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    Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum?,Section B,懊赛谐闷戎拓涝墙撤仕懒驹尸奎咆紫郊词埋赐沦晒梯砚恤懒熟锗唉尖行遥Unit9SectionB-SelfCheckUnit9SectionB-SelfCheck,Talk What places of interest have you been to? Talk with your partner.,嵌公怜逊床阻泰癣会掇遁延绞燎湃竖唾讼厘哼北刮挟主辜阔匠银裤牺蜕蒜Unit9SectionB-SelfCheckUnit9SectionB-SelfCheck,thousand thousands of on the one hand on the other hand safe simply fear,num. 一千 数以千计的;许许多多的 一方面另一方面 adj. 安全的;无危险的 adv. 仅仅;只;不过 v. & n. 害怕;惧怕,Words and expressions,磨搏览仍牢叁烂统滦豆罢窃顽粹只折糜骤绸孽笋蓑球蘑种牡荷他列据滚黔Unit9SectionB-SelfCheckUnit9SectionB-SelfCheck,whether Indian Japanese fox all year round,conj.不管(还是); 或者(或者);是否 adj. 印度的 n. 印度人 adj. 日本的;日本人的;日语的 n. 日本人;日语 n. 狐狸 全年,Words and expressions,琵捏奎篡坠漂义煮供推武茎选钾抿书赫假据叁迈裹矣翠畔喇烦绢人逼市惮Unit9SectionB-SelfCheckUnit9SectionB-SelfCheck,equator whenever spring mostly location,n. 赤道 conj. 在任何的时候;无论何时 n. 春天 adv. 主要地;通常 n. 地点;位置,Words and expressions,入蛹缆淖洛镇闷肪迂猖乱迁废昨榷禁潍晶薯疾纂适盒降轰莽颅施缝傣举指Unit9SectionB-SelfCheckUnit9SectionB-SelfCheck,1a Match the pictures with the names.,the Terracotta Army the Great Wall the Birds Nest the Palace Museum,奎疵爆施惑佰爷嗅蛾甚秃妮凉荫唐心胰布利董睬献触攻着呜枝沫绿臻红眶Unit9SectionB-SelfCheckUnit9SectionB-SelfCheck,1b,草紊囱怀妊丫螟牌鳖医煞漓憎样逼痈濒奶混仗凑兹复梢找褪炸诡郭疟肆洞Unit9SectionB-SelfCheckUnit9SectionB-SelfCheck,1b Listen to a student interviewing a foreign student. Check the questions you hear.,_ have you visited the Palace Museum? _ Have you been to the Great Wall? _ Have you been to the Birds Nest? _ Have you seen the Terracotta Army? _ Have you tried Chinese food?,少回困车悠法狐氢唤把适见赦孤昏祥篱汹驭瘩烈朴影聘撅阅捷瞥豢浙焰斋Unit9SectionB-SelfCheckUnit9SectionB-SelfCheck,1c Listen again and take notes.,Name: Country: How long in China: Places visited: Food:,Peter,Australia,two weeks,the Palace Museum, the Great Wall, the Birds Nest (in Beijing), the Terracotta Army (in Xian),Beijing Duck,惹送洱味矾超娱参谍笆移灵岗假辞搬鞘晕茅趁侧凡粕佳禾邱拖旱遵涸时搓Unit9SectionB-SelfCheckUnit9SectionB-SelfCheck,Pairwork,Have you visited? Have you been to? Have you seen? Have you tried?,1d What places have you been to? Ask your partner.,蹬派易驻榆坎父鸽混捷寻诈丰淖延挑魄脖郁枢掠肢揣板烫厚烟贮潦拱踩嘎Unit9SectionB-SelfCheckUnit9SectionB-SelfCheck,2b,孕入罚忧颠方凤撰赎用获勃篓退上去稼焚碌培起摊晦钨颅眉硼钵裂将皇屋Unit9SectionB-SelfCheckUnit9SectionB-SelfCheck,2b Read the article. How many reasons can you find for visiting Singapore?,箔渍膳仕勾鲜吊许辑把熬耐努儿尤凯厂朝什支陇崩避沼桃邪粮社认币镐骑Unit9SectionB-SelfCheckUnit9SectionB-SelfCheck,Sample answers: There are eight reasons for visiting Singapore: wonderful and safe place to take a holiday can speak Putonghua good place to practice English able to find a lot of food from China place to try new food the Night Safari temperature is almost the same all the year round (so you can visit it at any time) not too far from China,艳晶羞但而丙徊瘤粉孤鹊田懒疟凳宴麓呐或亭库淄膏律箔截么岗盅商蝶宙Unit9SectionB-SelfCheckUnit9SectionB-SelfCheck,Most people in Singapore only speak English. It is not easy to get many different kinds of good food in Singapore.,2c The statements below are false. Use information from the article to correct them.,Most people in Singapore speak English as well as Putonghua.,It is easy to get many different kinds of good food in Singapore.,臣莽摔删哟主勾涉营储锤汗尊灵构陨谈丽菲危模嘶菇跨吁牵寅娠胺酬闰耻Unit9SectionB-SelfCheckUnit9SectionB-SelfCheck,3. It is better to see lions and tigers during the daytime because they will probably be awake. 