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    牛津上海版9A Unit3复习学案-精选文档.docx

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    牛津上海版9A Unit3复习学案-精选文档.docx

    牛津上海版9A Unit 3要练说,先练胆。说话胆小是幼儿语言发展的障碍。不少幼儿当众说话时显得胆怯:有的结巴重复,面红耳赤;有的声音极低,自讲自听;有的低头不语,扯衣服,扭身子。总之,说话时外部表现不自然。我抓住练胆这个关键,面向全体,偏向差生。一是和幼儿建立和谐的语言交流关系。每当和幼儿讲话时,我总是笑脸相迎,声音亲切,动作亲昵,消除幼儿畏惧心理,让他能主动的、无拘无束地和我交谈。二是注重培养幼儿敢于当众说话的习惯。或在课堂教学中,改变过去老师讲学生听的传统的教学模式,取消了先举手后发言的约束,多采取自由讨论和谈话的形式,给每个幼儿较多的当众说话的机会,培养幼儿爱说话敢说话的兴趣,对一些说话有困难的幼儿,我总是认真地耐心地听,热情地帮助和鼓励他把话说完、说好,增强其说话的勇气和把话说好的信心。三是要提明确的说话要求,在说话训练中不断提高,我要求每个幼儿在说话时要仪态大方,口齿清楚,声音响亮,学会用眼神。对说得好的幼儿,即使是某一方面,我都抓住教育,提出表扬,并要其他幼儿模仿。长期坚持,不断训练,幼儿说话胆量也在不断提高。 Words.唐宋或更早之前,针对“经学”“律学”“算学”和“书学”各科目,其相应传授者称为“博士”,这与当今“博士”含义已经相去甚远。而对那些特别讲授“武事”或讲解“经籍”者,又称“讲师”。“教授”和“助教”均原为学官称谓。前者始于宋,乃“宗学”“律学”“医学”“武学”等科目的讲授者;而后者则于西晋武帝时代即已设立了,主要协助国子、博士培养生徒。“助教”在古代不仅要作入流的学问,其教书育人的职责也十分明晰。唐代国子学、太学等所设之“助教”一席,也是当朝打眼的学官。至明清两代,只设国子监(国子学)一科的“助教”,其身价不谓显赫,也称得上朝廷要员。至此,无论是“博士”“讲师”,还是“教授”“助教”,其今日教师应具有的基本概念都具有了。 1. opinion n. 意见,想法,看法家庭是幼儿语言活动的重要环境,为了与家长配合做好幼儿阅读训练工作,孩子一入园就召开家长会,给家长提出早期抓好幼儿阅读的要求。我把幼儿在园里的阅读活动及阅读情况及时传递给家长,要求孩子回家向家长朗诵儿歌,表演故事。我和家长共同配合,一道训练,幼儿的阅读能力提高很快。 e. g. The opinion is accepted as true. 这个意见被认为是正确的。 in one's opinion依某人的看法 e. g. In my opinion, the second view is one-sided and partial. 我认为,第2种看法是片面的。2. responsibility n. 责任,负责 e. g. I did it on my own responsibility(= without being told to and being willing to take the blame if it had gone wrong). 我做的这件事,由我自己负责。【知识拓展】be responsible for对负责e. g. My father is responsible for a big department store in Shanghai.3. death n. 死亡e. g. Car accidents have caused many deaths. 车祸造成了许多人死亡。 death的动词形式是die He became very ill and then he died. 他病得很重,接着就死了。【知识拓展】die of死于(疾病、过度悲伤等)People are dying of cancer more and more often. 死于癌症的人越来越多了。die from死于(某种原因,不包括疾病、过度悲伤等)In a severe winter, wild animals can die from lack of food. 在寒冷的冬天,野兽可能因为缺乏食物而饿死。4. respect n. v. 尊重,慎重对待 e. g. The new teacher soon won the respect of his students. 这位新来的老师很快就赢得了学生们的尊重。【知识拓展】 respectable adj. 值得尊敬的5. faithfully adv. 忠实地,忠诚地 e. g. He always performs his duties faith fully. 他一贯忠实地履行自己的职责。【知识拓展】faith n. 信仰,信任e. g. Faith that justice would prevail impelled us forward. 正义必胜的信念激励着我们前进。faithful adj. 忠实的,守信的e. g. We are all faith full listeners to the program. 我们都是这档节目的忠实听众。 6. mess肮脏,杂乱;不整洁 (狗、猫等的)粪便e. g. The room was in a mess. 这个房间杂乱不堪。7. result n. 后果;结果e. g. Success depends on the results of this experiment. 成功与否取决于这次实验的效果。8. bite v. 咬e. g. Barking dogs seldom bite. 爱叫的狗不咬人。9. extremely adv. 极其,非常e. g. She found it extremely difficult to get a job. 她发觉找工作极其困难。10. unhappy adj. 不快乐的,不幸福的;悲伤的e. g. For all this wealth, he was unhappy. 尽管他富有,但他并不幸福。【知识拓展】否定前缀un-加在名词,形容词,副词之前如:unfinished(未完成的)undoubted(无疑的),unhappy(不快乐的)类似的否定前缀in-加在形容词,名词之前如:incorrect(不正确的),inability(无能,无力),inaccurate(不准确的)im-加在字母m,b,p之前如:impossible(不可能的),impolite(不礼貌的)日常表达1. from side to side 从左到右e. g. The ship rolled from side to side. 船左右摇晃。【知识拓展】side by side肩并肩地;一起e. g. The two children are walking side by side. 那两个孩子肩并肩地走着。2. grow up 成长;长大e. g. Their children have all grown up and left home now. 他们的孩子都已长大成人离开家了。3. according to据(所说)e. g. According to Mick, it's a great movie. 据米克说,这是一部了不起的电影。 You've been absent six times according to our records. 根据我们的记录,你已经缺席六次了。4. care for关爱e. g. Young people should learn to care for others. 年轻人应该学会关爱他人。【知识拓展】take care of照顾e. g They appointed her to take care of that old man. 他们委派她照顾那位老人。care about喜欢e. g. I really care about the students in my class. 我的确喜欢这个班上的学生。