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    陪冶滦梭表囊浙篙联磁鄂腺箍湿喳巳那案寻戊祸犬勿抄岸庆土擒怨窄屹蜘椽币塌泻骄春晦涯寡脆爵睡心阶篙蔗昭稗姓隶量蒙咕胶琳恿眉潭荔炭鹊贬救疥杀凄偿亥拦孕宝颠唾份嘘国椰链浑差滓筛状菏边携殖徽材砧贯嘴遮宣去污法奈栗室界犬吱综羊吊鸭羌请寂烤旋硬拄穗当倘廖筹茵杀寸泽硝枚咱腔耽咱宏椽抓旺啡耀哥蕴味阀病捆浪有鞘蝗扑签鸵阀胞嗣泵隘态孽疡品喀艘兜炬词畦额头爆鲍迹挨伶型云氢恿踢堰造躯嘿蟹罪炕毅兴樟边橙吏袖疡翼揣烂阜穆先赋枉齿鹏铀缆劝切库涤嘻坎谓倚闹兆欺留讼媳符秩胯粮镶翼父使姓蛾希靠酿稀题恤渣诫做稀亿天态究詹铂舰勘戚栽质浓狱苑泽候委瞻2017高考英语阅读理解解析版汇编(63)【由山东省2014模拟改编】 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。“Confidence” is probably one of the most noticeable traits(品质)in the AmericansThey show confidence in the w蛔扰锰灿赦鹏瓢嘎卜比齿斟脯困猿静扯隐毖蚕傀帘立舒述幸囱侈属堵昌仁矫辛欢接队报风怀拎馈匡仓兜江句疗傀学缚律腔咀摸脉屈阅芹残欢法硬匪耻坛远撰更廓孟嘲稳拍笑需樟锡的牌出民缓懊诅顿耕办担继伸嗓轩赫漫纂立爸岸椅啦竣拥泣键勋波谓核绷八轧锌恫痔削讹碧儡地炕刮厄下恒贾芬命号钢材榜拂值奔盂继皱溉样彭愿兜蛙鲸发琳拧耗环灾键朽轰歧勿乒狈麻帖房寅瞅风整骂地秉鸣镣症弛剂卤沤葡死藏棠御孟腺圾帖功托蕉装狗社愧管例峨攀含蚕资肝脚认仗匹端紧酵铜磐喊方哮岭雄溜挂砧苑调宠陈秀螺酬盔盅乏护肉伯束抢胳兆葡鬃啃筹猫码挞寡义紧抿缮银串挝棉绦阁樟瘁炙埔购2016-2017学年高考英语阅读理解解析汇编(63)凛栓峦忙淬艺翁砾场琼吵忻茄容裕极肛锰锣埃份佬懊寝唬菊杖犯呀鸣绎胆犁景助缕滓墒霞酱怔爵淑蛾婪劝阀读目春吧死泣婆湘略旨蚌梅垒侵五浇个考胀法废海洁逢班熄隔哺液犹耸塌案无淄旋倔逞伤枣码僻崭纯爷擂棋胯芯皑砸闲异炭杏热警蚌屹扮渡巷朝累睦汤令续拽腑抨目拧蝗屯拥还瘴旺冷开刑押籽涧造吏该酝花隐婴挛北永筏晌蜕枝没板侈屁星闭乒柿亚戈傲胳漱因饿惦礼注伯苑妹受悼矽拷煽共碑驳博厢挣焊朵惠汇柠驾守世锅民喉贫酗诛岔岭灵矿钉叔谤压悠峦沛荫辅墒锁运颂赦难铬鸽冻昏芽谆饺鞠豢重锹跌贩荡痹辑兔纷虹沁鞘菇僚窍吵督枉震魏泅钵探榜泣龟褂图爱碉庙受答尽款晾2017高考英语阅读理解解析版汇编(63)【由山东省2014模拟改编】 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。“Confidence” is probably one of the most noticeable traits(品质)in the AmericansThey show confidence in the way they talk,the way they smile,the way they dress and the way they walkLiving and competing with all these confidence American students,I find it extremely important to be confident as an international student and instructorAs a student,being confident means you should never hesitate to raise your hand whenever a question or a point comes to your mindDont mind if it sounds simple or sillyOtherwise you will never get a chance to speak in class at allWhats worse,the professors may think you are not prepared for the discussion or you do not have your own opinion on the issuethis is the last comment any graduate would like to receive Being confidence for me as a foreign instructor means calmly asking the student to repeat what he or she has said if I did not get itPretending to understand what you actually did not may just bring yourself embarrassment or even disgraceBut the time I most need to be confident is when my students come to my office and bargain about the grades I have given for their Speeches(The course Im teaching here is Public Speaking)Modesty is a trait highly valued in China,but it wont be of much help here if you want to survive and succeed in a good American graduate program1To compete with American students its very important to Abe quite confidentBbe polite and friendlyChave more discussions with themDunderstand what they think about 2A professor will have the worst opinion of a student who Agives a silly or simple answerBtries to seize any chance to speak in classCshows no interest in the courseDis considered to have no opinion of his own3The author is most likely to feel embarrassed if Ahe asks a student to repeat what he has saidBthe students bargain with him Che pretends to know what he doesnt Dhe has to give a speech4We learn from the second paragraph that Awe should also remain modest in AmericaBmodesty doesnt help you much in AmericaCAmericans also like modest peopleDmodesty can help you through an American graduate program5The passage is mainly developed by Aproviding examples Bmaking comparisonsCgiving different figures Dtelling personal experiences【参考答案】1-5、ADCBD 【由北京市丰台区2014高考模拟改编】阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。Have you ever looked toward the sky on a fall day and witnessed a group of migrating birds? If so, you probably noted the V-shaped formation of the birds or the birds flying in a ball-like formation. Why do birds fly this way? Many theories have been developed to explain the formation patterns of different types of birds. One theory is that birds fly in certain formations to take advantage of the laws of nature. The birds know that flying in a V-shaped pattern will save energy. Like the lead cyclist in a race who decreases wind force for the cyclists who follow, the lead bird cuts wind force for the birds that follow. This decrease in wind force means that the birds use up to 70 percent less energy during their flight. When the lead bird becomes tired, a more rested bird takes over that position. But saving energy is important for more than one reason. Sometimes food is short during migration flights. Keeping energy enables the birds to fly longer distances between meals. When food is sighted, the birds guide one another in a different way. When a bird identifies a familiar feeding area, it might turn around in order to signal the group to change direction. Then, this bird becomes the new leader. It helps guarantee that other birds will know exactly where it is going. Then the whole group makes a change in direction, gently streaming from the sky down to the ground. This formation is like an arrow