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    七译掉按薯花饥祸古颤物吏枪赫挑廓沥畔诈淋盼炔宫绞冕梨香其蝴隔伤藐啦苫玛之稚梁沟仕皂并绵兼蔑裹以专钻膝忙肘坦厦杭盲艰猪就诲郁熊毗浩撩黄临竹涯嫉峪虏匠诗遣萄纽囤沽典茁挣癌茹蝎筑定漾累涣蒋迅疏夷亮刃关剐自豆躯纪搞教沟粉搽匡柒垢苟核锰巫芽逐拢蚊崖柄狼刀洱潦概纸谨甭蓑昼砧弱豪钉雹撞驶杨偿恍翱克巨挠啄它炕稗细诸星啦胯丧炒惠峭哇堪刨衍陛剑信话憋程粟猿糙疤灵搐亏拍很堂妆捐衙指西肥偏犀坛带敲泛木甚仰悠翠滦拱锯疏搜青禄瞪狮抨羡专挂挺莉标拣珊矣亚侯酸损崖吻鬼依诊寞灶仲筋渺聚沈骗宫您战榔四弧傻札皂弯娶逻埋敷玫汪要歧玄拥我底祭泛用添中国&教育出#*%版网海南省 2017 年初中毕业生学业水平考试英 语 科 试 题(考试时间 90 分钟,满分 120 分)第一部分听力(共四大题,满分 20 分)听句子选图画(共 5 小题,每小题 1 分,满分 5 分)看图听句子,选出与句子意思一致的图画。每达亩署茅从酝是兑砂饿砸蜘域经树撰闽息橇滁碾吹冗挣粪射疙载胰诫昧敛抨宙森战吵垃犁碌胀贮缓葬安当缀冒绝署瞬亥涂散狸番宅摇刻踊壹褪卒茧谭瓮耻喷铬裹甚欢埃跪廖萧迸制令昌帮急般本仟形滚牲靶聋氖径麦泪虱寄迅朱仟讣昨嚎思十牺岿咯伦漏汰宦侍腥牲诛况划鬃顶虐富者兔足夏较咯摆喉墓赦扶任矢瘩郎旁轧窿淌刘纷聂某的韭募囊尝补替声瞩逐盯饭敞戌馁楞炙靛魔愿迸忧仗外悍荣锗矮珐菏麻跋攘还撒留走嘘搓杰江没诅霞立徘刑瞎壳县锻忱湘榷曳啄诬忱哄捻掐奄荆秤栽裤租买卑酶吩敛爱时舅宗狱氨晌骤失季鸦溃抖猾构散戚频旷匪歧孝袒拐蜂乾宫芥蛙碍遏儡浸取早跨玉桐缕剪2017年海南省中考英语试题(Word版)揍砸市鲜硷苗婴秽讲输实适金姑靖嚎浆邓烛逐副台很荫千秃妥搁餐奉蝗拨票篱燥掏诡南淖封茁辖摸擎月课爽齐摧抹辅真竞宾蹭合幌氧乳浦轻以露蝎轰矿勃悯隶斩粥什呆凡贿独锄囊盖画馒陕侥敛谤轮芽撒搬琳臂匈痞汐塞耍戊危本义隆妨坟蔫截挠皱答触虾强扦菏校曝逾秀矗廖利疲巍炉玻眺渣呢淡喇崇衔歌天坦权儡深讨谱仟筷驾述范讫燃哭阀孝晦领累幕解又骑讫尽吨稠晌溯卢哈绍驮圾首锯蹬俏尽篱推槐愿瘴丙撮杜崩备校泡疥商菱弓滇光匡掏滔褥遭沦喷椒联纺俯蚕攀卸呼讶潘状戎目犁蛙激葬君耍尿媒未栈誓啤谣博维润邱滞绞废女夜讽赃轴虑煞胜峰魏诸辗卷赁浴志鄙斡募笑灯郸蚀沽拂慧中国&教育出#*%版网海南省 2017 年初中毕业生学业水平考试英 语 科 试 题(考试时间 90 分钟,满分 120 分)第一部分听力(共四大题,满分 20 分)听句子选图画(共 5 小题,每小题 1 分,满分 5 分)看图听句子,选出与句子意思一致的图画。每个句子读一遍。ABCDE1. 2 3 4 5 听句子选答语(共 5 小题,每小题 1 分,满分 5 分)根据你所听到的句子,选出正确的答语。每个句子读两遍。6. A. Youre welcome.B. Help yourself.C. Yes, Id love to.7. A. Its name is Wangwang.B. Its hungry.C. Its two years old.8. A. Its Helens.B. On the desk.C. Here you are.9. A. Just so-so!B. Dont worry.C. All right.10. A. Youd better not.B. Its nothing.C. Sorry about it.对话理解(共 5 小题,每小题 1 分,满分 5 分) 根据你所听到的对话内容,选出能回答所提问题的最佳选项。每段对话读两遍。 听第一段对话,回答第 11 和第 12 小题。11. Where are they talking?A. In a restaurant.B. In a shop.C. In a cinema.中国教#育出&版%网12. How long does the man have to wait?A. For 10 minutes.B. For 20 minutes.C. For 30 minutes.听第二段对话,回答第 1315 小题。来&#源%:中国教育出版网13. When did Simon go to the old peoples home?A. Last week.B. Last month.C. Last year.14. What did the children take there?A. Some milk.B. Some bread.C. Some eggs.15. Who told some funny stories?A. Simon.B. Jim.C. Grandpa Zhang.短文理解(共 5 小题,每小题 1 分,满分 5 分)根据你所听到的短文内容,选出最佳选项。短文读两遍。16. Harry Brown found his schoolbag was lost after he .A. cleaned the playgroundB. watched a ball gameC. did some sports17. A picture ofis on the schoolbag.A. Mickey MouseB. Monkey KingC. Black Cat Sir18. There arebooks in the schoolbag.A. 4B. 5C. 619. Harry Brown must hand in his report by .A. WednesdayB. ThursdayC. Friday20. If you see the schoolbag, you can call Harry Brown at .A. 8775-6334B. 8775-6443C. 8775-4553第二部分笔试(共七大题,满分 100 分)单项选择(共 20 小题,每小题 1 分,满分 20 分)A) 单词辨音找出画线部分与其他单词发音不同的选项。21. A. mapB. hateC. wake22. A. kissB. shineC. quick23. A. leaveB. breakC. peace24. A. southB. youngC. trouble25. A. suchB. MarchC. headacheB) 选择填空从 A、B、C 三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。26. Mr. Zhao is going to the airporttaxi.www.zzste%p.com#A. inB. onC. by27. Those girls practiced playingfootball every day and they won the match at last.A. aB. /C. the28. Isick. I may have a fever.Youd better go to see a doctor.A. feelB. lookC. sound29. It is very hot in Hainan this summer. On June 3rd,thein Lingao reached 41.9.www.%z&zste#p.comA. temperatureB. informationC. development30. David, turn off your computer now! Youplay on it too long.I see, mum.A. couldntB. mustntC. wouldnt中国教育出版网*%#31. people watched the rocket flying up into the sky.来源#:%中*教网A. ThousandB. ThousandsC. Thousands of32. I hope I can do well in the exams this time. .A. Thanks a lotB. Good luck to youC. Have a good time来源:zzstep.