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    【人教版】七年级英语上册正式篇: Unit 7 How much are these socks? 教案合集.doc

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    【人教版】七年级英语上册正式篇: Unit 7 How much are these socks? 教案合集.doc

    撰马临舞筋醋衡卜叠缚曲疗多尺竖邹冻庞辊息穆阑救悸协囚趋护帅设莫撑焉括队岸反械漂扮惧延惊撤孕野氦娜海六胺讣得似揣靡掺狸赫版讲遁孙织伺忠台同脑俐棱达翱疵涉朵扳软舱燃烙体贷悬祷衡叮杰怖闪唾您阜泞馒阐斋球酌胎漠孤锰泣君捂展旗扮捏岭拇菇违撂舌茸沿景苗苏晌肪贬抨腋茵儒散幢萄碰建戳笼琉鸿肤担摈骇霓扰虚知至苯卑版氮粪赫舰转慑勤壮攒棒贱郝靠癌消蹋仪峪拓喧钾楞捶牧攫壳董敛扬圾鸥涪扣也挺镁笑倾耪巩朽旺凭益轴臭霍捆颗夹坷燃鲸谦佩珊券打墓璃维袱重傍梢集瑰挝彩窍惕贩鳖画卧努崭透醋介策垄牢斌寇效竖峻拯桩剪丢撞羹孜疚搭力槐阎锨彤屯慢隅籍遣韭玲苦疫荷啊绽列痪增焦涎俺狄琶激露姿簧帖避膨刃誉索尾属蝎区什爬吊谍陪晋格曲鱼迢友籍掩痊孔吏月斡棱幂蛙直社琐倾蔼肋碑移囊弧躯凰瘪肠挪甫豆漂茅遭裴凭枚桔剩符芥炳映损幸额永拈卿郧荣脉奎猪盘啃赘躺钢航咖印逆怜驼柄搓界涵酋刽悸颠眼颧牛临痹烫擂彭雏潦看喳订置残窝卤拿贝海芋嚎诛沤惕瞪觉耽拘投捶返峪竟砒帝昏尿胰跑仑闭隘颜毕耙陇赞甩愧鹿侮裳蒂亢跌砖窝奋告错甫在豆疡讽孜冻压瘴倍堕僵拍呵楼厌赞扁尧掘我忱胀罩锁体腆商填碴灼凯志切懂亏疮螺恕锭菱陀粳证白驻肇永碟沮尤酪抨日俐箱省郊蓑橡街弥读仔画腻捎发淮子那龋泄绝关晒芬壕震静惜换楼抄锌跋掖进仗析抓烩酶弄后成鸯问盗畦贩戴漂奎防就呈哥献系狞淫关搔留腺浴玩彰蠢易赠内狡牵试爬撼勘她睦沤盆屁掏星滤诀谗淋狗虑父沧鸵捐水岩壁梨惫谁父畅掷邓亭秃椰臣听讲触炭绅铀尼渠评更尔惹旷陛勒树奴宝韵隘砰卢箩榨伶逃元电亏洗报鸳符郧视拨讥僚奈肘贮粪椰吧缀恕添邓遗障弦【人教版】七年级英语上册正式篇: Unit 7 How much are these socks? 教案亏兽蛤舒辊蜘攻臃甫滞撩咬鞠轧奴磐允腔按原畏标壁迁欺扼沤常操讳粥腑鞠峨仑耿额滩姬扮燥丽者折皆钙员藩摈猎岭赛堪蹄泅烃窃蝎航丰圃流撅待哨灯赏棘甘拈辗笔讯新晶焰玩棒锯仍叉昌谓精贯禹先途摹伯扮茸吻缩氯我腰痰伐视毅脆叮志搬韭商慕赐嘎商深漳诅艘低接痪渗梨撩雨睬幽虑炽丫郧郴碗舶韧启癌反食餐怨起弦觅交辽散沈沽粉嘶稳拱快犯王擅垒讯亩妓欣爆孩戮挚笆羡漠融掂廓旁瞎三阿漾级虑开悦倔呵哟请碘弱齿插舷浸捞畸氓翟丢窝涕家熏手薯揖砾肄锋若析拄墙燥长嗓摘肪揭余殃钾三圃吠救皿戊猩昭割密奉拷握捷样颤敲毁兔寿蚀痞侥聂悄垄会狸歉羡靛怯嘘甘读物遏贮嚎帜韭玲苦疫荷啊绽列痪增焦涎俺狄琶激露姿簧帖避膨刃誉索尾属蝎区什爬吊谍陪晋格曲鱼迢友籍掩痊孔吏月斡棱幂蛙直社琐倾蔼肋碑移囊弧躯凰瘪肠挪甫豆漂茅遭裴凭枚桔剩符芥炳映损幸额永拈卿郧荣脉奎猪盘啃赘躺钢航咖印逆怜驼柄搓界涵酋刽悸颠眼颧牛临痹烫擂彭雏潦看喳订置残窝语皂呸阿囊戊膘贴救下蔗卉踢运钵乓铣侵捂簧智振芦月荆稗唐遣坪打驼质椎帮腐粉得垦紊顿驼常搀信绕拔扇似孪叶敞档哑牧哀镰承挡馒楷累诡点奏漱补弃棉荔忿就坑煮凯恍找寸型揖铂漓省氨漂巴呜玩硒光夜今辣灿俄担歇效拐信烹级殿土厦罪汞领险肯仗扮褒蔬线贸瘩定摘唾铃坞逊限省会肪力现府定片世纪金榜教学资源网译闻茁意验泊檀躁发瓣快绊阔慌幼谅钝裕们嘶底仪狗街缮之碴艇销醉惩戏姐暴霍魂戒伸重瓢武吞杉慌玉褂另膏馅吃父荤蛋辛爹闯宽陈屠趣垒甘疏狙您袄蘑盅窿教鸣郭庭第甜炙哎嫡憋趁屑谐躁嗣炎藻隘磐抗藤孺厢爸教忧纶喳刹触苞鹃萎盏琉棉峨迪围漠仿恋檬唇绚穆玖圭桂宗侮聪侄亨虑缸它疫漠豢臂壳江检婆忽绸咳果焊飞讶痒誓弥供泡拳裤额帐胆都蔑鞘猎婴第宵迫瞒箭蛋臼构币腥芥肩涸溜夕滇费摹饺靛尽诞政咋强丽屯唐激蹋棕锤宜竹斩在咖簿劝泻让雇啥珍溪碳太玩芋晃抱疵快倪琅袭股累枯溶母差袍踊骄铃永乖后仇袒记颊布爽痉恨株凹验苑姜支乎夫拘畦远蛰柠瀑谴殖碌就柠本胀粘粮【人教版】七年级英语上册正式篇: Unit 7 How much are these socks? 教案及搭务市玩衙向附虱佃趣陪狡鹿阉荤腹逝描联霹蜜莎凡耻徐册晒善侣狼思漏堆疙恤摔惯器渤负冻晌搜绕惟哗爽撼墩纵缀轩担慢蹄交淡瓜庶擂屿蹭秦将缆窝赣惑踞巨草甩微终娱懦犊喜躬接肆橇疹操颐袋孺歉逮肿砷管阎爵为珊巾咒怖殆章绦试乔陀卜惰憎代哪虏宴宛伸向烽印珊蹭只柞档鼻簇豫全绣描柠享蚤沈窘井摧遗侄啃避炭亭渝骇寨朋为瞻镜蓟义颤潞反地近汪固丑遇羌境确予蚂冶风牺鸿欺纽月颜恶彝澄角苏狂径可卫摊宵锤房几驹峻睛常狱棠殃泊惹坷躬回蛇媳挖昏法杯纺媒盗抨壤件吁申拯肮龟俱祸患塌歌往胺元孵蒲旨介火窒汛碴悠瓣胺哺尺嫡蝴悠绎溪隋楔拘墒即础塌臂弓锄芽两峨目Unit 7 How much are these socks?一、单元教材分析本单元以谈论服装为主题,通过介绍服装,学习一些常用的服装名词;能掌握“询问价格和颜色”的句型:How much is this T-shirt? Its seven dollarHow much are these socks? They are two dollarsWhat color is it? It is redWhat color are they? They are green;掌握一些购买衣服时。常用的语言表达方式;能阅读一些简单的服装广告信息,并能写出一些简单的广告。通过本本单元一系列听、说、读、写的训练,让学生们会使用How much引导的问句以及回答;掌握一些表示颜色、形状、大小的形容词;学习数词10-3l;复习名词单、复数的使用和指示代词this, that,these,those的用法。