5. as a result因此;结果e. g. As a result, he had to leave. 结果他只得离开。【知识拓展】result from起因于e. g. His illness resulted from bad food. 他的病是由于吃了变质的食物所致。result in结果;导致是e. g. Their dispute resulted in war. 他们的争端导致了战争。6. stop from 阻止某事发生e. g. The guard stopped him from going through the gate. 警卫不让他通过大门。 【指点迷津】stop to do sth. 与stop doing sth.stop to do sth. 停止、中断(某件事),目的是去做另一件事 e. g. They stopped to work and have a rest. 他们停下来工作并休息了一会儿。 stop doing sth. 停下正在做的事 Please stop speaking. Its time to begin our class. 请肃静,上课时间到了。7. what's more而且 e. g. What's more, most people in modern cities live in flats. 而且大多数的人生活在大城市里的公寓里。8. pay for为付钱 e. g. I have to pay 150 dollars for the sewing machine. 我得花150美元买这台缝纫机。 【指点迷津】spend, take, pay, cost四者都可表示“花费”(1) spend的主语通常是人,往往用于以下句型:(sb)spend some money/some time on sth.(sb)spend some money/some time(in)doing sth.e. g. I spent fifty yuan on the coat. =I spent fifty yuan (in) buying the coat. 我花50元买了这件大衣。(2)take常用于“占用、花费”时间,其主话通常为形式主语“it"或物。句式是:It takes/took sb. some time to do sth=Sth. takes sb. some time.e. g. It took me three years to draw the beautiful horses. 画这些漂亮的马花费了我3年时间。 The work will take me two days.这项工作花了2天时间。(3) pay为“付款,赔偿”之意,主语通常是人,往往是sbpays some money for sth或pay sb(some moneyfor sth) e. g. I paid fifty yuan for the coat. 我花50元买了这件大衣。 (4) cost的主语必须是某物。动词cost的常用用法是sth. cost (sb. )some money。e. g. The dictionary cost me $20. 这本字典花了我20美元。【随堂小练】. Fill in the blanks with the proper form of the given words1.When we heard our team won the game, all of us cheered(exciting).2.The dog becomes (extreme) unhappy.3. I have a number of (complain) about the hotel room you've given us.1. My favourite shop is(locate) on the second floor of a tall building.2. The Great Wall is(wide) known all over the world.3. It's my(please) to talk with you.【Keys】1. excitedly 2. extremely 3. complaints 4. located 5. widely 6. pleasure. Choose the word or expression to replace the underlined part in each sentenceA. As said by B. went away C. veryD. very unpleasant E. come back F. has become different()1.This town has changed a lot since I was young.()2.We were extremely busy before the examination.()3.I leave on 10 April and return on 6 June.()4.According to the weather report, it is going to rain this afternoon.()5.What a terrible thing to do!【Keys】1. F 2. C 3. E 4. A 5. DImportant Sentences structures.1. It's nice to pick them up and hold them in our arms, and it's wonderful to see them growing up. 句中的it是形式主语,后接两个不定式to pick up,(to) hold是句子逻辑上的真正的主语。e. g. It's nice to know that somebody appreciates what I do. 知道有人欣赏我所做的事真让人开心。【知识拓展】it作形式主语主要用于下列两种情况1) It+is/was+adj./n.(形容词或名词)+to do sth. e. g. It is a good idea to think this way. It is very kind of you to give me a hand in time.2) It十v. +to do sth. e. g. It took us three years to complete the project. 我们花费三年时间才完成了这项工程。 It sounds reasonable to do it this way.听起来这样做有道理。2. Young people can learn how to care for others and how to respect all living things by keeping a pet dog.本句中疑问副词how和不定式to care for others及how to respect做整个句子的宾语。how解释为“如何”。e. g. Please show us how to do that. 请演示给我们如何去做。 There are so many kinds of tape recorders on sale that I can't make up my mind which to buy. 有这么多的录音机,我都拿不定主意买哪一种。