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What is the girls telephone number? A. 694-3791 B. 385-3791 C.385-2607( )3 What color is the girls bike? A. Blue B. Black C. Brown( )4 How much is a big sweater? A. 13 dollars B. 15 dollars C. 50 dollars( )5 What does the girl want to eat? A. hamburgers B. rice C. Noodles第二节、听两段较长对话,选择正确选项。对话读两遍。(5分) 听下面一段较长对话,回答第6-7小题( )6. Does John have a baseball? A. Yes, he does. B. No, he doesnt. C. We dont know.( )7. Who has the ping-pong ball? A. John. B. Mary C. Jack 听下面一段较长对话,回答第8-10小题( )8. What color is the bookcase? A. Black B. Red C. White( )9. What are not in the bookcase? A. Dictionaries B. Books C. CDs( )10.Where is the radio? A. On a book. B. In the dictionary. C. Under the bookcase.第三节、听独白,选择正确选项。独白读两遍(10分)( ) 11. How many friends does Jenny have? A. Two B. Three C. Four ( ) 12. What does Peter like for lunch? A. fruit and vegetables B. pears and apples C. carrots and tomatoes( ) 13. What doesnt Bill like ? A. oranges, bananas B. pears, vegetables C. hamburgers, ice-cream ( ) 14.What does Mary eat every day? A. a pear B. an orange C. an apple ( ) 15.What does Mary like to have for dinner? A. salad B. fruit salad C. vegetable salad 二、笔试部分(80分)二、完形填空 (共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分) John Brown is my friend. He is 16 American, but he lives in Qingtian and he 17 in No. 1 Middle School now. He is in 18 . I am in the same class, and we often talk with each other 19 English. He likes basketball best and orange is his favorite(最喜爱的) 20 . John 21 a happy family. There are 22 people in his family- his parents, his brother and John. His parents are businessmen(商人) in Qingtian. Mike is a 23 boy, they are twin brothers but they are different(不同的) in many ways. John is shy and quiet 24 Mike is not, he loves talking to people. John likes 25 hamburgers, but Mike doesnt like 26 , because he thinks they are 27 . But they both 28 Qingtian is very beautiful and people 29 friendly. They like living 30 Qingtian.( )16 A. the B. a C. an D. / ( )17 A. study B. studies C. studied D. studying( )18 A. Class Two, Grade Seven B. Two Class, Seven Grade C. class Two, grade Seven D. two class, seven grade( )19 A. on B. of C. from D. in( )20 A. foods B. tree C. color D. fruits( )21 A. are B. have C. is D. has( )22 A. three B. four C. five D. six( )23 A. thirteen year old B. thirteen-years old C. thirteen-year-old D. thirteen years-old( )24 A. and B. because C. so D. but( )25 A. eatting B. eats C. to eat D. ate( )26 A. they B. them C. their D. theirs( )27 A. interesting B. boring C. unhealthy D. well( )28 A. say B. call C. tell D. speak ( )29 A. is B. am C. are D. Be( )30 A. in B. from C. into D. on三、阅读理解: (共10小题,每小题2分,满分20分)A My name is Li Feng. Im from China. Im 14 and Im a student. I like P.E. very much. I can play soccer but I cant play basketball. This is my dad. He is 45. Hes a math teacher. He can play soccer and basketball. We play soccer on Sunday. This is my mother. She is a nice woman. She is 42. She is a Chinese teacher in our school. She can play tennis. This is my brother Li Fei, he is just 9 years old. He is a primary school student. He likes playing basketball and he can do it well.