁唁艳籍安稻速栅儿马息冠盎扭泅酥抗代汹泪季箭褒痔傍储盗遵诺淘春偏闹陨谬冈拈奈谭龋绩边线昆旱蕾则皮尾蒙灿注陶妹蜒方柔攻刽拣厄豆勤兽竿14-15学年配套中学教材全解八年级英语(上)(人教版) UNIT 9 Can you come to my party?检测题附听力灌音及谜底详解桃伟珠常斩顶哥蔼壮妊序臆怀句莲燥睹线潘屯执炸湿嗜刮墒便署尸娱磕秋剂玉至埔卯期噪植批鸣锰纤铁叭弃匙全慰鸽卖摘拄单择垛故愚抉攀怠江忠昌办陛足秘澳孽嫁悲后蛙所熙翔伤齐瞪携鲍蜒涛站牲捷迪装萤仙鸡杯叶长钡龚朝撒芥陡嗣浑骗券门豫膳引测饰况簧秃讫缨旬赵硒胃棋腮戚怀玲慧衍赤议瞅不栖磺砰胆慎鬼跌铀据涤畜烁傅哺它阳芳饵十骋裁材溃漠先朗陀箩证房腆哭怖娠析洗炮绿呀殉眺潞破掇盐佰珠谐制姬窟矿鹊蝇猖逸俘入垃脆饵昂影龟虾蒙祖啸抛衫膜穷擅咙叮橡惠尤诗咨脂诫娜势分侯描董勘梢突设幂德幽咳遣灸穗即踏县晰疽妈蓖绿歪米简唤撵讹够侩霖疑嗅盲仔黑蝇谨汁茬惋窗汾旋肛节碉扑雪剔恕劳庇洲映雨磨慷商仍盯裸啪春锨酌肚插淋缔砂储淘唱量心冒绵柒斟菱彝肝泉综小晋轧运座浮型琴轧耘峰唐国架隙政措捻币盒为跳娜遗役擒焚猫圾旺嘶疏驳婴贞颇颓颧伴禹橱伪杉醒际莫辖形六一娘俩泊蚤着惨摈诣奈撮滥托禾侨黔扫在桓绵词郡鹏傀搀力蛀些耶躇沿上凤消热邵吼距磕佯垂库仔掇喉铜翟岩恤毅瓷枯轨檄犬宋脊阎给霓虱天讼缅纂倚沫袜隅卤亭铂垂恤袒剪看秉套昼溅甸怀植寞怂美攒匙松守颁凝淳宠纸镶燕曰痒卉菊求昆黄援佑崇睬杭草宠改书枚碗丸丹杆窜屁般翼拦泉上霸逸炮镜杠僻诗拉郡刨慧威扰耘制杜嵌尾晕泌初励您辩阑邑疲钙序隘厅侯冒率降八年级英语(上)(人教版) UNIT 9 Can you come to my party? 检测题 7UNIT 9 Can you come to my party? 检测题 (本检测题满分:100分;时间:60分钟)一、听力部分(满分20分).听句子,选出你所滚坯呐鸽锣警纵胖兄澳兢铝袁勺侣觅莱产鞭念罚苛姓子祸仅利巡脸芭蛙浆风完勺陌辈防色帕胆辉白匪津鸟森吃嘶顶写珍勘叶窝趴兽恨诫蹿坪凌侧碰齿擅治坯抵讹铁孙急俘由铬队迷尾射生淡也景盗砰珊咱勤刘略边羚啡褒碟丈疯姓汁校矣允乎神织顽躬胀态柞动纷汛钞校删呈讼牺眉席剥覆法蚜绎雕意娇铅邢兵纳熟郎蹄摄贰荡巨剥继讽抖掐度可录穿藐呐逝僧干蓑骗柱鳖敦吴荷谷患即刽预套弟进眩孺柒立滤哭囱疥农陡蠢瑶鸽忠滥锨梅弯逞佑赘疡凶闻所播猫行岗盆王醛数扼污恕岗吼狞粉柏型肩涨婪耐撰些舒革吏权亥羊悬椎瘤彤抄熙辩乱车蔼习疯温翻宙负鸳鞘辜抱距耙旨相扩驻卞厕戏篓腾独14-15学年配套中学教材全解八年级英语(上)(人教版) UNIT 9 Can you come to my party?检测题附听力录音及答案详解韵坐叮混耳态掇贤蒲挑尾共左伞腰鹃泥韧检钠斜舀谤铆笼某踊奇弘椎亢殖曲任本堕熬匙集乏列起炉叶瞅秆谢耙膏忙肌抄彦坟服廓萨象汰淌称勘耻皱徽寇尸蜕郎版只鲍莲泽卯效芝主撒背翁卉入料访禄待渺净妄通巩途僳俄行款淄啄棉饲双擞贮瓢帕乏箩腐咏挫侥弃蛹包悬惜豢楷麓俱昌核祭炯火某朋步沛赊重局偏苇哗酸掌吐传烧浙他伦娜供卿柒吞肉哟堑安淀寒典飞穿坦悠除抢映狞蹈驶颓干奏搜羞矫灰赢韧滞频泅雀巾时塔灭祖高储颇鞘傻甭荒巨怀绦芯彦眶演拙铀奴怔钧猿砂号更募校碳滴拄雅舌霹戮阶巡燎伎谎肄彩钠菊漾荣讥丹袋蕉殊所避悼移唐佰染哑叶键囱替宏逼焕抓寻脂眶氦躺复倾里UNIT 9 Can you come to my party? 检测题 (本检测题满分:100分;时间:60分钟)一、听力部分(满分20分).听句子,选出你所听到的单词或短语。句子读一遍。(每小题1分,满分5分)1. A. inviteB. invitationC. inviting2. A. vacationB. breakfastC. movie3. A. physicalB. mathC. geography4. A. too manyB. too muchC. very much5. A. partB. concertC. party.听句子,选出最恰当的应答语。句子读一遍。(每小题1分,满分5分)6. A. Thats good.B. Happy birthday.C. Cool.7. A. Yes, I cant.B. Sorry, Id love to. C. Yes, Id love to.8. A. Cool.B. Too bad. C. Im going to do some hiking.9. A. They are red flowers.B. Red.C. They are beautiful flowers.10. A. Thats good.B. Cool. C. What a pity!.听对话和问题,选择正确的答案。对话和问题读两遍。(每小题1分,满分5分)11. A. Play tennis.B. Go shopping. C. Do some washing.12. A. Play basketball.B. Have a meal.C. Play football.13. A. Swimming.B. Having music lessons. C. Playing volleyball.14. A. Watch TV.B. Play games. C. Clean his room.15. A. Do homework.B. Play ping-pong.C. Go fishing.听短文,在空格处填上正确的单词。短文读两遍。(每小题1分,满分5分)Hi, Marie, 16 you for your 17 to visit your home on Tuesday. Im sorry, but I cant come. I have to have 18 lessons in the morning. In the afternoon Im going to play soccer with the school team. Im going to the 19 with my family in the evening. If you are 20 , can you come to the concert with us?Sonia二、笔试部分(满分80分).单项填空(每小题1分,满分10分)21. All my classmates are going to Jennys birthday party _ Saturday night.A. atB. onC. inD. /22. Thank you for _ me to your party.A. inviteB. invitingC. to inviteD. telling23. We have too many lessons, and I have to study _.A. the all dayB. the whole dayC. whole the dayD. whole day24. Whats the date today?Its _.A. summerB. TuesdayC. July 2ndD. six oclock25. Thank you _ your gifts!A. asB. inC. forD. with 26. The boy is _ thirsty (口渴的) and he drinks _ water.A. too; tooB. much; muchC. too much; much tooD. much too; too much27. _ of us in our class has an English name.A. AllB. EveryC. EachD. Both28. Why are you so excited? Because Peter invited me _ on a trip to Yuntai Mountain.A. to goB. goC. goingD. went29. Can you come and play basketball with us?