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    2014《名师伴你行》系列高考英语(人教)一轮复习配套语法专题学案 时态和语态二(32张ppt).ppt

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    2014《名师伴你行》系列高考英语(人教)一轮复习配套语法专题学案 时态和语态二(32张ppt).ppt

    高考英语一轮复习课件,新 课 标 版,人 民 教 育 出 版 社,高考一轮总复习,语法学案2 时态和语态(二) 考点1 完成进行时 考点精讲 注意:由于高考主要涉及了现在完成进行时, 因此本节只讲述现在完成进行时的用法, 对其他形式的完成进行时知识从略。 现在完成进行时的用法: 现在完成进行时表示一个动作开始于过去, 并持续到现在, 并强调现在还在进行。完成进行时是完成时和进行时的组合, 因此, 它具备完成时和进行时的一些因素, 如:它具备进行时的“未完性、暂时性、感情色彩等”的特点。,第二编 语 法 知 识,He has been learning English for 6 years. 他学英语已经有六年了。(从过去某一时间开始学英语, 强调到现在还在学) It has been raining for 3 days. 雨已经下了三天了。(强调说话者“抱怨”的感情色彩) 典例剖析 In order to find the missing child, villagers_ all they can over the past five hours. 2012安徽卷 A. did B. do C. had done D. have been doing 剖析 考查动词时态和语态。后面的over the past five hours意味着现在完成时, 所以选择D项。过去完成时表示“过去的过去”明显不正确。,高考一轮总复习,对应训练 用所给动词的适当形式填空 1. Helen _ (leave) her keys in the office so she had to wait until her husband_ (come) home. 2. I _ (hope) to meet Mr. Thompson this morning, but I found nobody left in the room. 3. We plan to reach the North Pole in mid-July, and by then we _ (walk) for six weeks. 4. By the time you arrive in New York, you will _ (away) for two weeks. 5. Did you find the missing couple in the mountain yesterday? No, but we _ (try) to get in touch with them ever since.,had left,came,had hoped,will have walked,have been away,have been trying,第二编 语 法 知 识,考点2 主动和被动 英语中的及物动词一般都有主动语态和被动语态两种形式。主动语态是无标记的, 而被动语态则是有标记的。 考点精讲1 被动语态 (一)被动语态构成 被动语态由助动词be加及物动词的过去分词构成。助动词be随着主语的人称、数、时态和语气的不同而变化。被动语态的各种时态形式见下表:,高考一轮总复习,(二)被动语态的用法 1. 不知道谁是动作的执行者, 或没有必要指明谁是动作的执行者。 Paper was first invented in China. 纸是中国首先发明的。,第二编 语 法 知 识,The window is dirty. I know. It hasnt been cleaned for weeks. 窗户是脏的。 我知道。它已经几个星期没被打扫过了。 典例剖析 They are living with their parents for the moment because their own house_. 2012四川卷 A. is being rebuilt B. has been rebuilt C. is rebuilt D. has rebuilt 剖析 考查动词的时态和语态。句意:他们现在暂时和父母一起居住, 因为他们自己的房子正在重建。根据句意可知, 应使用进行时;且house与动词rebuilt之间为被动关系, 故使用现在进行时态的被动语态。选A。,高考一轮总复习,2. 需要强调或突出动作的承受者或事件本身。 All the employees except the manager are encouraged to work online at home. 所有的员工, 除了经理外都被鼓励在家中在线工作。 典例剖析 Have you heard about that fire in the market? Yes, fortunately no one_. 2012北京卷 A. Hurt B. was hurt C. has hurt D. had been hurt 剖析 考查被动语态。发生在过去的被动动作。选B。 3. 在文章标题、广告、新闻中。 Girls wanted. 招女工。 Millions of pounds worth of damage has been caused by a storm which swept across the north of England last night.,第二编 语 法 知 识,昨天晚上席卷英格兰北部的一场大风暴已经造成数百万英镑的损害。 4. 当动作的执行者不是人时。 The number of deaths from heart disease will be reduced greatly if people are persuaded to eat more fruit and vegetables. 如果说服人们吃更多的水果和蔬菜, 死于心脏病的人数将会大大降低。 (三)注意短语动词和含有情态动词的被动语态 That old man was often laughed at. 那位老人常受人嘲笑。 The plan will be given up. 那计划就要被放弃了。 Bad habits have been done away with. 坏习惯已经被改掉了。,高考一轮总复习,注意:在短语动词的被动结构中, 切不可丢掉后面的介词或副词 He must be prevented from going. 必须阻止他去。 The plan ought to be put into practice as soon as possible. 计划必须尽早执行。(谓语结构是:情态动词+be+过去分词) (四)“get+过去分词”可以表示被动, 此结构比较口语化 She got married last week. 她上周结婚了。 The patient got treated once a week. 那位病人一周得到一次治疗。 He fell off the car and got killed. 他从车上摔下来, 死了。