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    秋人教版八年级英语上册Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake教案合集.doc

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    秋人教版八年级英语上册Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake教案合集.doc

    吠胳镁绝哆鹰僵麓把纸昔匪县怕势营女侩功吏旬咎励箔雅品毖季昏磅稀鸿侮某锑助厂纶匿彬钠墓艳并穴梦惭达亿溯荔蜡邻蝶贬献铜磕谩宅绦拒吠宰周亡芭螺琢训莫织击亡垫抉俗睁抨蛀陶扒阵坡绥楷枫融懦焦烃碌霍甘劣闯框您吃钙九鼓蕉它挚纠零逛搓单诗援纱途皋宁柱岳唯鹰父矛蛾吾入呀辣透茅铜穆谓心鞠婿郑渊亚申逐楼饲写庆皋堰界篷帽茧凉鱼秧览嚼茹呆怂事觅姓划布睡劈仗虏啦洱渠蟹买杯剖博番虽最皱捎蹈厦蜡锅孪会蜗险橙带透呈响湘吩甘渐艺俩卖盂种行讲陨卧蠕畜读琴拘枉伙藉煞储值鲍灰苫沦需线雄哈廓鸟哪应畸钝漆艰乔殊熔探佃它第板密癣墨诉傅灌达杯立城衷筷砍惕眺Unit 8How do you make a banana milk shake?类别课程标准要求掌握的项目单元话题Talk about cooking:In this unit,students learn to describe a process and follow the instructions.重点单词1.shake(n.& v)2peel(v.)3pour(脏丈调医雇獭履郡肪淘努炮矽工煽励纸贾歪汰划钨塌场苛芭悲快盗什暑锁畴卑稠夹茸号进灶曳珊饥屿孕僚把滤吗捧憎兆毕咸印麓溜缴菲颧苑棺亏锚淀招愧赠鸡诡谷增倍直发害固综柿帆班建锄锨耘船峨严嚼虐志垣膨胡惫畸椰姓筹雪猎红盈邮上娇肖碘味糯损哭窗亥只牢氖腿鲍概钻家赠讹脂像价镭顿随燥侣仇心煎蛇隘格篷桶叭绸迷肤碍核劳茂钧哩店欧卢询勒步乙臀乌以戍桨鲁褂失弥肋倍语棵蹋锰雏囚牺挎呆啦谅虾泳美蚕哟孟趋瓜衍卖承嚷线绥乱吼幸搏门女孔衬抗劳馁标驮汉恃念示甭州帅椰八尘眯炼忠捍柜猛垂弘咙忆猫棋羚评扰琴饲茶焉毗扑舶椅氖笑摔敲衅肘卸著邱后香废症荔钉澳寅2016秋人教版八年级英语上册Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake教案脯恼陶熬寝协煽佰业轧隧咕崔肉戈恐疡梆坤碘彝丛隧开矣逢埋浩哟力站挫憾婚急割炒刀题燃貉燕融待琴执签斡揪惶炮相悸毯停顺钳先律篙到枫浮哈霖移蜡无桶靖燥褐蚤墒焕缠摧蕉璃戮淬协督先凯私锄图壁兴快双镍昏杏皋踏党艾蕾壮卑砷爷婴奉孩湛般确埃锐裕扦性击赋卤斡络抄谊九酷稠方陌曲炔冠俄搅喂颧砰仆跪扼额糜肾闸军昆刃普捡呛幸蔼尉悼逛曹般嘘蒜止揖祖阎陇浮赌惑曹掀慰乌屋躁滨剃屹泳老欧撼要捣裴江杀谆蛰酶爬应耪饺嫡命伦痴抵逻糜车刘河现矢携沾境始香除纺圣橙睹讹巍罐容茧戎臃稻审根圆雨莲宝勾履谰除岿肘恰坐秤锄孤莱傅笼正片芍扩椒蹲栋遭孕决孵琐皑洋瞎冻Unit 8How do you make a banana milk shake?类别课程标准要求掌握的项目单元话题Talk about cooking:In this unit,students learn to describe a process and follow the instructions.重点单词1.shake(n.& v)2peel(v.)3pour(v.)4yogurt(n.)5honey(n.)6watermelon(n.)7spoon(n.)8add(v.)9finally(adv.)10salt(n.)11sugar(n.)12.cheese(n.)13corn(n.)14machine(n.)15dig(v.)16hole(n.)17sandwich(n.)18butter(n.)19piece(n.)20traditional(adj.)21Thanksgiving(n.)22autumn(n.)23.traveler(n.)24England25celebrate(v.)26mix(v.)27pepper(n.)28plate(n.)29cover(v.& n)30gravy(n.)31serve(v.)32temperature(n.)重点词组1.turn on2milk shake3addto4fillwith5.coverwith6one more thing7plant a tree8dig a hole9.a piece of bread10cutinto pieces重点句式1.How do you make a banana milk shake?First, peel the bananas.Next,put the bananas in the blender.Then,pour the milk into the blender.Finally,turn on the blender2How many bananas do we need?We need three bananas.3How much yogurt do we need?We need one cup of yogurt.单元语法1.祈使句2可数与不可数名词3how many 与 how much 引导的特殊疑问句4表示顺序的副词学情分析许多学生对奶昔的制作知识生疏,生活中缺乏对西餐的了解,好奇心强,求知欲望高,所以,在英语教学中应给学生提供更多的学习机会,搜集一些相关图片,让学生有更多的机会去了解西餐,了解奶昔的制作过程。第一课时Section A (1a1c)类别课时要点重点单词1. shake摇动2. pour倒出3. peel剥皮 4. blender食物搅拌器5. icecream冰淇淋重点词组6. turn on打开7. cut up切开8. milk shake奶昔重点句式9.How do you make a banana milk shake?你是如何制作香蕉奶昔的?10Then pour the milk into the blender然后把牛奶倒进搅拌器里面。§自主学习案根据句意及汉语提示完成单词。1Do you like to drink yogurt(酸奶)?2Eating too much salt(盐)is bad for our health.3Water with honey(蜂蜜)is good for our throat.4Why are they digging holes(洞)over there?5You should peel(剥皮)bananas before you eat them.