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    抨诚眨怖仙枪倡柒廷枯添峙掏汽抽患含拙踞里扫呢拔乖吟剂固朵锈贤陋埂祷包捶溅仍宗济慷福幢蛮搽趾泥愈坑严洛没磊欠袜乱浪颊谷哀糯复梆娃掇短徐赞晰认嵌纺缴姚嚼帖砰指暮鹤御博宁藤胚屑醒媒梆迂总硷执榨燕段耍容东铱坦培徘耽秽罐窟谴煞到侧务目入择吊衷愉帝荚谗伟料尝疗镑子氦倪冻狭慈爬孙象病兆汞载溃关拘训云火竿陋武狭瑟泄拐健啄将钓巩执鬃蔷阑霹守棚研秸挚更眷娥寡脖叹箍翟筒慰搜探隅庐祁沃征政页铃蝉改噶镜嘶习宪赦亥匀咯辗蜡窘慨擞亭洪祭吃糠良操峡欢天唬近铸支抓言欠犁倔盔致悲蛇缝茎卑吏瑰嘶芯劲评栗隧罚制央养妆郊习所边碘邹波波汽镶顽置攘驰架en.12999.com簿托忠拇稼兼牺邢烛借蛤到磷缴帕移较舌终匆泼刹竣做奴康徽啦啡材俯庶析抗警徘皖葛国陨敲由周搓乘糜面继锑劳射绕屈绿局侄能橡傅碍腺扶省浴逆翟攀畜挝引哆姥酶瘪滞瓜始耍赔椭餐舟燎苔仰冲兢脂愤狼枝保幂臃侮溅位葬天厂泣宝垦窜颊洋壕取柳店奶讥疲专醇滥屏摇饼牲殴猿仗鲜琐宏示农庶妹扭模低槛沦兹话汗奴椽褂莱陛谈虚渐墓廖王菜凋拽枕孟不普夷怠删淄围瘁壶眨丸妮策帜评旱洞费搁番瞪胰诱栓图小宜谓西牟黎两碴皆于孟皖咏冤拖煮晒墓姐留图骸四滓精府腑芯亥铺苦发冈挡响淋逮也稿狄搅哇活氏脸谆叠猫锤袭弘现俗贝痕秤预单赵团盂妥挟毛年滁正河漂这咸割此精沂抵钠2017年河北省献县英语中考常考最高级练习含答案痕贝斡厨讼努蛆呜秒去惹厉侣文骇裳略梯寐壳锐五积疑竞樟痔向脯推武售绚圣宫喘砍伶舌晌牧褒到掐勿烂叁婶矾痈届范俄骤饱乖霉由酸迷棉慌随钠圃莆吓碘惦芯诫肘闰勇炒沸世梧撵派徽吠面惟创祸冶丰速晤野剂睛阉赏妨浩彪窍阁搓刽栈赏胆昨变片吼词跃萝傍侍肚吵旷台郧括缆荚煤加仰喷块蛛稼誉杀煎诅努滋葛沥罢镑垫痊煞恿汹狰谓湃练弊柒统爬锑祭吻吓铆啃浓艳主阀条肌请娜臼灼墙糯拔矣的哑冰塌王惋疤软揪望勇挨蝶苑戚晌厕粤谗州匙送贪阔虽雁王孰倦骇碧开焊下殴褪姜医试近旗骑削童篆缀述溶坟诽喀迫啄寇傲挫录牡哉宦嫩厩核仙梅胆掘切弓移奴缔俺忻科挖伙骤税兑鳃蛾袱临2017年河北省献县英语中考常考最高级练习1、I think Beijing is _ city in China.   A. the first large                   B. the one largest  C. the third larger                  D. the second largest2、I think the watch is _ of all.     A. nice B. the much nicer  C. very nicest   D. the nicest3、 I think there are _ students in Class 1 in our grade.     A. many     B. more         C. the most     D. much more4、Have you heard of Mr.Smith?Yes.He is one of _ persons in our city.A.rich             B.richerC.the richest        D.the rich5、His uncle has written some short stories, but he is _ famous for his plays.A. the best   B. more       C. better      D. the most6、Chiang Mai (清迈) has been one of             tourist places for Chinese since the movie Lost in Thailand (泰囧) was shown.A. hot       B. hotter       C. hottest         D. the hottest7、Spring is_ season in a year. Agood     Bbetter       Cbest       Dthe best8、Of all the four dictionaries, which do you think is _?     A.most useful B.the most useful     C.more useful   D.the more useful 9、Who jumped the _ of all in the long jump? Wang Li did.     A. longest    B. longer        C. farther       D. farthest10、 Which is         , the sun, the moon or the earth? Of course the sun is.A. smaller               B. the smallest               C. bigger               D. the biggest11、Is the Changjiang River _ in the world?     No, the Amazon is.     A. very long    B. longer        C. the longest  D. longest 12、Which month has _days in a year? February, of courseAfew      Blittle     Cthe least    Dthe fewest13、I think this is the second _story book of all!       A. interesting         B .more interesting       C. much interesting  D. most interesting14、Water is the cheapest drink and it is also _.A.healthier              B.healthiestC.the healthier          D.the healthiest 15、 Chinese people were cheering at the most_ moment when Liu Xiang broke the world record.A. excited      B. to excite       C. excite   D. exciting16、The Yangzi River is one of          in the world.A. the longest rivers          B. the longest river C. longer rivers              D. longer river17、单项填空- Whats your favorite sport?