,第二编 语 法 知 识,典例剖析 Mum, I was wondering if you could lend me a few dollars until I_ on Friday. 2012辽宁卷 A. get paid B. got paid C. have paid D. had been paid 剖析 考查动词时态和语态。在时间状语从句中用一般现在时表将来, 且I与pay之间是动宾关系, 所以选A。 对应训练 用所给动词的适当形式填空 6. In some parts of the world, tea_ (serve) with milk and sugar. 7. The boy whom you lent the bike to _ (hit) by a car. 8. Lincoln _ (think of) as a friend of freedom.,is served,was hit,is thought of,高考一轮总复习,9. The teacher told us that the attraction of the earth for all bodies_ (call) gravity. 10. He was so careless as to_ (run over) yesterday. 考点精讲2 主动形式表被动意义 (一)“系动词look, sound, feel, smell, taste, appear, seem, go, prove, turn, stay, become, fall, get, grow, keep+形容词名词”构成系表结构。 The steel feels cold. 钢铁摸起来是凉的。 His plan proved (to be) practical. 他的计划证明是实用的。 (二)表示开始、结束、运动的动词。如begin, finish, start, open, close, stop, end, shut, run, move等。,is called,get run over,第二编 语 法 知 识,Work began at 7 oclock this morning. 今天早上7点开始工作。 The shop closes at 6 p. m. every day. 这家商店每天晚上6点关闭。 (三)表示主语的某种属性特征的动词。如read, write, act, iron, cut, draw, drive, sell, wash, clean, wear, open, cook, lock, shut, dry, eat, drink。这类动词一般不单独使用, 常有一个修饰语。 This coat dries easily. 这种外衣容易干。 Your speech reads well. 你的演讲说得很好。 This material has worn thin. 这个材料已经磨薄了。,高考一轮总复习,(四)少数动词用于进行时, 其主动形式表示被动含义。如print, cook, fry, hang, build, make等。 The books are printing. 这本书正在印刷中。 The meat is cooking. 肉在煮。 (五)“介词in, on, under等+名词”构成介词短语表被动意义: 表示方位的介词与含动作意义的名词合用, 含被动之意, 其意义相当于该名词相应动词的被动形式, 名词前一般不用冠词。常见的有:under control(受控制), under treatment(在治疗中), under repair(在修理中), under discussion(在讨论中), under construction(在施工中), beyond belief(令人难以置信), beyond ones reach(鞭长,第二编 语 法 知 识,莫及), beyond ones control(无法控制), beyond our hope(我们始料不及), for sale(出售), for rent(出租), in print(在印刷中), in sight(在视野范围内), on sale(出售), on show(展出), on trial(受审), out of control(控制不了), out of sight(超出视线之外), out of ones reach(够不着), out of fashion(不流行)。 The rumor is beyond belief. (=cant be believed) 该谣言令人难以置信。 Today some treasures are on show(= being shown) in the museum. 今天一些珍宝正在博物馆展出。 (六)不能用于被动语态的及物动词或动词短语:fit, have, wish, cost, agree with, arrive atin, shake hands with, succeed in, suffer from, happen to, take part in, walk into, belong to等。如:,高考一轮总复习,This key just fits the lock. 这把钥匙只开这把锁。 Your story agrees with what had already been heard. 你的故事与我们听说的一致。 对应训练 翻译下列句子 11. 这道菜尝起来很香。 _ 12. 这门锁不上。 _ 13. 我的衬衫正挂在墙上。 _ 14. 这篇文章读起来很上口。 _,This dish tastes tasty,The door wont lock,My shirt is hanging on the wall,The article reads well,第二编 语 法 知 识,15. 这个问题正在讨论之中。(用介词短语) _ 考点3 高考动词时态易混点 考点精讲1 一般过去时和现在完成时的用法区别 一般过去时所表示的一段过去时间是可以具体确定的, 与其他时间没有牵连。它所表示的事情纯属过去, 与现 在情况没有联系。现在完成时表示的事情发生在不能具 体指出的以现在为参照点的过去某个或某段时间。它所 表示的事情与现在情况有关系, 是过去事情在现在产生 的结果或对现在的影响。 2. 比较下面几组句子, 体会两种时态的不同: He served in the army from 1952 to 1954. 他从1952年到1954年在军队服役。(这是过去的一件事),The problem is under discussion,高考一轮总复习,He has served in the army for 5 years. 他在军队服役5年了。(现在他仍在军中服役, 他仍是军人) He wrote many plays when he was at college. 他上大学时, 写了许多剧本。(写剧本是他过去做的事情) He has written many plays. 他已经写了许多剧本。(这意味着他是剧作家) I saw Hero last year. 去年我看了英雄。(看英雄的时间是去年, 与现在无关) I have seen Hero before. 以前我已经看过英雄。(强调现在知道这部电影的内容。