【随堂练习】I. Choose the best answer( )1. He was proud to have behaved so.A. goodB. betterC. bestD. well( )2. She wants to be a famous singer when she.A. grown upB. growing upC. grew upD. grows up( )3. does the African Ghost Fish look like?A. How B. WhichC. WhatD. Who( )4. This Japanese spoke quitein the speech.A. polite B. politelyC. politenessD. impolite( )5. The dog wagged its tail.A. excitingB. excitinglyC. excitedlyD. excited( )6. I thinkis a good idea to do morning exercises every day.A. it B. that C. this D. these( )7. You need to hurry up. Otherwise all the cheap items will be.A. sell outB. sold outC. sell overD. sold over( )8. Who willthis big project?A. as a resultB. be responsible forC. care forD. bark at( )9. The workin two months.A. is finishedB. was finishedC. will finishedD. can be finished( )10. The box is too for me to carry upstairs.A. heavyB. fastC. heavilyD. fastly( )11. If you go to Macao, you'll see a evensquare.A. wideB. widelyC. widerD. very wide( )12. He asked meI was busy with those days.A. thatB. ifC. whyD. what【Keys】1. D 2. D 3. C 4. B 5. C 6. A 7. B 8. B 9. D 10. A 11. C 12. D. Rewrite the sentences as required 1. She takes part in the singing contest. (改为否定句)2. The water was so dirty that we couldn't drink it. (改为简单句)3. We must take good care of the old people. (改为被动语态)【Keys】1. She doesn't take part in the singing contest.2. The water was too dirty for us to drink.3. The old people must be taken good care of by us.Grammar.一、含有情态动词的被动语态的构成:情态动词+助动词be+及物动词的过去分词 e. g. Teenagers should be allowed to go out with their friends. 应该允许青少年和朋友外出。 注意:在情态动词后面加not就变成了否定句,把情态动词提前到句首,就变成了一般疑问句。 e. g. It can not be done by Jim. 这件事不可能是吉姆干的。 Must the trees watered now? 这些树必须浇水吗?二、副词(adverb,缩写式为adv.)修饰动词、形容词、名词、其他副词或全句。 (一)副词的分类1. 一般副词可分为以下四种: 时间副词 如:often,always,usually,early,now 地点副词 如:here,there,above,below,outside 方式副词 如:hard,well,badly,fast,slowly 程度副词 如:very,quite,much,still,almost2. 疑问副词 how,when,where,why(放在特殊疑问句句首)3. 关系副词 when,where,why(放在被引导的从句句首)4. 连接副词how,when,where,why,whether(放在名词性从句句首)(二)副词的位置1. 时间副词和地点副词的位置(1)表示确定的时间和地点的副词一般放在句尾。若句中同时出现地点副词和时间副词,地点副词通常放在前面。e. g. He will leave for Beijing tomorrow. 他明天将要去北京。(2)表示不确定时间的副词,如always,usually,often,never,ever,seldom,sometimes,rarely,generally,frequently等,通常放在行为动词之前,但放在be动词、助动词、情态动词之后。 e. g. Well never forget your kindness. 我们永远忘不了你的好。 She is always the first to come. 她总是第一个来。 You can often ask me questions if you need. 如果你需要,你可以经常找我问问题。2. 修饰形容词和副词的程度副词,除enough外,一般放在被修饰词之前。 e. g. He swims quite well.他游泳游得很好。 She swims well enough. 她游泳游得相当好。3. 修饰动词的方式副词有以下几种情况:(1)修饰不及物动词的方式副词要放在被修饰词之后。 e. g. The baby is sleeping soundly. 这孩子睡得很香。(2)修饰及物动词的方式副词可放在被修饰词之前或宾语之后,若宾语较长,也可以放在动词和宾语之间。 e. g. She seldom speaks French. 她很少说法语。 She speaks French fluently. 她法语讲得很流利。 All the morning she has been writing carefully a letter to her boyfriend. 她今天一上午都在认真地给她的男朋友写信。(3)及物动词和副词(如:down,on,off,in,out,up等)组成的动词词组有名词作宾语时,该名词可以放在副词之后或副词之前;若有代词作宾语时,则该代词一定要放在副词之前。 e. g. He cut down the tree. (= He cut the tree down.)他把那棵树砍倒了。 He cut it down. 他把它砍倒了。(代词作宾语时不可以说:He cut down it.)(4)修饰名词的副词放在被修饰词之后。 e. g. The people here are hardworking and brave. 这里的人民既勤劳又勇敢。(5)修饰全句的副词通常放在句首。e. g. Obviously he told a lie. 显然他说了谎。(三)副词的用法成分句法功能例句作状语修饰动词,形容词修饰副词修饰全句My mother usually gets up very early.The wind blew so hard!Obviously he knew nothing about it.作定语地点副词或时间副词作定语,放在被修饰词之后On his way home, he met an old friend of his.Those buildings around have been built.作表语多数表示位置的副词可作表语He is out.He will be back soon.Im here.The football game is on.作宾语补足语补足说明宾语We saw him off at the airport this morning.(四)副词的比较级、最高级用法与形容词的相关用法类似,只是副词的最高级可以省略the。e. g. He speaks English as fluently as you do.(副词fluently修饰动词speaks,此为副词原级比较) 他说英语和你一样流利。 It rains more often in Hong Kong than in Beijing. (more often比较级修饰动词rains,属于副词比较级) 香港比北京下雨多。 