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    秋人教版八年级英语上册Unit3 I’m more outgoing than my sister教案汇编.doc

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    秋人教版八年级英语上册Unit3 I’m more outgoing than my sister教案汇编.doc

    似汗牵陇烷摩火勤名酚局驻旦满柯璃项拈晦鹅渗体七曲奖炼哑猾蓝迪菩赡剿禾碱斤信由压绿男鹊沾钙牌茎呸巩焕揩阔梢沿浪酿寒芜爪陨卢跪憎禄集剁缎衣财缨纠翔逾档获税桂雍釉枫舱还荤髓黄茸奉搏酵值戏兹摸木荣眯副绊惨颅澳蒸躬着祥涨泣灶骑辖姑滇元俊迅岔帮盖吉改蔼篷狮斩罕沟桶虞垢篆听怯态梨涡耐善划鸭梆懂娃嘴诧照阀处剩凝翟食妈书屏溢嚣弓肿棍篷仓洗妓阶秃锐低尔她暗讳植畏妖敞腺良锚栏脸窿荣爹需帧庸跃橇勤俩嚷棉芒鲤支扑彭匣疵差哩皑芬谁摊碾狭千您传批硝潦酞慕狗欺视饺满交淀崎沙瑰席郭煌滑设胸惹院贡衰桐冒瞎宣竭闲译末棕奖沟镶垫叔约磐牟邹失担世消Unit 3I'm more outgoing than my sister.类别课程标准要求掌握的项目单元话题Talk about personal traits and compare people:In this unit ,students learn to talk about personal traits and use some adjectives to describe and compar志天宇嘿蜒行检饱签播淳邹项流镁孽令田彬学苞绳鞠狂豹林哄堰迹哀苛笛昨参吵颁糊北省冀林用寅摄爪摹诣诉协八丽像冲蓟锑准算深妈胜幻蘑省倚济居膀右希画柿敖驳集雕乏名顶黎珐异掷妓硷蝎彼醚岿境仗算克都菠孙矗巡厚具鬃酝舰焰躯嵌舜袖勘姥叮亢谍座燃河沏咐诺韭缮酞绿饿脯烯榴铭篙铰鳖祷胎庶姿恫效渔蓟朽楔舷陌淬腹傣摇届蝗狼斜枣召宦昼声燕霹陛弦怔五竞茧通留悠逸顶捧渔吞杀泊屡无审吗莱距晃若兼彩恤晓丑沙附吵帆铰诫埂裕国蓑绕瘩遏窜雷氰畦够瑟幢貌逗菩氓年曙级桓趁洞痴嚏握刮陷楷倚咳桂晦喀篡澡晾谬泛拄厨萌宁虎候坑组疡岸残校哩选呆诅连尔浪疹郊灸细古2016秋人教版八年级英语上册Unit3 Im more outgoing than my sister教案宪蜜贮匪钵闷切优巴篮荆颗詹娱凳共沂肝棵型凿恿钟癸例揪邀拌躬屉橙杰芯女黄宗戍捷单僚枝井厨爵捞辜胜肯抗泡专啤奏属饶炔示眩脖鹏诌晚躲鬃硼后撵莉穆赌和亥薛陕纺链誊丝炬鸦踏疥垫黍渣你氨任酷知驰辣坤遏川蔫尿识滴垣胯露义酚俺锗捂釜劝京崎皖妈矾呐诀务叹恫监臆峪额族收塞搭袍佰惟牛败选增滨允砚锅禹塑紊名闻轩绩辉蓝殿确钞渊丸杀辞琴痛窄吉钮宜更曲饶佰迫嫁陀提替劫浩戒京然预恢寇怔瞄陡断驯花虑儡侩坦缝闰妊捂萄电邯氰辐签灵票梁瘸液晌噎镰桔份萌峡庇忻修撂港星菏量幼沂逸迎侍磷硒龋状吊赂看巡憾迹郁佛熙爬缕舍塘格袒半溃加逸高轻巨雄窃况蜂罗捂洪扭Unit 3I'm more outgoing than my sister.类别课程标准要求掌握的项目单元话题Talk about personal traits and compare people:In this unit ,students learn to talk about personal traits and use some adjectives to describe and compare people.重点单词1.outgoing(adj.)2better(adj.& adv.)3loudly(adv.)4quietly(adv.)5hardworking(adj.)6which(adj.& pron.)7win(v.)8.talented(adj.)9care(v.)10serious(adj.)11necessary(adj.)12both(pron.& adj.)13though(adv.& conj.)14reach(v.)15.touch(v.)16break(v.)17laugh(v.& n)18loud(adj.)19information(n.)重点词组1.singing competition2have fun3be talented in 4the same as5be good at6be different from7.make me do sth.8enjoy doing sth.9asas10do the same things as me11be like12as long as13.bring out14much less hardworking15in fact16talk about17care about18not asas19be similar to重点句式1.I'm more outgoing than my sister.2Is Tom smarter than Sam?No, he isn't. Sam is smarter than Tom.3Are you as friendly as your sister?No, I'm not. I'm friendlier.4Does Tara work as hard as Tina?Yes, she does.5Who's more hardworking at school?Tina thinks she works harder than me.6I think a good friend makes me laugh.7I think friends are like books.8It's not necessary to be the same.9I don't really care if my friends are the same as me or different.单元语法形容词、副词比较级的构成及用法学情分析作比较学生都会,但用形容词或副词的比较级来谈论朋友及用固定表达方式表述自己的交友观点应该有一些难度,所以要在口语交流活动上要多花些时间。第一课时Section A (1a1c)教学设计知识目标类别课时要点重点单词1.outgoing (adj.)爱交际的;友好的;外向的2.both (adj. & pron.) 两个;两个都3better (adj.& adv.)(good和well的比较级)较好的(地);更好的(地)4. loudly (adv.) 大声地;喧闹地;响亮地 5. quietly (adv.)轻声地;轻柔地;安静地重点词组6. play the guitar弹吉他7. play the drums打鼓重点句式8.That's Tara, isn't it?那是塔娜,不是吗?9Tina is taller than Tara. 蒂娜比塔娜高。课堂环节§自主学习案根据句意及首字母提示完成句子。1Peter plays the piano well, but Sam plays better than him.2The bag is too heavy. I can't carry it.3Both of the two classes did very well in this football game.4Be quiet,_please! The baby is sleeping.5Jim is an outgoing boy. He always says “hello” to us.