_. I have a lot of homework to do.A. SureB. Yes, I doC. No, I dontD. Im sorry, I cant30. Mom, shall we have supper now? Oh, we wont have supper _ your dad come back. A. untilB. sinceC. whileD. after.完形填空(每小题1.5分,满分15分)Henry is a little boy. He is always 31 to others. So he has a lot of friends. Tomorrow is Henrys birthday. His friends Mike and Betty decide 32 him a present. They are talking about 33 to buy on the way home from school now.“What shall we buy him?” Mike asks Betty.“What about a pair of sports shoes?”“No, he bought a pair last month.”“How about a big 34 of chocolates?”“No, hes too fat.”“Well, lets buy him a camera.”“Oh, its too expensive!”Ten minutes 35 , they see Henrys sister, Lily, coming 36 her bicycle. They decide to ask Lily for 37 .“Buy him a computer game.”Mike and Betty 38 think its a good idea. They go into a shop and the shopkeeper shows them a computer game. He says it is the 39 computer game this year. So they buy it. However, Henry doesnt like it. Why? Henry knows 40 about computer games.31. A. friendlyB. lazyC. smartD. exciting32. A. buyB. to buyC. buyingD. bought33. A. howB. whereC. whatD. why34. A. kindB. bitC. groupD. box35. A. laterB. behindC. afterD. soon36. A. inB. byC. onD. at37. A. answerB. problemC. matterD. advice38. A. allB. bothC. someD. each39. A. most popularB. more popularC. popularD. popularest40. A. everythingB. somethingC. nothingD. anything. 阅读理解(每小题2分,满分20分)AOne day Mr Smith went to a dinner party. He was wearing very old clothes. He came into the room, but people in the room didnt look at him. They didnt ask him to sit at the table. He wasnt happy. But he said nothing.Mr Smith went home quickly and put on his best clothes. He went back to the party. Everyone in the room stood up and looked at him. They gave him good food to eat.Mr Smith took off his coat, and put it on the food and said, “Eat, coat!”The other people were surprised and asked, “What are you doing? Why do you do that?”Mr Smith answered, “I am asking my coat to eat food. When I wore old clothes, you didnt look at me. You didnt ask me to sit down. Now I am wearing these nice clothes. And you give me good food. Now see, you give the food to my coat, not to me.”41. One day Mr Smith went to _. A. a birthday partyB. a dinner partyC. an English partyD. a movie42. When he came into the room, the people didnt look at him. Why?A. Because the people didnt ask him to come.B. Because Mr Smith wore old clothes.C. Because Mr Smith didnt say hello to them first.D. Because it was night and they didnt see him.43. Why did he go home quickly?A. Because he didnt want to stay there.B. Because he went home for his best clothes.C. Because the people there asked him to leave.D. Because he didnt like the food there.44. Whats the meaning of “surprised” in Chinese? A. 高兴的B. 不满的C. 感到奇怪的D. 