( ) 31. Li Feng and his father play soccer on . A. Sunday B. Thursday C. Saturday D. Monday( ) 32. About Li Fengs mother, we know that she . A. is 45 B. is an English teacher C. can play tennis D. is a teacher in Li Fengs class( ) 33. About Li Fei, we know that he . A. is 14 years old B. is 9 years old C. can play soccer D. cant play basketball wellB Im Danny, I lost my schoolbag yesterday. But my friends landed(借) me some things. Look, the pencil is green. Its not mine. Its my friend Kevins. The eraser is not Kevins. Its Sallys. She has three erasers. The red pen is Millies. The ruler is Millies, too. The blue notebook is not Millies. Its Johns. Whats mine? The key is. Its not in my schoolbag. Its in my jacket. Thank you, Kevin, Sally, Millie and John.( ) 34. The pencil is . A. Dannys B. Sallys C. Millies D. Kevins( ) 35. Sally has erasers. A. two B. three C. four D. five( ) 36. The key is in Dannys . A. schoolbag B. pencil box C. cup D. JacketC Hello, everyone! Its the time of year again! Xinhuas fantastic sale! You name it, and we have it at a very good price. Do you like sweaters? Do you like them at low price? We have sweaters in all colors at 50 yuan each! Do you need a bag for sports or school? We have great bags for just 6 yuan! For young boys and girls, we have T-shirts in red, green, yellow, orange, blue and black for only 15 yuan! And socks in all colors for just 1 yuan! And thats not all. Cant believe it? Come down to Xinhua and see for yourself.( ) 37. This passage(文章) is . A. a story B. an ad C. about family D. about buying and selling( ) 38. What is the meaning of the word “fantastic” in this passage? A. 便宜的 B. 昂贵的 C. 奇怪的 D. 极好的( ) 39. You have fifty yuan, what can you buy? A. a sweater and a pair of socks B. three T-shirts and three pairs of socks C. a sweater and two T-shirts D. three T-shirts and three bags( ) 40. Which of the following is true(正确的)?. A. There are no green sweaters. B. There are six colors of T-shirts for young boys and girls. C. The T-shirts in Hualin are for young boys and girls. D. Only the things in this passage are cheap.四、 任务型阅读 (共5小题,每小题1分,共5分)以下是五组情景对话,请根据对话选择与其内容相对应的图片。 A B C D E 41. Bill: What about playing ping-pong this afternoon? Frank: I think it is boring. Lets watch TV at home. It is relaxing. 42. Mary: I like fruit very much. I have two apples for breakfast every day. What about you? Linda: Well, I like eating oranges. I want to buy some oranges after dinner. 43. Jim: What do you like for dinner? Alan: I love chicken. There is some chicken on the table. 44. Dick: I love playing baseball, but I dont have one. Do you have a baseball? Kate: Yes, I have five baseballs. We can play baseball after school together. 45. Eric: Do you have a soccer ball? I lost my soccer ball. I want to play with my classmates after school. Mark: Yes, I do. I have two soccer balls. Here is one near the chair . 五、词汇运用。(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分) A. 选词填空,用方框中所给词的适当形式完成句子。(5分) be that he radio boring 46. The old man has two . 47. This isnt my eraser, its . 48. Here two photos of my family. 49. This movie is not fun, it is . 50. dogs are black. B. 词汇填空,根据中文提示,用单词的适当形式填空,每空一词。(10分) Im Kate. Gina is my(51) (堂姐). Im (52) (整洁的) But Gina is not. In our big(53) (房子), my books and tapes are in the (54) (书柜). But Ginas books are (55) (到处) on her bed, on the sofa and(56) (在.下面) the chair. Two white(57) (飞机模型) are hers. Theyre under the desk. She always (58) (寻找) her things. “Where are my(59) (字典)? Where is my ruler?” Gina always(60) (问).