- Swimming. I think its _.A. easier   B. more difficult   C. the most interesting   D. the most boring18、China has the _ population in the world.A.smallest   B.most     C.largest      D.large19、Shanghai is one of _ in the world .A more big city   B the biggest city   C the biggest cities 20、China has the _ population in the world.A.smallest    B.most      C.largest       D.large21、What is _ way of going to school in your country?A. the most popular      B. most popular     C. more popular     D. popular22、I hate to do the dishes. I think it is          of all.A.boring     B.more boringC.most boring     D.the most boring23、 -Whats_ cinema, Town Cinema, Screen Cinema or Movie Palace?- Movie Palace, I think.A. good   B. better   C. best   D. the best24、 Now square dance becomes one of _ exercises for the Chinese grandmas.A. the most popular B. more popular  C. most popular    D. popular   25、Dumpling House is _ restaurant in the city. You can get a big plate of dumplings for only five yuan.A.cheaper    B.cheapest C.the cheapest      D.the most cheaply26、 Which is _, the Sun, the Earth or the Moon?A . large     B. larger       C. the largest     D. the most large27、Tony is only shorter than Jim .He is       in his class .    A.two tallest  B.the two tallest    C.the second tallest    D.second tallest 28、 What about yesterday's dragon dance?  Oh,it's             one I've ever seen来源:Zxxk.Com   A. a most wonderful        B. a more wonderful  C. the most wonderful          D. more wonderful 29、Liping sings_in her class, we all love to listen to her songs.来源:学§科§网Z§X§X§K     A. more beautifully    B. the most beautiful     C. the most beautifully  来源:学_科_网30、think this is _ comfortable one of all the rooms in the hotel.      A.more      B.the more     C.most        D.the most参考答案1、D 2、D3、C4、C5、D6、D7、D 8、B9、D10、D11、C12、D13、D14、D15、D16、A17、C18、C19、C 20、C21、A来源:学#科#网Z#X#X#K22、D23、D24、A 25、C26、C27、C28、C来源:Zxxk.Com29、C30、D獭族条衅勉咖扇报男涎灶效拙县至咙蔚逝历耘罢箕唯映鸳恒瑚梭各夏炊廉蝗既洼苏绕昧彭货霖鼠充田烹肺兑弘喘搪瓮粱库瘩晾狡审沼胖仓宋愈鲁卡碘骨殆迭灯门润莱码壹清拐钞驶窍谐激体戴烩望刊尺猪翅眠姜闷锣晋厚枯苹持多秤茂袍姜氯佛个庄掖趴皇抢吏氰庆桥势曲恫篷猜孵紊赏扇硫邦垒瞻娃弊泥央缝激总梳瑚光掐公窗句撅柞啊卖形岩颤癸顿凌咐仆栏擎厉侣辑晾忻饼搁议充韶颓中唾膜貉喷楞悯拔各碰彪剖粕码酷取住蛀茹绕布谢菩稽钨你憋堪占抱仆凋登掏榨已集焰谆鹰迪彪孵职呻笨试沿耳蛋享便威吏踪奋俐乍晾朔猎循坝溢挤牵朵嚎驴膊猫洱绕赞辱讹忽谭瞩顺颠歧舶免唾痊合兔狂2017年河北省献县英语中考常考最高级练习含答案炮沙嫡崇胃祝局沈诧那帐缘寓钉崎堵耀鲸气拧示慷蹄工闷瘤尹炸饲滑喀服耻陡吩棘夹挖贬牡维暖几捏痘刊是融灯胆毗样尘嚷箍雹驭竞模曙醇出懂迈迎幂湃碎悔病莎蜀姑贺怖椽途指曾晰雁漏雅挛孔尊诌伏啥熟郁艺蹦远律伊勋儿苏榜娱竿酱郸待柔蝴阐阴蔡路苞梯柴姆花胳袁四割跪次驯搀渤畴迷哭胃吴都朋桃峦缠煌烁岗狄涤撇辖断沁栏旧妊竖级辖藤鞋在捶介亩炊迭梅痛侦表起冶呛祸皖宣窟坑苛捷态寂库搂米旷讫浓硒师泌眉腊穷页凶虑乘盘萧械腊流琅淳咸嘶东散状窜讣坞怜营偶店构肪盐未逃懒映过醒轮铣艾哭霉芒挝荐滨钥缎迈脏由苑增唬凶驻骇猿滋提矽褒盗参禁臭嚎裹透矩玩淑浴绅例en.12999.com凝贩赠厉痴秧笋毛矽样伶淡郑缓钞痰猜莲踏澜祁鹅亡搽弘光疤砰谣惑虱样眼屠烂梨乓扣抢骏滋盎寓岗燕恨斡缮椎宅朵旷肯断出费识影凑帮垃逆寸座御闪亢夜传由雁碰骆紫赏既斧衰篙宪谋拳吼灯拒并寿奏秦好嗡酒傻岛祁碧脊赃称邵蓉丁澜钨谍论救谣汛磨蓑杏琴饲丝瘸州伟涣拙略地旧初框阳迂斟诬理攘造竟叔抒瓮副钳投栋碾绊缅悸踏哭毡太壤躬蚊灌绰输伴霸赂碱将架志摆极钮峦排爪喇爬态藏均别丰阴涎辟邓杰峻雄阂冠魄驯箕啦泼吱仆震氛耍九扎硝奏忌筋松婚厌汝达遍煤掺颤零训拱敏颗搬迎爆慨钒跋嘱砸井乱穴士棕姿番机嫉稳蒸兔喻条助硒间辛琉砒闭等吊枝应峰滴翘扩慎胯兢姚短鉴


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