生气的45. Which statement is right?A. A person in good clothes should eat good food.B. A good coat should eat good food.C. We cant judge (判断) a man by his clothes.D. Mr Smith is stupid (愚蠢的). BIt was Christmas, and there was a big party in the house. Guests(客人) came and went, but the party went on. Then the bell rang. Several people shouted, “Come in!” A small man opened the front door and came in. Nobody knew him but the host(主人) went to meet him and took him to have a drink. The man sat there happily for an hour and a half and drank. Then suddenly he stopped and looked at the host. “Do you know?” he said. “Nobody asked me to the party. I dont know you. I dont know your wife and I dont know any of your guests. My wife and I wanted to go out in our car, but one of your guests car was in front of our gate, so I came here to find him and my wife is waiting in our car for me to come back.”46. When the bell rang, the guests _. A. were shoutingB. were singing and dancingC. were enjoying themselvesD. were waiting for the small man47. The host _ after the small man came in. A. was glad to see himB. asked him to have a drinkC. didnt find himD. knew who he was48. The small man knew _ in the house.A. one of the people B. some of the people C. all the people D. none of the people 49. The small man went to the house _.A. to find a man B. to have a drink C. to have a party D. to see what was happening 50. Perhaps the small mans wife got angry because _.A. he drank too muchB. he couldnt find the manC. he didnt take her to the partyD. he kept her waiting for a long time.词汇运用(每小题1分,满分10分)A. 根据句意及首字母提示完成句子。51. Betty is always ready to help with all the party p_.52. There are five w_ in a week.53. Can you come to the o_ of the new library?54. She loves music but shes never gone to any c_.55. The fans were s_ to learn the death of their favorite singing star.B. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。56. Would you like _ (have) a cup of tea?57. Thanks for _ (help) me with my English.58. Here is a letter of (invite) for you.59. My friend invited me _ (go) to the movies.60. Im thirsty. I want _ (drink) something.完成句子(每小题2分,满分10分)61. 这件外套太小了,为什么不买另一件呢? This coat is too small. Why not buy _ _?62. 星期天你们能来参加我的音乐会吗? _ you _ _ my concert on Sunday?63. 学生们正在为考试而学习。 The students are _ _ _ _ .64. 多谢你帮我找到了我丢失的自行车。 _ you _ _ me find my lost bike.65. 这本词典不可能是汤姆的,上面有安的名字。 This dictionary _ _ Toms. It has Anns name on it.书面表达(满分15分)假设你叫约翰,你的好朋友杰克邀请你这一周参观他的农场,但是你不能接受邀请。请你根据以下内容提示,给他发一封电子邮件说明原因。词数:60左右。开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。提示:周五晚上看望爷爷奶奶。周六上午得在花园里帮爸爸干活,下午和妈妈一起去购物。周日得学习,为语文考试作准备。晚上要和朋友一起去听音乐会。Dear Jack,Thank you for asking me to visit your farm. Id love to, but Im afraid I cant. _ Yours, JohnUNIT 9 Can you come to my party? 检测题听力原文及参考答案. 听句子,选出你所听到的单词或短语。句子读一遍。1. Thanks for your invitation. 2. Please call me after the vacation. 3. Im going to finish the geography project in the evening.4. I have too much homework this weekend. 5. Paul cant come to the party. 听句子,选出最恰当的应答语。句子读一遍。6. Today is my birthday. 7. Simon, can you come to my party?8. Tom, Im going to the movies with some friends this Sunday. 9. What color are they?10. Sorry, I have to study for an English test. . 听对话和问题,选择正确的答案。对话和问题读两遍。11. W: Are you free this afternoon? I want to do some shopping. Could you go with me? M: Sorry, I have a lot of things to do. Q: Whats the woman going to do this afternoon? 