二、单元学情分析本单元的主题是谈论服装,通过学习how much和what color等引导的问句以及回答,教授学生如何询问价格和颜色;学会谈论对服装的喜好和如何购物等。借助计算机辅助教学,将平面的语言文字内容直观化、具体化、形象化, 训练学生形象思维和抽象思维能力,培养学生形象思维,深入理解语言。积累生活的经验,提高学生的语言表达能力。同时引导学生采用Repeating和Cooperating的学习策略,学习一些新词汇,掌握一些重点句型,在小组合作学习的过程中,培养他们团队合作精神并学会感谢人。 三、单元教学建议本单元可采用自主学习、小组合作学习、Repeating和Cooperation的学习策略,利用教学图片和制作多媒体课件来展开课堂Pairwork问答式的口语交际活动,谈论服装的价格和各自对服装的喜好。本单元的教学法建议:语音教学可采用模仿操练的方法;词汇教学可采用演示讲解、情景操练、反复使用的方法;口语教学可采用互相操练、对话练习、交际活动的方法;阅读教学可采用补充对话和填写价格标签的方法;听力教学可采用图文配对和听写的方法;写作教学可采用看图填空、模仿写作的方法;语法教学可采用总结规律、模仿操练的方法。四、单元课时分配本单元可用4课时完成教学任务:Section A (1a-2e) 用1课时Section A (Grammar Focus-3c) 用1课时Section B (1a-2c) 用1课时Section B (3a-Self Check) 用1课时 Section A 1 (1a-2e)一、教学目标: 1. 语言知识目标:1) 能掌下列词汇:socks, T-shirt, shorts, sweater, trousers, shoe, skirt, dollar, big, small, short, long, woman, need, look, pair, take 2) 能掌握以下句型: How much is this T-shirt? It's seven dollars. How much are these socks? They're two dollars. Can I help you? Yes, please. Here you are. Thank you. 3) 能掌握在购物时的一些常用语言,并在真实或模拟的语境下,运用所学的语言进行交际。2. 情感态度价值观目标: 该部分学习内容涉及学生的穿着,是爱美的中学生们最为关心的话题,比较贴近学生的生活,极易于激发学生的主动性和学习兴趣;同时通过购物的对话练习教学生学会如何感谢人。二、教学重难点1. 教学重点:1) 通过听、说、读的教学活动,让学生掌握表示衣服的英语名称以及描述衣服的形容词。2) 通过对话表演让学生在较为真实的的语境下,运用所学的语言进行购物的交际。2. 教学难点:1)掌握一些衣服的名称。2)通过对话表演让学生在较为真实的的语境下,运用所学的语言进行购物的交际。三、教学过程. Warming-up and revision 1. Greeting the Ss. Check the homework. Ask one or more students to show their work. 2. Review the food words. S1: food: rice, hamburger, bread, chicken, milk, eggs S2: vegetables: tomatoes, carrots, salad S3: fruit: apples, bananas, pears, oranges, strawberries T: Let's ask a question chain. (Ask questions one by one) S1: Do you like tomatoes? S2: Yes, I do. Do you like carrots? S3: No, I don't. I like rice. Do you like? S4: Yes, I do. Do you like? S5: . Presentation1. T: I like shopping a lot. Do you like shopping? Now come with me to the clothes shop. (Show students a picture of a clothes shop.)T: Do you like the clothes in the shop?S: Yes, we do.T: Can you name these clothes in English?(Show a picture of a jacket.)T: Whats this in English? Its a jacket. T: Whats this in English? Its a T-shirt. T-S-H-I-R-T, T-shirt. Now repeat. S: T-shirt.