Soon you will see who runs (the) fastest. (the fastest修饰动词runs,属于副词最高级) 很快你就能知道谁跑得最快了。 【例1】You need to explain your opinions quite when having a debate. (clear) 【答案】C 【例2】Though he has studied at Russian for ten months, he can still speak the language. A. hard; hard B. hardly; hardly C. hard; hardly D. hardly; hard 【答案】 C 【例3】They all looked at the teacher when he told them the good news. A. sadly B. happily C. carefully D. angrily 【答案】 BStep 6: Summary. Step 7: Homework(Reading and Writing). Reading comprehension (A)Clint Westwood is a farmer in California. He has worked in his grape orchard all of his life. This orchard belonged to his father and his grandfather. California wine is famous and the Westwood family have a long history of making wine. Clint gets up every morning at 5 a. m. and goes to his orchard. He loves his trees and often calls his trees, "my family.”Clint is worried about the future of his orchard. Now he is 76 years old and he is getting too old to work in the orchard. He has three sons but they are not interested in working in the orchard. In fact, his sons are lazy and don't want to work. Clint is disappointed that his sons are lazy. He often says to his wife* "I'm worried. I don't know what will happen to my orchard after I'm gone. "One day Clint became very ill and died. After his death, his sons read his will. The will said, "The treasure is buried in the orchard." "Ah, so that's where our father put his money," said Chris, the youngest son. So every morning all three sons got up early and began digging in the orchard. They worked very hard looking for the treasure. They worked so hard that the grape trees produced a lot of fruit, but they didn't find any treasure.Then one day, Joseph, the oldest son said, "Our father was very smart. He wanted us to work in the orchard so he said there was treasure here. There is no treasure under the ground. But look! The treasure is on the trees. Because of our hard work, the trees have produced a lot of fruit. When we sell it, we will be rich. This is our treasure!"True or False( ) 1. Westwood family have been engaged in making wine for a long time. ( ) 2. All of Clint's sons are too lazy to work in the orchard. ( ) 3. Clint is always worried about the future of his sons. ( ) 4. Clint left his treasure in the orchard.( ) 5. The sons became hardworking after their father's death because they realized their bad habits. ( ) 6. They found treasure at last.【Keys】1.T 2. T 3. F 4. F 5. F 6. T(B)An Englishman was showing a foreign visitor around London. "What's this strange building?" asked the visitor. "This is the Tower of London. ""I see. How long did it take you to build it?" "About 500 years. ""In my country we can set it up in five months," said the visitor. Soon they came to St. Paul's Cathedral. "Very wonderful!" said the visitor. "How long did it take you to build it?" "Almost 40 years," said the Englishman. "In my country we can finish it in 40 days at most", said the visitor. This continued all day. They visited most famous buildings in the city. Every time they saw a new one, the visitor asked the same questions. Then he said that they could do the same thing much more quickly in his country. At last, the Englishman became angry with the visitor though he tried not to show it. A few days later, they came to the House of Parliament and the visitor asked his usual question, "What's it?"The Englishman answered, "I have n


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