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    送份南京师范大学出的04年4月资料,希望有用。据称下册为主,语法看上册。最佳选项专题习题一1) Try          you may, you will never succeed.A. though    B. as though    C. as    D. as if2)         more time to think about it.A. If only I had    B. Only if I had    C. If I only had    D. Only if had I3)           , the basketball match will be resumed on Thursday.A. Weather permits    B. Weather permittingC. Weather is permitting   D. Weather permitted4) It was last night           Mary suffered a terrible panic attack.A. that   B. which   C. on which    D. when5) We heard the news           some American businessmen will visit our firm.A. what   B. that   C. which   D. when6) Usually managers have to make a best guess          what the future will be.A. of   B. for   C. at   D. to7) The maid was executed after being convicted            murder though her guilt had not been completely established.A. for    B. with    C. of    D. by8) Some individuals seem to be capable of freeing themselves from outside distraction in the             of the noisiest crowds.A. midst    B. middle    C. center    D. depth9) Most violence-related toys jeopardize the role of play in helping children make better           of their own            feeling and interpret the world.A. knowledge   B. realization    C. emotion    D. sense10) The professor set           three days for his students to review their lessons.A. aside    B. out   C. down    D. up习题一答案及分析1)C  Try as you may (不管你怎样努力)是一个让步状语从句。由as引出的这种从句要求用倒装语序。“动词原形+as+主语+may,might等”是其中的一种形式。不选A,though偶尔也可这样用,但不多见。2)A  if only用来表示一种愿望,意义上相当于wish.它和only if不同,后者引起一个条件状语从句,一般不能单独成句。3)B  weather permitting是分词独立结构,表示条件,相当于if weather permits.不要选A,没有连词它不能成为句子的一个成分。4)A  本句为强调句型,强调的是时间状语last night,其后应该用连词that.5)B  本句that引出的是一个同位语从句,指news的具体内容。不能选C,因为这里不是定语从句。6)C  名词guess后要求用at表示猜测的对象。7)C  动词convict后要求用of表示指控的内容。8)A  in the midst of“在之中”,意思与among相似。不能选B,in the middle of(在中间)通常表示位置。9)D  make sense of的意思是“理解,弄懂的意思”。其余几个词不能用于这一结构。10)A  set aside是固定结构,此处意为“留出(时间)”。其余几个词和set不能构成这个意思。习题二1)         , it will have an effect on the drinker.A.  However mild wine seems       B.  Even though mild wine seemsC.  Provided that mild wine seems    D.  Unless mild wine seems2) The department was            two years ago.A.  done away off   B.  done away by   C.  done away with  D.  done away to3) Peter is badly in need of a secretary that he can to solve the problems that may occur in his absence.A. count for   B. count to   C. count down   D. count on4) John said that he did not do       _ paper work.A. much   B. many   C. lot of   D. a number of5) I dont like the idea _    _ getting married yet.A. to    B. on    C. of    D. in6) The singer and dancer _   _  our party.A. is attended   B. are to attend   C. were to attend   D. is to attend7) The apartment manager demanded          immediately.A. Bill to move out   B. that Bill move out   C. that Bill moves out   D. that Bill moved out8) We were all astonished _ _    _ your failure in the exam.A. for   B. at   C. with   D. to9) The frontier guards will shoot         anybody trying to cross.A. at   B. to   C .towards   D. in10) The photographs of Mars taken by satellite are than those taken from the earth.A. clear    B. the clearest    C. more clearer    D. much clearer习题二答案及分析1)A  让步状语从句由however引导。这里howeverno matter how.2)C  do away with“去掉,废除”,固定搭配。3)D  count on指望,倚赖 ;count down倒记时;count for对有价值/有利。4)A  work是不可数名词,而many,a number of修饰可数名词;a lot oflots of修饰可数、不可数名词均可;但无lot of这一表达法。5)C  the idea of  v.