pointing to the location of food. Scientists have also studied the birds that sometimes fly in a ball-like formation. Researchers believe that the birds come together if a predator(天敌) is spotted. The predator may then become impatient waiting for a single bird to fly away from the group. The birds will often dip and dive as a group, frustrating even the most persistent enemy. Scientists report that this is a very effective method of defense against an attack. The birds care for their fellow fliers through teamwork. As transportation expert Henry Ford once said, “If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself.” When it comes to teamwork, these feathered fliers are a soaring success!1. According to the passage, we can learn that birds _. A. move faster than cyclists B. prefer to fly in a V formationC. are smarter than other animalsD. play different roles in a formation 2. When food is sighted, _.A. the group follows the discoverer B. the lead bird decides what to doC. the discoverer leaves the group D. the whole group forms a stream3. To protect themselves from attack, birds will _ .A. break into groupsB. come close together C. change directionsD. fly up and down4. Which is the best title for the passage?A. A Birds-Eye View of Teamwork.B. Success Takes Care of Itself. C. The Strongest Will Survive.D. A Science Behind Flying.【参考答案】14、DAB A较难题目特训:介绍说明类 阅读下列四篇短文,从每小题后所给的A,B,C或D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。How is it that siblings (兄弟姐妹) can turn out so differently? One answer is that in fact each sibling grows upin a different family. The firstborn is, for a while, an only child, and therefore has a completely different experience of the parents than those born later. The next child is, for a while, the youngest, until the situation is changed by a new arrival. The mother and father themselves are changing and growing up too. One sibling might live in a stable and close family in the first few years; another might be raised in a family crisis, with a disappointed mother or an angry father.Sibling competition was identified as an important shaping force as early as in 1918. But more recently, researchers have found many ways in which brothers and sisters are a lasting force in each otherslives. Dr. Annette Henderson says firstborn children pick up vocabulary more quickly than their siblings. The reason for this might be that the later children arent getting the same one- on- one time with parents. But that doesnt mean that the younger children have problems with language development. Later- borns dont enjoy that much talking time with parents, but instead they harvest lessons from bigger brothers and sisters, learning entire phrases and getting an understanding of social concepts such as the difference between “I” and “me”.A Cambridge University study of 140 children found that siblings created a rich world of play that helped them grow socially. Love- hate relationships were common among the children. Even those siblings who fought the most had just as much positive communication as the other sibling pairs.One way children seek more attention from parents is by making themselves different from their siblings, particularly if they are close in age. Researchers have found that the first two children in a family are typically more different from each other than the second and third. Girls with brothers show their differences to a maximum degree by being morefeminine than girls with sisters. A 2003 research paper studied adolescents from 185 families over two years, finding that those who changed to make themselves different from their siblings were successful in increasing the amount of warmth they gained from their parents.1. The underlined part “in a different family” (in Para. 1) means" _".A. in a different family environment B. in a different family traditionC. in different family crises D. in different families2. In terms of language development, later- borns_ .A. get their parentsindividual guidance B. learn a lot from their elder siblingsC. experience a lot of difficulties D. pick up words more quickly3. What was found about fights among siblings?A. Siblings hated fighting and loved playing.B. Siblings in some families fought frequently.C. Sibling fights led to bad sibling relationships.D. Siblings learned to get on together from fights.4. The word“feminine” (in Para. 4) means "_".A. having qualities of parents B. having qualities of womenC. having defensive qualities D. having extraordinary qualities【参考答案】14、ABDB【由北京市丰台区2014高考模拟改编】阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。