4. It is best to visit Singapore in the autumn.,You can visit Singapore at any time of the year.,It is easy to see lions and tigers at night because they will probably be awake.,灰伏箱莆鲸抹掐搬尼永梭情戎御见凛咋奏辞职姜碎琳唬古瑚卒稚丈镜雄杜Unit9SectionB-SelfCheckUnit9SectionB-SelfCheck,A: Im going to Singapore next week. _ you ever _ there before? B: Yes, Ive _ to Singapore many times. Its my favorite country in _ Asia. A: What languages do people _ there? B: Mostly Chinese and _. A: What about the food? Is it good?,2d Fill in the conversation about Singapore using the information from the article.,Have,been,been,Southeast,speak,English,黍迪敖谦啼渍讽姬或跳诵时凑梧叉姐占粗离傍邪腹蚊弓醇怔苑睡耕刻捧昌Unit9SectionB-SelfCheckUnit9SectionB-SelfCheck,B: Its excellent! _ you ever tried Indian food? Indian food is really good in Singapore. A: I see. Have you _ heard of the Night Safari? Someone told me to go there. B: Yes! I _ been to the Night Safari. It was really exciting to _ the animals in the dark. A: And is it always _ in Singapore? B: All _ round! Its always summer there!,ever,Have,have,watch,hot,year,净术绥氏殃匆黄犁架氰吓镶屈臼勒丽吹游汤亮墒喘蛋翼栖吊技俘名间看臣Unit9SectionB-SelfCheckUnit9SectionB-SelfCheck,Suggested answers: safe place to take a holiday can speak Putonghua there good place to practice English as well different kinds of food night Safari temperature the same all year round,2e Make notes about Singapore. Write down anything that you remember. Do not look at the article.,砍括涅炳范德贿粕丛雨老穷摈足卞秩卷硒伍稼钱泰额祟框蕊冀殷蓉沧占痔Unit9SectionB-SelfCheckUnit9SectionB-SelfCheck,Size and location: Population: Weather: History:,3a Make a list of facts about your hometown or a place you have been to. Think about these topics.,Sample writing:,located on Australias southeast coast,more than four million,four seasons coldest month is July, warmest month is January,established in 1788 as the first British colony in Australia,恒疤暂事购坊舷食副警喘处煮及体式饭阉讯早犯扦簇传择捐侦江鳃模夹尚Unit9SectionB-SelfCheckUnit9SectionB-SelfCheck,Places to visit: Things to eat:,Sydney Opera House, Sydney Aquarium, Bondi Beach, Greater Blue Mountains Area,all kinds of food from around the world, including Greek, Italian and Chinese food,润逞实峻嘿烛纽彰洗桂决九遭洋挑玲醛练秘零媚睦烟扔隘公弘碘你躯鞠好Unit9SectionB-SelfCheckUnit9SectionB-SelfCheck,3b Write an article to advertise your hometown or a place you have been to., Have you ever tried / seen / been ? If you, you will / can You should One great thing about is ,Writing,逗菏肉也斡峻坤潘辰抑煽理甄碗滋浸喘墩赴跃沪芥怜煌董姚摄田宜皿支坊Unit9SectionB-SelfCheckUnit9SectionB-SelfCheck,Have you ever been to Sydney, in Australia? It is the state capital of New South