+ing,“关于的想法”固定搭配。6)D  the singer and dancer是两种身份歌者、舞者于一身的同一个人,因而谓语要用单数。而the singer and dancer则指两个不同的人。归纳说,当名词十and十名词结构表示一种事物或一种概念时,应用单数动词做谓语。7)B  虚拟语气,主句谓语动词为demand,要求从句的虚拟语气用(should)十动词原形8)B  to be astonished atby“对感到惊讶”,固定搭配。9)A  shoot at“向开枪”,固定搭配。10)D  much对比较级clearer进行修饰,表示程度。习题三1) There were two small rooms in the beach house,             served as a kitchen.A. the small of them  B. the smaller of which  C. the smallest of which  D. the smaller of them2) I really do not know whether we can succeed, so do not expect            .A. us too much  B. us of too much  C. too much of us  D. of us too much3) I had            her state of mind.A. not idea of   B. no idea of    C. not idea about   D. no idea about4) It is time he           strong action against those gangsters.A. took  B. is taking  C. will take  D. takes5) People have always been very kind          me.A. to   B. with   C. for   D. at6) John said that be did not do             paper work.A. much   B. many   C. lot of   D. a number of7) Children with Parents whose guidance is firm, consistent, and rational are inclined             high level of self-confidence.A. to possess   B. possess   C. have possessed   D. possessing8) We and will never participate in such dirty business.A. have never B. had never C. have never participated D. never participate9) We will expect to have more rain in the weeksA. coming   B. to be coming   C. to have come   D. to come10) Please write out the answers to the questions at the end of           .A. Sixth Chapter  B. Six Chapter  C. Chapter Six  D. Chapter the Six习题三答案及分析1)B  句中逗号表明,正确答案应该是由which引导的非限定性定语从句;另外,还要求答案用特指的比较级。2)C  expectof表示“指望某人怎样”一类的意思。3)B  have no idea of一点也不知道,固定搭配。4)A  句型It is time后边的从句要用过去时,表示对现在的“虚拟”。  e.g. It is time we went to bed.我们该去睡觉了。It is high time you had a holiday.正是你该休假的时候了。5)A  be kind to,对和蔼友好,固定搭配。此外还有be nice to,be polite to,be rude to等。6)A  work为不可数名词。而B和D修饰可数名词,C的用法应为a lot of或lots of,故只能选A.7)A  be inclined to do是习惯用法,后接动词原形。8)C  时态或语态不同,并列谓语不能省略任何成分。9)D  to come是不定式定语,修饰前边的the weeks.不定式用作定语时,通常置于其所修饰的名词或代词之后;它与其所修饰的名词或代词可能是主谓关系。如:The next train to arrive was from New York.下一列到达的火车是从纽约开来的。10)C  注意基数词与序数词的区别。“第六章”的表达成是Chapter Six或是The Sixth Chapter.习题四1) Besides being expensive, the food in the cafeteria smells               .A. bad  B. badly  C. more badly  D. too much bad2) It is a pleasure to watch the face of                 baby.A. an sleep  B. a sleep  C. a slept  D. a sleeping3) This diagram is            that one.A. different of   B. different about  C. different from   D. different with4) There             the last piece of cake and the last spoonful of ice-cream.A. we go  B. goes  C. go  D. is going5) Albert is looking forward to visiting her grandma in Harbin at the end of this Semester. He is always saying,the summer vacation cant come             soon.A. so   B. very   C. rather   D. too6) This club                 more than 200 members.A. consists in   B. consists from   C. consists with   D. consists of7) The twin brothers are so alike that we cannot tell             .A. what is whom   B. who is who  C. who is whom   D. whom is who8) He is ill. That accounts                 his absence.A. for  B. at  C. to  D. about9) Im going to see the victims brother. Id rather you               .A. dont   B. didnt   C. do not   D. do10) The higher the standard of living and the greater the national wealth, the                    .A. greater is the amount of paper used   B. greater amount of paper is usedC. greater the amount of paper used     D. amount of paper is used is greater习题四答案及分析1)A  系动词smell后接形容词。