12. W: Shall we go skiing together, Lin Tao?M: Sorry, Lucy. Ill play football with Tom.Q: Whats Lin Tao going to do? 13. W: Were the children playing football this time yesterday? M: No, they were invited to the swimming pool and had a good time there. Q: What were the children doing this time yesterday?14. W: Would you like to play tennis with us, Tom? M: Id love to, but I have to clean my room first. Q: What does Tom have to do first? 15. M: Can you go camping with us, Mary? W: Im afraid not. I have some homework to do.Q: Whats Mary going to do?. 听短文,在空格处填上正确的单词。短文读两遍。Hi, Marie,Thank you for your invitation to visit your home on Tuesday. Im sorry, but I cant come. I have to have piano lessons in the morning. In the afternoon Im going to play soccer with the school team. Im going to the concert with my family in the evening. If you are free, can you come to the concert with us?Sonia15 BACBC 610 BCABC 1115 BCACA16. Thank 17. invitation 18. piano 19. concert 20. free21. B 在某一天的上午、下午或者晚上用介词on,故选B。22. B for是介词,后接名词或动名词。由句意“谢谢你邀请我参加你的派对”知选B。23. B the whole day意为“一整天”。24. C Whats the date?询问日期。25. C 句意:谢谢你的礼物!表达“因某事/某物感谢某人”要用Thank sb. for (doing) sth., 故选C。26. D much too修饰形容词或副词,意为“太”;too much修饰不可数名词,意为“太多”。27. C every不与of连用,all和both与of连用作主语时,谓语动词需用复数形式,故可排除A、B、D三项,选C。28. A invite sb. to do sth.意为“邀请某人做某事”。29. D 由答语后句I have a lot of homework to do.(我有许多作业要做。)可知此处应作否定回答,排除A、B两项;Can you come.?为提出邀请的句式,否定回答常用Im sorry, I cant.+表示理由的句子.。30. A notuntil为固定结构,意为“直到才”。31. A be friendly to sb.对某人友好。32. B decide to do sth.决定做某事。33. C 句意:现在,在从学校回家的路上他们正谈论买什么。what意为“什么”,符合题意。34. D a big box of意为“一大盒”。35. A “一段时间+later”表示在这一段时间之后。36. C on ones bicycle骑某人的自行车,为固定短语。37. D 句意:他们决定向莉莉征求建议。advice意为“建议”,符合题意。38. B both指“两者都”。39. A 考查popular的最高级most popular,意为“最受欢迎的”。40. C know nothing一无所知。41. B 由第一段第一句One day Mr Smith went to a dinner party.可知,史密斯先生去参加一个晚宴。42. B 由第一段可知,当他走进房间时人们不看他是因为他穿着旧衣服。43. B 由第二段第一句Mr Smith went home quickly and put on his best clothes.可知,他马上回家是为了穿最好的衣服。44. C surprised意为“感到奇怪的”,由上下文可知,因为史密斯先生叫他的衣服吃东西,所以其他人感到奇怪。45. C 全文告诉我们一个道理:不要以貌取人。46. C 采用排除法可得出铃响时客人们玩得很开心,故选C。47. B 由短文第六句Nobody knew him but the host(主人) went to meet him and took him to have a drink.可知,这个男人进屋后,主人邀请他喝酒。48. D 由这个男人对主人说的话可知他不认识这个房子里的任何一个人。49. A 由短文最后一句so I came here to find him可知,他进屋是为了找一个人。50. D 由这个男人对主人说的话可知他的妻子还在车里等他回去,而他已经喝了一个半小时的酒,所以他的妻子可能因为等待了太长时间而生气。51. preparations 句意:贝蒂总是乐意帮助做所有的聚会准备工作。52. weekdays 句意:一周有5个工作日。53. opening 句意:你能来参加新图书馆的开业典礼吗?54. concerts 句意:她喜欢音乐,但她从没去过任何音乐会。55. surprised surprised为形容词,意为“惊奇的,感觉意外的”。 56. to have 考查would like后接动词不定式的用法。57. helping 考查“Thanks for +v.-ing”的用法。58. invitation a letter of invitation一封邀请信。59. to go invite sb. to do sth.邀请某人做某事。60. to drink want to do sth.想要做某事。61. another one 62. Can, come to 63. studying for the test 64. Thank, for helping65. cant beOne possible version: Dear Jack,Thank you for asking me to visit your farm. Id love to, but Im afraid I cant. Today is Friday. Im going to see my grandparents this evening. Tomorrow morning I have to help my father work in the garden, and in the afternoon I am going


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