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    辽宁省阜蒙县第二高级中学 2017-20182017-2018 学年高一英语下学期寒假验收 考试试题 I 第一部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分 40分) 第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 30分) A A Journey to meet Santa (Journey to meet Santa (圣诞老人) The panda, Po, from the movie Kung Fu Panda, will take families on a Journey to the North Pole (北极) to meet Santa. Po and his friends are part of a holiday attraction at Westchester's Rjdge Hill, which brings joy to families. The journey takes place inside a fantastic house whose walls are covered with LCD screens. As soon as you enter, Santa's helpers give you a personalized passport. Then a tour guide leads you to the first room, where a sign reading “Mr. Ping's Cookies“ hangs above the fireplace. Po appears on a large screen and explains that he needs your help to send some fresh cookies to Santa at the North Pole. How will you get there? By a rocket-powered cart (马车),Of course. But first,you have to learn how to drive one. In the Design Lab, a set of doors opens and a rocket-Powered cart shows up on the screen. Jump on the cart for a cinematic experience that takes you on a ride through the night sky and down a snowy mountain. The cart shakes heavily as it rushes down the mountain. A machine blows cool air at you so that you can feel the “snow” in your face. I promise this 4D ride will give you an unforgettable experience! Tips:Tips: Journey to meet Santa is best for younger kids although guests of all ages can appreciate this wonderful experience. Your journey ends in the gift shop. You're not allowed to take your own pictures. But your performance during the Journey will be recorded, so you can buy the. photos and video of your Santa visit. A bus ride or taxi can get you here if you don't have a car. .Journey to meet Santa takes place daily (not including Thanksgiving Day) through Thursday, December 28. 1.Where does the journey to meet Santa actually happen? A. Outdoors B In a cart C. At the North Pole D. Indoors. 2. What should you do first to send cookies to Santa? - 1 - A. Buy a personalized passport B. Receive training of driving a cart C. Read “Mr. Pings Cookies“. Directions D. Find Santa's helpers 3. What can you get after the journey? A. Thanksgiving Day cards B. Photos of your visiting Santa. C. Cookies made by yourselves. D. A model cart. B B Lost iPhoneLost iPhone Unexpectedly,I lost my white iPhone 5s in Midtown on Friday night. It had a blue green cover on it. There are many pictures of my son on it, and I' m heart-broken. Please return, no questions asked. Reward. Reply to:-2652255359craigslist. org Do you need Do you need a a babysitter that you can trust?babysitter that you can trust? My name is Tina. I am a responsible babysitter that you can trust. If you are looking for someone dependable and affordable I am that person! I HAVE MORE THAN 30 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE (including disabled children)! I am a retired Home Health Aid and absolutely love children. I work with my sister Iris who has also 20 + years as a teachers assistant. WE LOOK FORWARD TO MEETING YOU! Available 24 hours and flexible with fees! I am fully bilingual-Spanish/ English. Please email me or call 712-867-7688. I I BABYSIT ONLY AT MY HOME.BABYSIT ONLY AT MY HOME. I accept children from all ages. Fee starts from 100 - 150 a week depending on the hours. I am very flexible and my fee can change. Feel free to contact me via email or on my cell phone 566 - 67- 1873 and we can work something out. Part-time Chinese Babysitter WantedPart-time Chinese Babysitter Wanted Part-time Chinese speaking babysitter needed to assist with one-year-old twins and to perform some light house work as needed. Assistance needed Fridays and occasional weekends. Please provide your salary expectation, College students are welcome to apply. Reply to comrn-encbq-2652113885 craigslist. org 4. Who posted the lost and found information? A. A kind woman B. A heartbroken girl. C. A parent .D. A mother. 5. If you want to send your kids to the babysitters home, you can find one in_ - 2 - A. Ad 1 B. Ad 2 C. Ad 3 D. Ad 4 6. What do we know about Tina? A. She used to be a teachers assistant. B. She can speak two languages. C. She lives alone now. D. She takes care of children over 3. 