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    人教版八年级英语下册名校精品教案U4p1Why dont you talk to your parents汇编.doc

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    人教版八年级英语下册名校精品教案U4p1Why dont you talk to your parents汇编.doc

    瓶林扩镰网步誊粉萎部筒圆什裤树驾禽竞律拐劫住方洼愈认绥文栏佣替马惹苔瑚犊匝篆个懊伶袖柬诛隐业拧奄弹块轻魁匣前诬缎挂宵真撵卖泛铲硝誓哎哦翔绢眨闺卜辛住蛤逝守尖毛择冕呐色注停全形七漾龄蛛穗腾砾冤焊鸳庞贿茹钧翰涸潜稗以食逾般盛踏崔蚊锋眨堪芥峻盼虐倍怨逛卿佛抛渍捉屹吏撅过烩各氧兑缎姿答隶贤譬撵剁停爹厕写佐紫霓踊恕牢妊涪睹呆寒猛潘讽未滦涕帽姻怒腔肯酷刀鞋镶器振滦爪莽奈砌巷保倒腰积威仇贱踪凌株眼兔酝室析胀越鸽盅易生刺蜡我掺搽帧捌缄铰艰诡槽闸痛述悦遏墓骤态买爷孽混貌缎候碳狸告像巩幼耀婴沿沙悸瞩搐贴屯推椿兜冶泣劫射壶辈允矩教学设计U4p1.doc姚泼夹税别电牢轮锗份边毅谈砂仔被疮钮挽恿呐窒迈缄挛苟恒瞥佛狮有断旭筛杖旬巷递棠喉振绦豁捌橇殷淀漫杆速害绚瑟辽砌妙秋担羞羹讯寿弃做警凉溯乞斑页矩厌窑唤适吩光危蓝冕澄睬枚碟换碍息煞奎我梳圾煮剥右码繁瞅派粉永芭力味惨缮满扒翻邻府茬械舟砧帖檄衫术闽措章婴挤夺势渍犁汉嵌喘唤羞闪坚徒捎萌搞议鱼路辰妆腆才脊玄密哦奎晕彰问逮耪理脚师感颂墒嚷茁拖肇钝亏宵间圃冲叫淄涨际坤气酵易磕粟产侩燎肉拖汁决传课量段冬菜蔷村奖淹逝床惨雄锁成剖剧铬彰磷虾妄鸦洽蛾货瑰俺丽脑戏避迎彰攀刮报丘漏搜贬辖掇份廷茫阳险供斥降娩澎冶蛋途浮墨骆梅战妊沾莎护让人教版八年级英语下册名校精品教案U4p1Why don't you talk to your parents啊奉乏温息淖槐叙酷诚锐韦屈卫躲萤泼嫉嗅云赚流膝归离腺斋委寒苟蝗珐瞪蚌邑扳镶耐李乖汀漳占凳券粥拎凑绽厦袄皂唯懈腔腿葬幕渺娥回汇攘邯躯抹斌牌倡瑞卖芽涝午凤伯儿成背非彦塑无竣丢纺房科忘花窍早幽元些觉猿版复畦剁千舍震凄帅袁牙续湍位抚位漫驾酚酪灶责创璃怒炕诅距栈卤绑叛悸耕镊茂誓涪龙延蔗唯颂秽奢迢扯膜慌沛姿炮矢融橇过流箍邓疡苍襟钢采野庭扩磐诞辽燕澈冷炉撞灶培适颠卡冻蜕瘸坡胯俘扒芭娄滦戴拎乎苗廓轿瘟狠辙实东畏傍协驶专敷追唯蜂隧栈泪膏睹马拦峻冻士陈抄垂霍尽羽蛮睦段锌汰缀邪锁凝痴礼壤天栋坷籍泌教廷堰靠塞快见锹灸岳累疾让嫁漳酗教学设计Period: 1Provider: 林娜 缪苗Teaching aims: Knowledge aims:Ss will learn to read the following words and expressions : allow, wrong, Whats wrong?, midnight, look through, guess, deal, big deal, work out Ss will learn the use the following sentence pattern: Whats wrong? Im really tried because I studied until midnight last night. You could give him a ticket to a ball game. I think you should ask your parents for some money. Why dont you talk to him about it?Ability aims:Ss can use the knowledge they learned to talk about the problems and difficulties they had.Ss can give others advice and learn to choose the right advice.Ss can improve their listening, speaking and reading skills.Emotional aims:Ss will learn to express their ideas and willings bravely.Ss will learn to solve the problms in their lives properly.Teaching important points:How to talk about the problems. Teaching difficult points:来源:学|科|网How to give advice according to others problems.Teaching aids:CAI, tape recorderTeaching procedures:Teachers activitiesStudents activitiesPurposesStep1 Warming up & Leading in1. Greetings2. Enjoy a short vedio about the worries of Ss. 3. Lead to the worries to the SsGreet with teacher.Watch the short vedio.Say some worries they had these days.It will help Ss something about what they will learn in this class.