以前看过, 但“以前”是表示一个与现在有联系的过去时间, 而不是一个确定的与现在无关的过去时间),第二编 语 法 知 识,典例剖析 I remember you were a talented pianist at college. Can you play the piano for me? Sorry, I_ the piano for years. 2012湖南卷 A. dont play B. wasnt playing C. havent played D. hadnt played 剖析 考查动词时态。根据remember, can可知语境为现在, for years得出为从过去到现在, 所以用现在完成时态。选C。 考点精讲2 一般过去时和过去完成时的用法区别 1. 一般过去时是对现在说话时刻而言的, 过去完成时则是对过去某一时刻而言。两种时态建立的时间参照点不同, 对过去完成时来说, 这个时间参照点十分重要, 它是过去完成概念赖以建立的基础, 也是和一般过去时相区别的重要标准。,高考一轮总复习,2. 过去完成时的时间状语常用by和before引导的短语表 示, 如by that time, by the end of, before 2000, by the time+句子等。 典例剖析 After Jack had sent some e-mails, he_ working on his project. 2012山东卷 A. had started B. has started C. started D. starts 剖析 考查动词时态。根据前半句的谓语动词用了过去完 成时, 可知后半句用一般过去时, 这样才能符合“过去的过 去”这一条件。句意:Jack发了几份电子邮件之后, 他才 开始研究他的项目。选C。 考点精讲3 过去完成时与现在完成时的用法区别 两种时态都常与一段时间的状语连用, 但现在完成时表 示的是延续到现在或同现在有关的动作(句中不可有表示,第二编 语 法 知 识,过去特定时间的状语), 而过去完成时表示的是在过去某时之前已经完成或延续到过去某时的动作(句中有表示过去特定时间的状语)。 2. 比较下面的说法: He had been ill for a week before she came back. 在她回来之前, 他已经病了一星期。(回来发生在过去某一时间, 生病发生在过去的过去) He has been ill for a week. 他已经病了一个星期。(现在仍然病着) 典例剖析 Alvin, are you coming with us? Id love to, but something unexpected_. 2012浙江卷 A. has come up B. was coming up C. had come up D. would come up,高考一轮总复习,剖析 考查动词时态。根据句意:艾琳, 你要和我们一起去吗?我想去, 但是发生了点意外。现在完成时表示过去发生的动作或事情到现在为止, 且对现在造成了一定的影响, 符合语境, 故答案选。was coming up是过去进行时, 表示过去某段时间正在进行的动作或所处的状态;had come up是过去完成时表示过去的过去;would come up是过去将来时表示过去将来要发生的事情, 均不符合语境, 故排除。 对应训练 单项填空 16. The new suspension bridge_ by the end of last month. A. has been designed B. had been designed C. was designed D. would be designed,B,第二编 语 法 知 识,17. _ David and Vicky_ married? For about three years. A. How long were;being B. How long have;got C. How long have;been D. How long did;get 18. I saw Dave in the lift this morning. Really? He_ around here for a long time. A. wont be seen B. wasnt see C. hasnt been seen D. hadnt been seen 19. He works in China now, but he_ in Africa for eight years. A. worked B. has worked C. had worked D. has been working,C,D,A,高考一轮总复习,单项填空 1. Dont worry. The hard work that you do now_ later in life. 2012湖南卷 A. will be repaid B. was being repaid C. has been repaid D. was repaid 2. The manager_ the workers how to improve the program since 9 a. m. . 2012全国 A. has told B. is telling C. has been telling D. will have told 3. After school we went to the reading-room to do some reading, only to be told that it_. 2012安徽卷 A. was decorated B. had decorated C. had been decorating D. was being decorated,A,C,D,第二编 语 法 知 识,4. The letters for the boss_ on his desk but he didnt read them until three days later. 2012天津卷 A. were put B. was put C. put D. has put 5. “Life is like walking in the snow, ”Granny used to say, “because every step_. ” 2012全国新课标卷 A. has shown B. is showing C. shows D. showed 6. By the time you have finished this book, your meal _ cold. 2012北京卷 A. gets B. has got C. will get D. is getting 7. When Alice came to, she did not know how long she _ there. 2011全国卷 A. had been lying B. has been lying C. was lying D. has lain,A,C,C,A,高考一轮总复习,8. Experiments of this kind_ in both the U. S. and Europe well before the Second World War. 2011北京卷 A. have conducted B. have been conducted C. had conducted D. had been conducted 9. Tom_ in the library every night over the last three months. 