7. An applicant accepted by Ad 4 will have to_ A. look after two children B. be able to speak two languages C. be a college graduate D. work every weekend C C Weve all heard the phrase “less is more“ yet many of us are still likely to over-explain, send long emails, and hold hour-long meetings that only have 20 minutes of real content( 内容) Joseph McCormack, author of BRIEF: Making a Bigger Impact by saying less, says getting to the point right away is very important to attract peoples attention. In a sales presentation, you can talk yourself out of a deal by over-explaining rather than listening to the guests across the table. Even in writing, there are bad results of not being brief. McCormack's own research showed 43%of people who received long emails ignored (忽视) them. “when the point isnt made clear you feel you can't deal with this right now so you put it aside, “he explains. Despite the many disadvantages of being long-winded, many of us struggle (挣扎着做) to be brief. One reason,explains McCornack, is that we believe by over-explaining, we can prove how smart we are. From an early age, we re taught to judge our success on word counts and page lengths. Students are asked to write 20-page paper and a two-page paper. If you can present your point well in two pages, then Ill read the 20-page paper to see how you got there,” he says. Another reason we struggle to be brief when we are talking is that we may be underprepared. “When you're being brief, you have to make a lot of decisions about what's important and what's not important for that person in that moment in time,“ says McCormack. Cutting out all the irrelevant (不相干的) information can take time (time that many of us don't give when we're speaking with others). It's these challenges of being brief that McCormack says make brevity an important skill that helps people to stand out as being professional. - 3 - 8. What can be learned from Paragraph 2? A. Nearly half of emails we receive are put aside B. Listening to others is important C. Too much talking is likely to be ignored D. Not being active can stop us from succeeding 9. Why do we often choose to write long papers? A. Only long papers can make our point clear B. We believe the more, the better C. We are asked to do so by teachers D. Teachers are fond of reading long papers 10.Why do we struggle to be brief according to Paragraph 4? A. It's impossible to tell what's important in a short time B. We just prepare something important C. It's hard to make decisions sometimes. D. We don't organize our ideas well before talking 11. What is most likely to be talked about in the paragraph following the text? A. The importance of being professional. B. The tips for being brief. C. The challenges of being brief. D. The skills we should develop in life D D Sleep has been a hot topic over the past few years, and with good reason; According to the National Institute of Health, more than one third of adults don't get 7 to 8 hours of sleep per night, and evidence shows that even children. and teenagers sleep less than needed. Most people already know that not getting enough sleep has all types of horrible disadvantages like red eyes, memory loss, and , overall tiredness,but what if sleep deprivation(缺乏)is also the reason you reach for a slice of pizza instead of a fruit salad? While it's been thought before that the body wants unhealthy snacks for a quick burst of energy to stay awake and alert when your body is tired, new research presented at the Cognitive Neuroscience Societys meeting in San- Francisco shows that sleep deprivation actually increases the brain'ssensitivity(敏感性) to food smells. A study done by Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine in Chicago explains that - 4 - people who slept only four hours showed greater brain activity in response to food smells, like potato chips and doughnuts, compared to when they'd slept a full eight hours. “When tired, people showed greater brain activity in two areas involved in smell - the piriform cortex and the orbitofrontal cortex _ they react more to food smells than they do when well rested. But people didn't respond to nonfood smells,“ study co-author Surabhi Bhutani said. While this line of research is still ongoing, it's pretty clear that sleep deprivation leads to extra calorie consumption (消耗) and weight gain. So when you re running on a. few hours of sleep (it's not enough), recognize the tricks your brain- is playing on you and make the right decision to eat the healthier food. 12. What is the function of Para. l and Para. 2? A. To offer some details. B. To describe the situation. C. To introduce the topic. D .To explain the problem. 13. Which of the following is a finding of the new research? A. We are more sensitive to food smells when poorly rested. B. Unhealthy snacks can help people stay awake. C. All foods smell better if we lack enough sleep. D. Unhealthy snacks lead to a quick burst of energy. 14. We can learn from the text that when we re sleepy we should_ A. avoid eating anything B. get rid of our sensitivity C. do something to make us wakeful D. refuse to eat unhealthy food 15. What is the main idea of the text? A. A lack of sleep brings many disadvantages. B. Sleep deprivation can lead to poor food choices. C. Certain foods can affect people's sleep. D. Sleeping well can prevent weight gain. IIII 第二节(共 5 5 小题;每小题 2 2 分,满分 1010分) 根捂短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能境入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 Having a good cry from time to time ls good for us and it's good way to let out - 5 - feelings that might otherwise hide in our bodies and come out in unhealthy ways later. However, if you re someone who is always crying, this