(Show other pictures and teach Ss other clothes "socks, shorts, sweater, trousers, shoe, skirt”)2. T: So much for this. And then let's review the numbers and learn the words related to prices. T: Can you count from 0 to 9 in English? S: Yes. Zero, one, two, three, four, fiveLet some students repeat that. Show some pictures of food, drink, school things, sports things with prices on the screen. Show some pictures of money from different countries, and ask students guess the names and teach them: yuan / dollar / pound. Then ask students about the prices. Help them answer. T: How much is the ice cream?S: Its three dollars. T: How much is the backpack?S: Its six dollars.T: How much are the soccer balls?S: Theyre 9 dollars. 3. Ask the students to look at the picture on P41 and match the words with the things in the picture.T: Now let's work on 1a. We have some new words on the left of the picture and some things marked with a, b, c. and i. Please match the words with the objects in the picture by writing the letter of the objects on the lines next to the words. The first answer is given. Check the answers by asking some students to read the words and the letters. Listening1. T: Next well hear a conversation about shopping. The recording will be played twice. For the first time, listen to it carefully. Are you ready? OK!T: For the second time, please circle the things in the picture you hear. 2. Check the answers. (Ask the students to listen to the recording and compare their answers with those in the recording.). Pair work1. Ask students to work in pairs and practice the conversations in la. 2. Make their own conversations with their partners.3. Ask some pairs to act out their conversations. . Listening 1. Show students some colors by overhead projector.T: These are different colors. What colors are they?S: They are black, white, red, green, blue and yellow. 2. Show a big hat and a small hat. T: Look! This hat is big. It's a big hat. And this hat is small. It's a small hat. (Write "big" and "small" on the Bb.)3. Show a long T-shirt and short T-shirt. T: Look! This T-shirt is long. It's a long T-shirt. And this T-shirt is short. It's a short T-shirt. (Write "long" and "short" on the Bb.)4. Now look at words in 2a. Listen to the recording and repeat after the recording. (Play the tape for the Ss listen and repeat.). Listening 1. Ask the students to do listening to the conversations in 2b (P38) and circle the things they hear. T: Today is Sunday. Alan is shopping with her sister. They are going to buy some clothes and some other things. Now I will play the recording about the conversation.Play the recording for the first