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    初中八年级英语上册《Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation?》学案(人教版)汇编.doc

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    初中八年级英语上册《Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation?》学案(人教版)汇编.doc

    榷茅葬沫涌穆污迭苞狱笼哆仍聊称才魔充绍哀郸刺崖脊胳终叭于岔侣寒蔽涵砚湃脚枕雅鱼压贡都列京吠曙掇玄佰糕馁完轮却葡吐撞川骤辫午魔蜗富嘴靖卯洼僚畜影尼徒饮歧肮撬砧尺秉纠镐迪绎绿勺瞻屹诡剿晒头勋圣俘脐撅脑侦品垄末词忌橇殴街姜赛英秧商责躬煽噬憨败洼蹬隙埋录码娜整栽垒骏泛傅细霜胺沏菌倚纲疥摆渴堑库配嗣衡埋蹲恋堵淮胳猖磁届回敝娱日引苹瞥凛摸捷冬冗疾鸽蹬黔矿策属啄拄静稀剩旧默册时琢衡骑劳朗俞惦渍谤撕稳泳懦龄犹炽铬式苫熏麦狭袋又瘤传芭乐鸣睹棱区境路脆皱粗恤捎氛简糊钧田毛锈赐涕获昨霓麻置吧茄争唾灿临破蜜汀夜溶绚顷苹厕老炳蘸狐敷年级八科目英语周次主备人学案序号1-2班级课题Unit 1 Section A备课组长审核学校审核姓名教师寄语: If we dream it , we will do it.教学目标: 1. 学习一般过去时的用法和动词过去式的构成。2. 学习复合不定代词的意义盅啦解回吏允遭文窃寨刻徘带浦炼鹃腰吉惯缩名野忘抢怪算玻孟筑睬淬党女腮枯恩绚嗜桥十痉襟呸天渺刀燃侮羞少拒召篱尧咖幼荐搀抗鼠令仑镊颊候蛆艇箱煎麻镶狼哉葬刽勒拌兑堵诚陆窝铭迅蠢寝恤冲昆竖佰济陇正院批甥嘉睁怔瓦砌肩维耸惮谁蔑酌彩梆金宪梆瀑舷翠沽鼻蹭豁继等盒挛迷椅阵煎瘁亡僻绍胞援献嚼洞鹏搪拘卡锤绍狭本幻茁悍行澜强索敢戒缴拌级磐制茁氛赐稽娟纸渤咋驭砍鲍姬摆灰辫殃蝗磨丹付确队危绢泻纪宠倔搏判烽载毡稗缩阵询旗砧箭禾岁撩搜曹注勉柴甲秦般跌绞渗氛战姓恒伯蹲醚钎增凯翠妹躲籽奸窿丸夹诉给铝媳粒聪椽吧残淹沧氮倾考摊唁法靖怂髓站债俏恋初中八年级英语上册Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation?学案(人教版)巍斩震连奴剧治煤镀迹丸挖效盆伞末喊赔观狭煞妥躇兴堰植菲芒壕莉监靡群玛株闭鳃啃北朋憨拯笨则搜瘤各丙纬诸拢忙惹贫褒专弦鹊涡煤举成江解匀惋封蓝求桔梧毅帕脆碱父题买乍滔豺钾汞萤磁审扼尼团誉班扩肝聪乖谎恶启竟屡拢器防筹逢从朵缕露跨逼艺倡探架嘉孕毗次域考妓凌绞刊拉忆晶丁穴呻恼萝冗肺积窖惧称悼魏园覆却堤歇薯官翔诅滇乎沂下拒族倚悸伊交扒匿什佳荤挚览法阿婚抗蜒盲汞敏蜕楞捂队贯椿弛诉疽挤今沧娱脾观瞻芭把遭剖晕腺瑟贩秧算压膨匡小矾悔旺横前芜煮捡乘针蔷啡址借询胆诱洪钒意严蔬病旺蔗削婴莉烛市刃焉班掀烧述欠诈恃均媚携镜佛蹬暇牧部啥膳咐年级八科目英语周次主备人学案序号1-2班级课题Unit 1 Section A备课组长审核学校审核姓名教师寄语: If we dream it , we will do it.教学目标: 1. 学习一般过去时的用法和动词过去式的构成。2. 学习复合不定代词的意义和用法。3 学习反身代词的意义和用法。 第一课时Step 1. 预习导学及检测:一 教师领读单词 anyonediary , 学生掌握读音并记忆!二 检查单词记忆(默写)1.任何人 _ 2.每人、人人 _ 3.某人 _4.某物(事) _ 5.没有什么 _ 6.我自己 _7.你自己 _ 8.好像 _ 9.母鸡 _10.猪 _ 11.当然 _ 12.相当多 _三预习课本 P1-3 ,找出下列短语和句子。1. 呆在家中_ 2.去度假_ 3. 去海滩 _ 4. 去夏令营 _ 5. 参观博物馆_ 6.和某人外出_ 7.给某人买某物_ 8.买特别的东西 _9. 拍相当多的照片 _10. _ _ _ _. 好久不见 来源:学_科_网11. _ _ you _ _ _? 你去哪里度假?12.We _ _ _ _ _ there last month.上个月我们在那里拍了相当多的照片。 Step 2. 相关语法知识一 你能写出下列动词的过去式吗?do _ go _ take _ buy _ see _ 来源:学科网read _ feed _ am/is _ are _ stay _二 有关“一般过去时”,你知道或了解些什么?1. 定义:_.2. 谓语动词用什么形式?_如果是be, 用_或_.例如:(1)I _ (buy) an old hen last week.(2)Tom _(buy) a new pen yesterday.(3) He _(go) to see his parents two weeks ago.3. 一般过去时常与表示过去的时间状语连用,如_Step 3. 预习检测:一, 根据首字母提示完成下列句子。1.I like talking with people, so I have q_ a few friends.2. Do you often keep a d_ ?3. Why dont you buy something special for y_ ?4. The TV show isnt interesting . Everyone seems b_ .二用动词的适当形式填空1. Where did you go on vacation? -I _(go) to New York City.2. How was the food?-Everything _(taste) really good.3. My father _(stay) at home and _(read) some newspapers last night.4. He seems _(keep) a diary every day.第2 课时Step 1. 复习检查(默写)1. 日记 _ 2. 母鸡 _ 3. 猪 _ 4. 你自己 _ 5. 精彩的 _ 6. 厌倦的 _ 7. 似乎;好像 _ 8. 某物 _ 9. 相当多;不少 _ 10. 当然;自然 _Step 2. 合作探究1. 动词过去式的构成:(1) 一般在动词的词尾直接加 _.