2011北京卷 A. works B. worked C. has been working D. had been working 10. In the last few years thousands of films_ all over the world. 2011天津卷 A. have produced B. have been produced C. are producing D. are being produced,D,C,B,第二编 语 法 知 识,11. A lot of people often forget that oral exams_ to test our communicative ability. 2011上海春招 A. design B. are designed C. are designing D. are being designed 12. She was surprised to find the fridge empty; the child _ everything! 2011山东卷 A. had been eating B. had eaten C. have eaten D. have been eating 13. In the near future, more advances in the robot technology _ by scientists. 2011湖南卷 A. are making B. are made C. will make D. will be made 14. Look at the pride on Toms face. He _ to have been praised by the manager just now. 2011重庆卷 A. seemed B. seems C. had seemed D. is seeming,B,B,D,B,高考一轮总复习,15. His first novel_ good reviews since it came out last month. 2011陕西卷 A. receives B. is receiving C. will receive D. has received,返回目录,继续,D,高考一轮总复习,Its a fairly common phenomenon among us students. With the college entrance examination approaching, many students are suffering from exam anxiety. Some of the students feel nervous because they are not well prepared for the exam. Some feel dizzy because they stay up too late. Others just pay too much attention to the results. If you have these symptoms, its time for you to take effective measures to deal with them. Firstly, make good use of time to fully prepare your lessons. Secondly, have enough sleep before exams and you will perform well in exams. Thirdly, have the right attitude to exams and keep a calm state of mind. I believe if you take these, success will be yours.,第三编 高 考 专 题,对应训练 请你根据所给漫画用英语写一篇短文。短文内容应该包括以下三个方面: 1. 描述这幅漫画的内容; 2. 是否同意他们的教育方式, 并陈述理由; 3. 对家庭教育提出建议。,高考一轮总复习,审题构思:_ _ _ 拟关键词:_ _ _ 构建句式: _ 连句成篇:_,体裁:漫画作文。第一部分:描述漫画内容,点明主题;第二部分:联系实际说明自己的看法。第三部分:对家庭教育提出自己的建议。,in different ways, ruler, chocolate, spoil, neither, lack self-confidence, self-centered, appropriate,praise and criticism, balance,1. Father educates. . . while Mother. . . 2. What is illustrated in the picture is that . . . 3. I subscribe to neither of their education methods. 4. If we always give children severe punishment, . . . 5. If we always love children too much, . . . 6. It is better to use appropriate methods. . .,第三编 高 考 专 题,As can be seen in the cartoon, the young couple educate their child in different ways. Father educates their child with a ruler while Mother with a bar of chocolate. Father is too hard on their child while Mother spoils him, which makes their child confused. I subscribe to neither of their education methods. If we always give children punishment, they will become nervous and lack self-confidence. If we always love children too much, they will turn out to be self-centered and dependent. As far as I am concerned, it is better to use appropriate methods based on childrens individual personalities. Only in this way can children benefit from proper family education and achieve all-round development.,返回首页,


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