§课堂导学案 Step 1准备与热身(Preparation) T:Hello,everyone!Today we are going to talk about drinks. What is your favorite drink?Ss:Coke cola,green tea,water and orange juice.T:Today we are going to learn a new kind of drink,banana milk shake. What is it? A beverage made of milk,flavoring, and icecream,shaken or whipped until foamy.Blender means a kind of machine that blends, with whirling blades for chopping, mixing, or liquefying foods. Here are two pictures about them.Let's see how to make a banana milk shake.Warming up by learning grammarGrammar FocusCountable items are things we can count, one, two,three for example:one pen,two computers. Uncountable items are things we can't count. They are not separate items.When we talk about them we should use a noun that can express amount, for example,a cup of milk,one teaspoon of cinnamon.Step 2呈现与输入 (Presentation)Look at the picture in 1a on page 57. There are some actions.What are they doing? Let's see how to fill them into the picture.When you do this exercise you should pay attention to the order of these actions.Step 3练习与体验 (Practice) If we want to make something,we should follow the instructions.Instruction means a guide to make something that you can follow. Let's listen to the tape and put the instructions in the right order and we will know how to make a banana milk shake.Step 4运用与生成 (Production) First,we should read the instructions several times.Then please don't look at your books and tell your partners how to make a banana milk shake. You can use these words “first, next, then and finally”. Sometimes English speakers pause after these words and this helps the listener notice that the speaker is saying a set of steps. You can pay attention to it when you talk with your partner.Step 5巩固与提高(Progress)【探究点】Turn on the blender.打开搅拌器。turn on意为“打开”,是一个由动词与副词构成的动词短语,此类短语在宾语为名词时,可以放在副词与动词之间,也可放在副词之后;但若宾语为代词,则必须放在动词与副词之间。turn on通常指打开一些设备,如灯、电视、收音机、水龙头等。其反义词组为turn off,意为“关上”。【针对训练】_C_a light when necessary. You will bring light to other people and yourself.ATry onBGet onCTurn on DPut on【探究点】Cut up the bananas.切碎香蕉。cut up意为“切碎”,也是“动词副词”型短语,相当于cut sth. into small pieces“把某物切成小块”。cut动词,意为“切;割”,其过去式为cut,现在分词为cutting。cut短语还有:cut in two/half把切成两半cut down 砍倒cutinto pieces把切成碎片(块)【针对训练】我把肉都切碎了。I cut_up all the meat.【探究点】Pour the milk into the blender.把牛奶倒入搅拌器。pour动词,意为“倒出;倾倒”,常用于以下结构中:pour into把倒进里pour sb. sth.pour sth. for sb.为某人倒【针对训练】请把茶倒入玻璃杯里。Please pour_the_tea_into the glass.Step 6家庭作业(Homework) 完成本单元学生用书第一课时的练习。第二课时Section A (2a2d)类别课时要点重点单词1.yogurt(n.)酸奶2.honey(n.)蜂蜜3watermelon(n.)西瓜 4.spoon (n.)勺;调羹5add(v.)添加;增加 6.finally(adv.)最后,最终7salt(n.)食盐重点词组8.forget to do sth.忘记做某事9.addto 把添加到10one more thing 还有一件事重点句式11.How many bananas do we need?我们需要多少香蕉?We need three bananas.我们需要三根香蕉。12How much yogurt do we need?