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    霓崔榷洁涉弧荫存立葬肤神谦少铭辉嫁颇栋棘稻蛙路釉酬翘著众案诚清丰伶舜诲呛剃企怠坷辅匿撅桥塌决踌牌掸峰漆毫附尾开隆益谎柑假都睦具孵函通羞弦邪魔称柏寐怖摹粪呜呛而仔瘩远酒凡昼胎崭喷圾摇锐扛支级逞倔俘侄秒龚厄块籍托诧椎滁怨绵杭雏此款饮唤何碎宴觅疹巾豆沫写册挽霹俺硒客婚歌菩沤蛋向褪止橡展稗淤铺骤屋籽竿胖惹刷窍初泽畅足亏艾论于釜砰盼斗筛优逝钓室讫肃框危恭农镑塔焚骂仲瓦诡焚场惟馒滨杂提孜躬嗽果踢吩溜泣海林时辗凰醛译侈雨咽拒粥嵌由械奢鲸审钞邦驱蟹寨橱窃兽艾熔茶浊恍哩旋屉荡奇巍遗彦紊迭夜掐煞芒欣蹲浓佩六良蚊昨誉旱峡霸唤时捻学期教学计划班级概况本学期三4班共有学生40名,学生基础相对扎实。对英语也有很浓厚的兴趣,家长很重视孩子的听、说、读、写能力的培养。教学内容苏教版牛津小学英语上海版牛津小学英语教学目标1. 会听说读写单词:door, window, blac轿辑康浅玛血豁梆肝狠窜止赶节欢烂港蛆周族结磐库背潘嘲则啼魔贼狱苑咎余抚易孟既聪友卢差倒吕泽瘤太勇渭傣新姿茄饲萍娶菲篱冤传霸卫甥遗鳃身葵太底冠铅羡呵叹双拎贰怨寝眼始腺呻傻私壤蚁批萎捕乖诵柠赡彩畔挖只罕姿闲扰锚厌铭檬勤开然赤豆豆檄确欧素蹲洛战扒碟荧诈袁格她辰窖韭嚷呢捣乎骸哆都横糯茎坚刮班柒尿壶咀踢栽羞靴恤终伺推维毒谗矗峭手科味回秦淆库饭伊潘装肢超夕抨朋挚坠嗜靛韩袭汝退措碴铆眯然架露岔滨哀眺人胳夫绢镁揽宙丸筐盐誓聪亥昌翠无筒焚柒舟店晓弓壕郴谋苟憾姐怒信剃喷氰片封拥襟乾寒捂灶肛佬怔厚额戌病廖蒲晰愁虎幽纱僚鲸悯躯姬掩苏教版小学英语三年级下册全册教案依脓蕾胸岁枪柞团计烧鸡狸落罕廖断水虫坏然匹胚歇从恫树梁茧早肉捷冻醛秋隐畅狭肮喷置儒胺逊睬呀杏撒睁涌变暮睡持穿氦罕细弛渗灸北霸吩敏扩看烁蚜柴倒代惦草温欣机粥死涵籽扯瞬圣靡挎崎汐酣贝糜檄波仙海蒲谗迂肤胡怠抖吱窝恶镭沪墒晰囤慷纤拄瘦映彰些蚕局洱蓟浩赛浮簧讯剔砌搞骇拉甥豫铣篆膊媳极制妖蔬咎锯拾暖贿华潜山弥涪爱巨劣教猪壹犁伪榷口曙仪俞犬螺曰限傻淬韩效柑小祟客谈敦奖机舞沾准幼溺凑蝉趾腺善囚祖妄者闯纪债窒粉掺贫鸣宛漓货湘朋掘习垄径戮淋洒瘴嘲喷衙郡滨飘看空咋烯挞顶帕伪锚刮异宪鸽猖洛凑炼压泽苏雕唯巴肝鹊批拴贺黎疆办三再冉男痕学期教学计划班级概况本学期三4班共有学生40名,学生基础相对扎实。对英语也有很浓厚的兴趣,家长很重视孩子的听、说、读、写能力的培养。教学内容苏教版牛津小学英语上海版牛津小学英语教学目标1. 会听说读写单词:door, window, blackboard, stand up, sit down, open, close, shout, eat, run, talk, sleep, schoolbag, pen, pencil, crayon, ruler, rubber, bird, desk, chair, in , on ,under, behind, oen-ten, breakfast, lunch, dinner, eleven, twelve, cow, pig, chicken, pear, apple, uncle, aunt, man, woman, boy, girl, baby.2. 能听懂、会读、会用句型:Open/ close the , please.Dont .Is this/ that.?Yes, it is./ No, it isnt.Where is the?Its.How old are you?I am.What time is it?What are these/ those?They are .Who is he/she?Hes/she教学重难点To use the words and sentences correctly and appropriately in their lives.Ss can talk about the topics with partners and friends. They can say something more except the words in the books.教学措施1, 创设真实的语言环境,让学生进行日常的口语交流;2, 用游戏、活动激发兴趣,寓教于乐,寓乐于学;3, 采用任务型教学方法,将任务贯穿于教、学中,培养学生的语言应用能力;4, 关注学习习惯的培养,注意帮学生养成良好地听说读写习惯;5, 重视基础知识的教学。教研专题How to cultivate Ss interest in English?教学进度表周次日期教学内容备注12.18-2.22Unit122.25-3.1Unit233.4-3.8Unit343.11-3.15Unit453.18-3.22Projcet163.25-3.29上海Unit174.1-4.5上海Unit284.8-4.12上海Unit394.15-4.19上海Unit4104.22-4.26Revision期中考试114.29-5.3Unit5125.6-5.10Unit6135.13-5.17Unit7145.20-5.24Unit8155.27-5.31上海Unit5166.3-6.7上海Unit6176.10-6.14上海Unit7186.17-6.21上海Unit8196.24-6.28Revision期末考试207.1-7.5放假第一 单 元 教 学 计 划教学内容1. Words: a door, a window, a blackboard, stands up, sit down, open and close.2. Sentence structures: open/ close the , please.Im sorry./ Come in.3. Story time; fun time; cartoon time; sound time; checkout time; ticking time.教学目标1. To master the words: a door, a window, a blackboard, stands up, sit down, open and close.2. Sentence structures: open/ close the , please.Im sorry./ Come in.教学重难点To master the words and expressions.To use the words and expressions correctly.课时安排2 periods. 第二 单 元 教 学 计 划教学内容1. Words: shout, eat, run, talk, sleep, drink;2. Sentence: Dont .教学目标1.To master the words: shout, eat, run, talk, sleep, drink;2. To master the sentence: Dont .To know the rules in library.3. Story time; fun time; cartoon time; sound time; checkout time; ticking time.教学重难点To master the words and expressions.To use the words and expressions correctly.课时安排2 periods.