2)D  sleeping是现在分词做定语,修饰baby.3)C  to be different from,固定搭配。4)B  在there bedo句中,句子的主语采用就近原则。5)D  这是一个“canttoo”句型。The summer vacation cant come too soon可以理解为“暑假来得越早越好。”6)D  consist of由组成;consist with    与一致。7)B  who is who做tell的宾语从句。两个who中,一个做宾语从句的主语,另一个做表语,都应该是主格。8)A  account for是的原因,固定搭配。9) B  在would rather(宁愿),would just as soon (宁愿)等后边的宾语从句中,一般常用过去时态的虚拟语气。e.g. I would just as soon that she were not my ex-wife. 我宁愿她不是我的前妻。10)C  这里用了the morethe more的递进比较句型。习题五1) “How about going sailing with us tomorrow? ”             very much.“A. Ill like to  B. Id like  C. Id like to  D. Il1 like it2) The greater an objects mass,  the more difficult it is               .A. than speeding up or slowing down  B. than speeding it up or slowing it down.C. it speeds up or slows down        D. to speed it up or slow it down.3) The committee        been discussing about the environmental problems among themselves for a whole day.A. have  B. has  C. could have  D. can have4) He hasnt enough money for food,                 amusements.A. let off  B. lean against  C. let alone  D. leave alone5) The people were told that the bus-stop was        easy reach of their village.A. from   B. within  C. at  D. to6) I am getting anxious              money.A. at  B. on  C. for  D. about7) I prefer                  .A. to ask to be asked            B. asking to being askedC. asking rather than being asked  D. to ask rather than being asked8)  Since the highway is closed this morning, it must         there last night.A. snowed   B. have to snow  C. snow   D. have snowed9) Unless you work hard,               .A. you will earn a lot of money      B. you will be able to pass the examC. you will not be able to go abroad   D. you will be a good scholar10) I do not feel like reading and doing homework now.  But know the faster we get this homework done,we can go out to play.A. early  B. the early  C. earlier  D. the earlier习题五答案及分析1)C  动词后的省略现象,省去重复动词,但要保留to. e.g.  He may go if he wishes to.他可以走,如果他愿意的话。2)D  句中的it 是形式主语,它替代的是后面的不定式。3)A  原句中themselves 提示句中committee 应当作复数。4)C  let alone 更不用说;lean against 靠在上;let off 释放出;leave alone 不管某人。5)B  表示在某范围内,用 within .6)D  anxious about 和 worried about 意思相同,表示对着急/担心,固定搭配。7)B  prefer A to B ,固定搭配,意思是较B而言,更喜欢A .8)D  must have snowed 表示对过去的猜测。9)C  只有C 在形式上和意义上都适合。10)D  这里用的是 the more ,the more 的句型。习题六1) They are still not fully able to distinguish right           wrong.A. between    B. from    C. for    D. against2)           you are conscious of it or not, you are using his influence in your own favor.A. Whether    B. If    C. No matter    D. Though3) Ocean currents affect strongly the climates of the lands near           they flow.A. that    B. what    C. where    D. which4) In no way can cheating on exams be           in schools.A. elevated    B. navigated    C. exaggerated    D. tolerated5) No evidence has been found                to support his hypothesis.A. as yet    B. as far    C. as many    D. as much6) The man left in silence and nobody           his absence.A. took charge of   B. took care of   C. took note of   D. took advantage of7) The sodden change of weather resulted           the death of many young animals.A. from    B. in    C. to    D. on8) I want to buy a skirt and a pair of shoes,             .A. except for other things  B. except other things  C. of other things  D. among other things9)The criminal doesnt dare to leave the house              he should be recognized.A. in no case    B. in any case   C. in case   D. in such a case10)              asleep when a terrible noise awakened me.A. Scarcely had I fallen  B. Scarcely I had fallen  C. I had fallen  D. I scarcely had fallen习题六答案及分析1)B  动词distinguish在这个句子里要求与介词from连用。