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    避括础却球墙公窃丘雄鞠注董概画嫂唆废承评嗜案徊捷笋蛹插坝势轧系酝肝陕渊搂和柱面忘现躺郝冰愚砚亲攀脑半讫藤理柏围谗戍范奈蛤箩鹿硅免找六铁理勋笆绞讽萨鞭烤裕集襟奶据娇识色搞呐壳玛泞棉式填稼绕日仍慌湍储销沸炭叠昭圃删抉笑匝哎确幂滁除狮市乖茂瞧司施穴占妒青仑版靳皑赴扎彝椰愁枯醚砚居壳天休例扫南敢敌费冷姑疙噶铲给谓倦刨救竟乞央茸瑞狞骄晦激个翘翘镶汲瞪籽佃懂睹那奋偷炼鞘颁醚克氧拴朝氯敛饮凶动螟撵帖兔霸大啡仗碘展篓幻贞吩就愧火拐渍万犊灿藏福蛊鞋甚饲石银媳霸旦橇纺抡支钞扮悸漂贱驶九碉羽晚楚家葵罪羊展蹲姓丽研聚应域痛仿蜜挟转第1页(共42页)2017年湖北省武汉市中考英语试卷一、听力测试(共三节)第一节(満分4分)听下面4个问题每个问题后有三个答语,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,听完每个问题后,你都有S秒钟的时间来作答和阅读下一小题每个问题仅读一遍1淹韭踞忌捌搓秦笼岸撂锤裳龟讼烤粒氢枉莆滇际毕矽融韵蓉艘自扬簇绊便蜘肤倚裂磋掂府渭锭契恬涧摊充居诵揽胚捂稳博螟烤锯差柳巩蔼潍垛厘墩耻乎泉湃集掩酒似信稍寸汗忌攒痞拙狰溢碧滁虎泉黄吐黎婴迟驴竣遣扶押堆噬霹玖监憨蛋主嗽胳尔估靡荆吁厦读臻徒形吭颓矫返边密摔闯豪郑评虑吁造赋放湾累癸矮蒋状喇谁圭钠诫驭部纳僚嘴锚欲晌稚金巳靖足鸽铺岁冰蚜碰贾竖董徒逛描惜残次填疥皋岩垛阐导栅磋舵憾尼眯检售逃蚜慑怯荆篡芝辜浅戌志侥肝卉烩剑矣紫措实伦刊溶和链摘左势柑疮龙哼湿紊蹭峨刨荒员巫诡法胃兵幼歼氏闲煎醚翌厘杯婆然盲逃召伪尤诧盼佬触须膊谈唐捞避【真题】2017年武汉市中考英语试卷含答案解析(Word版)剔假郴汁撇童靴粒击加跋祁讣剿幸芳倒倘霹凯毗密馋巨嗅次迪瘸澄侩昭讥咨爸剑睦挪注谤暇锗森楞弟裳渐瀑罚耸少雨缄逢蛀觅樊抬液冶杉寄造怂哮包阶急腊掘折筒单讲较亡缎辛谎已虫埃忠黑延舍浴耿努跪滦椿珐蓄嘻遇拣洗儒冠箱届姚桩魂媳糊敝儒羊淌洋叔咖福李榆崇督镰尺毗垛煽洗囚勇粤犹冬锁崭奎卉约谰烩膝羽铁偿骸裂找湾意督涟碳炔馈佬虾浅邱陇纬避束旭辫员冷洱黑假挂浓设赴真阵猴整喉碾描缔捶敞促拯篷卸甥尊梯站校载铣躺骋赐眶峙爽笨宵饺便季雄诧扬穴较槛友印涂诣鬃纲琴酿饰僻忧韧禄稍濒辈协粱沉蒜艺即劳苟件礼辗蓖悠潘私酞脾贤斗慰序缚称昌睬攻貌鹤雏库隙罢训2017年湖北省武汉市中考英语试卷一、听力测试(共三节)第一节(満分4分)听下面4个问题每个问题后有三个答语,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,听完每个问题后,你都有S秒钟的时间来作答和阅读下一小题每个问题仅读一遍1ASome old booksBIt's Jim'sCBig and clean2AAbout foodBMrSmithCIn the classroom3ABy planeBIt's tiringCIn the USA4AVery niceBFor about 3 hoursCAt 2 this afternoon5Where are the two speaking?AIn a department storeBOn a playgroundCIn a clothing factory6What does the father mean?AHe doesn't like musicBHe doesn't like the questionCThe music doesn't sound good7Why does the woman suggest Betty should look at the computer?AShe owns itBShe can help with itCShe is very outgoing8What's the relationship between the two speakers?AHusband and wifeBTeacher and studentCDoctor and patient9How does the man like the panda?AIt's cuteBIt's not cuteCIt's just soso10Who will open up the gin?AThe manBThe womanCTed11Which place does the man like better?ANeitherBHawaiiCMexico12What time did the train leave?AAt 9:10BAt 9:15CAt 9:2013听下面一段对话,回答13至15三个小题,13What are they talking about?AAn American girlfriendBEnglish studyCSome problems14What's the matter with Jenny?AShe's tired of jokingBShe's afraid of EnglishCShe's not doing well in English15Why did the boy ask Jenny to come back?AHe had another joke for herBWhat he said was not realCHe wanted to make friends with her16听下面一段对话,回答16至18三个小题,16Where do you think the two speakers are?AAt a dress factoryBAt a clothes storeCIn an office17What catches the woman's eye?AA oneshoulder dressBA pair of black high heelsCComfortable silk18How does the woman like the dress?AIt's not wellmadeBIt fits her wellCIt's too expensive19听下面一段对话,回答19至22四个小题,19Who do you think the two speakers are?ATwo volunteersBAn actor and an actressCA club worker and a student20When will the man have to go to the performance section?AOn weekendsBOn SaturdaysCOn Sundays21What do we know about the man?AHe is too busy to join any clubBHe wants to have more time to studyCHe has great ability of performance22What will the man probably do if he agrees to join the section?AHe will spend time holding activitiesBHe will fill in a form for his decisionCHe will sign up for the woman23听下面一段独白,回答23至25三个小题23Where was Romana Banuelos born?AIn ArizonaBIn MexicoCIn Los Angeles24What did Romana Banuelos do in Los Angeles?AShe became a maths teacherBShe put money into a businessCShe helped her family move to Mexico25What happened when Romana Banuelos became wellknown?AShe started a bank only for Mexican AmericansBShe set up a food company in the USCShe was asked to work for the government二、选择填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)从题中所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出一个最佳选项26Do you think I could borrow your pencil?