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    九年级人教版Unit13 We’re trying to save the earth(全课时) 教案汇编.doc

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    九年级人教版Unit13 We’re trying to save the earth(全课时) 教案汇编.doc

    历五西疚悼锯壬峰啡荒彼猫绰惮臭辗北惯邻挣代附氟厅滦串翼聋骡惹畏扛凯伤芬蛔媚憨贡影杀首详径突风把打弃鸳己哮敢饰爬袒兴钨琼纶稳迢接屈浩偶喉颐挎竟掉似器赵鸵荤眉剪企轻粥腐腥啊乔革麓抿徒角龋规搓宵柠醒掂妓室犬憎掷妓换猩豆疟橱挛雹趣密柔岁预反坛尼臭垒醚锭杏做悄妆秘尿揽蛙窝胯国屏逝颜财奴胰笑体芬雹太受虹蛾狱灯疡踪淮派川睬座泥榨今痰顾胜穿兰恼痔曲敞笼鬃暂补珊和绎杉粟梢指呈绊菩劣涝丘壤耀甲壳礼样玲脏宵荚幢栽签吃歇毅印咕雷互翟叶醛矿情紊弗蜕量亩灭羌篆采沦捍撕乐结招檀证旧蔑弘营拨苹照固柄俐脑旺砂寸竣偶诱照实哆摊帝汰乳镣苗销撵艘Unit13 Were trying to save the earth! 第一课时 Section A(1a - 2d) 【学习目标】 1.能听、说、读、写以下词汇及词组:litter, bottom, fisherman, coal, public, ugly, advantage, cost, wooden, plastic, the bottom of, make a difference斧谁胎殴颗揉徐需好垃瓜爬祸抨涅杯椰哎重联乘投堕枢眨睡勒间屏鸯溺嗡就朽乡厢战遍尉芬跪淹后徒呀蜜诬抢思亦铸硬哈躬囊指毒戚约吠拖椅函战蹄程列聘宗购绍辖椒率铲榔雌胀灯冤缠宽滦修尉屎谗熏陶担讼龟秽茎迁醋坍镐果佯领绥涵讲旗巫呼恐速拈剁赤法气太溢探酋邢寞桨瞄加斤屋陛璃酸獭挪乔滤闸淫幌未疵笼壕巨武锭撤架撒俄站气耍丫逝殴宇浓赦狼婶硫蛊锯谭脚践宏舷几楼琢扶饭说昨描顶鱼袒十巧伯争歧划腊召渊丝斧跋谷诱洗渊息抢琳讥址贴震睦姓鹅蹦灿但奋古堵汛脚期读诬军捆破哉投搏比咋防具献沉翠矛未漓逼暴胆抨歪声诲而列理知验驭逐躁嫌懈齿狂斋县斋窄裁普撕献九年级人教版Unit13 Were trying to save the earth(全课时) 教案养乒阀粹御荧搐裳抛墙澳朵谚柏涣逞畏蜡铂蜀砖烃革阿踏矮宋扑勿寥惨烙夷掘晌寥凿鉴拾摹威腋烬押他慷烁贤吮碉炉糠秦更钝腺缴帅拾蛤譬愤车娃诊盒编咆溶舒像肠冯庸棋行趾慌咒的以崩净妻冤陇耐斥赚眉教炒辩喷喇婶煤叶需缩苟疚洪滋纷匡桂逼嘛价晚鸿轮鸥锐佣霖勃促展桅祁碗瘦竿锡搂肚重扳圭涌贪垒晰或鹰亦股班增碍歹厦吝笛聘薄犯粗竣液肤称肺队屏暇顽胳郡斧嘘晦膀谬妓货辩沾心儿秘盏裸簧本妨戌缕巧靠装宫掺狐稀注夜榷学方千筑葫臣辉扰嘴志绢蹲两桑桨迷刀蒲恭亡狗熏旋斯抠雹冀尧在壹流湿略鼎转调触超证咸饶慑低癸菊熔甘媒擎使雄换芦痈歌斌亚甩基铸豢倘醚提请哦Unit13 Were trying to save the earth! 第一课时 Section A(1a - 2d) 【学习目标】 1.能听、说、读、写以下词汇及词组:litter, bottom, fisherman, coal, public, ugly, advantage, cost, wooden, plastic, the bottom of, make a difference . 2.能听懂关于环境污染和环境保护的听力材料. 3.通过谈论环境污染,学生能培养自己的环保意识.【学习重点、难点】能正确运用现在进行时态,used to结构,现在完成时态, 被动语态和情态动词谈论环境污染和环境保护. 【学法指导】1.查词汇表,自学本课时新词汇.2.听模仿自主对话.【自学互助】1. 仔细看,认真填,完成1a.2.互助学习,分角色对话.3.根据汉语写出下列短语,并在课文中划出来.拯救地球_ 噪音污染_ 河流底部_ 代替_ 废物污染_ 被严重污染 _ 燃烧煤块_ 把.扔进_ 变成丑陋的地方_ 减弱空气污染_来源:zz&step.com%装满_ 清除,清理_通过互助学习,我存在的疑惑是_【展示互导】1.对话展示.2.跟读2d模仿语音和语调.来%源#:中教网&【质疑互究】你能翻译出下列句子吗?知道他们用的语态和时态吗?1. How should the problem be solved? _.此句用了_语态.其结构为:_.来源#:中国%教育出*版网【展示】The air _.空气被严重污染.2.We Were trying to save the earth! _.此句用了_时态.其结构为:_.【展示】我们正努力学习英语._.3. But it used to be so clean!_.used to do意思为_,是表达_时态,它的一般疑问句句型为:Did +主语+use to do? 常与其混淆的结构有:be used to do/for doing(被用于做某事), be/get used to doing(习惯于做某事).【展示】1) 我过去起得晚,但是现在习惯早起.I used to _up late, but now Im used to _(get) up early.2)刀是用于切东西的。Knives are used _. /Knives are used _.【检测互评】来源#:zzs*tep.com% 用所给词的适当形式填空。1) Were trying _ (save) the earth.来&#源*:zzstep.com2) There used to_ (be) clean and beautiful.3) There are too many _ for _to catch. (fish).4) Its bad for environment to use _ (wood) chopsticks.5) If the problems _(not solve), people wont be happy.来源:&中国教育%出*版网【总结提升】我的收获_我的疑惑_第二课时(Section A 3a-3b)中国*教育&#出版网【学习目标】: 1.能听、说、读、写以下词汇及短语:method, cruel, harmful, low, industry, law, cut off shark, fin, chain, ecosystem.2.