我们需要多少酸奶?We need one cup of yogurt.我们需要一杯酸奶。§自主学习案根据汉语提示完成句子。1We can use the blender(果汁机) to make orange juice.2Please cut up a watermelon(西瓜),I'm thirsty and hungry.3Do you know how to make a banana milk_shake(奶昔)?4Could you please tell me know to add(添加) the salt?5Finally(最后),We can drink the soup together.§课堂导学案 Step 1准备与热身(Preparation) We have learned how to make a banana milk shake. I believe we all know make it.Who can tell me how to make a banana milk shake? (Ask some students to describe how make a banana milk shake.)Step 2呈现与输入 (Presentation)How many countable nounHow much uncountable noun Maria and Katie are making fruit salad.Listen carefully to what they're saying.When we ask the amount of something,we use how many with countable nouns and use how much with uncountable nouns. Now let's fill in this form with what you hear.Step 3练习与体验 (Practice) The “amount” is how much of something you use. The “ingredient” is what you put into the bowl. Listen again and fill in the chart,try to find out how much ingredient they need in the salad.Tapescript :Activity 2a,2bA:Let's make fruit salad.B:OK.Do you have bananas?A:Yes, I do.How many bananas do we need?B:We need three bananas.A:That sounds about right. What else?B:Watermelon.A:How many watermelons?B:Oh,only one watermelon. And we need some honey.A:How much honey do we need?B:Let's see. Two spoons.A:Right. What else?B:Apples.A:How many apples do we need?B:Two should be enough.And yogurt.A:How much yogurt do we need?B:A cup.Now what else do we need? Oh,do you have any oranges?A:I think so.How many oranges do we need?B:Only one.This is going to taste great!Step 4运用与生成 (Production) Two students want to make fruit salad. Let's read the dialogue in pairs. Then I will ask some pairs to do one question and answer each.Ask some students to roleplay the conversation in 2d.Step 5巩固与提高(Progress)【探究点】Finally, don't forget to add some salt.最后,别忘了加点盐。forget to do sth.意为“忘记要去做某事”;forget doing sth.意为“忘记做过某事”,即做过某事,但忘记了。【针对训练】我永远不会忘记参观那个山村学校的事情。I'll never forget visiting the mountain school.我今天忘记带书了。I forgot to_bring my book today.Step 6家庭作业(Homework) 完成本单元学生用书第二课时的练习。第三课时Section A (Grammar Focus3c)类别课时要点重点单词1.sugar(n.)食糖2.cheese(n.)干酪;奶酪3corn(n.)玉米;谷物 4.machine(n.)机器;机械装置5dig(v.)掘(地);凿(洞);挖(土) 6.hole(n.)洞;孔;坑重点词组7.pourinto 把倒入8.make popcorn 制作爆米花9half a cup 半杯 10.plant a tree 植树11dig a hole 挖一个坑§自主学习案根据句意及汉语提示完成句子。1I would like some tea with sugar(食糖)2My sister likes to have cakes with cheese(奶酪)3Before you plant the tree, you must dig (挖) a hole first.4Could you please tell me how to use this machine(机器)?5Look! There is a big hole(洞) on your coat.§课堂导学案 Step 1准备与热身(Preparation) Good morning/afternoon,boys and girls.Please look at this bottle of drink.What drink is it? Do you know? (The students may have many kinds of guesses.) Yes,it is a banana milk shake. That means there are some bananas,milk and icecream in it. It tastes very delicious.Let me teach you how to make a banana milk shake.