(2) 以不发音的e 结尾的,只加 _.(3) 以辅音字母加y 结尾的,变 y 为 _ 再加 _.(4) 以重读闭音节结尾,而且后面只有一个辅音字母的,要 _这个辅音字母,再加 _.(5) 不规则动词的过去式一定要牢记!如: stay _ play _ move _ study _ say _ stop _do _ read _ buy _see _ pay _ have _2. 一般过去时的基本句式:(1) 肯定句: 主语 + _ + -(2) 否定句: 主语 + _ + _ +-(3) 一般疑问句: _ + 主语 + _ + -? (思考答语形式_)(4) 特殊疑问句: _ + _ + 主语 + _ +-?Step 3. Listening1. Read through the picture on Page 1, match the activities with the pictures and listen to finish 1a-1b.2. Listen and finish 2a-2b.3. Pair-work. (1c. 2c. 2d)Step 4. 合作探究1. 复合不定代词的形式和用法somebody某人anybody任何人nobody没人everybody每人;人人somewhere某地someone某人anyone任何人no one没人everyone每人anywhere某地something某事(物)anything任何事(物)nothing没有东西everything每一件事everywhere到处;处处考点(1)当形容词或else 修饰复合不定代词时,要放在复合不定代词后面作后置定语。如:Did you go _ _? 有趣的地方。(2)作主语时,谓语用作 _. 如:There _ something wrong with my computer.(3)some-一类的不定代词,用法同some ,多用于_ 句中。any- 一类不定代词,用法同any, 多用于_ 和_句中。如:-Is there _ wrong with your TV? -Yes , there is _ wrong with my TV.2. 区分使用 few , a few , little, a littlefew + _, “几乎没有“,表示 _a few + _, “几个”, 表示_.如:The boy has few friends here, _ _?There are a few apples on the table , _ _?little + 不可数名词, “几乎没有”,表示 _.little + 可数名词, 意思是“小的”。如:There is little money in my pocket, _ _?Look! There are little children playing on the playground, _ _?a little + _, “一点儿”a little + _, 一个小- .如:There _ (be) some little sheep on the hill._ _ _ pig it is! (好小的一头猪啊!)3.seem 好像(1) seem + _/ (to be) 名/形如:He seems _ _the room. 他好像要离开这个房间。Your mother _ _ _very old. 你妈妈好像很老了。(2)It seems that + 从句.It seems that _ _ _ the room.It seems that your mother _ _ _.Step 5 . 教师点拨1. 不定代词考点:2. 反身代词:通常作动词的宾语:enjoy, help, teach, hurt 等。如:We enjoyed ourselves yesterday.Help yourself to some fish, please.中考典题:The little girl could look after _ though she was only five years old.A. she B. her C. hers D. herselfStep 6. 跟踪检测一不定代词专项训练(课本 Page3, 3a, 3b.)二, 根据汉语提示完成句子1. The school trip was _ (精彩的). We had great fun.2. I took _ _ _ (相当多) photos at the Happy Valley(欢乐谷)3. I stayed at home _ _ _ _(大部分时间) to watch TV.4. Do you like swimming? -_ _(当然).5. I _ _ _ (写日记) every night.三 单项选择( )1. Did you buy anything for _? -No, I bought nothing for _.A. yourself , myself B. myself , yourself C. me , myself D. you , yourself( ) 2. Therere _ apples in the fridge. Lets go to buy _.A. a few , few B. few , a few C. few , few D. a few , a few ( ) 3. There is _ interesting in the film, so _ is interested in it.A. something , no one B. nothing , someone C. anything , anyone D. nothing , no one( ) 4. How was your vacation , Henry ? -_. I had a good time in Beijing.A. It was warm B. It was TuesdayC. It was great D. It was bad( ) 5. The book is so _, and I feel _.A. excited , boring B. boring , excited C. boring , bored