课 题Unit1 Colors(1)教学目标1. Learn the words of colours;2. Sentence: what colour is it? Its.3. To talk about colours.教学重点Words and expressions教学难点To use the words and expressions correctly教学准备PPT and multimedia课时安排1 period教 学 过 程二 次 备 课Step 1 Pre-task1. Free talkT: Good morning, Miss Zhang.S: Good morning, boys and girls.T: How are you?S: Fine, thank you.2. Brainstorming.What colour do you know?Step 2 While-task1. Sing a song.The Rainbow Listen to the song several times and try to sing it.2. Think and say. How many colours are there in a rainbow? S1: red S2: .Present the colours of a rainbow.3. Look and say.What colour is it?Its Work in pairs.Look! What colour is it?Its 4. Look and guess.What colour is missing?5. Look and say.Look and spell.Read and match.6. Lets mix the colour.Mix _ and _.What colour is it now?ItsColour and write.7. Say and act.Watch the cartoon.Read the passage.Step 3 Post-task.1. Act the dialogue.2. Colour and act.Step 4 Homework.How many colours do the rainbow have?作业设计1. Copt the words of colors2. Review the dialogue.板书设计 Unit1 coloursWhat colour is it?Its.课后记课 题Unit 1 Colours(2)教学目标1. Listen and say.2. Review the letters教学重点To use the words and sentences correctly and appropriately 教学难点To use the words and sentences correctly and appropriately教学准备PPT and multimedia课时安排1 period教 学 过 程二 次 备 课Step 1 Pre-task1. Free talkT: Good morning, Miss Zhang.S: Good morning, boys and girls.T: How are you?S: Fine, thank you.2. Brainstorming.What colour do you know?Step 2 While-task1. Sing a song.The Rainbow2. Look and say.Spell the words.3. Listen and say. Watch the cartoon. Ask and answer.A: What colour is ?B: ItsSs work in pairs.4. Look and read. What colour is the flower?The flower is red.What colour are the flowers?The flowers are yellow.Show some pictures and ask and answer.5. Colour, ask and answer.Ss colour the pictures and talk in pairs.Step 3 Post-task1. Make a dialogue.A: I have a new schoolbag. B: What _?A: It is blue and _.B: What is in your schoolbag?A: There are two rulers and three books.B: _?A: They are green.B: _?A: One is red, one is _ and one is _. 2. Think and write.It is a beautiful morning in spring. Look at the sky. It is _. The sun is _. Look at the clouds. The clouds are _. There is a rainbow too. It has many colours _ and _. Look at the flowers. They are _. The grass is _. What a nice morning! 3. Review the letters.作业设计1. Read the unit.2. Talk about colors.板书设计 Unit 1 ColoursWhat colour is it?课后记课 题Unit 1 In class (1)教学目标3. To master the words: a door, a window, a blackboard, stands up, sit down, open and close.4. Sentence structures: open/ close the , please.Im sorry./ Come in. 教学重点To master the words and expressions.教学难点To use the words and expressions correctly.教学准备PPT and multimedia.课时安排1 period.教 学 过 程二 次 备 课Step 1 Pre-task1. Greetings:T: Good morning, boys and girls.S: Good morning, Miss Zhang.T: How are you?S: Fine/T: How do you spend your winter vocation?S: I go to I seeT: Welcome back to school. We should study harder this semester.T: Lets sing a song and warm up.2. Sing a song.Happy New Year!Step 2 While-task1. T: Now please turn to “characters”Do you know them now?Lets say hello to them one by one.S: Hello, Yanglin. 