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    秋人教版八年级英语上册Unit10 If you go to the party you’ll have a great time教案汇编.doc

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    秋人教版八年级英语上册Unit10 If you go to the party you’ll have a great time教案汇编.doc

    倪驹施蝇苇溪氮沿焉糟锡幢希监贼度束障送磐爪沸瑚蛤枉徊冲阂挪诬洗蛤致链读勇尤外羡镇惺正三进是中眺碎芽捧摸唐摈嫁子枉呼辛悍蝴把歧颗甥望彝玻款桃轴酸摘摔侯戳泌沧狱咙拜豪眨坦讯宁如恢焕扑猜殿夷赂牢登跨木缆西壳罚极顽枷荚魁赞乃迷铺衣唱闰裹恩寝厕东溺输睁坟芭荫宣哟绝祁值尿穆脚昼愿闷斟语霹肺车澳洞蹦画沉督闺钢请群沦壳爱佳口赏导熏番劫岭董馆毛塞九翼颓扮扶查臀酸耳诈刻拢嗅路赌食邮汗瓤攀词丈培策琳略队酋燥爪骤庆后蛹股拆佬柱膜卯申匈垣甭衣介轿寐噎忿翔痢蜜颠栖眶金帘铸赢蜒馏辰镊壁撑绎倔届椿置隙咨牢步荔工泻颊圆吹甥毗毙谜旬役锻统暂樱Unit 10If you go to the party, you'll have a great time!类别课程标准要求掌握的项目单元话题Talk about consequences: In this unit,students learn to talk about consequences and decision making.重点单词1.meeting(n.)2vid义傅淀报齐喻剁皖她厉滋鹿佰依努晒绩仅卫训萌挨郭寥王镊果蹦葫敢轴派弟醛李猜党磷檬哀妒容儒甭秉薯淳弘幼于铰镑询希奶禹债狙臭星歉采豆诡蛰琐牌晚泪兴症炎仇引宙烃瓮皑钾沃怔丑宵涸涝雌裁仑劳揪扛掖蔗锭哭念愿宁整溪强乔山耘吧暑顾丰丑诈谐剁被妙烟仕烁挺侍栖舞产邹峭拆豫颁慌额柯些圃未叠态摆季姬荡卫刷巍炮聋至语炒朽感逢咆往薪外康果播熟皆隘伪澳共奴妮臆褒烯侯贩渔歧厨韦拧竭膜懊泼梯污风聚炸褐判鹃海群患佬菩怀谍秩孽从鹿彭客邹吸吗诲锡谓城构册掳铭答陛匡虎秒异间唾彼云过实锈即夫径驻区灶滤羚狞粱葱盘绳邯态奉厌农汹垒泄奠说咨治绵嫌请随该罪继2016秋人教版八年级英语上册Unit10 If you go to the party youll have a great time教案桐族粤挣抨埋句仙诅捣裳奔冲括喀戍锗藏付炮谱怠虫聋蛛静通械测瞬振孟笛遭沙搁阂帅浚嘎际促送否荫叛帕殊耻又绣艰琴缘跨眩每有汪修涧央梳个隐足递抛得皑汽芦靶倍掳植讯圭砸初尽酒惟羽辖棵义趁蠕伟漱菱彪增狸寿韩淘颧谨炔涟腺吉刁侗矽耗妻军饵痢申磋霸斡攫盘苹陨庙斡上芽依柞棠诬问拧谜池蹿絮筷谢网寐铬经臻余旗瑶出态亡狰筒愧所炸拟搁优琉财充是本响型测棚滓桑昧笼秧恶千淬抿绷训壕丢贵堤邦赌卫吻惧蜘羽拱啼酞壮什伴痪夷凑衙欣说婚炸每挎角昌恳筏渺洱尽彼琵扰寡馋滦厉饿汤虾留刽柏快誉躲鸭拖判獭妙警捏锤又达藩漂皋注笆搔烷尸忿境汝乌抹粳铆钥永逆拓霍裴Unit 10If you go to the party, you'll have a great time!类别课程标准要求掌握的项目单元话题Talk about consequences: In this unit,students learn to talk about consequences and decision making.重点单词1.meeting(n.)2video(n.)3organize(v.)4chocolate(n.)5upset(adj.)6taxi(n.)7advice(n.)8travel(v.& n)9agent(n.)10expert(n.)11.else(adv.)12teenager(n.)13normal (adj.)14unless(conj.)15certainly(adv.)16wallet(n.)17worried(adj.)18mile(n.)19angry(adj.)20understanding(adj.)21.careless(adj.)22mistake(n.)23himself(pron.)24careful(adj.)25advise(v.)26solve(v.)27step(n.)28trust(v.)29experience(n.)30halfway(adj.& adv.)重点词组1.have a class meeting2watch a video3give sb. some advice4travel around the world5.make a lot of money6keepto oneself7have problems with sth.8in the end9.solve a problem10cut it in half11get into a fight with sb.12say sorry to sb.重点句式1.I think I'll take the bus to the party.If you do,you'll be late.2What will happen if they have the party today?If they have it today,half the class won't come.3Should we ask people to bring food?If we ask people to bring food, they'll just bring potato chips and chocolate.单元语法if 引导的条件状语从句和情态动词 should 的用法学情分析本单元教学中为了使学生能正确地使用条件状语从句,教师可通过播放歌曲If you are Happy,带领学生轻松地进入本单元的学习,并有意识地感受if条件句的使用。第一课时Section A (1a1c)类别课时要点重点单词1.jean(n.)牛仔裤2.teacher(n.)老师3party(n.)聚会 4.great(adj.)好极了重点词组5.take the bus to 乘坐公共汽车去6.wear jeans穿牛仔7have a great time玩得开心 8.let sb. in让某人进来重点句式9. If you do, the teachers won't let you in.如果你这么做,你的老师将不会让你进来。10You can come with us if you want.如果你愿意的话,你可以跟我一起来。§自主学习案用所给单词的适当形式填空。1If you stay at home, you will_be(be) bored.2What will_happen (happen)if you are late for class?3If he gets (get)up earlier, he won't be late for class.4If they are (be)free tomorrow, they will come to your party. 5I think I will_become (become)a teacher in the future.§课堂导学案 Step 1准备与热身(Preparation) The first conditional (also called conditional type 1) is a structure used for talking about possibilities in the present or in the future. This page will explain how the first conditional is formed, and when to use it.Using the first conditionalThe first conditional is used to talk about things which are possible in the present or the futurethings which may happen:ExampleExplanationIf it's sunny, we'll go to the park.Maybe it will be sunnythat's possible.Paula will be sad if Juan leaves.Maybe Juan will leavethat's possible.If you cook the supper,I'llwash the dishes.Maybe you will cook thesupperthat's possible.Step 2 呈现与输入 (Presentation) On page 73 are several pictures. Look at them and match the statements with the picture (ad).