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    Would you like to cook with us?,Unit 4 Topic 2,Section c,吟畴仅抓膜评届退恼嫂诉阻戮泰拖霜豌萧数烁仍蛔灾瞧氮级蹿瞬占剑敷饥U4T2SCU4T2SC,Would you like to sing some songs with me? Im sorry I cant. I have to cook. Would you like to cook with us? Yes, Id love to. Michael, how about flying a kite with me? Id like that, but Im sorry I have no time.,Learn the invitation.,舅融榜弦遗庐科郁炭州匪赚百漳赊叉购柑铸炕缄句翟性朗简赃仰峦瞧云拥U4T2SCU4T2SC,Would you like to do some shopping with me?,Yes, Id love to.,藉袁飞斟蔗角澈资衅执匠兄两滋傀决迎壳舍军呢辗角谐铆切拎迎岳蓑辽靳U4T2SCU4T2SC,What/How about flying a kite?,既您幼熏炳随鹤梗秒肮狂枚构媒跋浓骸憎域荐煌律桩铱崔枯哩潘占疼骋从U4T2SCU4T2SC,go shopping =do some shopping,购物,纶霉士帝茅主骏躬堪妨歹砂峦鬃夺虚均琢授赎溺独帝掺壁棍介涝挚胁窖码U4T2SCU4T2SC,do one's homework,做某人的作业,翰剖搀灵萌衙徒憋扩圃刘磷纳坷形痢幻铲槽寻锻丽榨羞稽瞎主侥威攒锚症U4T2SCU4T2SC,_ to go fishing?,_ having some apple juice?,_ going for a picnic?,Would you like to go shopping this Sunday afternoon?,Would you like,How about,How about,_,Yes, Id love to.,Read and learn.,Id like that, but I have to do my homework.,All right.,Good idea!,诸撑供详浩奎糜赏涉拆滩甭扳抚顺甩那宅秩啦贰子琶映舅足豹茧箱驹鱼肠U4T2SCU4T2SC,4,1,2,3,炭搂刃玫俭殊吠修息谭根扒串礁豺嘉赠业灶丘株帘纶冉凿悟纂议讥炙陡妒U4T2SCU4T2SC,have a picnic go fishing watch TV go shopping drink water have some juice,Yes, Id love/like to. Yes, Id like that. Good idea. Sorry, I cant. No, thanks.,Make Sentences.,Would you like to ? How/What about ? Why not ?,瓢细荣忘礼蝗酿窒扭嚼瓷莽畅择噎算三腔新私珠庐粕核惩原灶籍算兑唆椿U4T2SCU4T2SC,课堂练习,从A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案,填在横线上。 (1) I would like _ the zoo with my parents today. A. go B. to go to C. going (2) Mom, what about _ to the zoo today? Good idea! A. go B. to go C. going,B,C,纷醒灌食饯玖卓霓烟文刚须仕全矾颧拾贮如溉袖向慢独费痰电槽息译仓俺U4T2SCU4T2SC,have a picnic,New Words,go for a picnic,澜隧吭报毫切嚣结还脏缕睁戳焚忧椒特怜宦州蜜珠墩佯税捻衫廷娟踏旧凤U4T2SCU4T2SC,He is not happy. Why?,袄喜帽盔蓟奉帘驮牧藻砸悄焉行慎沪镰晤无拘沃拿饿遣卑泞乃瘴颓溅旷慌U4T2SCU4T2SC,Reading English stories will help you learn new words and improve your reading.,艾考丽务着掷倍郭役挛抗讫富陈技凋猾荆幕檄酷豹觅乱非歌另扮破超亚赔U4T2SCU4T2SC,How does the old man feel at the beginning of the story? 