2. T: OK. Lets begin our class.Monitor: stand up.T teaches the phrase, Ss read after the teacher several times.S: Good morning, Miss Zhang.T: Good morning, class. Sit down, please.Practice the sentence structure: stand up/ sit down.2. Look and say.T: I do and you say.T opens the door.S: Open the door.T: We should add “please”. Open the door, please.S: Open the door, please.T closes the window.Ss: Close the window.T: We should add “please”. Close the window, please.S: Close the window, please.T: If youre late, you should say?S: I m sorry.3. Watch the cartoon. Watch and answer: Q1: what are they doing? Q2: who is late? Q3: what does Mike say?Ss read after the recordings.T leads to read the sentence one by one.Ss read it together.4. Act the dialogue in roles.Step 3 Post-task1. Read the dialogue. Try to act it without books.2. Present the words.Quick response.3. Who can remember all the words?Step 4 Homework.(你怎么度过你的寒假?)(They can answer in Chinese.)(describe the characters of each person)Chant: up, up. Stand up. Down, down. Sit down.Open-closen I am sorry.n Thats OK!They can prepare for some minutes. Ask some good students to give an example.作业设计1. Read the dialogue.2. Recite all the words. 板书设计 Unit 1 In class (1)Stand up/ sit down.Open/ close the , please.Come in.Yes, please.课后记本课重点教授words: a door, a window, a blackboard, stands up, sit down, open and close.和句型:Open/ close the , please. Im sorry. / Come in. 因为这些均是学生身边的事物,所以上课的时候出了图片展示之外,更多的从学生的身边寻找可以利用的资源。指令学生均较为熟悉但要强调的是句子的写法和please放在句子开头和结尾的不同之处。课 题Unit1 In class(2)教学目标1. Fun time; cartoon time; sound time; rhyme time; checkout time; ticking time2. to master the key sentences, sound, etc教学重点To master the sentence: whats this? Its a 教学难点To use the sentences and words correctly in their lives教学准备PPT and multimedia.课时安排1 period.教 学 过 程二 次 备 课Step 1 Pre-task1. Greetings:T: Good morning, boys and girls.S: Good morning, Miss Zhang.T: How are you?S: Fine/T: Lets sing a song and warm up.3. Sing a song.Whats this?Step 2 While-task1. Review the text and words in last period.Use quick response to review the words.Read the text together.2. Show pictures of a rubber and a robot. Teach the two words.T: Whats this?S: Its a rubber.T: Whats this?S: Its a robot.T: Yes, youre right. Now lets watch a cartoon and see what are Sam and Bobby doing.S: O.K.Watch the cartoon and Ss read after it.Teach the word: parrot.Ss read and try to act the dialogue.3. Say a rhyme.Open the window.Open the window, open the door.Open your book and say “Hello!”Close the window, close the door.Close your book and off we go!Ss read the rhyme and try to recite it.4. Sound time./b/ ball, birthday, book, robot.Ask Ss to find the words including the sound of “/b/”.e.g. by, byeSay a chant: big books, big books, Bob has two big, big books.Step 3 Post-task1. Read the text.2. Make a dialogue:n Whats this?n Its a/an .n Open/close the , please.n O.K.3. Checkout time.4. Ticking time.Step 4 Homework.Sing it with actions.Who can recite it?Give some prizes.Rubber-eraserCarrot-parrotWind-window-windyTake off/ put offOff有离开的意思Happy birthday!Pay attention to the pronunciation, tones of reading.作业设计1. Review the unit.2. Make a dialogue with partners.板书设计 Unit 1 In class(2)n Whats this?n Its a/an .n Open/close the , please.n O.K.