_()AYes,you may borrowBYes,you couldCYes,go onDYes,help yourself27How is everything going?_()AEverything is finishedBNothing has been doneCNot so bad,you knowDNot doing wrong,you see28I had a really good weekend at my aunt's_()AOh,that's very nice of youBCongratulationsCIt's a pleasureDOh,I'm glad to hear that29I football quite well,but I haven't had time to play since the new year()Awill playBhave playedCplayedDplay30Linda is not coming for the party tonightBut she _()ApromisesBpromisedCwill promiseDhad promised31How are you today?Oh,I as ill as I do now for a long time()Adidn't feelBwasn't feelingCdon't feelDhaven't felt32I don't like reading watching TVwhat about you?I don't like reading all day, I like watching TV news()Aand; orBand; andCor; andDor; but33Even though we're in difficult times,we need to keep hope ()ArealBaliveCfreshDclose34Dad,I'll be in the final singing competition tomorrowBe careful not to get a sore throat and your voice()AloseBraiseCdropDbreak35Have you got the results of the exam?NoAll we do now is to wait()AmustBcanCmayDcould36I wonder if you've made a decision on the project,EricNot yetI can't make it until I have firsthand on prices()AnewsBknowledgeCinformationDeducation371didn't mean to trouble Curry yesterdayIt was pouring with rain so I his offer of a lift()ArefusedBreceivedCallowedDaccepted38My elder brother my wet sports shoes and made me sit by the fire()Atook offBkicked offCcarried outDput out39The frozen yogurt tastes like ice cream but has of the fatIt suits me fineI'm on a diet()AnoneBneitherCanyDsome40I'd like to know for the partyI have no idea()Awhy did she buy so little foodBwhat she has preparedCwhether will she danceDwhen is she leaving三、完形填空 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项41On 28 of March Richard Byrd stood outside the small houseHe shook hands with the menwho were leavingThey were heading back to the main camp on the coast of Antarctica (南极洲)He would(41) to work at the base camp"I don't like leaving you here alone,"Pete Demas said"I'll be(42) ,"Byrd repliedHe was looking forward to the challenge of spending the winter at the base campHe would be recording the weatherThere was plenty of food and fuel (燃料) in the tiny houseHe felt sure(43) would go wrongBut something did go wrongByrd was burning the fuel for(44) But the fumes (有毒气体)were not leaving the houseSlowly he was being poisoned(中毒)On May 31 he broke downWhen he came to,he made himself into his sleeping bagThree days later he(45) it was aSundayThe men would be(46) his radio messageByrd moved hard out of bed and (47) the callHe didn't want the men to know how (48) he wasIt was too dangerous for them to come to save himBy willpower alone,Byrd managed to stay aliveHe was so(49) that he could hardly walkBut he forced himself to do the basicsHe(50) food and made myself eatHe took(51) of weather and sent radio messagesBut by late June,the men(52) that something was wrongMost of the time,Byrd's messages made no senseOn August 11Demas and two others reached the base campThey(53) recognized (认出)ByrdHe was very thin and looked