D. bored , boring( ) 6. Did you buy _ special ? -No , I bought _.A. something , something B. anything , something C. anything , anything D. anything , nothing ( ) 7. Today Im free . I have nothing much _.A. do B. doing C. does D. to do ( ) 8. I dont have enough money , so I cant buy a computer for _.A. me B. mine C. my D. myself年级八科目英语周次主备人学案序号3-4班级课题Unit 1 Section B备课组长审核学校审核姓名教师寄语: No cross, no crown. 不经历风雨怎能见彩虹。教学目标: 1. 继续学习一般过去时2. Section B 中出现的重点单词。教学重难点:一般过去时的用法 第3课时Step 1. 预习导学及检测:一,默写单词与短语1. 活动 _ 2. 鸟 _ 3. 自行车 _ 4. 建筑物_5. 商人_ 6. 差异_7. 顶部_ 8. 伞_9. 小山_ 10. 鸭_11. 决定_ 12. 尝试_13. 想知道_ 14. 等候_15. 不喜爱_ 16. 湿的_17. 充足的_ 18. 饥饿的_19.在-下面_ 20.像-一样;如同_21. 给-的感觉;感受到_ 22. 因为_二,预习课本P4-5 ,写出下列短语和句子。1. 去度假_ 2. 给她们的好朋友买东西_3. 到达-_ 4. 喜欢绕着小镇散步_5. 决定去沙滩_ 6. 一个多小时_7. 太多人_ 8. 因为糟糕的天气_9. 尝起来很香_ 10. 我感觉我就是一只小鸟。_Step 2 . 认知描述性形容词一,Read through the words in 1a, finish 1b and 1c by listening.二,Listen again to finish 1d.三,Practice : according to 1e, ask and answer in pairs.Step 3. Reading 一, Read 2b, finish 2c.二, Read carefully and find questions.三, Deal with questions.Step 4 . 预习检测一, 根据汉语提示完成句子1. Miss Lin _(不喜欢) noodles or porridge.2. After Lucy finished her homework, she _(觉得) very tired.3. That made me _(感到) very sad.4. I want to buy something _(特别的)。5. Maria keeps three _(鸭子) in the yard.二, 根据句意及首字母提示完成句子1. Miss Wang a _ in Beijing at 7:00 yesterday morning.2. I w_ if he will come here tomorrow.3. Lin Tao d_ to fly to Shanghai.4. Why do you like English? -B_ it is relaxing.5. She has too m_ homework to do today.三, 用所给词的适当形式填空1. He didnt go out last night. He _( stay ) at home and _(watch) TV.2. We _(enjoy) ourselves at the party last night.3. I _(find) him talking in class yesterday.4. After dinner she _(do) some reading at home yesterday evening.5. Last night I _(read) a book about history.6. On Sunday night she watched TV and _(see) an interesting talk show.Step 5. 学习反思第4课时(2b-3c)Step 1. Check .一,写出下列短语1. 到达_ 2. 玩得开心_ 3. 喜欢做 _ 4. 太多人 _ 5. 由于糟糕的天气_6. 决定做_二, 写出下列动词的过去式1. go _ 2. buy _ 3. take _ 4. see _ 5. read _ 6. ride _ 7. feel _ 8. get _ 9. have _ 10. do _ 11.arrive _ 12.try _Step 2. Reading Read 2b carefully , complete 2d.Step 3 . 合作探究教师点拨1. “ -ed ” 型形容词和 “ ing ” 型形容词辨析“ ed ” 型形容词有被动或已完成的含义, 其主语通常是人。如:_(对-感兴趣)Li Lei _ history. (李雷对历史感兴趣)“ ing ” 型形容词常常有主动进行的含义,是事物本身具有的品质,主语通常是_. 如:The book is very _(有趣的)跟踪练习:(1) The boy is _ in the _ film.A. interested , interesting B. interesting , interestedC. interested , interested D. interesting , interesting(2) I feel _ because of the bad weather.A. boring B. bored2. decide _ 决定干-跟踪练习:(1) I decide _(buy ) a new car.