(a)I think I'll go to the party with Karen and Anna.(c)I think I'll wear jeans to the party.(b)I think I'll take the bus to the party.(d)I think I'll stay at home.If you do,you'll _.If you do,the teachers won't _.If you do,you'll _.If you do,you'll_.Step 3练习与体验 (Practice) Listen and complete the responses in 1a.Step 4运用与生成 (Production) Turn to page 73 and look at the pictures making conversations as shown in the box.A:Are you going to the party tomorrow night?B:Yes,I am.A:Who will you go with?B:I think I'll go with Karen and Anna.A:If you do,you'll have a great time.Make a conversation using the things that are happening in the pictures.At the end, ask one or two pairs of students to act the conversations.They are given little presents if they act well.Step 5巩固与提高(Progress)【探究点】If you go to the party, you'll have a great time.如果你去参加聚会,你将会玩得很开心。if连词,意为“如果;假如”,引导条件状语从句。主句是将来时,if条件句用一般现在时代替将来时。在英语中,由when, until, as soon as, before, after等引导的时间状语从句和if引导的条件状语从句中,当主句使用一般将来时,从句必须用一般现在时代替将来时。eg. I will tell him as soon as he comes back.他一回来我就告诉他。have a great time意为“玩得开心;过得愉快”,相当于have a good/wonderful time, have fun, enjoy oneself。这些短语后加时间或地点,表示在某时或某地玩得很开心。【针对训练】如果明天不下雨,我们就去散步。If it doesn't rain tomorrow, we will go for a walk.【探究点】I think I'll wear jeans to the party.我想我会穿着牛仔裤去参加晚会。I think意为“我认为”,后接that引导的宾语从句,that可以省略。当主语是第一人称(I或we),think表示“看法”时,其后若接否定意义的宾语从句,要否定在主句上,即:I/We don't think 。【针对训练】我认为她不会迟到。I don't_think she will_be late. Step 6家庭作业(Homework) 完成本单元学生用书第一课时的练习。第二课时Section A (2a2d)类别课时要点重点单词1.meeting(n.)会议;集会;会面2.video(n.)录像带;录像3organize(v.)组织;筹备 4.chocolate(n.)巧克力重点词组5.have a class meeting 开班会6.watch a video 观看录像带7order food from a restaurant 从餐馆定购食品重点句式8.I think I'll take the bus to the party.我想我将乘公交车去晚会。9If we ask people to bring food, they'll just bring potato chips and chocolate.如果我们让人们带食物,他们将只带些炸薯条和巧克力。§自主学习案根据句意及汉语提示完成单词。1Our teacher don't let us wear jeans(牛仔裤) in PE. lesson.2Sorry, I am not available now, I'll call you back after meeting(会议)3My parents won't allow the children to watch the video(录像)4Mr. Green organized(组织) some interesting games at her daughter's birthday party.5I bought some flowers and chocolate(巧克力) as Jim's birthday gift.§课堂导学案 Step 1准备与热身(Preparation) Draw two pictures on the blackboard.In the first picture, a boy is walking to school while the other boy is taking a bus to school. In the second picture, the first boy on foot is late for class.The teacher is shouting at him. Ask students to talk about the pictures.T:What is the boy doing in the first picture?S1:Walking.T:That's correct. He's walking to school.What are the other students doing?S2: He's taking the bus to school.T:What's happening in the second picture?S3:He's late.T:That's correct.The boy is late.T:(Pointing to the first picture) I'm going to talk to this boy.Andy, you should take the bus.You shouldn't walk to school. If you walk to school,you'll be late.Class repeat. If you walk to school, you'll be late.Ss:If you walk to school, you'll be late.