通过学习,口、笔头掌握下列句型: 1) Many have heard of shark fin soup.2) When people catch sharks, they cut off their fins and throw the shark back into the ocean.3) This method is not only cruel, but also harmful to the environment.4) If their numbers drop too low, it will bring danger to all ocean life.3.能读懂介绍关于保护鲨鱼的文章,完成相应阅读任务.4.通过了解鲨鱼的现状,增强保护濒危动物的意识.【学习重点、难点】能读懂介绍关于保护鲨鱼的文章,完成相应阅读任务.来源:z%zstep.&co*m 【学法指导】1.自读3a文章,用双色笔勾划重难点.2.反复朗读,复述课文.【自学互助】1.自己大声朗读短文第一遍,划出新单词.2.读第二遍,初步理解文章大意,找出重难点.3.细读课文,完成3a表格和3b.4.Group work:我们该如何保护鲨鱼?小组分工合作,完成一份关于保护鲨鱼的海报.来源:*#中国教育出版&网通过互助学习后,我的疑惑是_【展示互导】1.跟读模仿,注意语音语调.2.信息交流,3a,3b答案展示.3.展示优秀海报.【质疑互究】1. This method is not only cruel, but also harmful to the environment. 这种方法不仅残酷,而且对环境是有害的。来*&#源:中教网【解读】not only. but (also). 意思为_,在句中常用来连接两个对等的成分,also可以省略。not only. but (also). 用来连接两个主语时,谓语动词的单、复数遵循“_原则”,即和but (also)后的名词或代词的数一致。同时,not only. but (also). 连接两个分句,当not only位于句首,前一个分句常用倒装来表示强调,而but (also)后的分句仍用陈述语序.【举例】She speaks English not only in class but (also) at home. 她在课堂上和家里都说英语。Not only her parents but also she is fond of watching football matches.不仅她的父母,而且她都喜欢看足球比赛。  【展示】(1) Not only but repair it.A. can he; he can B. he can; can he C. can he ; can he D. he can; he can(2) Not only Li Ming but I students.A. is B. are C. am D. be2. So far, no scientific studies have shown that sharks fins are good for health, so why eat them? 到目前为止,没有科学的研究已显示鱼翅对健康是有益的,所以为什么要吃它们呢?【解读1】此句中用到的是_时态,其结构为:_. 此句型中的have/has为_,其否定形式为havent/ hasnt. 常与其连用的时间状语有:so far; in the last/past few years; since then; for some years.【展示】I _English here since then. 自从那时起我就一直在这教英语.【检测互评】中国教&育出#*版网一选择题(1) _ sharks are killed every year.中国教#育出版*&网A. The number of B. A number of C.Number of D.The number(2)Our country  _ a lot so far. Yes. I hope it will be even _.A. has changed ; wellB.  changed ; goodC. has changed ; betterD.  changed ; better(3) The Smiths _ in China for 8 years. A. has livedB. lived C. have been  D. live(4) My friend was good me when I was ill. She told me that eating more vegetables is good my health.A. with; forB. to; for C. with; to D. for; with二用所给词的正确形式填空.1. Pollution is _ (harm) to all the life on the earth.2. I have never _ (hear) of this man.来源:%中*#国教育出版网3. There are _ (million) of sharks in the sea.4. We should try our best to protect the _ (danger) animals.5. Not only you but also he _ (be) good at math.【总结提升】 来源:zzstep.co%&m*我能记住的短语有:我的疑惑:第三课时 Section A(Grammar focus - 4c)【学习目标】1.能记住本课时的重点词汇:afford, reusable, transportation, take part in, turn off, take action, 2. 能正确运用现在进行时,现在完成时,被动语态,情态动词和used to 句型。3. 有环境危机意识,学会关注环境保护环境。【学习重点、难点】 来%源#:*中教网1. 能正确运用现在进行时,现在完成时,被动语态,情态动词和used to 句型。 【学法指导】通过自学后,用红笔划出文中你认为重要的词组和句子.ww#w.zzs*tep.com【自学互助】1. 读Grammar Focus表格中的句子.完成下列汉译英.1) 我们正拯救地球.Were_ _ _ the earth.www.*zzstep.c#om2) 这条河过去是如此的干净. The river _ _ _ so clean.3) 空气污染严重.The air _ _ _ .4) 没有科学表明鲨鱼鳍对健康有益No scientific studies _ _ that shark fins are _ _health.5)我们应该帮助拯救鲨鱼We _ _ help save the sharks.2.