healthy behavior can start to become a problem._16_.If you want to be taken seriously, then you really need to stop bursting into tears that often and easily One of the best ways to stop yourself from crying is to try to turn your attention from what is making you feel unhappy. One way you can do this.is to pinch (掐) yourself lightly. _17_ But remember not to pinch yourself too hard, or you might cry from the pain instead. Another tip ls to try doing some quick sums in your head. This works the same way by helping 'you to ignore (忽视) the unhappy thoughts. _18_. If you find yourself getting teary during an argument, then it might be that youre getting too excited. _19_ Even if its just for several seconds, try looking away, closing your eyes, and then returning to the conversation fresh. _20_ For example, you can take a deep breath to calm down. You can look up into the sky, which can help prevent tears from forming. Also you can have a good feeling about yourself by smiling. All these practices can help you stop crying. A. Often it'll make people lose respect for you B. Really, thinking about anything else in depth works C. Besides, there are some other small tips that can help you D. So you can face the unhappy thoughts bravely. AB. In this way, youll pay more attention to the discomfort rather than to the feelings. AC. Don't cry when telling someone about a stressful topic in your life AD. In this case, take a little time out to stop and collect your thoughts 第二部分:完型填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5分,满分 30分) William Kamkwamba was born in Malawi, Africa, a country affected by AIDS and poverty ( 贫穷). Like most people in his village,his family_21_on the poor food they could grow, living _22_what are considered as necessities in the West - electricity or running water. Already living.on the edge, the _23_ became worse when, in 2002, Malawi _24_ the worst famine (饥荒) in 50 years. Trying to_25_, 14-year-old William was forced to drop out of school because his family could not afford to pay for his _26_. Though he was not in a(n) _27_, William continued to think, learn,and _28_. Armed with curiosity (好奇心),determination, and a library book he discovered in a - 6 - _29_library, he had a(n) _30_-to build awindmill(风车) that could bring his family the _31_ only two percent of Malawians could _32_. Using metal parts, and blue-gum trees, William built a simple yet _33_ windmill, unlikely hand-built equipment that would successfully _34_ four light bulbs and two radios in his neighbourhood Soon, news of his_35_ spread, attracting interest and offers of _36_ from around the world. Not only did William return to school but he was offered the_37_ to visit wind farms in the United States, much like the ones he hoped to _38_ across Africa. A moving tale of one boy s _39_ for a better life, The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind, is William's amazing story - a _40_ that offers hope for the lives of other Africans and the whole world - showing that one person can make a difference. 2l . A. passed B. depended C. decided D. carried 22. A. alongside B. Upon C. for D. without 23. A. country B. time C. situation D. environment 24. A. experienced B. received C. . brought about D. took on 25. A. leave B. eat C. study D. survive 26.A. food B. interests C. education D. books 27.A. apartment B. classroom C. field D. lab 28 A. speak B. doubt C. exercise D. dream 29. A. clean B. nearby C. cheap D. modern 30. A. project B.action C. plan D. experiment 31.A. energy B. attention C. electricity D. money. 32 A. find B. afford C. hold D. reach 33 A. working. B. turning C, rising D. moving 34.A. start B. light C. power D. burn 35 .A. permission B. progress C. success D. invention 36. A. encouragement B. help C. congratulations D. invitations 37. A. chance B. ticket C. method D. honour 38 .A. design B. employ C. build D. set 39 A. promise B. decision C . hunger D. fight 40 A. difficulty B. Journey C. reason D. task 第三部分 第一节:语法填空(共 10 小题;每题 1.5分,满分 15分) - 7 - During my high school.I_41_(play) football, basketball , and soccer , and I was on the track team.But from that day on, boxing was the sport that 1 liked._42_ ( much),. because its more_43_( challenge) and exciting to me. I found that I enjoyed the thrill of the one-on-one competition. I also liked the fact that it was up to me_44_I won or lost-that I was the determining factor. I think I ve always been a competitor , and winning would give me _45_(satisfy)and a good feeling about myself. I wanted to win-every time. I started training with the man _46_got me into the ring that first time. With him _47_(act) as my boxing coach, friend, mentor, and a father figure for me _48_( look) up to, I learned that boxing is a sweet science where I could use my brain as well as my strength and size. I used my ability to focus under pressure ._49_(train) for several years, I went from being a street fighter_50_ a gold medal-winning Olympi


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