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    高二英语演讲稿高二英语演讲稿1我的名字叫xxx,我是一个有很多爱好的女孩,包括阅读、画画和打羽毛球。我通常早上很早就醒来,因为早餐也是我的爱好之一。我喜欢和家人一起吃早餐,因为这给我一种温暖的感觉。当我从学校回来时,家庭作业是我要做的'第一件事。然后是我的业余时间,我通常和朋友出去打羽毛球;之后,如果我有时间,我可能会读一本书。推理小说是我最喜欢的类型。我喜欢猜测接下来会发生什么的感觉。如果我猜对了,我会为自己感到自豪。即使我猜错了,我也能从错误中吸取教训。在书的世界里,我发现了我真实的一面;聪明,愿意学习。高二英语演讲稿2On earth, except human beings, what else? Yes, there are animal. But after several years, animal numbers decreased gradually. Human beings have no regard animal as a friend?Animal and human should be good friends, but why animal and human enemies? Is because people don't send in the eyes of the animal. Such as the cow. With cow dairy production such as human, cow milk can not time, humans will put the cow to brutally kill. Cow's milk, will not be released? The cow is also a vivid life ah! In recent years the "plague, AIDS, mad cow disease, avian flu", these are a harbinger of animal who respond! The meeting has also had the third world war? Our ancestors is an animal! If human beings don't stop this killing the animal behavior, is the mother of our area heavy blow ah!Home we don't damage animal now, so they can feel at ease to animal reproduction. Animal friends, also have a piece of blue sky, let the bird fly freely; to the animal a piece of green grass, let the cattle and sheep running merrily; also a world of waters animal, allow the animal to be light of heart from care to swim in the ocean. Perhaps, this can soothe animal were wounded soul. Animal originally bad, but human destruction of their homes, these are just their effects on human "revenge".Friends, let us work together to protect animal!高二英语演讲稿3Good morning everybody,Im very glad to stand here and give you a short speech. We all know that Bingxin has a famous saying “we always admire the beauty of flowers but its sprout was watered by tears of struggle and rained by blood of sacrifice”.So for the majority,behind their success,are filled of sweat and tears. Eagle flying in the vast firmament,must be experienced the pain of countless times fall under the cliff,then hammered out a pair of volley wings. A shinning of pearls,inevitably suffered countless body friction and numerous waves shock. In this view,a real successful people,and he must experienced numerous times to stand up again and agin after failed,because without sweat and tears on the life road,no one can casually get the beautiful flowers. Alfter a heavy fall Shi Tiesheng lost his legs,it must be a heavy blow for anyone. But he didn't lose faith in life,but use his brain and hands to show the infinite love of life.Beethoven was blind and deaf,but he still had written the "Hero""Destiny"nd so on a large number of music works,in his unfortunately life,he doggedly gripped the "fate of the throat. They all had a fall,but they are strong enough to stand up,fight against fate and misfortune,finally they succeed. So for each of us,wrestling is not terrible,lose confidence and courage in life is the most terribe thing. In my opionion,the sweat and tears during the life journey are very important for us,they hone our will,and enrich our experience.As the saying goes,how can you see the rainbow without a rainy day,while you don't work hard and not struggle,how can you gain the successful flowers. All in all,the sweat and tears on the struggling road is inevitable,dont look for shortcuts anymore,steadfast walk every step,we will succeed in the end.So belief yourself,nothing is impossile,just do it. Thank you for taking your time to listen to my speech,I hope in the near future we all can be successful.