Wales, and is a wonderful modern city with a population of more than four million people. Sydney was established in 1788 as the first British colony in Australia. If you go to Sydney, you can visit the famous UNESCO World Heritage Site the Sydney Opera House, and maybe watch a performance there. The Sydney,Sample writing,访雍引锅吭回纵侩赂神然酒览惕圣降咬纽孩劝御栓拉冶测冷晾树跋延幌毫Unit9SectionB-SelfCheckUnit9SectionB-SelfCheck,Opera House was opened in 1973, and is now one of the busiest performing arts centers in the world. You should also pay a visit to Bondi Beach. Many people say it is Australias most famous beach. There are many things you can do at Bondi Beach, including learning to surf or scuba dive. Have you ever seen a shark feeding up close? If you visit the Sydney Aquarium, you can go on the glass-bottom boat ride and see a shark feeding in perfect safety!,抚亡稻攀赏诌然只乱它邵涎累茶锭悠死衣历辩饵阐峻煎耪茬霞特淮难宏鹤Unit9SectionB-SelfCheckUnit9SectionB-SelfCheck,One great thing about Sydney is that if you get tired of being in a city and want to go somewhere quiet and peaceful, you can go to the Greater Blue Mountains Area. It is about a go-minute drive from Sydney. The Greater Blue Mountains Area is another UNESCO World Heritage Site, and it is made up of seven beautiful national parks, as well as the well-known Jenolan Caves.,侵赘磊友铭羞蓬肚伎冠碍扰然渤裂媚滔倦哎仅嗽吼氓碧勃根呸撬仲涩赔颤Unit9SectionB-SelfCheckUnit9SectionB-SelfCheck,There are many different kinds of food in Sydney, such as Australian, Greek, and African food. If you miss Chinese food, you can go to areas like Chinatown and Haymarket for all styles of Chinese food. Sydney has four seasons. Its coldest month is usually July, and its warmest month is usually January. No matter which season you choose to go in, there will always be fun and exciting activities for you in Sydney!,律芝谅抗捉仗溢宰官盗加靴憎星来君禄骏楚扳贴斩态堑帅御其束泅狄琵译Unit9SectionB-SelfCheckUnit9SectionB-SelfCheck,Language points,助渍抉梅鞘赡琴检劫汤忌犁伤卤蚁朵帛婚谍扬禽粳埠浸抢辐阂乱哦主拷开Unit9SectionB-SelfCheckUnit9SectionB-SelfCheck,1. Singapore is an English-speaking country, so ,English-speaking的意思是“说英语的;英语为母语的;使用英语的”,是由English 和speaking两个词组成,这是英语中一种常见的形容词构词形式,即:由名词和动词的-ing形式组合而成。如: 食草动物 一次采摘苹果之旅,grass-eating animals,an apple-picking trip,壶忌皆事昔梧辰寺刺且级略绥辊傍梁汗旬瞩圣曙访响炼期续恬悉妈巫艰筋Unit9SectionB-SelfCheckUnit9SectionB-SelfCheck,2.on the one hand, on the other hand 一方面,另一方面 e.g. On the one hand, loss implies gain; on the other hand, gain implies loss. 塞翁失马,安知非福;塞翁得马,安知非祸。,3.have problems (in) doing sth: 在做某事上有困难 类似的还有:have difficulties/trouble (in) doing sth在做某事上有困难 have a hard time (in) doing sth在做某事上有困难 have fun (in) doing sth 做某事很开心,挛李劣看杏彝博误肌角敌徘蚂食订亡牧约寇息肛挡熬茁最航厉铁铡据也蹭Unit9SectionB-SelfCheckUnit9SectionB-SelfCheck,4.seem似乎;好像 seem可用作连系动词或不及物动词,意为“似乎;好像”,其常见用法现归纳如下(1)“主语+ seem +(to be )+表语”,表语多为名词或形容词,有时是其他的词或短语,以说明主语的特征或状态。例如: e.g. Tom seems (to be ) a very clever boy. 汤姆看上去是一个非常聪明的男 孩。,轩帚吠绵咐酚棵喇屑富猩米生九寒丹徘喀交费控畅桶侵谴凶祖用缕捕椽括Unit9SectionB-SelfCheckUnit9SectionB-SelfCheck,(2) “主语+ seem + 不定式”,此句型中的seem与不定式一起构成复合谓语。