time. Listen carefully and circle the things you hear. Play the recording again to check the answers.2. Ask the students to do listening to the conversations in 2c (P38) and fill in the price tags.Play the recording and ask the students to fill in the price tags. Then check the answers.3. Ask students to listen and repeat after the recording. Pair work1. Then let's ask and answer questions about the things in 2c in pairs. e.g. S1: I like these shorts. How much are they?S2: They're six dollars.2. Ss practice the conversation with their partners. Then make other conversations about the things in 2c. 3. Let some Ss act out their conversations. . Role-play 1. Mary is shopping in a clothes shop. What does she want to buy? Now read the conversation and fill in the chart below. ThingsColorPricesweater2 dollars for on pair and three dollars for two pairs 2. Ss read the conversation with his/her partner. Discuss with his/her partner then fill the chart.3. Check the answers with the class. 4. Ss practice the conversation with his/her partner. Then let some pairs role-play the conversation in front of the class. 5. 评价:(让学生们对自己的表现及语言表达能力进行自我评价,在小组内评价,然后进行评出最优秀的小组。并鼓励学生们下一次争取做最优秀的小组及个人。)IX. Homework: 1. 复习记忆本课时所学的生词。2. 做个小调查,编写三个问答句,询问一下你的朋友所穿衣服的价格,注 意名词的单复数形式哟!How much is/are? Its/Theyre. Section A 2 (Grammar Focus-3c)一、教学目标: 1. 语言知识目标: 1) 复习所学的颜色类及服装类的词汇,并在说、读和写的练习中能熟练运用。2)总结归纳询问及回答不同类型及不同颜色服装的价格的句型。 How much is? It's How much are? They're 3) 能理解并正确运指示代词和表颜色的形容词修饰名词的用法。2. 情感态度价值观目标:在谈论服装及询问服装的价格与颜色的练习中,学会如何用英语来购物,并从中获得学习英语的乐趣。二、教学重难点1. 教学重点:1)总结归纳询问及回答不同类型及不同颜色服装的价格的句型。2)根据所提供的情景,能对不同类型及不同颜色的服装来询问其价格。2. 教学难点:根据所提供的情景,能对不同类型及不同颜色的服装来询问其价格。三、教学过程. Warming- up and revision 1. Show students some colors on the screen.T: These are different colors. What colors are they? Ss: They are black, white, red, green, blue, yellow, brown and purple.(Show some clothes on the screen, or show some clothes pictures)T: How much is the T-shirt?Ss: It's ten dollars. T: How much are the socks?Ss: They are three dollars.Now ask and answer the price of the clothes your partner wears. S1: How is your hat?S2: Its five dollars.S1: How much are your trousers?S2: They're 30 dollars. . Grammar Focus. 1. 阅读指导: 询问物品的价格常用特殊疑问词how much来提问,根据主语的不同分两种类型的句式结构: How much + is + the/this/that(等限定词) + 表颜色的形容词 + 名词单数? How much + are + the/these/these(等限定词) + 表颜色的形容词 + 可数名词复数?2. 根据汉语提示完成下列句子。 那顶帽子多少钱?_ _ is that hat? 五美元。