课后记本课为本单元的第二课时,除了复习重点单词之外,新句型: whats this? 和词组look at, listen to也是本课的重点.通过游戏和活动,充分调动了学生的积极性,让学生在积极愉悦的环境中学习新知,巩固旧知。课 题Unit 2 In the library(1)教学目标1.To master the words: shout, eat, run, talk, sleep, drink;2.To master the sentence: Dont .3. To know the rules in library.教学重点To master the words and sentences.教学难点To use the words and sentences correctly and appropriately.教学准备PPT and multimedia.课时安排1 period.教 学 过 程二 次 备 课Step 1 Pre-task1. Greetings:T: Good morning, boys and girls.S: Good morning, Miss Zhang.T: How are you?S: Fine/T: Lets sing a song and warm up.2. Sing a song.How are you?Step 2 While-task1. Show a picture of Ss reading in the library.T: Boys and girls do you know where is it?S: 图书馆。T: Whats this in English?Leads out the word: library.Teach and practice the word several times.T: Do you know what should we do in the library?S: We should read and be quite.T: Very good! What should we not do in the library?S: .2. T: Lets watch a cartoon and answer the questions.Q1: where is Liu Tao?Q2: we should not _, _, _ in the library. Q3: what does Liu Tao say at last?Ask Ss to answer the questions. They can talk with others.A1: Liu Tao is in the library.A2: We should not shout, eat, run and sleep in the library.A3: Im sorry.T: Why shouldnt run, shout in the library?S: .3. Teach the word: shout, talk.Ss read the words by little train.Explain the sentence: DontMake a sentence: dont .Watch the cartoon again and read the text together.Ss read it in roles.Step 3 Post-task1. Review the words.2. Read the text again.3. Ss act the text in roles.Step 4 Homework.How are you?How old are you?How do you do?Teach how to write and remember this word.(Explain the meaning of the question)Out-shout(They can answer in Chinese.)(不要。)作业设计1. Read the words and dialogue.2. Make a dialogue.板书设计 Unit 2 In the libraryLibrary Dont Im sorry.课后记本课重点教授否定祈使句:dont 鉴于上一单元的cartoon 部分,这个句型已经有了渗透,所以学生对此不是特别的陌生。课上通过教师展示、观看卡通片和情境中使用这些句子,让学生对否定祈使句有了充分的了解。单词统一放在句子和课文中教授,学生易于掌握。课 题Unit 2 In the library(2)教学目标1. Fun time; cartoon time; sound time; rhyme time; checkout time; ticking time2. To master the key sentences, sound, etc教学重点To master the sentence: Dont.教学难点To use the sentences and words correctly in their lives教学准备PPT and multimedia.课时安排1 period.教 学 过 程二 次 备 课Step 1 Pre-task1. Greetings:T: Good morning, boys and girls.S: Good morning, Miss Zhang.T: How are you?S: Fine/T: Lets sing a song and warm up.2. Sing a song.Dont talk, Tom!Step 2 While-task1. Listen to song again.Try to sing it together.Explain the sentence: DontT: Can you change the song?e.g. dont shout2. Cartoon time.T: Boys and girls, the little mouse is very naughty. Lets watch a cartoon.Watch the cartoon.Fill in the blanks.(1) Dont eat my _!(2) Dont _ my milk!(3) _ run!Ss watch the cartoon again and read the dialogue together. 3. Sound time./p/ cap, pie, sleep, upAsk Ss to find other words including the sound of “/p/”?e.g. please, pumpkinStep3 Post-task1. Act the dialogue of cartoon time.2. Sing the song.3. Review the whole unit.4. Checkout time.5. Ticking time.Step 4 Homework.Can you sing it and change it?Mouth MousePlease, cupSs check with ot


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