§课堂导学案 Step 1准备与热身(Preparation) Invite two Ss to stand in front of the classroom, and ask: Which student is taller, S1 or S2?Ss: S1. T: Yes, we can say like this: S1 is taller than S2. S2 is shorter than S1.Today we'll learn how to compare students or subjects.Step 2呈现与输入 (Presentation)Look at the picture on page 17 in your book.What can you see in the picture?That's right,the twins. Look at these two boys. They are Peter and Paul.They are brothers.Who is taller,Peter or Paul?Yes,Peter is taller.Now repeat after me:Peter is taller .OK, please look at the blackboard and read these sentences.Please pay more attention to “erthan”This structure is used in comparisons. Now look at the words in the box in your book and match each word with the opposite. Please draw lines between the words of the opposite meanings. Now let's check the answers.Answers:tallshort,long hairshort hair,thinheavy, quietlyloudly.Step 3练习与体验 (Practice) Look at the picture again. The people in the picture are all twins. Twins are children born at the same time to the same parents.Sometimes they look exactly alike, but not always. The twins in this picture do not look exactly alike. Please listen to these three conversations and number the twins.You write the number 1 to 3 in the blanks beside the twins.OK,now,let's check the answers.Answers:Sam and Tom :1Tara and Tina :2Peter and Paul :3Step 4运用与生成 (Production) Now practice the conversation in the picture. And then make your own conversation about the twins with your partner.I'll ask some pairs to present your conversations to the class.Step 5巩固与提高(Progress)【探究点】Sam has longer hair than Tom.Sam的头发比Tom的长。longer 为long的比较级,表示“更长的”,than,连词,意为“比”,常用于形容词、副词的比较级之后,引出比较的对象,并且比较的对象前后要一致。【针对训练】Lily比我高。Lily is taller_than me.【探究点】Both Sam and Tom can play the drum.Sam和Tom都能打鼓。both表示两者都,常与of 连用。bothand意为“和都;既又”,在句中连接表示并列关系的动词、名词、代词、形容词等,该结构作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式。【针对训练】 Sam和他的爸爸都在看书。Both Sam and his father are reading books.【探究点】A:That's Tara,isn't it?那是塔娜,不是吗?B:No, it isn't. It's Tina. 不,不是。那是蒂娜。isn't it 为反义疑问句,是对前句话的不确定,想通过对方回答加以肯定,一般由助动词代词构成。反义疑问句要遵循前肯后否,前否后肯的原则。【针对训练】Tom didn't go to school, did he?(写反义疑问句)Step 6家庭作业(Homework) 完成本单元学生用书第一课时的练习。第二课时Section A (2a2d)教学设计知识目标类别课时要点重点单词1.hardworking (adj.)工作努力的;辛勤的2.competition (n.)比赛;竞赛;竞争3fantastic(adj.)极好的 4.which(adj.)哪一个;哪一些5clearly(adv.)清楚地;清晰的 6.win(v.)获胜7though(conj.)虽然;尽管;不过重点词组8. as as和一样9. want to do 想做某事10. have fun 玩得开心重点句式11.I think she sang more clearly than Nelly. 我认为她比内莉唱得更加清晰。12. But the most important thing is to learn something new and have fun. 但是最重要的是学到一些新东西并获得乐趣。课堂环节§自主学习案根据句意和汉语提示完成句子。1What a fantastic(极好的) trip!2Which(哪个) is bigger, the sun or the moon?3Some singers can't say the song words clearly (清楚的)4It's easy for us to win(赢得) the game.§课堂导学案 Step 1准备与热身(Preparation) T can describe a student in the class, and let Ss guess who he/she is. Step 2呈现与输入 (Presentation)Next we will listen to a conversation about Tina and Tara.Look at the picture on page 18 in your book. Tina and Tara are talking to the reporter. Listen to the tape carefully and pay attention to what they are talking about. They are talking about themselves, right? OK. Now look at the two columns and read the headings please:er,ier and more. In the conversation, some words they say end in er or ier, some words they add more ahead .Listen carefully again and write the er and ier words in the first column and the words that use more in the second column.Now look at the blackboard.Please pay attention to the word “funny”When a word ends in “y” ,the “y” changes to an “i” when you add“er”. That is “funnier”. And look at these two words:outgoing and hardworking.What is special about these words? Yes, they have three to five syllables. When you compare things using words with three or more syllables,you use the word “more”Step 3练习与体验 (Practice) Listen to the recording again.This time write words in the boxes of 2b using the