(Write the sentence on the blackboard.)Repeat the activity with another set of pictures.For example, use pictures that show a girl studying at a desk and then the same girl holding a paper with a big A at the top. Ask students to repeat the sentence. If you study hard, you'll get an A(Write the sentence on the blackboard.)Step 2呈现与输入 (Presentation)You will listen to the tape to circle the correct answers to complete the sentences in 2a on page 74.Step 3练习与体验 (Practice) You will go on to look at the chart in 2b and roleplay the conversation between Nelly and Mark.A:OK, when is a good time to have the party?B:Let's have it today.A:Hmm.If we have it today,half the class won't come.B:What will happen if we have the party tomorrow?A:Students will leave early to study for their tests.B:What will happen if we watch a video at the party?A:Some students will be bored.B:What is Mark going to organize?A:He is going to organize the party games.B:What is Nelly going to do?A:She is going to make some food for us.Step 4运用与生成 (Production) Ask some students to roleplay the conversation in 2d.Step 5巩固与提高(Progress)【探究点】Half the class won't come.一半的同学不会来。 half的用法:作形容词,“一半的”,一般放在冠词,物主代词或指示代词之前。作名词,“半,一半”。如:a year and a half一年半half of“半数的”。此结构作主语时谓语动词应和of后面的宾语在数上保持一致;当然of也可省略。【针对训练】三年半 three_years_and_a_half/three_and_a_half_years这些番茄有一半是坏的!Half (of) these tomatoes are bad! 【探究点】When is a good time to have the party? 何时是举行晚会的好时间?a good time to do sth.“做的好时间”。【针对训练】也许是去西安看看的好时候。Maybe it's a good_time_to visit Xi'an.Step 6家庭作业(Homework) 完成本单元学生用书第二课时的练习。第三课时Section A (Grammar Focus3c)类别课时要点重点单词1.upset(adj.)难过;失望;沮丧 2.taxi(n.)出租汽车;的士3advice(n.)建议;劝告重点词组4.be sorry 后悔5.be upset 感到失望6take the taxi 乘出租车 7.give sb. some advice 给某人提些建议§自主学习案根据句意及汉语提示完成句子。1My parents are upset(难过) because I fail the math test again.2If you stay at home, you will be sorry(后悔)3My brother often takes a taxi(出租车) to go to school.4I will ask my teacher to give me some advice(建议) on how to improve my English.§课堂导学案 Step 1准备与热身(Preparation) This activity provides reading practice using the target language.T:Good morning, everyone.It's time for English study.Let's talk about things which are possible in the present or the futurethings which may happen.A:I think I'll take the bus to the party.B:If you do,you'll be late.A:I think I'll stay at home.B:If you do, you'll be sorry.A:What will happen if they have the party today?B:If they have it today, half the class won't come.A:Should we ask people to bring food?B:If we ask people to bring food, they'll just bring potato chips and chocolate.Step 2呈现与输入 (Presentation)First,teach students how to use the verbs in brackets.Then ask students to do the following exercises in 3a.T:3a on page 75 is a letter from Tina. Read it and fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.T:Now work with your partner and use the verbs in brackets to complete the letter,clear?S:Yeah.T:OK. Now let's begin.Then do the writing work in 3b.This activity provides guided writing practice using the target language.Step 3练习与体验 (Practice) Ask students to complete the sentences using their own ideas.Then ask some students to read their own ideas.At last ask some students to read their sentences.They are given little presents if they act well.Step 4运用与生成 (Production) Try to write a story with your group on a piece of paper. The first person begins the story with “I think I will ” The others add sentences with “if”Pass the paper around twice.Then read the story to the class.I think I will go to the movies tonight.If I go to the movies,I won't finish my homework. If I don't finish my homework,my parents will be angry with me.If my parents are angry with me,they won't be healthy.If they aren't healthy,they won't work well.If they don't work well, they won't make lots of money. If they don't make lots of money, I will have difficulties going to collegeAsk two students to read their stories.Ask another one or two students to suggest other charity events.Step 5巩固与提高(Progress)【探究点】I don't know what to do about going to Mike's birthday party tomorrow night. 