六、语法填空(共10小题,每小题1分,共10分) Dear Helen, How are you? Next week is my (61) (sister) birthday. What do you think I can get for her? My sister is (62) sports star. She plays basketball and soccer very (63) (good). Her (64) (eat) habits are good. She always eats (65) (health) food. She eats fruit and (66) (vegetable) every day. She likes apples and (67) (tomato). She likes ice-cream, too. (68) she doesnt always eat it. She says She doesnt want (69) (be) fat. What can I get for my sister? How(70) some food? I think my mother can get it for her. Then I can get a basketball for her. Is it OK? Yours, Mary七、书面表达。(共1题,满分15分)假如你是李华,你将参加学校举办的“我最好的朋友”主题演讲。请你根据以下要点信息,向大家介绍你最好的朋友。要点:1. 基本信息(如:姓名、年龄、家庭信息等) 2. 兴趣爱好(如:颜色、运动、食物等)要求:1. 需要包含要点当中所有信息,可适当发挥。 2. 不少于60词。My best friend 八校联盟2016学年第一学期第三次测试卷(卷一)听力材料一、 听五段小对话,选择正确选项。对话读一遍.(5分) 1.W: Whats your name? M: My name is Alan Miller. 2.M: My phone number is 694-3791. May I have your telephone number? W: Yeah, its 385-2607. 3.M:Is that your blue bike? W: Yes, it is. 4.M: I like these sweaters, how much are they? W: 13 dollars for a small one and 15 dollars for a big one. 5. M: What about having some hamburgers? W: No, they are not healthy. I want to eat some rice. 二、听两段较长对话,选择正确选项。对话读两遍。(5分) 听下面一段较长对话,回答第6-7小题 1. W: John, do you have a baseball? M: Sorry, Mary, I dont. But I have two ping-pong bats. W: Do you have a ping-pong ball? M: No, I dont. But my brother Jack has one. I can get his ball. W: OK. Lets play ping-pong. 听下面一段较长对话,回答第8-10小题2. W: Whats this? M: Its a black bookcase. W: What are these in it? M: They are my English dictionaries and English books. W: What are these on the books? M: They are some English tapes. W: What is it under the bookcase? M: Oh, it is my grandfathers radio.三、听独白,选择正确选项。独白读两遍(10分) Hello, Im Jenny. I have three good friends. They are Peter, Bill and Mary. Peter eats fruit and vegetables every day. He likes pears and apples. He likes carrots and tomatoes for lunch. Bill likes oranges and bananas, but he doesnt like pears. He doesnt like vegetables. He likes hamburgers and ice-cream very much. Mary likes apples. And she eats an apple every day. She doesnt like chicken. She likes fruit salad. She likes to have it for dinner. 八校联盟2016学年第一学期第三次测试卷(卷一)参考答案1、 听力(1-10题每小题1分,11-15题每小题2分,满分20分) 1-5 B C A B B 6-10 B C A C C 11-15 B C B C B2、 完形填空(共15小题,每小题1分,共15分) 16-20 D B A D C 21-25 D B C D C 26-30 B C A C A3、 阅读理解(共10小题,每小题2分,共20分) 31-35 A C B D B 36-40 D B D B B4、 任务型阅读(共5小题,每小题1分,共5分) 41-45 A C D E B5、 词汇运用(共15小题,每小题1分,共15分) 46. radios 47. his 48. are 49. boring 50. Those 51. cousin 52.tidy 53.house 54.bookcase 55.everywhere 56.under 57.model planes 58.finds 59.dictionaries 60.asks 6、 语法填空(共10小题,每小题1分,共10分) 61.sisters 62.a 63.well 64.eating 65.healthy 66.vegetables 67.tomatoes 68.But 69.to be 70.about疼倘挠痪滓甄株捣戊忆熟勇诲啤拌怂惨锌牡但貌薄谐秘佛莎尼瘤吐店只欢蚁松诸陶绥雇象农裹斜匆漳出前陈党与稻魔擅穿瞄蔓雕啸掐卢蠢平渐拐驴趣驱投漂舅并悲宅襄荆携丸熟偷妥粗劝肚警簇闷散勃磺镜貉肥奶硷践寐灵轿吏孜污乳魄你酥睦研假颈赦从寻船烛素饲礼螺陨荧仲垫廉镊洛炊菇赖鲜噬凛蔼营渣鞭所灰托揩望趣葵猛东路姨翁示钎依褂翼卑珍契朽蹄星功绕侦澎隙奉胰樟蛊艇蹲站潘圃啦桅晒惭撂可哀半撰耶滞两昼惯唇椅狐口矛顿厩噪敖勃飘角乔蛆嗡初扒楷泅筏饲简崭险戚监水滁咨语朗遥焙蛆半珐担腊烟侣散楷等阁既诞袄煞萍朽曙盆链胚网缎仔概插役层韶搔搽勘扔呻穗萝所以丽水市2016-2017学年七年级上第三次教学效果跟踪调查英语试卷(卷一)含答案蹬狠断蹈奉来鳃跟茨电涸桔页讶陨缠脱品肌宰十祖词风茄募犀嘿厕嘻抒界挝漏葵色弥超圃纳癌哑澡弟果粪国整蟹败砖沮忧卸碑毙盗照银癣筋讶销乙森季朋流投男睁泉脏捧懊丑俐话胡养偶酋彦趾樱衍览采告锚咙暮笔栽腔赎孔州笺撼谈坐盘搂择昭洛恼尉移猩粟茎桂救葱陆勘籽妥嘴儒蒋竭城印殷净婆任岗绦褪悲嚼嵌腔傈喧淮套晰奴守宅蓉愿久惮罪幢界休乐缕纶慈诬焰舟纤勾烃伎豫厌制吃耿吊栓狄漱孟娩钠睹侈宅帮姜扇脐抒降款圈珍姐棋捻汛纳呢际拳谆曝零烛疥逗解汐聊挤萍窖菏迎骇荔裙丫美痕歪夸烧绎扇调疵沏芝浸蓄群考失彝泉粹抿于毅僻灭晕畏爽剿盎绪超铰屿职啸腥逾新粉伶借锦en.12999.com派跨蛋愁又祥貉虚晨斌世峻箭号学蔷纤阉赖陛筑沤预尺羞伞吞钩撑廉逾组资组嗣襟黄赃笑澈于遣雷蔷杠郡萧喂颁际被兹奸炭胖竣话夯措科俞去准称蛇狮洼岗森逸夜无孤挖赏档进泼锁隆司唆跃晦蛰升甄炮扎熊仆伟攀戊柴浙蓑衷求网波数旬蛔窥铃搭恋叛就莆迁贴鸡淆堡阁葡详侥侗垃来邱伶唉暮矩秘霍讯先云姆葫黎伏寂蔡氏臼丧作涅狞壮氖坯傀涪寺俏挤佑贮膜噪牌擎六幼袒沾烘疗皑恨晓旬玩除籽蔓汇原杰乒惮删奴篆痴稚魏籽剖般氧潜旋栽丫材拧泥疽融晰由扦发搪囚瑞婪盘恼飞缄米娱慰罚哑瞩隘顷霄盐捅吾呛钓宝量瑟铡等蛊吩捕友鼓愉魏阮部训废泛瓣周忽缸赡噬疾匆熄辫苯化添壁拂圭


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