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    小学英语渗透德育教学设计一则使用教材冀教版 教学内容六年级Lesson 11 背景党的“十八大”对教育的要求是“立德树人”,德育是党也是时代的要求。德育是长期的T作,应在润物细无声中使学生受到教育。因此,在课堂教学中挖掘学科教材中的德育内容,给学生以道德品质的教育,提高其学习能力,是德育的重要途径,也是提高学生学习效率的很好方法。 Teaching aims *Students can master the three new wordsbones/muscles/skin; Students can use be good for and For,weneed *Students can express how to keep healthy *Ss know whats good for health and how tokeep healthy Teaching points The new words,phrase and the sentence pat-tern(bones muscles skin be good for,Forwe need) Teaching aidsSome pictures and a recorder Teaching procedure Step I,divide class into three groups,tellthem the rules,each right answer can get a flag fortheir group 引进竞争机制,以小组合作的形式,激发学生的参与意识,充分调动学生的学习与参与的积极性,培养小学生的集体荣誉感和团队意识。 Step,Leading in TClass,people live a better life now,Butwhat do they talk about most? SsHealth TYes,Today well talk about how to keephealthy 简介本课的教学目标。 Step,Reading TTherere two minutes for you,Read thetext freely,find out the difficulties you think,Theycan be a word,a phrase or a sentence,You canunderline them when you read Ss read the text and underline the difficulties 此环节体现自学指导的四要,有时间、有内容、有要求、有方法。给学生两分钟限定了时间,读课文则是内容的体现,找出疑难的词、短语、句子,让学生通过自学发现问题,则是任务要求的体现,让学生下画线是对学生自学的一种学法指导,underline和circle也是课标要求的一项能力。这里强调了培养学生的时间观念。 Step,Groupwork The ss talk about the difficulties,Ss can help each other to solve some easy problems 此环节旨在给学生在小组内交流的空间和时间,解决自己的部分疑难问题,培养学生合作相处的优良品质。 Step V,Reporting The reportor in each group tells the difficulties they cant solve in groups,the teacher writesthem down 0n the blackboard,Ask some studentst0 try to answer some questions Step,Listening TBoys and girls!Now。please listen to the audiotape,I think it can help you,Pay attentiont0 the words that you dont know,You can repeatthem after the tape in a low voice,After listening,the teacher asks“Who can read the words on theblackboard,theres a flag for your team” 此环节听录音,目的在于让学生自己正音,帮助学生解决发音的问题,同时也是一种学法指导,引导学生通过听录音自己解决读音问题。 Step,spcaking One 0r two students read the new words loud-ly,The student or the teacher correct the pronunci-ation 学生通过听录音,有了对新词发音的关注和信心,可以自己大声朗读刚才提出的生词的读音。出现问题则让其他同学帮助正音,学生不能解决的教师加以引导点拨。 Step,Teaching The teacher teach the new words from the pro-nunciation,the meaning 在此更多地引导学生学习记忆单词的方法,如由ski引skin,联想stone学习bones,提示两词中的元音字母“o”都是发名称音,同时点明“es”在单词末尾时的读音。此外,引导学生发现skin、bones和muscles三词自身的意义联系都是人体的重要组成部分。 Step,Practice (1JThe teacher shows the pictures quickly,the other students say the words quickly, (2)The teacher points at the new words and Ss read them (3)Practise in groups 组内相互查,相互教,以兵教兵的形式合作学习,兼顾差生,解决老师照顾不到的问题。 Step X,Teaching difficulties TNow,you dont have any questions,But I have a question,What does“is good formean?Students guess 0r answer first,then the teacher make some sentences“The sun is good for the trees,”“Books are good for students”Can you make some sentences? Student 1 Student 2 此环节注重开发学生的智力,把书本语言生活化,并为语篇的提炼做好准备。教师要注意学生对“is”和"are'的正确应用,充分利用奖励如小红旗形式,调动学生的积极性,让整个课堂活起来。 The teacher sums up,Then ask the Ss to think hard“What is good for your bones,muscles,and skin?” 由一个关键问题,把学生的注意力引到本节课的目标中来。 Step,Discussion Talk about the questions in three teams Team 1What is good for your bones? Team 2What is good for your muscles? Team 3What is good for your skin? 此环节进行任务分解,每组分配不同任务,体现学习内容的立体式,创造了交流信息差的环境,以此提高学习效率。此环节要说明游戏规则答题分必答题和抢答题,本组任务为必答题,经讨论完成本组任务后,由一名代表汇报,答案合理获得一面小红旗,如果答案不充分或不对,其他组抢答,若抢答正确得两面小红旗,该设计促使学生看完本组任务还会看相关组任务,避免学生无事可做。期间教师巡回辅导,帮助解决小组中临时出现的疑难问题。 Step,1/eporting Report Olle learn 1)v one team,Other Ss listento them carefully and make comments on their an-swersrhe teache rleads them to the complete an-swer,and write down the final result GoodIbo(Is are good for you)bones,A healthy body hasheahhy bones,nmscles and skin 进行组际交流,引导学生学会倾听,给他们评价和抢答、补充的机会。引导学生汇报正确、完整、科学的讨论结果。如果学生只答对了一部分,教师要引导完成。如学生回答Fishand neat are good for your bones,教师就可以加问一句“What are fish and meat?”学生答Theyure good foods”教师写“Good foods are good foryour bones。A healthy body has healthy bones,muscles and skin” Step X,Reading aloud 1.The students read the text loudly and findout the same sentence pattern, 2.TNow,we knowA healthy body hashealthy bones,muscles and skin,Then,how doyou make your body healthy?Ask Ss to express intheir own way or use the sentence pattern 让学生大声读课文第一部分,找出第一和第二段的相同句式For,we need,进一步引导学生把前面的句子由A-B型转换为B-A型。以抢答的形式检查学生对所学内容的理解及组织语篇的能力。这也是对课文的一种概括。 Step XIV,Test for yourself 检查教学效果,指导学生做题的方法。培养学生良好的学习习惯。 Steo XV,Feedback 1.Sum up the main points 0f the lesson 2.Report the result of the test 附Test for yourseK 阅读填空,每空一词。 (注意阅读短文,先独立填空;不能独立填空的,可参看题后括号内的提示词或短语) A healthy body has healthy_,_and_,For strong bones,we need_,Because they_you,For healthymuscles,we need_,For healthy_,we need to eat vegetables and fruit,and we need to_or_ (muscles take showers skin are good fortake baths exercise bones good foods) 我独立做对( )空,参看括号内提示答对( )空。


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