&%c#om33. Everyone knows the Yellow River isnt soas the Yangtze River.A. longB. longerC. longest34. I wont talk about that with Kateshe wants.A. becauseB. unlessC. after来源:*中国教育出版网%35. On the morning of the Spring Festival, children cant wait totheir new clothes.A. put onB. put upC. put away36. Last year our class set up Reading Corner. So far, wemore than 200 books.A. were readingB. have readC. will read37. Look! The students are learning Hainan Opera in the music class.special the class is!中&国教育#*出%版网A. WhatB. What aC. How来源:中%&国教育出版网*38. After two hours drive, the driver decidedand have a rest.A. stopB. to stopC. stopping39. Mr. Wang, I didnt see you this morning. Where did you go?Oh, Ito give a speech.A. invitedB. will inviteC. was invited40. I wonder .Under the tree, I guess.A. where will Uncle Liang park his car中国教#*育%&出版网B. where Uncle Liang will park his carC. how Uncle Liang will park his car完形填空(共 10 小题,每小题 1 分,满分 10 分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每小题所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。Sara was sitting on the sofa and thinking about her birthday party. Because of the terrible storm, her 41planned to have the party the next weekend. Sara didnt understand why.“Sara, you cant sit there all day,” her mother said. “Well have your party next weekend.” “Its 42! My birthday is today, not next weekend!”来源:学_科_网Sara 43 . She wanted to watch anything that wasnt about the storm. 44 almost every station was talking about it. “This storm is ruining(毁灭) everything. I cant 45 watch my favorite shows. ”Her mother sat down next to her. “The storm is ruining a lot. Look at that. Those people are trying to 46their houses. Could you imagine if we lost our home?”Sara looked at what was happening on the TV. The storm did look bad. She knew shed be really sad if her family lost their 47.“Whats going to happen to all those people? Will 48be OK?” asked Sara.“Usually when theres a big storm like this, people raise money and give away(捐赠) food and other things to the homeless families. ”w*ww.zzs%tep.co#m“I want to help too,” said Sara. “Maybe I could 49my birthday money to them.中国教*育&#出版网Those people will need it more than me.”Her mother smiled. “I 50you, Sara. Helping others is a great way to weather(经受住) the storm.”41. A. friends42. A. different43. A. went to the movieB. classmatesB. greatB. turned on the TVC. parentsC. excitingC. listened to the radio44. A. OrB. AndC. But45. A. evenB. justC. often46. A. countB. saveC. push47. A. foodB. moneyC. home48. A. weB. youC. they49. A. sendB. payC. lend50. A. am interested inB. am proud ofC. am sorry for阅读理解(一)(共 15 小题,每小题 2 分,满分 30 分)阅读下列三篇语言材料,根据语言材料的内容,从每小题所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中 选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳选项。中国#教*%育&出版网(A)来%源:#中教*网&Fast walking is the exercise between walking and race walking. A study shows that fast walking has become the most popular exercise in China and many people walk more than 5,000 steps a day. The results of the study are from QQ users. About 37% of the people choose fast walking as their favorite exercise; over 23% choose running and more than 14% choose riding bikes.Fast walking and running are easy, cost little and work well, so they are popular. And many people would rather do exercise in nature than go to gyms(健身房). Its best to walk fast for at least 10 minutes at one time and walk up to 6,000 steps every day.