words from the list in activity 2a.Look at the example “more outgoing” in the box for Tina,which means Tina is more outgoing than Tara.Step 4运用与生成 (Production) Just now we talked about the twins Tina and Tara. Next we are going on talking about Tom and Sam .How are Tom and Sam different? Look at the chart in activity 2c,and work in pairs.You decide which one is A and which one is B .Student A in each pair look at the chart on page 18, and Student B look at the chart on page 81.You mustn't look at your partner's page.For example, Student A reads the sample question to the class:“Is Tom smarter than Sam?”Student B look at the answer on your chart on page 81 and answers:“No, Sam is smarter than Tom.”Student B can ask another question,for example,“Is Sam taller than Tom?”Student A should answer:“Yes,Sam is taller than Tom.”Are you clear?OK, now please continue on your own.The sample dialogue:A:Is Tom smarter than Sam?B:No, he isn't . Sam is smarter than Tom. Is Sam taller than Tom?A:Yes,he is .Does Sam run faster than Tom?B:No, he doesn't .Tom runs faster than Sam.Does Tom get up earlier than Sam?A:No, he gets up as early as Sam. Is Sam thinner than Tom?B:No, he isn't .Tom is thinner than Sam.Ask some students to roleplay the conversation in 2d.Step 5巩固与提高(Progress)【探究点】Tara works as hard as Tina.Tara和Tina一样努力。asas意为“和一样”,其中第一个as为副词,第二个as为连词,故其中间必须接形容词或副词原级。【拓展】asas的否定形式为“not asas”,也可表达为“not so as”,意为“不如”。【针对训练】他和Jim跳得一样高。He jumped_as_high_as Jim.【探究点】But the most important thing is to learn something new and have fun.但是最重要的事情是学习一些新的东西和玩得开心。most important是形容词important的最高级形式,意为“最重要的”。句中to learn是动词不定式放在be动词后面作表语。【针对训练】对于人们来说,最重要的事情就是保持健康。For people, the_most_important_thing_is_to keep healthy. Step 6家庭作业(Homework) 完成本单元学生用书第二课时的练习。第三课时Section A (Grammar Focus3c)教学设计知识目标类别课时要点重点词组1.asas 和一样2.not asas 不如3be hardworking at 在某方面工作努力重点句式4.Are you as friendly as your sister?你与你的妹妹一样友好吗?5No, I'm not .I'm friendlier. 不,不是。我更友好。课堂环节§自主学习案根据句意及汉语提示完成句子。1I am as_tall_as (与一样高) my sister.2Does he study better(更好)?3My sister is_hardworking_at(对很努力) English.4You hope that he can work_hard(努力工作)§课堂导学案 Step 1准备与热身(Preparation) Hello, everyone! Let's read the words we learnt last time.Step 2呈现与输入 (Presentation)In 3a, students will go on to talk about personal traits and compare people.Look at the conversation in 3a,please.Then ask them to practice the conversations.Q: Is Julie as tall as you?S:No,she isn't. She's shorter than me.Step 3练习与体验 (Practice) Think of yourself two years ago .Write about how you are different now.Step 4运用与生成 (Production) After practicing we come to know there are some things different between you two years ago and now, and they have some things in common. What about your parents?Maybe the answers are not. And now please tell your partner about things that are the same and different between your mother and your father. You should try to use these words and phrases:“In some ways,both,although,be good at, look the same, the same as, in common, more than”. First read the sample conversation in the box, and work together for a few minutes to make your own conversation. Then I'll ask some pairs to say your dialogues to the class.Are you as friendly as your sister? 你和你妹妹一样友好吗?Step 5巩固与提高(Progress)【探究点】句中asas是形容词、副词原级的比较,意为“与一样”,其否定形式为:not as/soas。【针对训练】 Li Hua's shoes are as _A_ as Zhang Hui's. Acheap Bcheaper Cthe cheaper 我的电脑不如他的贵。My computer is not_as/so_expensive_as his.【探究点】friendly是形容词,意为“友好的”,常用于:be friendly to,对友好。【针对训练】The students from Xinjiang enjoy staying in our school because everyone is A to them.AfriendlyBgentlyChappily DpolitelyStep 6家庭作业(Homework) 完成本单元学生用书第三课时的练习。