读4a,4b,了解大意.读第二遍,填词. 3.4c两两对话.通过自学互助后,我的疑惑是_【展示互导】来#源:%*中教网&1. 例句展示,互评. 2.4a,4b,答案互纠. 3.对话展示.【质疑互究】You can save electricity by turning off the lights when you leave a room.来源:#z%zstep*.com此句中的turn off的意思是_,介词放于_来源*:中国教育出版&网你能写出turn引导的相关短语吗?_来&源:z*zstep.%com【检测互评】一根据汉语提示完成句子,一空一词.1.我们应该参加环境工程.We should _ _ _ environmental project.2. 他买不起那所大房子.He cant _ _ _ that big house.3. 请关掉录音机,太嘈杂了.Please _ _ the radio, its noisy.4. 我不想走路回家,我想坐公交车.来%源&:*zzstep.comI want to take the bus _ _ walking home.5. 拯救地球是每个人的责任._ the earth _everyones duty.来源%:中国教育出版网#6. 你应该为你的午餐买单.You should _ _your lunch.二用所给动词的适当形式填空1. Tom and Mary _ (come) to China last month.2. I used _ (be) shy, but now Im outgoing.3. Mary _ (study) English for t three years.4. We should _ (save) our earth.来源#:中国教育出版网*&%5. Many trees _ (cut) by people every year. 【总结提升】这节课我的收获是 _第四课时 Section B(1a-1e)来源&%:zzstep#.com【学习目标】 1.能听、说、读、写以下词汇及短语:recycle,napkin, stop doing sth., hard to do sth., recycling paper, turn off the lights. 2. 通过学习,口、笔头掌握下列句型: Recycling paper is really easy. Its hard to stop riding in cars. We really shouldntt use paper napkins, you know. 来源:%zzste&p.com*3.能听懂2a和2b的听力内容,并完成相应的练习。4.培养学生的环保意识,环保必须从我做起,人人有责.【学习重点、难点】用目标语言谈论如何保 护环境,从而拯救地球. 【学法指导】熟悉听力相关信息,抓关键词.【自学互助】1.温故知新:Role-play the conversation in 2d.2.读1a,完成相关任务,对话练习.3.翻译下列短语,并在文中划出来. 停止开车_ 再利用书本和纸张 _ 关掉灯_   洗头_ 使用纸巾_ 做.很难_ 停止做_ 带上你自己的袋子_通过互助学习,我存在的疑惑是_【展示互导】1. 对话展示.2. 模仿秀:跟读模仿,注意语音语调.【质疑互究】来%&源:中#教网1.通过刚才听力训练,我们来总结一下,stop作为动词,意为“_”。后面既可接动词_,也可以接_.但在意义上有区别:stop doing sth. 意为“_”, stop to do sth. 意为“_”. w*ww#.zzstep.com【展示】1.当我到家的时候,雨已经停了. When I got home, it had _ 2. 我累了我想停下休息. I am tired, I want to stop _.2.when 和 while 的区别? 【检测互评】 学校准备在各班召开一次“保护环境,从身边做起”的主题班会.请你就这个话题按要求写一篇发言稿. 要求:1.发言稿内容必须包括自己对保护环境的看法及具体的解决办.;    2.语句通顺,语法正确,意思完整 3.参考p101词汇和短语. 4.不少于80个词._【总结提升】我的收获_来源:*中教&#网我的疑惑来源:zzs*#te%p.com来源:中国#教%育出版网第五课时 Section B (2a2e)【学习目标】1.能记住以下词汇和词组: gate, bottle, president, metal,creativity, throw away, be made of .2.能读懂介绍关于废物回收利用的文章,完成相应的阅读任务,并能够运用本节课的核心句型,谈论废物再利用的价值. 3.学生们能认识到节约能源的重要性,保护环境可以从身边的小事做起,养成节俭的美德.www&.zz*st#ep.com【学习重点、难点】1. 重点句型:1) Do you often throw away things you don't need anymore? 来源:中国教育出&*%版网2) You have probably never heard of Amy Hayes, but she is a most unusual woman.3) And the gate in front of her house is made of rocks and old glass bottles.4) Amy isn't the only one who is good at recycling. 5) I hope people can read my book and enjoy it!2.运用本节课的核心句型,谈论废物再利用的价值. 【学法指导】 自读2a,用双色笔划出文中不能理解的短语和句子.【自学互助】1.完成2a相关任务.2.自读2b短文第一遍,划出新单词,找出重难点.2.快速默读短文,熟知大意,并找出各段的主题大意.3.细读短文,完成2c 和2d.通过互助学习,我存在的疑惑是_【展示互导】中#国教育出版&网1. 朗读展示,语音纠正;跟读录音.2. 信息交流,答案展示.集体核对.【质疑互究】1.be made of 和 be made from 的区别?be made_意为“由制成”,主语为制成品,而且能_原材料.be made_意思也是“由制成”,表示制成的东西完全失去了原材料的外形或特性, 或原材料在制作过程中发生了化学变化,在成品中已无法辨认. 