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    牛津英语模块2 Unit 1 Reading 导学案-word文档.doc

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    牛津英语模块2 Unit 1 Reading 导学案-word文档.doc

    Unit 1 of Module 2 ReadingBoy missing, police puzzled语文课本中的文章都是精选的比较优秀的文章,还有不少名家名篇。如果有选择循序渐进地让学生背诵一些优秀篇目、精彩段落,对提高学生的水平会大有裨益。现在,不少语文教师在分析课文时,把文章解体的支离破碎,总在文章的技巧方面下功夫。结果教师费劲,学生头疼。分析完之后,学生收效甚微,没过几天便忘的一干二净。造成这种事倍功半的尴尬局面的关键就是对文章读的不熟。常言道“书读百遍,其义自见”,如果有目的、有计划地引导学生反复阅读课文,或细读、默读、跳读,或听读、范读、轮读、分角色朗读,学生便可以在读中自然领悟文章的思想内容和写作技巧,可以在读中自然加强语感,增强语言的感受力。久而久之,这种思想内容、写作技巧和语感就会自然渗透到学生的语言意识之中,就会在写作中自觉不自觉地加以运用、创造和发展。 班级家庭是幼儿语言活动的重要环境,为了与家长配合做好幼儿阅读训练工作,孩子一入园就召开家长会,给家长提出早期抓好幼儿阅读的要求。我把幼儿在园里的阅读活动及阅读情况及时传递给家长,要求孩子回家向家长朗诵儿歌,表演故事。我和家长共同配合,一道训练,幼儿的阅读能力提高很快。 观察内容的选择,我本着先静后动,由近及远的原则,有目的、有计划的先安排与幼儿生活接近的,能理解的观察内容。随机观察也是不可少的,是相当有趣的,如蜻蜓、蚯蚓、毛毛虫等,孩子一边观察,一边提问,兴趣很浓。我提供的观察对象,注意形象逼真,色彩鲜明,大小适中,引导幼儿多角度多层面地进行观察,保证每个幼儿看得到,看得清。看得清才能说得正确。在观察过程中指导。我注意帮助幼儿学习正确的观察方法,即按顺序观察和抓住事物的不同特征重点观察,观察与说话相结合,在观察中积累词汇,理解词汇,如一次我抓住时机,引导幼儿观察雷雨,雷雨前天空急剧变化,乌云密布,我问幼儿乌云是什么样子的,有的孩子说:乌云像大海的波浪。有的孩子说“乌云跑得飞快。”我加以肯定说“这是乌云滚滚。”当幼儿看到闪电时,我告诉他“这叫电光闪闪。”接着幼儿听到雷声惊叫起来,我抓住时机说:“这就是雷声隆隆。”一会儿下起了大雨,我问:“雨下得怎样?”幼儿说大极了,我就舀一盆水往下一倒,作比较观察,让幼儿掌握“倾盆大雨”这个词。雨后,我又带幼儿观察晴朗的天空,朗诵自编的一首儿歌:“蓝天高,白云飘,鸟儿飞,树儿摇,太阳公公咪咪笑。”这样抓住特征见景生情,幼儿不仅印象深刻,对雷雨前后气象变化的词语学得快,记得牢,而且会应用。我还在观察的基础上,引导幼儿联想,让他们与以往学的词语、生活经验联系起来,在发展想象力中发展语言。如啄木鸟的嘴是长长的,尖尖的,硬硬的,像医生用的手术刀样,给大树开刀治病。通过联想,幼儿能够生动形象地描述观察对象。 姓名学号时间评价Learning Aims:1. To enhance students reading abilities.2. To know about some mysterious and unexplained phenomena in the world.3. To motivate the students desire to acquire new knowledge.Learning Important and Difficult Points:1. Expand the students vocabulary about space and space exploration and try to expresstheir opinions boldly and imaginatively.Learning Procedures:I. Fast reading(Read the text quickly and answer the following questions)1. What is the article about? The article is about a missing boy.2. When was Justin last seen? Friday night.3. Do the police know what happened to Justin?No. They have no idea of it. II. True or False 1. People have shown great interest in Justins disappearance not because of the strange lights in the sky but reports of alien visits.( F )2. Justin disappeared probably because he was taken by aliens. ( T )3. Mrs. Foster was worried about her sons safety, so she called the police immediately.( F )4. According to Kelly, a bright light appeared inside Justins room and then disappeared.( F )5. Mavis Wood said he had once been taken away by aliens and then returned him to his home.( T )6. Police would not give up until they found convincing evidence. ( T )III. Task-based reading(Read the text and fill in each blank with a proper word)Title: Boy missing, police puzzledFactJustin Foster(1)went missing.Mr. Foster was surprised that his son didnt tell anyone that he was (2)staying out late.Mrs. Foster thought he was spending the night with a (3)friendJustin Foster didnt (4)appear at the family lunch the next day.Peoples (5)doubts about this incidentJustin returned home.Justins friends said that Justin went home after playing baseball with them.(6)Witnesses said that they saw Justin walking towards his home at 10.45p.m.Kelly heard him put on his favorite CD after he went to his room.Justin was taken away by aliens.Kelly saw a large spaceship (7)flying outside and heard Justin shout.Mavis Wood said that the aliens took her away so that they could do scientific research on her.The polices(8)attitude towards this incident.Theres no hard (9)evidence that aliens took him.We are looking into other possibilities.We will not give up until we find out (10)what happened. IV. Reading Comprehension1. The reason why people were interested in the disappearance of the child is that _.A. The lost boy was 15 years old.B. The police advised them to do so.C. The disappearance might have something to do with the UFO and the alien.D. All of the above2. We can infer that the boy might go missing _.A. in his own roomB. on the playgroundC. on his way homeD. in his school3. What is the attitude of the police to the disappearance of the boy?_A. They cant prove that Justin was taken by aliens.B. They think it possible for some people to make up an amazing story.C. They are looking at other possibilities, such as murder.D. All of the above.V. Match the new words from the article with their meanings (D1 of p4)VI. Study the text carefully and complete the following sentences (one word in each blank)1. 美国警方现已加紧对一名三天前失踪的男孩的搜索。Police in America have stepped up their search for a boy who went missing three days ago. 2. 由于各种关于男孩失踪前后天空出现奇怪亮光和外星人造访地球的新闻报道, 这件事引起了公众的极大兴趣。The incident has received great interest due to reports of strange lights in the sky and of alien visits around the time when the boy disappeared.3. 目击者称他们看到Justin 在晚上10:45时向家走去。Witnesses also say they saw Justin walking towards his house at 10.45 p.m. 4. 从那以后我再也没有见过Justin。I havent seen Justin since.VII. Fill in each blank with a proper word and then enjoy the following sentences.1. Standing inside were (是)lots of strange creatures with white skin and large black eyes.2. However(然而), since(既然) Mrs. Foster thought that Justin was spending the night with a friend, she assumed that (认为)Kelly was having a bad dream, and sent her back to bed.3. Its happened to (发生在)me. The aliens took me aboard(登上)the UFO so that (为了)they could do research on me.4. When asked (问到) about the possibilities that Justin was taken by aliens, Detective Sam Peterson, who has taken charge of (负责)the case, told journalists, Sometimes people make up (编造)such amazing stories. 5. Theres really no hard evidence(铁证)that aliens took him. So , while(尽管)we have not dismissd (排除) the idea, we are looking into(调查)other possibilities _as well(也). We will not give up until (直到也不放弃)we find out what happened? VIII. Complete the article with the words from the text (E of p5)第 4 页


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