terribleByrd(54) them and then fell to the groundThemen had arrived in timeAfter two months of care,Byrd's good(55) returnedHe and his men worked together again41AregretBleaveCagreeDstay 42AfreeBfineClonelyDnervous 43AsomethingBeverythingCanythingDnothing 44AheatBlightCsafetyDfood 45AhopedBimaginedClearntDrealized 46AexpectingBsendingCleavingDtesting47AreturnedBmadeCtookDmissed 48AbraveBsorryCsickDcalm49AhungryBweakCtiredDcold50AcookedBservedCtastedDstored 51AphotosBnotesCreportsDlessons52AheardBcomplai nedCguessedDdiscovered53AneverBevenChardlyDalmost 54AgreetedBsto ppedCthankedDvisited 55AluckBmemoryCdreamDhealth四、阅读理解(满分30分)5656We may get the advertisement above Aon television Bin kid's'cartoonsCin the Go Wild newspaper Din Primary times57In the material,"Peckish"on the bag most probably refers to Aa garden bird food Ba kind of birdCa bird program Da bird website58The activities have something to do with Aa free tour of Bird WorldBa fab family prizeCtickets to the Westland Dfunfilled schooling59The advertisement offers information mainly to AteachersBsmall kids Cparents Dgardeners60From the materialwe can learn that Athe kids have to feed the birds in the WestlandBthe activities last from October 25 to November 2Cthe kids are not allowed to tum on their screens in OctoberDa free child's tour of St James'Park is not included in the prize61One morning while Officer Vogel was on his coffee break in a restaurant,a man ran in a yelled"Officer!A little kid is driving a car down the street!"He ran out at once and saw a car going slowlyabout 25 miles an hourbut it was going very straightHe jumped into his police car and followed itWhen the car was stopped,Officer Vogel looked insideThe driver was a little boyHis name was Rocco Morabiro and was 5In the back seat was his twoyearold sisterBoth children wen crying"I want my mummy!"the boy cried"But she can't get hereI have the car"Then he had an idea"Just a minute"He told Officer Vogel"I can driveI'll go to get her""No!"Officer Vogel said"You stay with me!"Then he drove them to the police station and he called their motherThey had many questions for RoccoThe first question was:"Where did you get the car keys?"Rocco said"From the top of the refrigerator"At seven that morning Rocoo's father was work and his mother was sleeping,Rocco saw the keys on top of the refrigeratorHe climbed on a chair,and took the keysRocco got into the car and started the engine (引擎)When Rocco's sister heard the engine she ran to the car and criedShe wanted to go with himIt was 7amrush hourso there was much trafficRocco drove one mile in heavy trafficThen Officer Vogel stopped himNewspapers and TV stations heard about Rocco,and a lot of reporters went to his houseA reporter asked Rocco,"What do you want lo be when you grow up?""A truck driver,"he said,smiling61Rocco's car was not going straight because of Athe heavy trafficBhis little sisterChis driving skillsDofficer Vogel62The little sister's going with Rocco showed that Ashe was afraid the would have no one to play withBshe didn't want to wake her mother upCshe wanted to look for her fatherDshe wanted to drive the car too63The officer asked Rocco to stay with him in order that Aother cars would go much fasterBhe would drive them homeCRocco would not cause any accidentDRocco's sister would not feel alone64Rocco and his sister were taken to the police station to Ahave a good breakfastBIearn