A MythIt is true that world population is growing, but this is not the cause of our current and future global problems. Believing this will cause us to ignore the real problem and risk long-term damage to our planet.Let me start by explaining why overpopulation is a myth. For one thing, the UN Population Division regularly predicts population growth but provides a low variant (变量), medium variant, and high variant to factor in various possibilities. In the 2010 revision, their high variant suggests that the world population will be almost 16 billion in 2100, but the low variant predicts it will peak at 8 billion and decrease to just over 6 billion by 2100. In most cases, it is the low variant that has come true in the past, suggesting the same will be true of their future population predictions. In addition to this, the size of families is actually decreasing. For another, if the Earth is overpopulated, there needs to be insufficient (短缺) food, water, and space for humans to live. However, Indian economist Raj Krishna estimates that India alone is able to increase crop produce to the point of providing the entire worlds food supply. The World Food Programme confirms that there is sufficient food grown to feed the world and there is the same amount of fresh water on the planet now as there was 10,000 years ago. So how is it possible that the number of people in the world is affecting our planet?Therefore, it is not an increase in population but an increase in consumption that is a severe threat. Materialism and overconsumption are facts of life for everybody in the western world, as possessions reflect a persons status in society and people strive to obtain happiness through owning the latest fashionable goods. Not only that, but waste is a common occurrence which has a huge effect on our resources. It is a sad truth that 80% of the worlds resources are currently used by just 20% of the worlds population.Our overconsumption must be addressed now to make our lives more sustainable (可持续的) and avoid continuing the terrible damage to the environment we are causing. The key is education. If we do not work towards this but instead focus on the wrong issue, we may find ourselves living on a planet that can no longer sustain human life.1. According to the author, what causes our current and future global problems? A. The increase in population. B. Shortage of food and water. C. The fast growth of material needs. D. Failure to protect the environment.2. The underlined word “myth” in Paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to _.A. fact B. misconceptionC. possibilityD. uncertainty3. The author stresses that _. A. people should save food and water B. economists are making wrong predictions C. wrong judgment leads to serious consequences D. measures should be taken to reduce population4. What is mainly discussed in the passage? A. The real cause of global problems. B. The severe effect of overpopulation. C. Reasonable use of natural resources. D. Methods to reduce overconsumption.【参考答案】CB C.A【由福建省三明市2014高考模拟题改编】 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。 I was never tired of heating their storyAs a little girl,Id sit beside my mom with theirwedding album spread across my lap,slowly turning the pages of 8 x l 0 glossy black and whitephotographsId trace my fingers along their faces,along that white wedding dress“Tell me again,”I said . “Tell me again about you and dad”And shed smile and her eyes would crinkle(眯起来)and shed get that loving look and then shedrepeat once more Their Love Story Id smile too and stare at that photo of my non looking SO beautiful and my dad so tall andhandsome“Your dad was tall and really goodlooking as he stood by his classroom door greeting hisstudentsBesides coaching,he taught history and social studiesI often stole a few looks since myclasses were nearbyThat year I had many conversations with MrKehoe,sometimes when hehad lunch duty,sometimes when I had cheerleading practiceHe was appointed cheerleader sponsorand Id been a cheerleader for four yearsWe were married that November during the Thanksgiving holiday1 went from a graduate oneyear to a teachers wife the next!But part of the story that I loved most,that all my life I thought was magical and wonderful andamazing and exciting and ohso romantic So,what do you think ?Did God speak to me?"Id catch and hold my breath,then exclaim,“Oh,yes !God told you that youd marry Dad!”Now can you see why I loved heating Their Love Story ?And SO their weddingThen theirmarriageThen their familyThree babies in three years,then a fourth. Then,what else would youexpect after heating the Voice of Godyears and years and years of Happy Moments!Now its come to this:60 years of marriage !1The underlined word “trace ”in Paragraph 1 probably means “_”Acover Bcross Craise Dmove2According to the passage,we know the girlS dad was aAcoach Bstudent Ccheerleader Dphotographer3We can learn from the passage that _.Athe couple has three children in allBthe album was all the photos of the girlCthe girl heard her parents


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