2. What would he like to do? 3. What do the old mans friends take with them? 4. Are they happy in the end?,Look an the pictures and discuss the following questions before reading. Then read the story and check.,华摈掖乐芽炽顾泌颜孵趁镣篡卢忿箭道信庞庶宗垣探默晕缓馆撒手蟹突静U4T2SCU4T2SC,I'm not happy. I'd like to have a picnic with my friends.,Would you like to have a picnic with Mr. Cooper?,Yes, I'd love to.,Thanks. That would be very nice.,What about having a picnic with Mr. Cooper?,I'd like that, thanks.,I'd like to take some hamburgers and bananas.,My favorite food is fish.,I want to take some bread.,We are very happy!,矮启色步映运驴戊蠢广兢拖王忘倘广轰弛蛙秒例荆童吕小等厕旋晶跺卡峭U4T2SCU4T2SC,1. He is not happy.,2. He wants to have a picnic with his friends.,3. Some hamburgers, bananas, bread and fish with them.,4. Yes, they are.,殖锋巩餐焉慌输巫缕朵豁哨元哼络懒栗灿奏赤者欺旧驾甲积择矾耪旬悠蔼U4T2SCU4T2SC,Mr. Cooper is _. He wants to _ with his friends. His friends are very _ and have a picnic with him. They take some _, _, _ and _. They have a _ picnic.,Read 1a again and complete the passage.,not happy,have a picnic,nice,hamburgers,bread,bananas,fish,happy,谤族实擎嘉污梗雇腺爵律涝条灼愈嫌释热略专籽耸匙砸悸净鲍韶派茬贡伊U4T2SCU4T2SC,Read and match.,hair,share,daughter,draw,table,硕珠李胺然憎忘颅资囱切脑癣英梅翼死务拳聪将髓糕言柱伍怖尾颓掌浴蚊U4T2SCU4T2SC,Read and match.,I saw the hare flying in the air. 2. The woman taught her able daughter to set the table.,( ),( ),1,2,俩谷纲鸟举肺戌疆读庇猫吐侵荡镐评揪将律矫瘤捞逗军搽棺侄恿爵艳眉奢U4T2SCU4T2SC,Project,假设你要打电话邀请表中三位同学一起去野炊。请根 据表格所给信息制作一个电话会话(“” 表示可以去,“×” 表示不能去;要带的东西是favorite food/drinks, 不要忘记带 的是kite)。,别敌蓝绥班醋屎方腐等摸楷笼巫青迎宏辆叼骑次苹到拴艘量抖钉隆成陋独U4T2SCU4T2SC,Example: (S1: Kangkang S2: You) S1: Hello! S2: Hello, Kangkang!This is S2. Are you free this Sunday? S1: Yes, whats up? S2: Would you like to go for a picnic? S1: Oh, Id love to. S2: Whats your favorite food? S1: Fish and eggs. S2: Please take some drinks. S1: All right. See you then. S2: See you.,消剪阳堵墙肌联赚歼应拐祝绕旬维尽级冒祖红京宛援敲苞错釜炊谆荷保翘U4T2SCU4T2SC,Write a passage about your picnic. The following questions may help you.,Where do you want to go for a picnic? Who do you want to go with? What would you like to take with you? What do you want to do there?,Written Work,战舜蕊狄括睡旬次形殿罢系垂封念瘟暮咱屡桶匈拉历里逢烧予履奶陈适柏U4T2SCU4T2SC,1. Useful expressions: have a picnic, go shopping 2. Talk about invitation: (1)Would you like to have a picnic with your friend? Yes, Id love to. Thanks. That would be very nice. (2)What about having a picnic with your friend? Id like that, thanks.,Summary,剂烧刮叭忘捌掇邪伊腻反骆幸逮慌拿琼笑拣倾蔚婿挺柜慎媒蘸开吁弯竣戳U4T2SCU4T2SC,Homework,编写电话会话: 星期六上午学校组织爬山活动,快邀请你的好朋友一起参加吧。 记得自带食物和水哦!,螺辛宴尧坞贮坑足桓灸映揽冷镀丑界惩陋呼磅参漂既塘轧拉淑鹿雇袁翘则U4T2SCU4T2SC,Good-bye!,碌喻初们顾计珊薄邦莫麓沉安谊瞩假轻拴烹湖摹哟隶塞瞒磋猪拦翟增变量U4T2SCU4T2SC,


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