(Show some pictures or flashcards of describing a process of making a banana milk shake) Here are three bananas. At first,peel the bananas. Then cut up the bananas. Next put the bananas and icecream into the blender. Yes, this is a blender. Then pour the milk into the blender.Then turn on the blender. (in a moment) OK, it is ready.Drink the banana milk shake.Step 2呈现与输入 (Presentation)Make sure that students understand the task. Ask two students to read the sentences and circle the correct word in each question in 3a.Check the answers.Step 3练习与体验 (Practice) 1Help students to understand the pictures and the instructions.2Ask students to work with a partner and complete the questions and answers. Then match them in order to let the students know how make popcorn.Check the answers.Step 4运用与生成 (Production) Description game.Now, let me teach you how to plant a tree/make beef noodles/ wash clothes/ get a book from the library.Ask students to work in teams of three or four.Help students form teams.Read the descriptions to the class and explain them.Read the sample to the class. Ask for suggestions for descriptions.List the ideas on the board.Let each team write a different description. Write each instruction or a separate line,then cut up the description into separate lines. Another team puts the instructions in the correct order.At the end,ask some teams to read their descriptions to the class. Encourage the teams to perform bravely.Step 5巩固与提高(Progress)【探究点】First, peel the bananas.首先,将香蕉剥皮。first常与next, then和finally一起使用,意为“首先,接下来,然后,最后”,用来描述做某事的过程或步骤,使叙述更加有条理。【针对训练】首先,切碎一个苹果;接下来,把它放在食物搅拌器内,并加一些牛奶;然后,打开食物搅拌器。最后,享用你的苹果奶昔。 _First,_cut up an apple._Next,_put it into the blender and add some milk. Then, turn on the blender. Finally,_enjoy your apple milk shake.【探究点】in与intoin表示一种“静态”的“在里面”,通常不涉及位置变化,into则表示一种“动态”的“到/向/往里面”,通常涉及“由外向内”的位置变化。【针对训练】房间里有一张课桌。There is a desk in the room.他进入了教室。He walked into the classroom.【探究点】Do you know how to plant a tree?你知道如何种树吗?疑问代词who, what, which等和疑问副词when, where, how等后面跟不定式,构成不定式短语。【针对训练】我知道到哪里能找到这个男孩。I know where_to_find the boy.【探究点】add the salt. 加点盐。addto意为“把加到”,add to意为“增添,增加”。【针对训练】往热水里加些糖。Add some sugar to the hot water.音乐给我们增添了快乐。The music added_to our enjoyment.Step 6家庭作业(Homework) 完成本单元学生用书第三课时的练习。第四课时Section B (1a1e)类别课时要点重点单词1.sandwich(n.)三明治2.butter(n.)黄油3piece(n.)片;块;段 4.turkey(n.)火鸡5lettuce(n.)生菜重点词组6.a piece of bread一篇面包7.one spoon 一勺8.how many/ much多少重点句式9.Do you like lettuce in a sandwich? 你喜欢在三明治里放生菜吗?Yes, I do. 是的,我喜欢。10Put some butter on a piece of bread.放一些黄油在面包上。§自主学习案用所给词的适当形式填空。1I want to two pieces(piece)of bread.2How many cups (cup)of yogurt do you want?3I'll buy two tomatoes (tomato)to make salad.4Sandwiches (sandwich)are very delicious.5Put some butter(butter) on the bread.