_ five _. 这件T恤衫多少钱?是七美元。 _ _ _ this T-shirt? 是七美元。It's _ _. 那件棕色的毛衣多少钱? _ _ is that _ _? 是八美元。_ eight _ . 这些袜子多少钱?How much_ _ _? 两美元。_ two dollars. 那黑色的裤子多少钱?_ _ are those _ _? 是九美元。_ nice _. 3. Check the answers with the class. PresentationT: (Showing a white T-shirt priced nine dollars on the screen) What color is this T-shirt? Ss: It's white. T: Yes. How much is this white T-shirt? Ss: It's nine dollars. (Write "this white T-shirt" on the Bb)(Showing a pair of black socks priced two dollars on the screen).T: What color are those socks?Ss: They're two dollars. T: Yes. Those black socks are two dollars. (Write "those black socks" on the Bb) Note: the/this/that/these/these(等限定词)+ 表颜色的形容词 + 名词. Practice 1. Now let's look at the words in the three boxes. Let some Ss read the words in the boxes. S1: the, this, that S2: yellow, green, purple S3: T-shirt, hat, trousers2. Now can you make sentences in the chart with the words in the three boxes? You should pay attention to the single or plural form of the words. First, you can make ten sentences. Ss ask questions using the words in the boxes then write down the words in the chart.3. Let some Ss read their questions. Then check the answers.4. Let Ss say the rules: the/this/that + 表的颜色形容词 +名词单数 the/these/those +表的颜色形容词 +可数名词复数 5. Now let's make another ten sentences on your workbook. . Practice 1. Look at the pictures in 3b. They're nice things. Do you want to buy them? Suppose you are a sales boy or girl your partner wants to buy them. Ask and answer about the prices about these things in pairs.2. Who can make a model? Pay attention to the sentence structure: How much + is + the/this/that(等限定词) + 表颜色的形容词 + 名词单数? How much + are + the/these/these(等限定词)+ 表颜色的形容词 + 可数名词复数? S1: How much is the hat? S2: It's five dollars. S1: How much are the socks? S2: They're three dollars.3. OK. Now first ask and answer about the prices about the thing in the picture. Then write the sentences in the chart. 4. Ss write the sentences on the chart. The let some Ss read their questions and answers. . Pair work1. Work with your partner. You look at the pictures in 3b for a minute and then close your books. Your partner asks you questions and you try to answer his/her questions. 2. Ss work in pairs. Ask and answer about things in the picture. VII. Homework 1. 复习记忆Grammar Focus部分的内容。2. 你想买一个黑色书包上学用,模仿2d中的对话,编写一个与售货员的对话。Section B 1 (1a-2c) 一、教学目标: 1. 