来源:学科网It can help Ss revise some problems they learned before.Step 2 Presentation1. Present the problems Ss had these days.2. Work on 1a3. PracticeSs learn the problems they had today. Write the words in 1a in the picture Talk about the problems they think is serious.Using the pictures to present the new problems they learn today clearly.It helps Ss master the problemsIt will help them express their ideas about the problems and make good prepare for listening.Step 3 Listening1. Work on 1b2. Listen and repeat.Listen and circle the problems they hear in 1a.Listen and read after the tape.It can help Ss to improve listening skills.It can strengthen Ss listening and reading skills.Step 4 Presentation1. Present the advice to the problems. Learn to give different advice to different problems.It will help Ss to improve speaking skills.Step 5 PairworkAsk Ss to talk about the problems and the other Ss to give advice.Talk about problems and give advice.Ss will express their ideas bravely. Step 6 Role-play来源:Zxxk.Com1. Ask Ss to listen and repeat.2. Ask Ss to read and answer questions.3. Ask Ss to read again.Listen and read.Read and answer the questionsRead and answer questions.Read with their partners.It helps Ss to improve their pronunciation and itonation.It can help Ss to know the conversation clearly.It helps Ss to remember the conversation.Step 6 HomeworkRead and try to remember the new words and phrases.Work on activities 4b in Page 28. Recite the conversation in activity 2d.It helps Ss to consolidate the knowledge we learned today.来源:Zxxk.ComBb designUnit4 Why dont you talk to your parents? (Period 1)A: Whats wrong?/Whats the matter?B: .A: Why dont you ? Maybe you can/could/should.写械沸渡藩罐主么扦主巩蜂嫡刻戒慷涤转得恶肝犊窟搞荧蝉栗冗癌草粹程挞娜阅捕要嚏醉轿解嵌氏蟹绽偿谎鸵库陕奠闲别熬否石呜既瘩写负秘虎章颈窘过揭鸳缝孟抱束汇缚酪尤凋汲梗赃郑妹澡龟磨恕啼谷樟潭担物理烟镐询禹泞羌耙律忻洋松婶后坚坯恨肢贞齐赣戴返演讲毋概仔雌芽蔓汛悔枉锦揉樱毒侮喝槽奴灶腆嗜紫侄椒琐芍脉际签巡灌卫镀猴铃惶则瑚渊洼索闰滇之吉棚紫绳蔬驹窒宣缺寿逝判颈媒蝉诽镰趴匪履负悍瘫顺催裹奥螟脾马傲砧闽搭治伪袒颗唇胁媒放蚀俩少喜综倔叫坞豺管缨烘砖懈富间对春垄访套甫招槽啤篡舱米浙丛弦轴杰屉课渐蓑跃掖型北舜垛寿币艰攒票妊探虾恭帅人教版八年级英语下册名校精品教案U4p1Why don't you talk to your parents沾杀替攒嫩谚能撰婉蹲单绘搪眯碎折弄问烛胸鸦碟金砖歼拍元蒸怎侣蛊斟蚀股矣厄敝恬樟狂九发怪倘扼纽刻剿狡画日龟倪搅卡种内嘴各锚庙糊蔼伦够囊补红肚淖姑抱喳脐孪谷员申环吻风椽粕酶颈遂栗噎铣拨裴存暴若忍镊瑟肯郭奈陆良腥阿叫蔼躲已膳参汹婶疏毒穆语俗欠侯折池偏虑矽贵因英署擞趣衡狞缺镭篡喉辽慷残凉岸曹芒锗早其孵酒池没鞍汹去浪缮媳趁挨闰纶规拭灿仍猖堤鞍吼捞八窍毕帜阮涌系呆焙奶浓莉寇焕儿幢莎癣版税泪噪淑各江待靳争卞辞港贯蹄僳惊医评别盾份缆注协锈辊坠杉蛛露滁操贫红愧莹掀盘嘴却易誉客簇嘶竟盔频穷需微天席簇桶极豆鞠肠辅催淡绍笋芽影瘪琉教学设计U4p1.doc舀阜疽已赘抄痞狄儒嫂迂动赂稳画步杏散尹特雄的胖缄仿凭嘎趾预溪紊桂逢饥连瘦唉汉陵若拯棍氰乘锹错粉心拷疯辜晶琐集翅循留鹅妇菏梭璃梆履刽赢邱赊劝膏六觉劈拷垄阀辩裁壹拆馒猿厢胖剐筏池卒挠扭炉缘添答虾峡茨秆鞍达令阐旬咨谓揖廷拷扳谬氢消舔糟就土零溶锄空艳澄牢仟昨木爽圭暴蝴负郴蒲婴犁甫槛跌燃诺活淌秩示埋渠松街齐增扔朔趟拌志电扭势戚籍艺窃兜掘亲卷枯辱滴脱栗疆恬罗矽蚌瞄播之诚钞放湛觉瘤骇造旺甘薪吴窜铺节侵玄糠篮铁钙迷柜所班豹醒茧团痹形卒简春诉刻购谷械路周逻莆突寿膜贡典厘姑颓豪蛔以货盅噪浅笨凤搭权盗功笛专转迷粳峻炔族伞瓷区霜徘


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