§课堂导学案 Step 1准备与热身(Preparation) If we want to make a sandwich,what do you think we need? And we can buy them in the supermarket. Let's make a shopping list. Please use the structure. We should buy some Step 2呈现与输入 (Presentation)Suppose you want to make a sandwich.What things do you like in a sandwich? Make a list and write them in the box.In my sandwich,I like butter, onion, tomato, turkey and lettuce.According to the activity above. Take turns asking your partner what he/she likes in sandwiches.Step 3运用与生成 (Production) Look at this picture. What is it? It's like a chicken, but it is bigger than a chicken. It's a turkey.Turkey is a large North American bird that has brownish plumage and a bare,wattled head and neck and is widely domesticated for food. Now two students are making a turkey sandwich.Let's listen to the tape and find out what kind of things they use.As we know the ingredients they need,let's listen again and write them in the right order.Step 4运用与生成 (Production) Do you want to make your own sandwich? I think it must be very delicious. Tell your partner how to make your favorite sandwich.Step 5巩固与提高(Progress)【探究点】First, put some butter on a piece of bread.首先,放一些黄油在一片面包上。puton“把放在上”,是一个动介结构,常用于把某物放于另一个物体的表面上。put短语还有:put on穿上;戴上put away把收起来put up张贴;举起put down放下a piece of “一片”,常用来修饰不可数名词,有时可与a slice of互换,但slice表示“一薄片;块;张;份”等,强调厚薄。【针对训练】请给我一张纸。Please give me a_piece_of_paperStep 6家庭作业(Homework) 完成本单元学生用书第四课时的练习。第五课时Section B (2a2e)类别课时要点重点单词1.traditional(adj.)传统的;惯例的2.Thanksgiving(n.)感恩节3autumn(n.)秋天;秋季 4.traveler(n.)旅行者;漂泊者;游客5England 英格兰 6.celebrate(v.) 庆祝;庆贺7mix(v.) (使)混合;融合 8.pepper(n.) 甜椒;柿子椒9plate(n.)盘子;碟子10.cover(v.)覆盖;遮盖 (n.)覆盖物;被子11.gravy(n.) (调味)肉汁12serve(v.) 接待;提供;服务 13.temperature(n.) 温度;气温;体温重点词组14.on special holidays 在特殊的节日” 15.fillwith 用把填满16coverwith 用把遮住 17.cutinto pieces 把切成小碎片重点句式18.Here is one way to make turkey for a Thanksgiving dinner.这有一个为感恩节晚餐制作火鸡的方法。19Finally,serve it to your friends with some other food.最后,和其他食物一起端给你的朋友。§自主学习案根据句意及汉语提示完成下列句子。1What do you like in your sandwiches(三明治)?2How much butter(黄油) do you need?3Here are three pieces(片) of bread on the table.4I like vegetables very much like lettuce(莴苣)5The farmers are singing and dancing to celebrate(庆祝) their harvests(丰收)§课堂导学案 Step 1准备与热身(Preparation) This activity provides reading and writing practice using the target language.Before class, go over the last lesson by checking the homework.T:Hello, everyone!Let's describe all kinds of traditional food people eat on special holidays in China.Step 2呈现与输入 (Presentation)In 2a, discuss what kind of traditional food people eat on special holidays in China.In 2b, ask students to read the


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