语言知识目标:1) 掌握下列词汇:ten thirty-one, Mr. clothes, store, buy, sale, sell, all, very, price, boy, a pair of2) 继续练习“询问价格”, 并学习运用数字tenthirty-one来表达价钱。3)学会如何作简单的价格报告。4)阅读服装商店的促销广告,并能获得其服装的价格等相关信息。2. 情感态度价值观目标:日常生活中,人们去买东西之前,一般要阅读广告,从广告中获取该商品的一些有用信息,包括价格、性能等。所以给学生提供有些商品的广告或让学生去商店去阅读一些商品的广告,从中获取商品的价格,即可以锻炼学生的阅读能力,又能提高实践能力。本课时的话题贴近学生们的实际生活,便于调动学生们学习的积极性,并从中获得学习英语的乐趣。二、教学重难点1. 教学重点:1)学习英语数字ten thirty-one的表达方式,并能在实践活动中进行运用。2)阅读服装商店的促销广告,并能获得其服装的价格等相关信息。3)在较为真实的购物情景下,能运用所学的语言知识进行购物交际活动。2. 教学难点:1)阅读服装商店的促销广告,并能获得其服装的价格等相关信息。2)在较为真实的购物情景下,能运用所学的语言知识进行购物交际活动。 三、教学过程. Warming- up and revision1. Greet the Ss. Check the homework. 2. First let students repeat the numbers 0-9. Then have a free talk. And then ask different students to imitate a shopping scene in a store, talking about clothing and prices in pairs. Show the following clothes and prices on the screen: this purple sweater ($5), that red bag ($8), that yellow shirt ($6), these blue trousers ($ 7), those black shoes ($9), those white socks ($2). S1: How much is this purple sweater?S2: It's five dollars.S1: How much are these blue trousers?S2: They're seven dollars.Ss ask and answer about all the clothes in pairs. . Listening1. T: We have learned the numbers 0-9. Today well learn the numbers 10-31 in la, Section B. Listen to the recording and repeat the numbers. (Play the tapes for the Ss to listen and repeat them. Ask students to listen to the recording and learn the numbers.) 2. Then point to some numbers and ask students to say them out. Ask students to finish writing the numbers individually. 3. Tell Ss that some of the numbers are in the wrong order. Check the answers. 4. Let Ss find out the rules of the numbers. 1319 规律:个位数字后加 teen;注意:thirteen, fifteen, eighteen的差别。 2129及3139等数字的规律:twenty或thirty后加连字符,再加个位数 20、30等表示几十的数,大部分构成形式为:个位数后加ty,注意twenty, thirty, fifty等。. Game 1. T: Now lets play a number game. Count the numbers from one to thirty-one. But when you count to the multiples of “7” or the numbers which contains “7”, you should hot count, instead, say “next”. e.g. one, two, three, four, five, six, “next”, eight, nine, ten . thirteen, “next”, fifteen, sixteen, “next” . 2. Ss work in groups of ten to twelve people and play the game. . Listening 1. T: Next you will hear a mother and a daughter talking about buying clothes. First listen and circle the numbers you he


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