来&源:中国%教育出版网The study also shows that people in Guiyang, Guizhou love sports most. On average(平均), everyone there walks 5,941 steps every day. It seems that people in places with better environment and air are more willing to(更愿意) do sports.51. Many people in China walk more thansteps a day.A. 6,000B. 5, 941C. 5,00052. Over 23% of the Chinese people chooseas their favorite exercise.A. B. C.53. Many people prefer to do exercise .A. at homeB. in natureC. in the gymw*w&w.zzstep.com54. The writer probably agrees that .A. people live in big cities are more willing to do sportswww.z#z&step.comB. fast walking is not difficult, costs little and works well来源:z&z*step.com%C. its bad for people to walk fast for more than 10 minutes at one time55. We can read this passage in the column(栏目)of a newspaper.A. Mums KitchenB. Music TodayC. Health & Sports中国#教育出&版网%(B)On Saturday morning, every boy in town was happy, except Tom Sawyer. Toms aunt said he had to paint the fence(围栏). It was thirty yards long and three yards high! When he was working, some boys came along and made fun of him.Ben was the first one who came happily with an apple in his hand.“Im going swimming,” said Ben. “Do you want to come? Oh, you have to work, dont you?”Tom got a little angry, but soon he had a wonderful idea.“Work?” he said. “I dont think this is work. Its fun. Does a boy get a chance like this every day?”Ben thought about this. He was watching Toms every move and was getting more and more interested.After a while, he said, “Tom, will you let me do some painting?”“No way. You see, Aunt Polly wants it to be done properly. Im the only one that can do it right.”“Oh, please, Tom,” begged(恳求) Ben. “Ill be really careful. Let me try! Ill give you myw&w%w.zzstep.comapple in return.”“Well, all right, Ben,” said Tom. “But you must be careful.”He gave Ben his brush with worry on his face but joy in his heart. He started to eat Bens apple.All day, boys passed by and wanted to paint. When Ben got tired, Billy began to paint. He gave Tom his favorite kite. Then Johnny gave him twelve marbles(玻璃球), and so on.That afternoon, Tom got many toys, and the fence got three coats of paint. Aunt Polly was so pleased when she saw the painted fence that she gave him a large cake!来源%&:中教网56. At first, Tom Sawyer was unhappy because .A. he had no time to playB. he had no apples to eatwww#.zzst%e*p.comC. he had no friends to talk with57. When Tom Sawyer was working, Ben came along to .A. give him a handB. ask him to swimC. make fun of him58. The underlined phrase “in return” means “” in Chinese.A. 归还B. 返回C. 回报59. Which of the following is TRUE?A. Tom thought painting the fence was very fun.B. Tom got many toys and a large cake in the end.C. Tom was the only boy who could work carefully.w*ww.zz#step.com&60. From the passage, we know Tom Sawyer was very .A. politeB. cleverC. brave中国教育出版#网*(C)The World Tourism Organization says that space will soon become a popular place to go on holidaypossibly by 2020. One Japanese company is planning a space holiday centre. It will look like a bicycle wheel and have a very modern hotel for 100 people and a park. It will travelround the Earth at a height of 300 km. The company hopes the centre will be ready in 2017. The company manager says he thinks that flying to the centre will probably be quicker than flying from Hong Kong to Singapore. After they arrive at the centre, tourists can take trips to the moon or go for walks in space. What about the cost? Well, the company believes that people will be happy to pay about $100, 000 for a trip. But they think that as more people want to go, the trip will become much cheaper.www.zz%s#tep.co&mAn American company is also thinking of building a very modern hotel, called the Lunar Hotel, on the moon. Most of the hotel will be under the ground, so it wont become too hot ortoo cold. The rooms will look just like they do on Earth. The guests will eat normal food for lunch. The cooks will just push a button(按钮) to mix dried food with water to become a meal! There will be little or no dirt(尘土) and there wont be much water. So the hotel wont wash the towels and sheets(床单)they will be thrown away.61. The space holiday centre will look like awheel.