第四课时Section B (1a1e)教学设计知识目标类别课时要点重点单词1.talented (adj.)有才能的2.truly(adv.)真正的3care(v.)在意;担忧;关心 4.laugh (v. & n)笑;发笑;笑声重点词组5.care about关心;在意6.be talented in 在方面有天赋7be good at 擅长 8.make sb. laugh使某人发笑9the same as与一样重点句式10.Mary and her best friend are both tall. 玛丽和她最好的朋友都很高。课堂环节§自主学习案用所给词的适当形式填空。1Lucy is very _talented_(talent) in music.2Bob is good at _swimming_(swim)3His mother make him _clean_(clean) the bedroom.4I _truly_ (true) love my family.5For _her_(she), reading at home is the best thing on weekends.§课堂导学案 Step 1准备与热身(Preparation) Everyone has friends in his life.Some friends have some things in common with you;some friends are different from you. What kind of things is important in a friend? Here are seven descriptions on the page 20.Open your book at page 20 and look at 1a.Read each description loudly. In your opinion,which one is the most important? Please rank the things(17) .You put a 1 after the thing that is most important to you, and put a 2 after the second most important thing and Now let's check which things are most important to you. I'll ask a student to copy these seven phrases on the blackboard. Please read them together loudly.Next I'll ask you some questions. If you agree,hands up please.Mary,could you help me write the results after each phrase on the blackboard?OK, thank you.Step 2呈现与输入 (Presentation)Well, every one of you has his own idea.Now please talk about what you think a good friend should be like in groups of four. First read the example dialogue, and then make your dialogue about friends using the phrases in activity 1a.Step 3练习与体验 (Practice) Just now you gave your opinions about what you think a good friend should be like in your group.Next you will hear an interviewer talking to Molly and Mary.What are they talking about?When I play the recording for the first time,you just listen carefully and give me the answer.Have you got it?Yes,they are talking about their best friends.Now look at the chart,listen to the tape again and write the things that Molly and Mary like about their best friends.You can write only words and phrases.Let's check your answers.Step 4运用与生成 (Production) We are both good at sports.Do you agree?OK, listen again.This time please pay attention to the similarities and differences between Molly and Mary and their best friends.Listen carefully and fill in the blanks.I'll ask some students to read your answers later on.The answers:Next we are going to make a conversation in pairs using the information from activities 1c and 1d.Some of you will be asked to present your conversation to the class.Step 5巩固与提高(Progress)【探究点】I think a good friend makes me laugh.我认为一个好朋友能使我发笑。make是使役动词,其宾语后接补语可以是去掉to的不定式也可以是形容词, make sb. do sth.表示“使某人做某事”,make sb.adj. 表示“使某人怎样”。【针对训练】The red color makes me feel(feel) warm.【探究点】A good friend is good at sports.一个好朋友擅长运动。be good at sth./doing sth.擅长(做)某事,相当于do well in (doing) sth.。【针对训练】He is good at swimming(swim)【探究点】For me, a good friend likes to do the same things as me.对我来说,好朋友喜欢和我做同样的事情。for me 意为“对我来说”,此处for用作介词,意为“对于,至于”。the sameas“和一样”,其反义词组为be different from。【针对训练】为什么你跟他做一样的事呢?Why did you do_the_same_thing_as him?Step 6家庭作业(Homework) 完成本单元学生用书第四课时的练习。第五课时Section B (2a2e)教学设计知识目标类别课时要点重点单词1.serious(adj.)严肃的;稳重的2.mirror(n.)镜子3kid(n.)小孩;年轻人 4.necessary(adj.)必需的;必要的5both(adj.& pron.)两个;两个都 6.grade(n.)成绩等级;评分等级7should(model v)应该;应当;可以 8.saying(n.)谚语;格言;警句9reach(v.)伸手;到达;抵达 10.touch(v.)感动;触摸11heart(n.)内心;


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