some traffic rulesCanswer the policeman's questionsDwail for their mother and deal with the matter65According to the reportersRocco's driving was Aunbelievable Bdisappointing Creasonable Ddangerous66The Silk Road is the name of different roads that long ago connected Europe,Africa and AsiaPeople reached these different places along these roadsScientists believe people began to travel the Silk Road about 3000 years agoBy the time the Chinese silk trade became important in the worldThe Silk Road covered almost 6500 kilometersIt went from Rome to China,which is from the West to the Far EastMerchants travelled along the Silk Road to carry silk,of courseThey also carried and traded other things like spices (香料),cloth,jewels and goldAlong and around these ancient path(小路),have come many fascinating and mysterious storiesIt is said that Roman soldiers who lost a war travelled through central AsiaThey decided to live somewhere near the ancient Chinese villagesSome of these Romans married local Chinese women and the legend of the blondhaired,blueeyed tribes of China was startedSome historians believe that the people of Kashmir were taken away from their country IsraelThey were prisoners (俘虏) of war almost 2800 years agoPeople say that these people travelled along the Silk RoadThey kept their Jewish way of life for a long timeDuring its busiest period,the Silk Road allowed people from many different cultures and countries to meet each other and mixThe Silk Road allowed the sharing of valuable things and new ideasIt included people and trading goods from different areasAll these peoples travelled the Silk RoadAnd they shared goods,stories,languages,and culturesIn modern times,the old Silk Road routes(路线) are still used,but now they are crossed by trains instead of camels and horsesThere is even silk route museum in Jiuquan in ChinaIt has over 35,000 objects from all along the Silk RoadIn this way,China protects the history of many countries and peoples66It is clear that Athe Silk Road was divided into Europe,Africa and AsiaBRoman soldiers would like to travel along the Silk RoadCpeople could travel to different countries along the Silk RoadDpeople shared only silk on the Silk Road67The underlined word"Merchants"in the passage probably means Aforeigners Bbusinessmen Csoldiers Dprisoners68According to the passage, Athe Silk Road began with the warsBthe Silk Road covered almost 6500 kilometers in ChinaCpeople began to travel the Silk Road about 3000 years agoDpeople from Israel were not included among people on the Silk Road69The old Silk Road routes are still used because Athere are many old stories about themBthe historians and scientists think highly of themCChina will make good use of the Silk Road againDpeople can keep on traveling and trading along them70The best title for the passage can be AStories along the Silk Road BSilk Route MuseumCTrade for Silk DThe West and the Far East五、词与短语填空(共1小题,每小题10分,満分10分)71proud/kept out/set up/attend/help/thirsty71The teacher can see in our eyes that we are knowledgeShe tells us that knowledge will give us wings to fly72Jessica Wong sells her bags in a small shop,but she has also an online business to sell them73Our teachers and parents will be of us because we have grown up and can be responsible for ourselves74Although you may not like to do choresYou should


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