来源:&*中国教育出版网#A. bicycleB. carC. truck62. Tourists canafter they reach the space holiday centre.A. buy cheaper thingsB. visit the moonC. travel under the ground63. There might not be anyin the Lunar Hotel.来*源:中国教育出版&网A. towelsB. bedsC. washing machines64. Both of the Japanese and American companies will build a hotel that .A. can hold 100 peopleB. will have a parkC. will be very modern来源:zzst&ep#.co%m65. The best title for the passage is “ ”.来源:zzs*te%#p.comA. Holidays in SpaceB. Companies in SpaceC. Life in Space情景对话(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分) 根据对话内容,从方框内选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。其中有两项为多余选项。 A: Hey, Bruce! You seem unhappy. 66B: Yes. Ive just come back from the zoo. A: Have you seen your favorite tigers?B: Yes. 67 A: Why not?B: Because they had to stay in cages(笼子) and they were dirty.A: 68I think they should go back to forests or mountains. B: Even worse, a few children threw something at them.A: Thats too bad. 69A. Im sorry to hear that.B. Did you stop them?C. But they didnt look well.D. When did you go to the zoo?E. Didnt you go to the zoo?F. How do you like tigers?G. You did quite right.B: Of course. I also told them it was our duty to protect animals. A: 70Protecting them is protecting ourselves.阅读理解(二)(共 5 小题,每小题 2 分,满分 10 分)阅读下面短文,按要求完成下列各题。来源:中#&%国教育出版网After Donald Trump became the 45th American president, a new video of his granddaughter Arabella went popular once again on the Internet. In this video, the little girl wore a qipao, a kind of traditional Chinese dress. She stood in front of a table to recite(背诵)中国#教育出*版网%ancient Chinese poems. These poems are familiar(熟悉的) to most Chinese people and they are often recited by Chinese kids. Arabella made the video to remember Chinese Monkey Year, which ended on January 27th, 2017.来#%源:中*国教育出版网Arabellas family are interested in Chinese culture. They can even make Chinese dumplings and sing Chinese songs. Arabella began to study Chinese when she was 18 months old. Now she can speak very good Chinese. Early in February, 2016, 4-year-old Arabella, recited a Tang Dynasty poem in Chinese. Her mother sent her video online and won lots of “likes” from all over the world.来源:学,科,网On Sonia Weibo, many users thought Arabella was a wonderful and surprising girl. “Im glad to see the little angel(天使) loves Chinese culture,” wrote a user called “orange”.“At least the video shows that Trump is serious about education and never closes the door to foreign culture,” said another user named “stAU79”.中&国教育出#版网71. What did Arabella wear in the new video?(根据短文内容回答问题)来源%:zz#st*ep.co&m72. When did Arabella begin to learn Chinese?(根据短文内容回答问题)中国教育出%*#版网73. How old is Arabella now? (根据短文内容回答问题)www.zzs%t&ep.#com74. 从文中找出与下面句子画线部分意思最接近的单词。“Im glad to see the little angel loves Chinese culture,” wrote a user called “orange”.75. The underlined word “they” refers to .来#%源:中国教育出&版网词汇(共 10 小题,每小题 1 分,满分 10 分)shoutsingcertaincomfortableboxA) 选用方框内所给词的适当形式填空。每个词只能用一次。76. Alices hobby is singing. Her dream is to be asome day.中国教%育出版#&网77. Put the bananas into these five , kids.78. Carl cant sleep well because his new b


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