高二英语演讲稿4没有一项发明像互联网一样受到如此多的赞扬和滥用。毫无疑问,借助互联网,我们可以做过去对我们来说可能很困难甚至不可能的事情。我们可以通过互联网与多年来失去联系的朋友交流我喜欢上网,因为我可以做任何我喜欢的事情,比如和朋友聊天,和老师聊天,听音乐。不过我最喜欢的还是看电子杂志或者看一些英文电影。我也可以直接知道关于这个世界的最新消息。由于我是一名学生,我没有太多时间上网。但是如果我完成了作业,我会在周末上网。我父母同意我的观点。事实上,他们总是在我喜欢的任何事情上支持我。我相信人们把生活中的成功等同于操作计算机的能力。人们普遍认为没有一所学院或大学能在毕业时教给学生所有的知识,所以计算机技能可能会增加我们的机会或提升。然而,一些人认为这是一个可怕的发明,因为他们的孩子沉迷于网络游戏,甚至由于恶劣的影响而犯罪。更有甚者,有的女生通过网络被人骗。一些父母不允许他们的孩子冲浪,他们认为这会对孩子产生负面影响。我同意那句老话& quot不工作不玩耍,聪明的孩子也会变傻。所以我们必须公平地面对互联网。凡事都有两面性,要学会正确使用。首先要学会安全常识。在我们做每件事之前,我们应该三思而行。这对我们总是有帮助的。然后,要努力保护自己。我想我们最好不要和陌生人聊天。最重要的是,我们不能遗漏我们的地址和一些关于我们和我们家人的信息。总之,我们应该知道如何正确地掌握它。这也是大家不能成为比尔盖茨的原因。高二英语演讲稿5尊敬的各位领导,各位评委老师:下午好!首先感谢各位领导老师对我的信任和支持,给我这个机会参加竞聘演讲。20xx年我毕业于北华大学外语学院师范英语专业,四年的大学学习让我掌握了扎实的语言功底。作为年轻教师,我从不敢懈怠,坚持利用业余时间学习,提高自身业务水平。通过一年的教学工作,我的教学业务水平得到了很大的提升。今天,我竞聘的是高二年级理科英语教师,之所以竞聘这个岗位,基于以下三点原因:一了解并热爱我的学生这一届高一学生从入学开始就担任一二班的英语教学工作。在一年的教学实践中,我揣摩着,尝试着,与他们真诚沟通交流着,已经非常熟悉每个学生的性格特点和学习现状,这为教学工作的进一步开展,奠定了坚实的基础。二我有扎实的专业知识我深知英语学科在学校基本学科教学中的地位和作用,明确英语教师的职责和任务,也明白英语教师所应必备的素质和要求,所以,自工作以来,我始终不忘学习,勤钻研,善思考,多研究,不断丰富提高自己。三我有较好的年龄优势我正当青春年华,精力旺盛,敬业精神高,能够全身心地投入到自己热爱的教学工作中去。这一点也深受学生喜爱。为了赶上课改的步伐,我利用课余时间学习了英语课程标准,深入了解它的基本理念。其中强调教学要面向全体学生,注重素质教育,特别强调要关注每个学生的情感,激发他们的兴趣,帮助他们建立学习的成就感和自信心。所以在教学中,我始终以学生为中心,发挥他们的主体作用,采用以学生为中心的教学思路,充分考虑学生的现有基础,兴趣爱好,学习风格等差异。让学生体验和积极参与,建构知识,形成积极的态度,促进语言实际运用能力的提高。假如我能够通过竞争上岗,我打算从以下几个方面改进自己的教学工作,提高自己的教学水平。一更加科学规范的做好日常教学工作,根据实际情况,在顺应课改潮流的前提下,认真落实各项教学常规工作,确保教学质量稳中有升。二加强个人修养,练好基本功。进一步树立自己强烈的事业心和责任感,加强自己的工作能力,努力调动学生的学习积极性,提高教学质量,力争在教学中体现实力,在工组中保持动力,在创新中增加压力,在与学生同事的交往中体现凝聚力。三针对我校学生实际,分析学情,尤其对英语学困生分析了成因:1对英语不感兴趣2错误归因:一些学生在英语学习过程中遇到困难或失败时,错误地把原因归结于自己的能力,认为自己不是学习英语的材料,因此放弃尝试和应有的努力,听之任之。3元认知欠缺:有的学生学习无目标,随意性大;课上被动地听课,等待老师布置作业;遇到问题时,不懂采用任何补救措施,这些都是元认知的表现,也是造成学业不良的重要原因。转化学困生的具体措施:1.培养兴趣,正面激励困扰英语学困生的最根本原因是兴趣和信心的问题。所以,我们在转化英语学困生的时侯,关键要找到他的兴趣点,激发他的兴趣,使他具有学习英语的内在动力。2.确立目标,激发动机指导学生根据自己的学习基础和认知水平确立学期目标。这个目标不能定的太高,必须是经过努力可以达到的,并使他们认识到这个目标的最终实现需要以完成每天的学习任务为基础。这些短期目标是学困生日常学习的动力,可以防止他们三天打鱼两天晒网。3.指导策略,树立信心有计划按步骤的指导他们学习运用合适的学习策略,提高英语学习效率。记单词是学困生的最大困难,训练他们的单词记忆策略。如(1)拼读策略。多数学困生习惯用机械重复的方法记单词,这种方法费时低效。英语单词有90是符合读音规则的,根据读音去记单词,可以提高效率。(2)分类组织策略。根据单词的音形方面的特征进行归类记忆。如同音异义词。(3)词缀策略。渗透英语单词常见的前缀后缀。希望通过以上措施能够转化学困生,提高他们的学习成绩。除此之外,我竞聘的是班主任。我深知,班主任是班集体的灵魂所在。最后,在以后的教学工作中,我会严于律己,夯实基础,钻研业务,团结协作,虚心向老教师请教,与时俱进,把服务学生服务老师的工作做好,我有信心决心搞好英语教学工作,为东光的明天贡献自己的绵薄之力。高二英语演讲稿6Leading members and judges, young friends: Hello, everybody!My name is xx, and we are pleased to be able to discuss the pursuit of excellence, dedication youth, this topic, I am going to talk about today is willing to sacrifice, the fire ignited youth.Let the fire burn eternal youth, so that life lightning across the horizon, with all the enthusiasm in exchange for time, there is no end to the dream of youth! I really appreciate the Agni youth, these words inside, and has been encouraging with its own study, work and life. I think that youth should be burned, give off light only value! Burning of one's life may also be corrupt, in that case, I do not want to corrupt, not corrupt, I would like to burn up! Friends present here! You like it?Youth is our most beautiful season of life, she is breeding in early spring of life, demonstrating a warm summer, with autumn's master real hidden, which makes clear the hope of winter, full of poetic passion and not a lack of hard work, fashion, romantic and full of the hard struggle. When a person's youth integrate into an era, a career, so youth will not go away, and this will certainly cause in the years of experience in the reflection of bright light.


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