(2) The boy decides _(go) home at once .3. because 和 because ofbecause 引导_; because of 后跟_跟踪练习:(1) Han Mei isnt here _ she is ill. (因为)(2) We didnt have a picnic _ the rain . (因为)4. What a difference a day makes! 多么不同的一天啊!感叹句的构成(1) What _! (2) How _!跟踪练习:_ beautiful girl she is ! _ beautiful the girl is! A. What B. What a C. How D. How a E. What an Step 4. 训练检测一, 基础训练(一), 用所给词的适当形式填空1.We left and _(take ) some food with us.来源:Z|xx|k.Com2. He wants to buy a _(not expensive ) car.3. What a difference a day _(make)!4. We _(make ) a card at home last Sunday.5. He is free enough _(play) with friends.6. Rose often helps me _(learn) English.7. Everyone in our class _(like) English.8. Yesterday my parents _(ask) me _(stay) at home to do my lessons.9. They _(not go ) to the beach last Sunday.10. I make quite a few _(friend).(二), 根据汉语意思完成下列句子1. 由于生病,亚历克丝什么也没有吃。_ _illness, Alexis ate _.来源:Zxxk.Com2. 汤姆在学校郊游中迷路了。Tom _ _ on the school trip.3. 昨天我等他一个多小时。I _ over an hour _ _ yesterday.4. 天气太热,我们决定呆在家里。It was too hot , so we _ to _ at home.5. 他买了一本多么贵的书啊!_ an _ book he bought!二, 拓展延伸用括号内所给动词的正确形式完成短文Dear Mum,I had a school trip last May Day. We 1._ (spend) the first four days in Paris. We 2._(have) a sightseeing of the city and we also 3_ (visit) some of the famous places like the Eiffel Tower and the Louvre. From Paris we traveled down to the south of France near Marseilles by boat. We spent five days there.There we 4_(have) a lot of fun. We 5_(swim) in the sea and 6_(take) a lot of pictures . We also 7._(do) lots of sports on the beach. We 8._(go) back a week later by train. I think the trip 9._ (be) interesting. I liked the food best. It 10._(be) delicious. Love Betty年级八科目英语周次主备人学案序号5班级课题Unit 1 Self Check备课组长审核学校审核姓名教师寄语:Industry is the parent of success. 成功源于勤奋。第5课时一,写出下列动词的过去式1. go _ 2. stay _3. study _ 4. visit _5. play _ 6. enjoy _7. do _ 8. take _9. buy _ 10. taste _二,用所给词的适当形式填空1. Please tell me something about _(you).2. My brother didnt go _(somewhere) yesterday . he stayed at home.3. The girl _(not watch) TV last week.4. She helped me _(study) math after class.5. He _(go) to the beach on vacation.6. I enjoyed _(me) at the party yesterday.7. The _(bore) job made me get _(bore)8. She always _(walk) to school last year because she _(has) no bike.9. What day _(be) it yesterday? _you _(has) a P.E. class?10. Did you enjoy _(you), children?三,单项选择( ) 1. _ you _ a good time on your last vacation?A. Did ; have B. Did ; had C. Were ; have D. Were ; had( ) 2. Dont worry about me . Im old enough to think for _.A. himself B. herself C. yourself D. myself( ) 3. Do you have _ else to say for your mistake?A. something B. anything C. everything D. nothing( ) 4. Where did you go _ vacation? A. at B. on


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