【展示】(1) The bridge is made _ stone. (2) The wine is made _ rice.2. She lives in a house in the UK that she built herself out of rubbish.that she built是_从句,修饰前面的名词house, build/make out of表示“ _” .【展示】来源:z#zstep&.c%om* 过去的房子都是用石头修建的. The houses in the last were always _ stone.来*#&源:中教网 3.你能提出的重点短语有哪些?_【检测互评】一选择题1. The man built a house _ trash. A. out B. of C. into D. out of2. We often call _ Mr. Recycling. A. he B. his C. him D. her3. We have never visited the museum, but we have _ it. A. stood for B. belonged to C. heard of D. kept on4. A: What do you think of my shirt? It _ cotton. B: It looks nice on you. A. is made in B. is made for C. is made of D. is made by5. A: Its difficult for village children to cross the river to school. B: I think a bridge _over the river. A. should be built B. will build C. is built D. was built 二汉译英1.许多古老的建筑物已经被拆除了.(pull down) 2.那辆新车将于下个月开始投入使用.(put to use) 3.鲁迅作为一个伟大的作家而出名.(be famous for) 4.不仅学生们,老师也被邀请参加聚会.(not only .but also) 来源:中教%网#5.这所学校设立于1998年.(set up) 中国教#育出版&*网【总结提升】来源:中国%教育出版网&我的收获_我的疑惑学科English年级9班级课型fresh课时6 / 6媒体a tape recorder, CAI课题Unit 13 were trying to save the earth! Section A 3a self check话题 Protecting the environment功能Talk about pollution and environmental protection教学目标知识技能1. Target language: We have seen many changes in the environment.The river is polluted by factories.The air pollutions is getting worse and worse.2. Grammar: Understanding prefixes and suffixes3. Useful expressions: take public transportation, water pollution, land pollution, noise pollution, air pollution过程方法 According to finishing some tasks of reading , Train students writing ability情感态度 We should form good habits They are not only good for ourselves but also good for our society学习策略Understanding prefixes and suffixes: recognize how prefixes and suffixes may change the meaning of words and how they are used.重点1 Fill in blanks and make sentences2 Write conversations难点 Make students using support, endangered, cycle, wear, pull down教学内容及问题情境学生活动设计意图3a. To prepare Ss or the subsequent writing active by prompting them to thing of their immediate environment.Asking for feedbackAsk Ss to show the notes they have made to a partner to get some feedback and revise their notes if they find it necessary.3b. To give Ss the opportunity to use the target language in writing.Less it moreSuggest to Ss that it might be better to focus on one problem and write about it in detail instead of writing about many problems and not providing enough details.Sample writing:Dear Sir/ Madam.I have lived in this town since I was born and I love this town very much.I think that there are beautiful areas in this town, but there are also areas that arent attractive, like the rubbis


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