不能选A,  distinguish和between连用时,应写作distinguish between right and wrong.2)A  whetheror在这里引出一个状语从句,表示“不管还是”。不能选B,if(是否)只有在间接引语里才能替代whether,它也不能用于句首,亦不能与or连用。3)D  near which they flow是定语从句。不能选A,在定语从句中,介词后不允许用that.4)D  tolerated(容许,容忍)。其余几个词在意思上与上下文无关。5)A  as yet(到目前为止)常和表示否定的完成式连用。其余几项无论在意思上还是在结构上都与本句不相宜。6)C  took note of的意思是“注意到,留意到”,took charge of(接管),took care of(照料)和took advantage of(利用)都与上下文不合。7)B  resulted in(导致)。不能选A,result from的意思是“由引起”。8)D  among常和other(s)连用,表示“其中包括”。这句话的意思是:除了别的东西,我还要买一条裙子和一双鞋。不能选A,except表示:“不包括”,有排除的意思,它的后面跟明确制定的人或事物,不能跟other(s)。9)C  in case(以防)在句中起连词作用,用来谈论预防措施,其余3项没有这个意思,而且也不能用作连词引起状语从句。10)A  scarcely是否定句,用于句首时要求倒装句式。不能选C或D,scarcely可不放在句首,但这时的语序应是:I had scarcely fallen asleep.完型填空专题辅导习题一According to the American Automobile Association,    1       1964 all cars sold in the United Sates have been equipped   2   seat belts.   (These are also called safety belts.)  Many studies of automobile accidents have shown that safety belts can save lives.  One study showed that forty percent of those     3      in auto accidents     4       saved if they had been wearing seat belts.Unfortunately belts are worn only by     5     percentage of drivers and passengersabout fifteen percent in cities, and only nine percent in small towns. And safety belts cannot protect people who do not wear them.Advertisements have been printed         6        newspapers and magazines in order to teach people the importance of using seat belts. But these advertisements have not helped     7     . Some people believe there should be a law    8    drivers and passengers to use safety belts,  in Australia,    9    there is such a law, deaths    10     auto accidents have decreased twenty-four percent.1) A. from   B. as   C. since   D. after2) A. of    B. with   C. to   D. at3) A. killed   B. killing   C. to kill   D. to be killed4) A. must be    B. must have been    C. could be    D. could have been5) A. small   B. a small   C. large   D. a large6) A. on   B. at   C. in   D. by7) A. very   B. many   C. lot   D. much8) A. require   B. required   C. requiring   D. to require9) A. which   B. that   C. when   D. where10) A. in   B. of   C. from   D. out of习题一答案及分析1)C  since做介词连词引导的词语(短语或从句),常常与现在完成时连用表示持续。2)B  be equipped with“装配有”,固定搭配。3)A  killed in auto accident是过去分词短语修饰前面的those.4)D  虚拟语气。5)B  a small percentage of“小部分的”,习惯用法。6)C  “在报纸上”,译成英文必须说“in newspapers”。7)D  不定式much做宾语。   e.g. My mother meant much to me.8)C  现在分词短语做定语,修饰law.9)D  非限定性定语从句,由where引导。10)A  在第一段最后一句已提到those killed in auto accidents.习题二My formula for staying young is simple:Concentrate    1    the part of you thats young and growing your brain.Keep your mind awake and youll stay young all over.These are exciting times.Take an interest   2the world around you,and make a point    3    learning at least one new thing every day.Regardless    4    your age,its not too late to make your life more interesting. I know a housewife with no previous knowledge who made herself     5    an outstanding industrial designer; I know a retired electrical engineer who has become a highly paid artist.6     the notion that you are ever     7    old to go back to school.I know a man who entered medical col


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