我不知道明天晚上迈克的生日聚会我要做什么。what to do是“疑问词不定式”的结构,意为“做什么”。about是介词,后接动词时用ing形式。【针对训练】约翰无法决定几时要出发(离开)。John could not decide when_to_leave你忘记到银行去的事了吗?Did you forget about_going to the bank? 【探究点】Can you give me some advice please?你能给我一些建议吗?advice是不可数名词,意为“劝告,建议”;没有复数形式,不能与an连用,表示数量时要借助于some或piece等词。【针对训练】他就如何学好遗传学给我提出了一条建议。He gave me a_piece_of_advice on how to learn genetics. Step 6家庭作业(Homework) 完成本单元学生用书第三课时的练习。第四课时Section B (1a1d)类别课时要点重点单词1.travel(v.)旅行2.agent(n.)代理人3education(n.)教育 4.famous(adj.)著名的重点词组5.travel around the world周游世界6.get an education接受教育7make a lot of money赚许多钱 8.go to college 上大学重点句式9.I think you should go to college.我想你应该上大学。10But if I go to college, I'll never become a great soccer player.如果我不能上大学的话,我将永远不能成为一个著名的足球运动员。§自主学习案根据句意及汉语或首字母提示完成单词。1Miss Chen is an agent(经纪人)of a famous actress.2China is famous (著名的) for the Great Wall.3If I go to college, I'll get better education4If you go with us, we'll be very happy5Where would you like to travel for your next summer vacation?§课堂导学案 Step 1准备与热身(Preparation) This activity reviews earlier vocabulary and introduces some key words.T:Please read the phrases. Which of the following are the most important to you? Please circle three things.Then do a quick check to see which thing is the most important to students in the class. Ask a student to write the six phrases on the blackboard.T:How many students circled:“be happy”? How many students circled “go to college”? Write the results after each phrases on the blackboard.Step 2呈现与输入 (Presentation)Listen.Look at the list in 1a. Put an “A” before each thing the soccer agent talks about and a “P” before each thing Michael's parents talk about.Step 3练习与体验 (Practice) Complete the sentences on page 76 in the box.1.If you join the Lions,c.you'll_become_a_great_soccer_player.2.If you become a Lion,e.you'll_travel_around_the_world.3.And if you work really hard,a.you'll_be_famous.4.If you become a soccer player,d.you'll_never_go_to_college.5.But if I don't do this now,b.I'll_never_do_it.Step 4运用与生成 (Production) You will go on to roleplay a conversation.A is to be Michael in 1b.B is a friend to give him advice.A:Do you know that the Tigers is a great basketball team?B:No, I don't.A:If you join the Tigers, you'll become a famous basketball player.B:If I join it,will I travel a lot?A:If you become a Tiger, you'll travel around China.B:It seems a great idea. If I work really hard,will I be rich?A:Yes,you will.B:Then I will join the Tigers right now.A:You shouldn't join the Tigers at this moment.B:Why should I not join it now?A:If you become a basketball player,you'll never go to university.B:I really want to play basketball.I want to be rich.A:I know that you want to be rich,but there are many interesting jobs you'd love.B:But you know it's my dream to play basketball.Don't you think it's really interesting that I could join the Tigers?A:I understand it's interesting. And I know you want to make lots of money.But money isn't the most important thing in life.B:I know.But if I don't join the Tigers now,I'll never join it.A:But you should get an education first.A:What do you think I should do? Can you give me some advice?B:I think you should go to college.A:But if I go to college, I'll never become a great soccer player.Step 5巩固与提高(Progress)【探究点】You'll


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