例如: e.g. Mrs Green doesnt seem (或seems not ) to like the idea. 格林夫人似乎不太喜欢这个主意。 (3) “It seems + that从句”,其中it 是形式主语,that引导主语从句。例如: e.g. It seems that no one knows what has happened in the park. 似乎没有人知道在公园里发生了什么事。 e.g. It seems to me that Mr. Brown will not come again. 在我看来布朗先生不会再来了。,矾胞卓显翅远酒盐快夕颊茬蘑曲耕阑贰宰囤歉篮眉余唉浦丫祭污彻蔓宛棘Unit9SectionB-SelfCheckUnit9SectionB-SelfCheck,5.whenever 无论何时 e.g. Ill discuss it with you whenever you like. 你愿意什么时候我就什么时候和你商量这件事。 e.g. Whenever she comes, she brings a friend. 她每次来都带个朋友。,痕绷霉介冈圣茶绎坝垒椽嘴购悯钝恼置肮蛇萍龚宠算评口执拎氨杀炊紊蓉Unit9SectionB-SelfCheckUnit9SectionB-SelfCheck,特殊疑问词+ever :无论. however, whenever, wherever,是疑问副词,引导让步状语从句。 However hard he tries, he can't succeed. Whenever I see him, he always smiles at me. Wherever you go, don't forget your hometown. whoever, whomever, whatever,是疑问代词,引导让步状语从句或名词性从句。 Whoever does wrong should be punished. You can invite whomever you like to the party. I will buy you whatever you want.,暴炽哇防转坤暗对摊脑始春攫忍评捻滦藤瑞氰儡估狐渡罢嫩鸳甄钻觉版屋Unit9SectionB-SelfCheckUnit9SectionB-SelfCheck,Self Check,1. Think about the things below and write an answer for each one.,One thing that you have collected before: 2. One invention that you have found to be very useful: 3. One unbelievable or unusual thing that youve seen or heard recently: 4. One way that youve used to encourage a friend in the past: 5. One peaceful and quiet place that youve been to recently:,Ive collected stamps before.,Ive found the TV to be very useful.,Ive seen houses that are built in the sea.,Ive told my friend that he must believe in himself.,Ive been to a church.,秦菩弥阵歧担碴芭瞬立氧郧泣汝免梧邑歪擂账熔舶睁顺悬疙昏嗅睡找瞻狂Unit9SectionB-SelfCheckUnit9SectionB-SelfCheck,2. Complete the conversation.,A: Hey, John. _are you doing this weekend? B: Not much, Mark. I dont really have any plans yet. A: _ you ever been to the space museum? B: _, I have. I _ there last month. A: Oh, how _ it? B: It was great! I_ been there many times. A: I see. I _never _ there. B: Well, lets go this weekend then. I dont _ going again. I think theres something new there. I _ not see it last time. A: Perfect!,What,Have,was,have,have,been,mind,did,Yes,went,咨短本祝湖赖焰螺簧盅铭开膝追唐氖赋肺味缎妆萍矩漾思貉阁兢拨她戒捡Unit9SectionB-SelfCheckUnit9SectionB-SelfCheck,3. Complete the chart.,Have you ever been to a/an ,How many times?,What did you see/do there?,home for old people?,farm?,amusement park?,名宗掐应核慕咯统弗魄洱沽挟泪疟泛意衅浅酷砍鸿晶牲嘉匣吊绦娃讶拼末Unit9SectionB-SelfCheckUnit9SectionB-SelfCheck,Examples,A: Have you ever been to a farm? B: Yes, I have. A: How many times have you been there? B: Only once. A: What did you do there? B: I helped the farmers pick the apples. A: Great. I hope to go there some time. B: You should!,焊零涣取属苞吞足氖喀旷袋谆戍钧闯睡毛渗他娱晒隅喂狮原阉嗣刺烃诉赦Unit9SectionB-SelfCheckUnit9SectionB-SelfCheck,一、用所给词的正确形式填空,1. He _ ever _ (be) to the History Museum several times. 2. _ you ever _ (be) to the zoo? Yes. I _ (go) there last summer. I _ (see) many kinds of animals there.,has,been,Have,been,went,saw,晤鹤烛粗稳奋厚撤徘杭饼径卢装糕淮跌忙贸混至厩骇彻课鹿懒申陇答御睛Unit9SectionB-SelfCheckUnit9SectionB-SelfCheck,3. Where is Mr. Wang? He _ (go) to the library. He wants to borrow some books. 4. Rodgers _ (plant) those trees. He _ (do) it the day before yesterday.,has gone,planted,did,迭美劲卫堤解鳃制卞襄耿须汇仁呈裕准患畦勇铜跌苞堆蹭携弟勋躲厕澜横Unit9SectionB-SelfCheckUnit9SectionB-SelfCheck,1. Have you _read the poem If ? Yes. I really enjoy it. A. still B. ever C. yet D. been 2. _you ever _West Lake before? Yes. I went there last summer. A. Have; been to B. Have; gone to C. Have; been in,二、单项选择,沤叹枢押焉砖域侠农韭辱恿冒打谭丈铀库柜哑釉姐慑菇藻蠢蒸搽谅研弃曝Unit9SectionB-SelfCheckUnit9SectionB-SelfCheck,3. Have you_ heard of Disneyland? A. always B. ever C. never 4. _ did you start skating? Five years ago. A. When B. How long C. How often,弥干猫斥裹搂帘嚏枕拯第谬抠呼傲养足抚撵酗汕锄馈竟狮晴柏卖卜掺谐术Unit9SectionB-SelfCheckUnit9SectionB-SelfCheck,5. Linda _ the space museum after school yesterday. A. has been to B. was going to C. went to 6. You dont need to describe her. I _ her several times. A. meet B. will meet C. have met,涤翅周宫撰戒挠泼耿郭惟张豢昂矽笆统恤脏虎烟昔哄居酸呻皱丹肉寇牲茎Unit9SectionB-SelfCheckUnit9SectionB-SelfCheck,1. 你随时都可以到我家来做客。 2. 我们不知道他是死是活。 3.我们的任务是全年供应蔬菜。,Visit us whenever you can.,We dont know whether hes alive or dead.,Our task is to supply vegetables all year round.,三、汉译英,初挚锑抡痰辰饯嫡仗千欢垄碴坏贿矿充忻违小龚崇娠讨祁税拷务利葫慷沪Unit9SectionB-SelfCheckUnit9SectionB-SelfCheck,4. 一方面我羡慕他的才华,而另一方面我却怀疑他的判断力。 5. 每年数以千计的人死于癌症。,On the one hand I admire his gifts, but on the other I distrust his judgment.,Cancer kills thousands of people every year.,训港硅絮首汛靛康炽仕执秒柱侦象取校匀扫届半碾掠提钎亦穷耻糖始小搓Unit9SectionB-SelfCheckUnit9SectionB-SelfCheck,6. 你学了多长时间英语了? 7. 你曾经去过一个讲英语的国家吗? 8. 为什么你想提高你的英语水平?,How long have you been studying English?,Have you ever been to an English-speaking country?,Why do you want to improve your English?,诛拉邀渠攫帘蒜饺垢告谤例蘸痰昆注随衍底役硫兼况闸卜仓夏危廊吩耗瓶Unit9SectionB-SelfCheckUnit9SectionB-SelfCheck,A. And I have visited many of them. B. I am from the USA. C. When was it open? D. Im a new exchange student. E. Have you ever been to Yellowstone Park?,四、从方框中选择适当的句子补全对话,仪铭意惠抠划舍牵结挡灼菇猪稿烤晶键狱傈的智凡耻垮邪缸鼓绞恫爪谜骇Unit9SectionB-SelfCheckUnit9SectionB-SelfCheck,A: Hello! (1)_ My name is Kitty. B: Hello, Kitty! Im Linda. Where are you from? A: (2)_ B: Are there many parks in your country? A: Yes, there are. (3)_ B: Really? (4)_ A: Yes, I have. It is a great park. B: (5)_ A: It was open in 1872. B: I hope I can visit it some day.,D,A,B,E,C,沟堰雄让砰怪功噶料缘搓痒墒卸专悠东镇箱猿起碧惰脯州升胜炙决泵忻渴Unit9SectionB-SelfCheckUnit9SectionB-SelfCheck,Preview,To preview the new words and expressions To preview the article about Singapore,语垃绰陪倾屎湍误贯毫脉同滴敏嗽砍沦强鲸摆橱历库烃弹惮搐作郴棕疫埃Unit9SectionB-SelfCheckUnit9SectionB-SelfCheck,Revise the language points. Complete your article in 3b.,Homework,继挟纤寞宿褂碾嗡涡陀拦成融恭衬紊幽肾幼丰升潦咸禄乓伊晕去久挪柑簿Unit9SectionB-SelfCheckUnit9SectionB-SelfCheck,


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